Salicru ILUEST+CR User Manual

Lighting flow dimmer-stabiliser
ILUEST+CR: Regulation + Telemanagement = Saving
With today’s modern street lighting systems, it’s not enough to reduce the voltage to supply the lamps to obtain energy savings. The criteria are different nowadays and the requirements have increased in accordance with the growth of street lighting. Applying the most advanced technology possible is needed as well as telemanagement, monitoring and parameterisation of the complete block of units in order to guarantee the sustainability of the lighting system.
Applications: Lighting savings and management
TheILUEST+CRseries of advanced lighting flow dimmer-stabilisers fromSalicru, takes over from its highly successful and field-tested predecessor, has vast improvements in critical aspects of modularity, power density, protection and telemanagement. As a result, greater flexibility in areas of power growth, maintenance, commissioning and equipment integration can be better realized along with superior reliability and shorter payback periods.
TheILUEST+CRseries is available in a wide range of powers, has 3 implementation variants - indoor, outdoor and OEM Kit - and several possibilities of monitoring. Used in conjunction with our powerful telemanagementtechnology, theILUEST+CRis now the state-of-the­art reference in lighting regulation and control.
The ILUEST+CR is suitable for use in many areas, both industrial and commercial e.g. roads and highways, road bridges & tunnels, airports, hospitals, commercial centres, ports, railroads, car parks and many more. The superior supervisory and remote control capability of the ILUEST+CR will result in the better and more efficient management of lightings, regardless of their applications.
As an example, our studies have shown that a town of 10,000 inhabitants with 1,700 public lighting points would consume an average of 1,210 MW of electricity per year. By using just 20 units of the ILUEST+CR rated 20 kVA each, potential annual savings of 490 MW can be realized, translated to 270 Tm less CO2 to the atmosphere.
∙ Bi-directional ‘Buck’ converter with IGBTs, electronic, static and
∙ Continuous regulation of the output voltage, no voltage steps; higher
lamp lifetime. ∙ Lineal and programming ramps. ∙ High response time. ∙ Stabilisation better than ± 1% + saving voltage periods = savings > 40%. ∙ LCD display, as standard. ∙ Protections with automatic programming rearm due to overload and
overtemperature.  ∙ Protections with fuses ∙ Automatic bypass per phase, independent operating, manual
, active bydefault and break before make. ∙ RS-232 port + MODBUS protocol, as standard.  ∙ Telemanagement card built in completely. ∙ Duty cycle adapted to the warm up curve of the lamp.  ∙ Programming of two saving levels and start voltage via LCD display. ∙ Average payback of the investment between 6 and 24 months. ∙ Low weight and dimensions, higher power density. ∙ No harmonic injection to mains. ∙ SLC Greenergy solution.
(1) In the equipment. (2) MOV (Metal Oxid Vasistor). (3) Through stated input or keypad. (4) In frontal slot provided for this purpose. (5) Estimated 0.09 €/kWh rate.
and against lightning arrestors.
All of the units, regardless of the format, include synoptic panel as standard, comprised of:
LCD panel: It provides input / output
voltages, frequency, load and saving percentage levels, output currents, active power, apparent power, power factor, load type and temperature. It includes timer, astronomical clock and event data logger.
Communication ports: RS-232 via RJ-45
connector for local PC monitoring.
MODBUS protocol.
∙ External or internal manual bypass. ∙ GSM/GPRS modem. ∙ Telemanagement card. ∙ Digital I/O card (digital inputs and outputs). ∙ Atmospheric gas discharger.
Technical support and service
∙ Customized studies and simulations of the
saving and payback. ∙ Extended warranties (under request). ∙ Multiple formulae of maintenance and
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