Step1. How to prepare the USB Memory Drive
1. Download the firmware file from into your computer.
File Name :
2. Connect the USB M emor y Dr i v e to the USB port of y our PC.
Copy the file to USB Memory Drive.
3. Follow below steps to extract the file and make a folder for firmware. The folder
should have same name with the file and exi st in the root dir ect or y.
(An extracting process might be different by application in PC)
3-A. Click the file and ‘Extract Al l…’ . Then sel ect USB driv er that files wil l be
3-B. Confirm that USB Driver has a folder named ‘T-MST12AKUC’ in the root directory.
3-C. Safely disconnect the USB memory driv e by clicking in ‘Safely Remov e’ in T ask Bar.