Samsung AM18A1E09, AM18A1B09, AM19A1E07, AM18B1E09, AM18B1B09 Service Manual

1. Pre c a u t i o n s
2. Product Specifications
3. Operating Instructions and
I n s t a l l a t i o n
5. Tro u b l e s h o o t i n g
6. Exploded Views and Parts List
7. Block Diagrams
8. PCB Diagrams
9. Wiring Diagrams
10. Schematic Diagrams
INDOOR UNIT AM18A1(B1)E09 AM18A1(B1)B09 AM19A1(B1)E07 AM19A1(B1)B12
© Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. DEC. 1998.
Printed in Korea. Code No. DB81-10176A(2)
1 . Warning: Prior to re p a i r, disconnect the
power cord from the circuit bre a k e r.
2 . Use proper parts: Use only exact re p l a c e m e n t
parts. (Also, we recommend replacing parts rather than repairing them.)
3 . Use the proper tools: Use the proper tools
and test equipment, and know how to use them. Using defective tools or test equipment may cause problems later-intermittent contact, for example.
4 . Power Cord: Prior to re p a i r, check the power
c o rd and replace it if necessary.
5 . Avoid using an extension cord, and avoid tap-
ping into a power cord. This practice may result in malfunction or fire .
6 . After completing repairs and re a s s e m b l y,
check the insulation resistance. Pro c e d u re : Prior to applying power, measure the re s i s­tance between the power cord and the gro u n d terminal. The resistance must be greater than 30 megohms.
7 . Make sure that the grounds are adequate.
8 . Make sure that the installation conditions are
s a t i s f a c t o r y. Relocate the unit if necessary.
9 . Keep children away from the unit while it is
being re p a i re d .
1 0 . Be sure to clean the unit and its surro u n d i n g
a re a .
Samsung Electronics
1. Precautions
Fig. 1-1 Avoid Dangerous Contact
Fig. 1-2 No Tapping and No Extension Cords
Fig. 1-3 No Kids Nearby!
Fig. 1-4 Clean the Unit
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Samsung Electronics
2. Product Specifications
2-1 Table
Model AM18A1(B1)E2 AM18A1(B1)B2 AM19A1(B1)E2
INDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNIT Item AM18A1(B1)E09 UM18A1(B1)E2 AM18A1(B1)B09 UM18A1(B1)B2 AM19A1(B1)E07 AM19A1(B1)E12 UM19A1(B1)E2 Type - Wall-Mounting Multi Split Wall-Mounting Multi Split
Cooling BTU/h 9,000 18,000(9,000x2) 9,000 18,000(9,000x2) 7,000 12,000 19,000 (7,000+12,000) Dehumiditying I/h 1.6 - 1.6 - 1.2 1.9 ­Air volume Cooling m3/min 7.0 - 7.0 - 6.0 8.3 ­Noise Cooling dB 35 54 35 54 33 38 54 Power V-Hz 1-220-240V~, 50Hz 1-220V~, 60Hz 1-220V~, 50Hz Power consumption
Cooling W 870 1,740(870x2) 860x2 1,720(860x2) 720 1,230 1,820 Operating current Cooling A 3.7 7.4(3.7x2) 4.0 8.0(4.0x2) 3.1 5.3 8.0 Power factor Cooling % 97.9 97.7 96.0 96.0 94.0 Starting current A 30 30
Power cord(Option)
- HO7RNF 2.5 - H07RNF2.5 - - H07RNF2.5 HO5RNF (5G 1mm2) HO5RNF (5G 1mm2) H05RNF (5G 1mm2)
Fuse capacity A 3.15 - 3.15 - 3.15 3.15 3.15 / 5 Outer
W x H x D
mm 815x298x182 787x620x320 815x298x182 787x620x320 815x298x182 815x298x182 787x620x320
32.08x11.73x7.17 30.98x24.41x12.6 32.08x11.73x7.17 30.98x24.41x12.6
32.08x11.73x7.17 32.08x11.73x7.17 30.98x24.41x12.6
Weight kg 9.6 53 9.6 53
9.6 9.6 53
Refrigerant pipe
ø6.35 x 5 ø6.35 x 5 ø6.35x5 ø6.35x5 -
ø9.52x5 ø9.52 x 5 ø9.52x5 ø12.7x5 -
Drain hose ID(mm) x L(m) ø17 x 2,000 ø17x2,000
Type - Rotary - Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary
Model name - 44B092JW1E6 - 44B092IW1E5 44A070JW1E1 48A124JV1E5 44A070JW1E1 + 48A124JV1E5 Capacitor - 30µF x 420VAC - 20µF x 450VAC 25µF x 450VAC 30µF x 420VAC 20µF x 450VAC + 30µF x 420VAC
Tape(model) - - - - - - ­Rated output W - 675 - 675 675 1,210 -
Type Cross-fan Propeller Cross-fan Propeller Cross-fan Cross-fan Propeller
Type Resin Still Resin Still Resin Resin Still
Rated output W 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Heat exchanger 2Row 12Step 2Row 24Step 2Row 12Step 2Row 24Step 2Row 12Step 2Row 12Step 2Row 24Step Refrigerant control unit A,B-UNIT ; Capillary Tube A,B-UNIT ; Capillary Tube. Freezer oil capacity cc - 280 - 280 280 360 ­Refrigerant to change (R-22) g - 800x2 - 790x2 700 850 700 + 850 Protection device -
MRA12032-12008 MST24AMN-12008 MRA12030-12008 -
Standard Conditions ISO R5151 Standard ARI Standard ISO R5151 Standard
•The basic performance test is based on the piping of 5MT. (Be sure to check the installing conditions as extension of the piping may lead to performance degradetion.)
Samsung Electronics
2-2 Dimensions
2-2-1 Indoor Unit
2-2-1 Outdoor Unit
(Front view)
(Rear view)
Air in
(Front view)
(Remote control)
(Rear view)
815 182
Air out
Installation plate
Samsung Electronics
2-3 Refrigerating Cycle Block Diagram
Refrigerating cycle temperature and pressure
STD Pressure Piping Temp.(°C) Temp. Condition (°C)
Operating Condition (kg/cm2G)
T1 T2
Indoor Outdoor
3-way valve DB WB DB WB
Standard 5.0~5.2 11 11 27 19 35 24
A or B Max over load 6.0~6.3 16 15 32 23 43 26
Cooling Low temp. 3.4~3.6 3 2 21 15 21 15
Standard 5.0~5.2 12 10 27 19 35 24
A + B Max over load 6.0~6.3 16 15 32 23 43 26
Low temp. 3.4~3.6 3 2 21 15 21 15
T2 Gas side
Gas leak check point
Liquid side
Capillary tube
2-way valve
3-way valve
Heat exchanger (Evaporator)
Heat exchanger (Condenser)
(A) (B)
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Samsung Electronics
3. Operating Instructions and Installation
3-1 Operating Instructions
3-1-1 Name & Function of Key in remote controller
1 2
4 5
10 11
12 13
Without regard to ON/OFF condition in remote controller, use this button to set current time. Adjust the current time using button. (Data can be transmitted after setting up the time)
If the button is pressed once, the time decrease by one minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the timer set mode.
If the button is pressed once, the time increase by one minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the timer set mode.
Use this button to reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off.
Use this button to reserve the timer on.
Set up the time that operation stop.
Set up the time that operation start.
Each time you press this button, FAN SPEED is changed in the following order.
Adjusts air flow vertically. Each time you press this button,
Use this button for sleep operation. (The SLEEP mode can be selected at COOL and HEAT mode.)
Set up the reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off quickly
Use this button to provide heavy duty cooling & Heating for 30 minutes.
Each time you press this button, MODE is changed in the following order.
Temp. down button. If the button is pressed once, the setting temperature is decreased by 1°C
Temp. up button. If the button is pressed once, the setting temperature is increased by 1°C
On/Off Button. Use this button to start and stop air conditioner.
Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
1. A U TO MODE : In this mode, operation C O O L mode is selected automatically by the room temperature of initial operation.
T= -1°, -2°C, 0°C+1°C+2°CT is controlled by setting temperature
up/down key of remote contro l l e r
2. C O O L MODE : The unit operates accord i n g to the diff e rence between the setting and room temperature. (18°C~30°C)
3. D RY MODE : Has 3 states, each determined by room temperature . The unit operates in DRY m o d e . *Co m p ressor ON/OFF Time is contro l l e d compulsorily(can not set up the fan speed, always bre e z e ) . * P rotective function : Low temperature release. (Prevention against fre e z e )
4. TURBO MODE : This mode is available in A U TO, COOL, DRY, FAN MODE. When this button is pressed at first, the air conditioner is operated “powerful” state for 30 minutes re g a rdless of the set tempera­t u re, room temperature . When this button is pressed again, or when the operating time is 30 minutes, turbo operation mode is canceled and returned to the previous mode. *But, if you press the TURBO button in DRY or FAN mode that is changed with A U TO mode automatically.
5 . S L E E P MODE : Sleep mode is available
only in COOL m o d e . The operation will stop after 6 hours. *In COOL mode : The setting temperature is automatically raised by 1°C each 1hour When the temperature has been raised by total of 2°C, that temperature is main­t a i n e d .
6. FAN SPEED : Manual (3 step), Auto (4 step) Fan speed automatically varies depending on both the diff e rence between setting and the room temperature .
Operation Type
Cool Operation
Room Temp Tr 24.5°C+T Compressor ON Tr 24°C+T Compressor OFF
3-1-2 Name & Function of Key in remote controller
Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
7 . C O M P U L S O RY O P E R ATION :
For operating the air conditioner without the remote contro l l e r. * A U TO : The operating is the same func­tion that A U TO MODE in the remote con­t ro l l e r.
8 . SWING : BLADE-H is rotated vertically by
the stepping motor.
9 . Quick OFF TIMER: OFF timer (quick timer)
allows reservation or cancel the timer on and timer off quickly When OFF timer button is pressed at oper­ating state, LCD displays the polling state s e q u e n t i a l l y. The LCD also displays the time re m a i n i n g .
1 0 . 24-Hour ON/OFF Real Setting Ti m e r. : The
air conditioner is turned ON at a specified time using .
OFF TIMER : The air Conditioner is turned OFF at a specified time using . *ON TIMER : Only timer LED lights on. *OFF TIMER : Both timer and operation LED lights on. *3 minutes delay timer.
11 . SELF Diagnosis
1 2 . BUZZER SOUND : Whenever the ON/OFF
button is pressed or whenever change occurs to the condition which is set up or select, the compulsory operation mode, buzzer is sounded "beep"
I n t e r ruption of electric power and Power on.
Check Point
o p e r­a t i o n
b l i n k i n g
: LED off
Tu r b o
Abnormal condition of the room sensor.
Indoor unit fan motor lock.
Abnormal condition of the indoor unit's heat exchanger sensor.
Samsung Electronics
3-2 Outdoor unit controlling spec (Each load controlling condition)
3-2-1 Selecting Area for Installation
Select an area for installation that is suitable to the customer's needs.
3-2-1(a) Indoor Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area providing good ventilation. It must not be blocked by an obstacle affecting the airflow near the air inlet and the air outlet.
2 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area allowing good air handling and endurance of vibration of the indoor unit.
3. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in an area where there is no source of heat or vapor nearby.
4 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area from which hot or cool air is spre a d evenly in a ro o m .
5 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area away from TVs, audio units, cord­less phones, fluorescent lighting fixture s and other electrical appliances (at least 1 m e t e r ) .
6 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area which provides easy pipe connec­tion with the outdoor unit, and easy drainage for condensed water.
7. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in an area which is large enough to accomo­date the measurements shown in figure on the next page.
3-2-1(b) Outdoor Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not exposed to the rain or direct sun l i g h t .
(Install a separate sunblind if exposed to
d i rect sun light.)
2 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area allowing good air moment, not amplifying noise or vibration, especially to
avoid disturbing neighbours.
(Fix the unit firmly if it is mounted in a
high place.)
3 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area providing good ventilation and which is not dusty. It must not be blocked by any obstacle affecting the airflow near the air inlet and the air outlet.
4 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area free from animals or plants.
5 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not blocking the traff i c .
6. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit in area easy to drain condensed water fro m the indoor unit.
7. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit in area which provides easy connection within the maximum allowable length of a coolant pipe (15 meters).
1. Add 10 grams of refrigerant (R-22) for
every 1 meter if the pipe length exceeds the standard pipe length of 5 meters.
2. Maintain a height between the indoor and
outdoor units of less than 3 meters.
8 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in an area which is large enough to accom­modate the measurements
shown in figure on the next page.
3-2-1(c) Remote Control Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the remote con-
t rol unit in an area free from obstacles such as curtains etc, which may block signals f rom the remote control unit.
2. Make sure that you install the remote con­t rol unit in an area not exposed to d i rect sunlight, and where there is no sourc e of heat.
3. Make sure that you install the remote con­t rol unit in an area away from TVs, audio units, cordless phones, fluorescent lighting f i x t u res and other electrical appliances (at least 1 meter).
It is harmful to the air conditioner if it is used in the following environments: greasy areas (including areas near machines), salty areas such as coast areas, areas where sulfuric gas is present such as hot spring areas. Contact your dealer for advice.
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3-2-2 Installation diagram of indoor unit and outdoor unit
Operating Instructions and Installation
A Indoor unit gas leak test check point
Indoor unit
Tape vinyl
Piping may be laid to the rear, left, right or down.
B Drain hose installation
Cut the piping hole sloped slightly
Remote control
250mm or more
200mm or more
Remote control holder
Outdoor unit check point.
Piping (Liquid) 1/4" Clamper tube Piping (Gas) 3/8" or 1/2" Installation plate Installation tube Pipe-connection Vinyl tape Screw Putty Drain hose
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
5 6
7 8 9
1 0
Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
3-2-2(a) Fixing the Installation Plate
3-2-2(b) Purging the Unit
Installation plate
Pipe hole (ø65mm)
(Unit : mm)
(Unit : mm)
1. Determine the position of the pipe and drain hose hole using the right figure and drill the hole with an inner diameter of 65mm so that it slants slightly downwards.
2. If you are fixing the indoor unit to a… Then follow Steps…
Wall 3.
Window frame 4 to 6.
3. Fix the installation plate to the wall in a manner appro­priate to the weight of the indoor unit.
If you are mounting the plate on a concrete wall with anchor bolts, the anchor bolts must not project by more than 20mm.
4. Determine the positions of the wooden uprights to be attached to the window frame.
5. Attach the wooden uprights to the window frame in a manner appropriate to the weight of the indoor unit.
6. Using tapped screws, attach the installation plate to the wooden uprights, as illustrated in the last figure oppo­site.
On delivery, the indoor unit is loaded with an inert gas. All this gas must therefore be purged before connecting the assembly piping. To purge the inert gas, proceed as fol ­lows.
Unscrew the caps at the end of each pipe.
Result : All inert gas escapes from the indoor unit.
To prevent dirt or foreign objects from getting into
the pipes during installation, do NOT remove the caps completely until you are ready to connect the piping.
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3-2-2(c) Connecting the Assembly Cable.
3-2-2(d) Installing and Connecting the Indoor Unit Drain Hose
C a re must be taken when installing the drain hose for the indoor unit to ensure that any condensa ­tion water is correctly drained outside.l When passing the drain hose through the 65mm hole drilled in the wall, check that none of the following situations occur.
To install the drain hose, proceed as follows.
1. If necessary, connect the 2-metre extension to the drain hose. 2 . If you are using the extension, insulate the inside part of the extension drain hose with a shield.
3. Pass the drain hose under the refrigerant piping, taking care to keep the drain hose tight.
4. Pass the drain hose through the hole in the wall, making sure that it is sloping downwards, as shown in the illustrations above.
Operating Instructions and Installation
The outdoor unit is powered from the indoor unit via the assembly cable. If the outdoor unit is more than five metres away from the indoor unit, the cable must first be extended to a maximum of ten metre s .
1 . Extend the assembly cable if necessary. 2 . Open the front grille by pulling on the tabs on the lower right and
left sides of the indoor unit. 3 . Remove the screw securing the connector cover. 4 . Pass the assembly cable through the rear of the indoor unit and
connect the assembly cable to terminals 1 to 5.
• Each wire is labelled with the corresponding terminal number. 5 . Pass the other end of the cable through the 65mm hole in the wall. 6 . Replace the connector cover, carefully tightening the scre w. 7 . Close the front grille. 8 . For further details on how to plug the other end of the assembly
cable into the outdoor unit, refer to page 3-10.
The hose must NOT slope upw ards.
The hose will be fixed permanently into position once the whole installation has been tested for gas leaks; refer to page 16 for further details.
The end of the drain hose must NOT be placed in water.
Do NOT bend the hose in different directions.
Keep a clearance of at least 5cm between the end of the hose and the ground.
Do NOT place the end of the drain hose in a hollow.
Drain hose Extension drain hose
Indoor unit
Outdoor unit
Indoor unit
Terminal Block
1(L) 2(N)
Earth terminal
Earth terminal
Earth terminal
Earth terminal
Assembly cable
Circuit Breaker (Main Power supply cable)
Earth terminal
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3-2-2(e) Outdoor unit installation
Operating Instructions and Installation
Indoor unit check point
Outdoor unit check point
Check for gas leak from the flare nut connections with leak detector.
Two electric cables must be connected to the outdoor unit:
• The assembly cable connecting the indoor unit to the outdoor unit.
• The power cable connecting the auxiliary circuit breaker to the outdoor unit.
1 Remove the terminal board cover on the side of the outdoor unit. 2 Connect the assembly cable to terminals 1 to 5 and connect the power cable to therminals A to B.
Each wire is labelled with the corresponding terminal number. E n s u re that the wire number of the indoor unit and the terminal number of the out­door unit.
3 Connect the earthing wires to the earth terminals.
Refer to the page opposite for further details on how to check that earthing is cor­re c t .
4 Replace the terminal board cover, carefully tightening the screw. 5 connect the power cable to the auxiliary circuit breaker.
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