22.. MMuuttee
For muting the sound, press MUTE button on the
RC. Pressing this button again restores the sound.
33.. 1166::99 BBuuttttoonn::
This is for changing the picture
44::33 CCiinneemmaa,, AAuuttoommaattiicc
accessed through a single key press.
44.. PPPP::
Pressing this button loads the audio and video
values in the memory to the TV
If you keep PP button pressed for a time, the current TV
audio and picture values are saved as “User Values”
and the message
““UUsseerr VVaalluueess SSaavveedd””
appears on the
55.. SS//MM//DD bbuuttttoonn::
For stereo broadcasting, you can
change the volume as Mono, Stereo or DUAL A, DUAL
B. You can’t do this in case of mono broadcasting. You
can only see the bil screen of the broadcasting.
66.. AAVV::
To shift to AV mode, press AV (0) button on the
RC. The Info (information) menu appears on the
screen. In suitable AV Mode, leave pressing the button.
Each time you press the AV button, the inlet modes that
could be connected to your device appears and the
“TV” mode, that is the latest mode you started will
appear on the screen. Furthermore, you can shift to TV
mode pressing the “Red” button in any mode. As long
as the main menu is on the screen, you cannot take
your TV to AV position.
77:: AAuuttoommaattiicc SSwwiittcchhiinngg OOffff::
The TV automatically
switches off in 5 minutes after the broadcast ends.
Note: If you leave the TV at AV mode, the set does not
shift to Stand By mode after 5 minutes even the
broadcast ends.
88.. OOKK BBuuttttoonn::
In the mosaic mode, this is used to shift
to channel or for
the changes
in menus.
99.. IInnffoo BBuuttttoonn ((‹‹))::
The channel No., screen format,
channel name (if written), audio type etc. information
are given here.
By pressing Swap button, you can return to
the former channel you watched
If there is a menu on the screen, pressing Swap
will change nothing.