This is not an official document. I am not employed by Telstra nor am I an IT person. I wrote this
document because setting up my gateway was a hassle due to the lack of a manual or any set up
information on Testra’s Web Site. I don’t guarantee the accuracy of it content. What worked for me might
not work for you.
Table of Contents
Lights and Buttons
Change Gateway’s Login Password
Telstra’ s _Internet User Name and Password
Connecting Wi-Fi devices
Address Reservation (Static LAN I P Address)
Port Forwarding
Backup and R estore S ettings
Reset Gateway
Turn WI-FI OFF or ON
Bridge Mode
Dynamic DNS
Pair a DECT handset
R emote W EB Access
Wi-Fi MAC Filtering
Change Wi-Fi SSID and Password
Third Party VDSL Modem /Router
DLNA Server and Mass Storage
D evice Information (FTTN or ADSL connection Link Speed and Max
Statistics (Place to look to find what’s causing problems)
C hange IP Address of Gateway
Known Limitations and Bugs
C hanging IP Address Range Bug Work Around.
NB: Document needs to be downloaded for internal links to work.
Version 2.4 Last updated 01/03/2017
Lights and Buttons:
1. Phone
Off: Phone line not registered
Green: Phone line registered.
Blue: Phone in use.
Red: Fault (Reboot gateway)
2. On Line
Blue: Trying to connect to Telstra Gateway
Green: Connected to Telstra Gateway.
NB: (See changing Telstra User Name and Password)
3. Link
Blue: Gateway trying to sync with DSLAM (ADSL) or
Node (FTTN).
Green: ADSL or VDSL link synchronised. (Working)
Off: ADSL and FTTN connections indicates Gateway can’t
communicate with DSLAM / Node. (Check connection
from Gateway to Telephone Wall Socket).
FTTP or Cable, WAN port not connected.
4. Wi-Fi
Off: All Wi-Fi Bands turned off.
Green: Wi-Fi Band that aren’t disabled in GUI are turned
on. (Could be Green but no Wi-Fi due to Wi_Fi disabled
in GUI)
Press for 5 seconds to turn all Wi-Fi Bands Off.
Press again to turn all Wi-Fi Bands On that had not been
previously turned Off using GUI.
5. Pair
Off: No DECT handset paired to Gateway.
Green: DECT handset paired to Gateway
To pair a handset or connect to a WPS enabled Wi-Fi
device press for 5 seconds. The light will blink Blue for 2
minutes. During this time the gateway can be paired with a
handset or connect to a WPS enabled Wi-Fi device.
6. Power
Off: Gateway powered Off
Green: Gateway powered On.
Press to toggle between Off and On.
7. Reset
Use a paper clip and press for 5 seconds to reset Gateway
Open a browser and type 8 into the address bar and press enter. The default password is admin
Change Gateways Login Password
Once logged in the first thing I do is change the password to something easy to remember.If the password
is forgotten the modem will have to be reset resulting in the loss of all settings.
Click on User Settings
Telstra’s Internet User Name and Password
If Link Light is green and the On Line light doesn’t turn green these are the first settings I would check.
Click on Broadband
The User Name is the one provided by Telstra for the internet connection. Example
someone@bigpond.com. It probably is but might not be the same as your Telstra My Account User Name
and Password.
For ADSL connections PPP Enabled should be On.
Parental Control
Click on Parental Control
The internet and access control tab is where you can set the times a device can access the internet.
In the Select drop down list every device ever connected to the gateway is listed by its MAC address.
Note devices that can be connected by either Wi-Fi or Ethernet will have two different MAC addresses.
The same settings will need to be set for both MAC addresses.
The example shows two devices that have been set to only have access to the internet between 8.00am
and 8.30pm.
Click on apply once you have finished setting up the access times.
The URL filter tab is where access to malicious sites can be blocked for all devices. The example above
blocks access to google.
Click on the Add Address to add a site. Enter its URL
If there are more sites to be blocked Click Add Address and enter its URL.
Repeat for all the sites to be blocked.
Click on Apply when all sites to be blocked have been entered.
Connecting Wi-Fi Devices.
1. Using WPS
Press and hold the Pair button on the front of the gateway until it starts flashing blue. Follow the
instructions supplied with the Wi-Fi device.
Note WPS needs to be turned on in GUI (See Change Wi-Fi SSID and Password)
2. Manually using SSID and Network Key.
There is a label with the SSID and Network key located on the bottom of the gateway. The Base
cover has to be removed to access the label.
The SSID and Network key are also displayed on the home page of the gateway.
Follow the Wi-Fi device’s instructions for manually connecting to a Wi-Fi network.
Address Reservation.
There are two ways to set up address reservation.
The easy way is to click on the device on the home page and then click on Reserve Address. This doesn’t
always work and when it doesn’t any further attempt to change address reservation results in an error
message. It even stuffs up the hard method of address reservation. To remove the error the gateway must
be powered of and then powered back on. A reboot does not fix the problem.
The hard way is to click on Advanced.
Click on gateway settings
Click on DHCP
Click on Add Reserved Address.
Click on Add MAC Address. The drop down list contains the MAC addresses of every device that was
ever connected to the gateway.
Select the device that needs a fixed address.
If the device is currently connected the IPv4 Address will automatically be filled in. Suggest you change
the address to something over 50 ( to prevent reserved address being taken by another device.
Click on apply.
1. If you changed the IPv4 Address you will have to disconnect and reconnect the device for the
changes to take effect.
2. The maximum number of reservations is 15
3. If the device with a reserved address is not connect another device can use its IP address so don’t
use IP addresses near bottom of DHCP IP range.
Port Forwarding
For port forwarding to work you need a fixed IP LAN address. (See Address Res e rvation for how to do
There are two ways to set up Port Forwarding. I will describe the easy way.
Click Home.
On the centre left of the page are a list of connected devices.
Click on the device you wish to port forward.
Click on Port Forwarding
Click on Add Rule