− Tests highlighted in red border require an initialization with valve signature
− Tests highlighted in gray can optimize the proper functioning of safety equipment according to IEC61508 and IEC61511,
provided these tests are performed regularly.
required for
Data logger
u Section 3
Valve signature
u Section 4
u Section 8
Leakage sensor
u Section 9
Valve dead band
u Section 11
Full stroke test (FST)
u Section 13
No conguration
required for
Travel histogram
u Section 6
Set point deviation
histogram e
u Section 7
Cycle counter
u Section 8
Course of end
u Section 10
required for
Data logger
u Section 3
On/off diagnosis
u Section 5
u Section 8
Leakage sensor
u Section 9
Valve dead band
u Section 11
Partial stroke test
u Section 12
Full stroke test (FST)
u Section 13
6 EB 8389-1S EN
1 Description
1.1 General
These instructions supplement the standard
Mounting and Operating Instructions for the
TROVIS SAFE3730-6 Positioner
(uEB8384-6S EN).
EXPERTplus is a diagnostic rmware inte-
grated into the positioner which allows the
predictive, status-oriented maintenance of
valves with pneumatic actuators.
EXPERTplus records the valve condition while
the process is running (in automatic mode)
and generates messages on the required
maintenance work. In addition, numerous
tests can be performed in manual mode to
pinpoint emerging faults.
The diagnostic functions of EXPERTplus are
completely integrated into the positioner. Diagnostic data are compiled, saved and ana-
lyzed in the positioner itself. Classied status
messages on the state of the valve are generated from the analysis.
All the parameter settings that are changed
must also be downloaded onto the positioner to allow them to become effective.
Local operation
Some parameters can be changed at the positioner as well as over the operator interface.
he positioner code of these parameters are
written in parentheses. Refer to the Mounting
and Operating Instructions of the TROVIS
SAFE3730-6 Positioner (EB8384-6SEN) for
a list of all parameters that can be changed
at the positioner.
The operation described in the following
sections illustrates operation using TROVISVIEW4. The default settings of the positioner and TROVIS-VIEW4 are written in
square brackets [ ]. Settings highlighted in
gray refer to operation using TROVISVIEW4.
Operation using TROVIS-VIEW 4/DD/DTM/
EXPERTplus allows the parameters to be
viewed or changed using the TROVIS-
VIEW4 software or DD/DTM/eDD.
TROVIS-VIEW4 · SAMSON operator inter-
face used to congure various SAMSON de-
− DTM · Device type manager to describe
the device and communication properties
The positioner must be initialized to use the
full scope of the valve diagnostics. During initialization the positioner adapts itself optimally to the friction conditions and the signal
essure required by the control valve. The
positioner can be initialized using one of the
following initialization modes: maximum
range (MAX), nominal range (NOM), manual
setting 1 (MAN) and manual setting 2
− Maximum range (MAX)
Initialization mode for simple start-up of
valves with two clearly dened mechanical end positions, e.g. three-way valves
− Nominal range (NOM)
Initialization mode for all globe valves
− Manual setting 1 (MAN)
Initialization mode for globe valves re-
quiring OPEN position to be entered
− Manual setting 2 (MAN2)
Initialization mode for globe valves re-
quiring the end positions (OPEN and
CLOSED positions) to be entered manually
The type of application, pressure limit and
the start-up parameters required for the selected initialization must be entered to initialize the positioner.
Positioner start-up is described in detail
in the associated Mounting and Operating Instructions (
uEB8384-6S EN
The monitoring of friction, supply pressure,
leakage, actuator springs, course of end position and zero point shift requires additional
reference tests of the valve signature to be
performed. Refer to Section 4. The reference
tests required for the diagnostic functions
cannot be performed if the positioner has
been initialized in the substitute calibration
(SUB) mode. By setting 'Initialization including valve signature' = Yes, the positioner re-
cords the reference data automatically after
− Type of application (Code 49 - h0): Control
valve, [On/off valve]
− Initialization mode (Code 6): [Maximum
range(MAX)], Nominal range (NOM), Manual
setting 1 (MAN) or Manual setting 2 (MAN2)
− Initialization including valve signature
(Code 48 - h0): [Yes]
− Pin position (Code 4): [Off], 17, 25, 35, 50,
70, 100, 200 mm, 90°
− Pressure limit (Code 16): 1.4 to [7.0] bar
During positioner initialization, the 'Kp level'
and 'Tv level' are optimally set. If the posi-
tioner tends to overshoot impermissibly due
to other disturbances, the proportional-action coefcient (Kp level) and derivative-action time (Tv level) can be adapted accordingly. Increment the derivative-action time
until the desired behavior is reached. When
the maximum value of 4 is reached for the
derivative-action time, the proportional-ac-
tion coefcient can be reduced in steps.
EB 8389-1S EN 9
Kp level changes affect the set point
After changing the proportional-action coef-
cient 'Kp level', we recommend to recalibrate the ne lter in the positioner. Use the
'Fine-tuning after Kp change' function for
− Derivative-action time Tv level (Code 18): Off, 1
to 4, [2]
− Fine-tuning after Kp change
1.3 Diagnostic functions
There are two different types of diagnostic
1. Monitoring functions
Data are compiled, saved and analyzed
by the positioner while the process is
running without disrupting the process.
The positioner follows the set point to po-
sition the valve. A classied status alarm
or fault alarm is generated if the positioner detects an event.
2. Dynamic tests
Similar to the monitoring function, data
are compiled, saved and analyzed by
the positioner. However, in this case, the
valve position is not determined by the
set point, but by the settings of the test.
The dynamic tests can only be started
when the conditions in the plant allow it
(e.g. plant shutdown or service work in
the workshop). For reasons of safety, the
dynamic tests, except for partial stroke
testing, can only be performed in the
MAN operating mode.
A dynamic test is stopped and the positioner changes to the fail-safe position
when the electrical signal falls below a
certain level or when the solenoid valve
is triggered or the forced venting function is activated.
10 EB 8389-1S EN
1.3.1 Type of application
Different diagnostic functions are available
depending on the type of application selected in EXPERTplus. The types of application
'Control valve' and 'On/off valve' are
available. Depending on the type of application selected, the positioner behaves differently in the automatic mode (AUTO):
− Control valve
The positioner uses the set point to position the valve.
The valve position (current position) appears in % on the display.
− On/off valve
Discrete analysis of the set point
The valve position (current position) in %
and O/C (Open/Close) appear in alternating sequence on the display. See
uSection 5.
1.3.2 Assessment
Table 1 shows the diagnostic functions and
their statements on the condition of the valve
depending on the type of application.
EB 8389-1S EN 11
Table 1: Diagnostic functions and test analysis
Diagnostic functions
Data logger••Depending on trigger status
Valve signature•
On/off valve–•− Breakaway time
Valve position
Set point deviation
Cycle counter
Leakage sensor••− Seat leakageu 9 on page 53
Course of end
Dynamic tests
Valve dead band••− Dead bandu 11 on page 69
Partial stroke test
Full stroke test (FST)••− Overshooting
• Full scope of functions
U Function is performed, but not analyzed
– Function is not performed
valveAssessmentSee section
− Change in friction
− Supply pressure
− Defective actuator springs
− Pneumatic leakage
− Transit time
− Valve end position
− Change in manipulated variable
− Manipulated variable range
••− Manipulated variable range
− Seat leakage
− Positioner-valve linkage
− Average set point deviation
••− Packing leakage
− Dynamic stress factor
••− Course of end position
− Zero shift
••− Overshooting
− Dead time
− T86
− Settling time
− Dead time
− T86
− Settling time
u 3 on page 21
u 4 on page 27
u 5 on page 37
u 6 on page 41
u 7 on page 44
u 8 on page 49
u 10 on page 67
u 12 on page 73
13 on page 83
12 EB 8389-1S EN
2 Monitoring
2.1 Status messages
The valve diagnostics integrated into the po-
sitioner generates classied status messages.
Messages generated from the analysis of the
diagnosis can be classied according to the
possible causes. See u Section 4 to 13.
The following classications are possible:
− No message
If an event is classied as “No message”,
this event does not have any affect on the
condensed state.
− Function check
Test or calibration procedures are performed in the positioner. The positioner is
temporarily unable to perform its control
task as long as the procedure is taking
− Maintenance request/maintenance re-
The positioner still performs its control
task (with restrictions). A maintenance
demand or above average wear has
been determined. The wear tolerance will
soon be exhausted or is reducing at a
faster rate than expected. Maintenance is
necessary in the medium term.
− Out of specication
The positioner is running outside the
specied operating conditions.
− Failure
The positioner cannot perform its control
task due to a functional fault in the positioner itself or in one of its peripherals or
an initialization has not yet been successfully completed.
You can view these messages in TROVIS-
VIEW4 in the Diagnostics folder (> Monitor-
ing) and its subfolders. The 'Positioner status', 'Valve status', 'Actuator status' and
'Valve position status' messages provide a
condensed state of the status messages of
each subfolder.
2.1.1 Resetting status messages
When a status message is generated, you
should rst locate the source of the fault and
take action to remedy it.
For recommended action concerning the sta-
tus messages see u Section 17.2.
Status messages can be reset individually or
using the reset function. Table 2 on page
15 contains an overview on how the diagnosis can be reset. Resetting is performed
in the Diagnostics folder (> Service/maintenance > Reset).
If you want to keep measured data and the
analysis after resetting the positioner, it is
possible to upload them onto a computer.
Resetting single status messages
− Status messages represented by a code
in the positioner can be conrmed at the
positioner itself. Select the error code
and conrm it by pushing the rotary
pushbutton. See the standard instructions
of the positioner u EB 8384-6S EN.
− On resetting histograms and diagrams,
the data for short-term monitoring are
also reset.
EB 8389-1S EN 13
− Resetting measured data does not cause
the diagnostic parameters and reference
value to be reset as well.
− The positioner does not need to be re-ini-
tialized after resetting.
Reset measured diagnostic data
Code 36 - Diag
− Parameters are reset as described in u
Section 17.4.
− Resets diagnostics assessment.
− Reference values remain unchanged.
− Status classication and data logs re-
main saved.
− The positioner does not need to be re-ini-
tialized after resetting.
− If the diagnostic data are to be reset at
regular intervals, enter the time in "Desired time until ‘Reset measured diagnostic data" (Code 48 - h3). The setting
"00:00:00" causes the resetting at regular intervals to be deactivated.
Reset start-up parameters
Code 36 - Std
− Parameters are reset as described in
u Section 17.4.
− Resets diagnostics assessment.
− Reference values are deleted.
− Status classication remains unchanged.
− Data logs are reset.
− The positioner must be re-initialized after
Reset to default settings
Code 36 - DS
− Parameters are reset as described in
u Section 17.4.
− Resets diagnostics assessment.
− Reference values are deleted.
− Status classication and data logs are
− The positioner must be re-initialized after
Before mounting the positioner on a
new control valve, perform a reset by
selecting the command 'Reset to de-
fault settings' (Code 36 - DS) and re-
initialize the positioner.
14 EB 8389-1S EN
Table 2: Resetting the diagnosis
single status
Data loggerConguration and measured valuesNOYES YES YES
Valve signature Signal pressure(x)Measured valuesYESYES YES YES
On/off valveCongurationYESNO YES YES
Valve position x histogramMeasured valuesYESYES YES YES
Set point deviation e histogramMeasured valuesYESYES YES YES
* Except for 'Sampling time' and 'Max. test duration' parameters
Alarm settingsNOSee uSec.17.4
Status classication according to NAMUR107NONO NO YES
All logged messages, see u Section 2.2YESNO YES YES
Operating hours counterNONO NO NO
Device in operationNONO YES YES
Device switched on since initializationNONO YES YES
Device in operation since initializationNONO YES YES
Code 36
Diag StdDS
16 EB 8389-1S EN
2.1.2 Condensed state
To provide a better overview on the condition of the positioner, all status messages are
summarized in a condensed state which is
made up from a summary of all classied
messages in the positioner. The status message with the highest priority determines
which condensed state is set.
The condensed state appears in TROVIS-
VIEW4 on the right-hand side of the info
bar and in the Measured process values
folder. See u Table 3 for a description of the
icons and their meaning.
Additionally, the condensed state can be
used to trigger the data logger. See uSection 3.2.1.
The condensed state is marked by
until the positioner data have been uploaded.
The condensed state can be read in the positioner display in Code 48 - d6. See u Table
Condensed state at the fault alarm output
The condensed state also be read out at the
fault alarm output if one of the following
conditions occurs:
1. Condensed state 'Failure' is activated.
2. Condensed state 'Function check' is activated and the fault alarm output is activated.
3. Condensed state 'Maintenance required'
or 'Out of specication' is activated and
the fault alarm output is activated.
Table 3: Condensed state reading
Status messageTROVIS-VIEW 4/DTMPositionerPriority
Function check
Out of specication
Maintenance request/
maintenance required
No message, OK
EB 8389-1S EN 17
Text e.g. TESTING, TUNE or
Device settings > Alarm settings
− Fault alarm at condensed state 'Function
check' (Code 32): Yes
3. − Error message in case of 'Maintenance re-
quired' and 'Out of specication' con-
densed states (Code 33): Yes
2.2 Logging
The last 30 generated messages are saved in
the positioner with a time-stamp (logged by
the operating hours counter) and with details
on how long the message exists.
You can view these messages in TROVISVIEW4 in the Diagnostics folder (> Monitor-
ing > Logging).
Logging starts automatically 15 minutes after
initialization. It does not need to be activated
by the user.
Messages are logged when:
− Their status classication is not 'No mes-
− Their recording in the logging is activat-
− The 'Internal solenoid valve/forced vent-ing/supply pressure' message is only additionally logged when the time entered
in 'Min. interval for new logging of internal solenoid valve' has elapsed between
the generation of two 'Internal solenoid
valve/forced venting/supply pressure'
Logging can only be deactivated when
the associated status classication is
set to 'No message'.
Device settings > Alarm settings > Status
classication > Logging
− Supply pressure: [Yes], No
− Change in friction: [Yes], No
− Seat leakage: [Yes], No
− Packing leakage: [Yes], No
− Pneumatic leakage: [Yes], No
− Defective actuator springs: [Yes], No
− Manipulated variable range limitation: [Yes],
− Course of end position: [Yes], No
− Positioner-valve linkage: [Yes], No
− Manipulated variable range: [Yes], No
− Change in manipulated variable range: [Yes],
− Partial stroke test (PST) [Yes], No
− Full stroke test (FST): [Yes], No
− On/off valve: [Yes], No
− Code 50-58, 61, 63, 76, 81: [Yes], No
− Binary input: [Yes], No
− Data logger: [Yes], No
− Internal solenoid valve/forced venting/supply
pressure: [Yes], No
− Min. interval for new logging of internal
solenoid valve: 0 to 5000 s, [300 s]
18 EB 8389-1S EN
The following messages are not logged if
they are generated due to a hardware error:
− Packing leakage
− Pneumatic leakage
− Manipulated variable range limitation
− Course of end position
− Positioner-valve linkage
− Manipulated variable range
− Change in manipulated variable range
In this case, only the original hardware error
is logged:
Measured values (w, x, e, pout) after trigger event
(Number = 100 – Trigger lead/Sampling time)
Total 100 measured values (w, x, e, pout)
The data logger is started by the software, e.g. TROVIS-VIEW 4
20 EB 8389-1S EN
Data logger
3 Data logger
The data logger records the measured variables (valve position x, set point w, set point
deviation e and signal pressure p
corded data are plotted against time in a
The data logger is interrupted and
must be reactivated when one of the
following events occurs:
Failure of power supply of the positioner
Failure of power supply of the external solenoid valve
). The re-
3.1 Permanent data logging
The measured variables are logged at the
rate dened in 'Sampling time' and saved in
a circular buffer, which holds 100 data
points per measured variable at one time.
You can read the measured data
logged over the past 24 hours from
the 'Data logger' graph when the Diagnostics folder (> Data logger) is left
open over this period.
Fig. 1: Diagnostics > Data logger
EB 8389-1S EN 21
Data logger
Dening parameters
1. Select 'Permanent' (Function).
2. Enter sampling time.
3. Start data logger.
The 'Test information' status indicates
'Test active'.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: [Permanent]
2. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [1.0 s]
3. − Start data logger
Right-click 'Cancel data logger' and
select 'Execute' to stop the data logger
('Test information' = 'Test not active').
3.2 Triggered data logging
Measured values are saved in a circular buf-
fer after the event dened in 'Triggered by'
has occurred (see u Section 3.2.1 to 3.2.5).
The event that has triggered data logging is
recorded. Data logging is terminated after
100 measured values per measured variable
have been saved in the circular buffer. The
'Sampling time' determines the time between
recordings. A 'Trigger lead time' greater
than 0 also leads to the measuring values
before the triggering event for the time selected being included in the 100 measured
values per measured variable. The 'Trigger
lead time' may include the value 100 x
'Sampling time' at the maximum.
Dening parameters
1. Select 'Triggered' (Function).
2. Select the triggering event.
3. Enter sampling time.
4. Start data logger.
The 'Test information' status indicates
'Test active'.
When the data logging is nished, the
Progress bar indicates 'Memory full, data
recording completed'.
Right-click 'Cancel data logger' and
select 'Execute' to stop the data logger
('Test information' = 'Test not active').
3.2.1 Triggered by condensed
The measured values are included in the triggered event when the condensed state dened in 'Triggered by condensed state' arises.
If 'Function check' is selected as the
condensed state ('Triggered by condensed state'), data are logged when
a dynamic test starts. Data from each
test start are logged.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: Triggered.
2. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [1.0 s]
3. − Triggered by: Condensed state
22 EB 8389-1S EN
Data logger
rigger band
w, x, y, e
ger band
w, x, y, e
rigger band
rigger band
w, x, y, e
− Trigger lead time:
0.0 s to 100 x 'Sampling time', [20.0 s]
− Triggered by condensed state: No message,
Function check [Maintenance required],
Maintenance demanded, Out of specication, Failure
4. − Start data logger
3.2.2 Triggered by set point,
valve position, set point
deviation or signal pressure
The measured values are included in the triggered data logging when the conditions for
the selected measured variable (set point w,
valve position x, set point deviation e or signal pressure p
'Trigger band' and 'Trigger condition' are
'Trigger condition' = Decreasing signal/
lower band value undercut
) dened in 'Trigger value',
'Trigger condition' = Increasing signal/
upper band value exceeded
Upper band limit =
Trigger value
Trigger value
Trigger band
+ ½ Trig
The conditions for starting a trigger event
are met when the value falls below the limit
('Trigger value' – ½ 'Trigger band').
'Trigger condition' = Band exit
Upper band limit =
Trigger value + ½ T
Trigger value
Lower band limit =
Trigger value - ½ T
Trigger band
Trigger value
Lower band limit =
Trigger value – ½ T
er band
The conditions for starting a trigger event
are met when the value falls below the limit
('Trigger value' – ½ 'Trigger band') or exceeds the limit ('Trigger value' + ½ 'Trigger
The conditions for starting a trigger event
are met when the value falls below the limit
This function is only active when 'Trigger
band' ≠ 0.
('Trigger value' – ½ 'Trigger band').
EB 8389-1S EN 23
Data logger
ger band
w, x, y, e
'Trigger condition' = Band entry
Upper band limit =
Trigger value
Trigger value
Lower band limit =
Trigger value - ½ Trigger band
Trigger band
+ ½ Trig
The conditions for starting a trigger event
are met when the value exceeds the limit
('Trigger value' – ½ 'Trigger band') or falls
below the limit ('Trigger value' + ½ 'Trigger
This function is only active when 'Trigger
band' ≠ 0.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: Triggered
2. − Triggered by: Valve position, set point devi-
ation, signal pressure or set point
− Trigger value:
0.0 to 100.0 %, [99.0 %] (set point, valve
position, set point deviation)
0.0 to 7000.0 mbar, [99.0 mbar] (signal
− Trigger band:
0.0 to 100.0 %, [99.0 %] (set point, valve
position, set point deviation)
0.0 to 10000.0 1/s, [99.0 1/s] (drive signal)
− Trigger lead time:
0.0 s to 100 x 'Sampling time', [20.0 s]
− Trigger condition: [Decreasing signal/lower
band value undercut], Increasing signal/up-
per band value exceeded, Band exit, Band
3. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [1.0 s]
4. − Start data logger
3.2.3 Triggered by binary input
This setting is only active when a binary input is installed in the positioner. If this is not
the case, the Progress bar indicates 'Cannot
start data logger – trigger cannot be set'.
The measured values are included in the triggered data logging when the state of the binary input changes.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: Triggered
2. − Triggered by: Binary input
− Trigger lead time:
0.0 s to 100 x 'Sampling time', [20.0 s]
3. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [1.0 s]
4. − Start data logger
24 EB 8389-1S EN
Data logger
3.2.4 Triggered by internal solenoid valve/forced
This setting is only active when an internal
solenoid valve/forced venting is installed in
the positioner. See 'Internal solenoid valve/
forced venting' reading. If this is not the
case, the Progress bar indicates 'Cannot start
data logger – trigger cannot be set'.
The measured values are included in the triggered data logging when the solenoid valve
is triggered or the forced venting is activated.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: Triggered
2. − Triggered by: Internal solenoid valve/
forced venting
− Trigger lead time:
0.0 s to 100 x 'Sampling time', [20.0 s]
3. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [1.0 s]
4. − Start data logger
tions dened in 'Triggered by internal solenoid valve/forced venting“ or 'Triggered by
set point' are met.
Diagnostics > Data logger
− Function: Triggered
− Triggered by: Set point or internal solenoid
valve/forced venting
− Trigger value: 0.0 to 100.0 %, [99.0%]
− Trigger band: 0.0 to 100.0 %, [99.0 %]
− Trigger lead time:
0.0 s to 100 x 'Sampling time', [1.0 s]
− Trigger condition: [Decreasing signal/lower
band value undercut], Increasing signal/up-
per band value exceeded, Band exit, Band
3. − Sampling time: 0.2 to 3600.0 s, [20.0 s]
4. − Start data logger
3.2.5 Triggered by set point or
internal solenoid valve/
forced venting
This setting is only active when an internal
solenoid valve/forced venting is installed in
the positioner. See 'Internal solenoid valve/
forced venting' reading. If this is not the
case, the Progress bar indicates 'Cannot start
data logger – trigger cannot be set'.
The measured values are included in the triggered data logging when one of the condi-
EB 8389-1S EN 25
Data logger
Valve signature
– Actuator: Single-acting
– Type of application: Control valve
Only applies to rst start-up after reset with Code 36 –
DS or Std.
Initialization including valve signature
Start initialization
Valve signature recording
Valve signature, signal pressure(x)Course of supply pressureValve signature, friction(x)
Alarm settingsRecording threshold
m settings
Zero limit,
lag time
Lower limitUpper limit
Status classication (NE 107)Status classication (NE 107)Status classication (NE 107)
x0 >
+ Zero limit)
x0 < (– Zero limit)
Spring pre-load
Reduced spring
essureChange in friction
Supply pr
Too low
Too high
Analysis (NE 107)/logged by
operating hours counter
Defective actuator
Analysis (NE 107)/logged by
operating hours counter
Analysis (NE 107)/logged by
operating hours counter
Supply pressure statusChange in friction
Min. supply pressure
Max. supply pressure
Dwell time (supply pressure
< 1.0bar)
l time (supply pressure
> 7.0bar)
Valve signature
Not successful
Lower in total range
Lower/higher in mid-
Lower/higher near
max. OPEN position
Lower/higher near
CLOSED position
eset 'Pressure sensor monitoring values'
26 EB 8389-1S EN
Valve signature
4 Valve signature
The valve signature plots the signal pressure
as a function of valve position x.
All diagnostic functions dependent on the
signal pressure are based on the valve signature, e.g. to detect pneumatic leakage or
to reveal an excessively high or low supply
Additionally, the pneumatics are monitored using the 'Leakage limit' param
eter, which is adjustable between 0
and 100% in the Device settings fold-
er (> Alarm settings). The positioner
generates the 'Pneumatic leakage'
message whenever the leakage ex
ceeds this limit value. 'No message' is
assigned by default.
1. A single-acting actuator is mounted on
the valve.
During the plotting of the reference graph
(Fig. 2), the valve is moved very slowly from
the end position at which no pressure is applied to the actuator to the position at which
the maximum air signal is applied to the actuator. The valve is then moved back again
to its end position. During which, the positioner switches to open-loop control (control
without feedback).
The sensitivity of reference graph plotting de-
nes at which speed the valve is moved. The
time span how long the reference graph is to
be plotted depends on the sensitivity select-
ed. Select 'High' for valves with small bench
ranges and/or high friction.
After the reference graph has been plotted,
the recorded data points for signal pressure
and valve position x are converted into
xed points.
The valve positions cannot be predicted in open-loop control (control without feedback). The reference graph
may differ for the same valve after
each logging.
Dening parameters
The reference graph is automatically plotted
after initialization when 'Initialization including valve signature' = Yes.
− Initialization including valve signature
(Code 48 - h0): [Yes]
The reference graph can also be plotted separately outside initialization.
1. Switch to manual mode.
2. Select 'Sensitivity' from the drop-down
3. Start test.
The 'Test information' status indicates
'Test active'. 'D1' and 'TEST' are indicat-
ed in alternating sequence on the positioner display.
'Function check'
is activated as the
condensed state.
− Enter operating mode (Code 0): Manual
2.Start-up > Reference graphs > Valve
− Sensitivity: Low, [Medium], High
3. − Start test
4.1.1 Analysis and monitoring
The positioner records the data for lling and
venting the actuator. It then determines the
characteristic values listed below:
− 'Mean hysteresis': Average hysteresis
(average signal pressure change Δp
relation to the spring range)
− 'Min. hysteresis': Lowest possible hystere-
sis (minimum signal pressure change
in relation to the spring range)
− 'Max. hysteresis': Highest possible hys-
teresis (maximum signal pressure change
in relation to the spring range)
28 EB 8389-1S EN
Valve signature
− 'Detected lower spring range value': Sig-
nal pressure p
lled with the minimum amount of air
− 'Detected upper spring range value': Sig-
nal pressure p
lled with the maximum amount of air
The 'Valve signature canceled' message is
generated if the test is canceled.
Start-up > Initialization result
− Valve signature canceled (Code 81):
, , ,
The 'Test status' reading indicates the reason
why the test was canceled:
− No supply pressure: The supply pressure
was under 500mbar during the test.
− Valve moved too quickly. Recommended
action: Increase sensitivity
− Position at p
(1) Even though the pressure was in-
creased in steps from 0bar to the maximum amount of air for lling the actua-
tor, the valve was not able to reach the
maximum position in closed-loop operation.
(2) The minimum valve position without
tight-closing is below 96%.
Recommended action: Increase supply
− Position at p
(1) Even though the pressure was reduced in steps from the maximum
amount of air for lling the actuator, the
valve was not able to reach the minimum
when the actuator is
when the actuator is
not reached (lling with
not reached (venting):
position in closed-loop operation. The
valve might be jammed.
(2) The minimum valve position without
venting the actuator during closed-loop operation. The recorded data can be directly
compared with the reference graph. Additionally, the minimum, maximum and current
supply pressure are shown in the graph.
Data are recorded in the background regardless of the operating mode selected if a reference graph has already been plotted.
Data logging does not need to be activated.
The positioner determines the minimum and maximum supply pressure
while plotting the reference graph. The
current supply pressure may fall below
the minimum supply pressure and exceed the maximum supply pressure.
Dening parameters
1. Record reference graph. u Section 4.2.
EB 8389-1S EN 29
Valve signature
2. Set the limit for zero monitoring in control valves with closed position ATC (air
to close).
3. Select classication for status messages.
See u Section 4.2.1.
Device settings > Alarm settings
− Zero limit (Code 48 - d5):
0.0 to 100.0 %, [5.0 %]
− Lag time: 1 to 9999 s, [30 s]
3.Device settings > Alarm settings > Status
classication > Positioner
− Zero (Code 58):
Device settings > Alarm settings > Status
classication > Actuator
Defective actuator springs
− Reduced spring pre-loading:
, [ ], ,
[ ], , ,
4.2.1 Analysis and monitoring
If the monitoring line has a smaller gradient
than the reference line, this pinpoints to a reduced compression of the actuator springs.
Diagnostics > Monitoring > Actuator
− Defective actuator springs:
Valves with ATC (air to close) closed position
In valves with ATC closed position, the positioner generates a zero error when the valve
position in the tight-closing position is larger
than the sum of the initialization zero points
and 'Zero limit' or smaller than the negative
'Zero limit' after the adjusted 'Lag time' has