Data Sheet
Saba Succession
Reduce and manage operational risk
Proactively develop and prepare
bench strength
Enhance workforce effectiveness
and retention
Manage detailed talent profiles
Empower line managers to actively manage
succession for their team via
their team talent dashboard
Rate and track key talent measures,
such as flight risk and potential
Manage talent pools for succession and/or
career development
Manage internal recruiting processes
Search for succession candidates utilizing
detailed, ranked criteria
Rank, visually compare, and track the
readiness of candidates
Assign goals, competencies, and targeted
learning to candidates
Perform extensible 9-box grid analyses
View dynamic organizational charts
Provide collaboration tools for mentoring
and knowledge transfer
People are a company’s most important resource. But many companies
fail to track, manage, or develop the valuable knowledge and experience
of their workforce. When key employees leave a company, they walk out
the door with critical domain, product, and customer knowledge. Failing to
replace important domain experts creates an immediate void in knowledge,
translating into work inefficiencies and lower productivity.
Succession is specifically focused on the development and
management of key talent to mitigate the risks that occur when talent leaves
the company. This unique solution enables the creation of talent pools for
key positions and allows managers to track and manage processes related
to succession, career management and internal recruiting. With Saba
Succession, identified talent is proactively prepared to inherit identified
positions. This process enables organizations to actually develop the bench
strength they need to be successful and avoid talent gaps which may lower
business productivity.
Side-by-side comparisons empower succession pool owners with
easy, visual access to candidate suitability information.
Proactive Planning Reduces Operational Risk
Without a succession management process in place, companies leave
themselves open to operational risk. Key employees leave the company,
critical positions may remain open and unfilled, and new roles require
internal expertise that must be developed. These situations can materially
harm unprepared businesses, resulting in a risk of missed deadlines,
customer commitments, and revenue targets.
Saba Succession provides a number of tools to help identify and
mitigate this risk. Key talent measures, such as flight risk, retirement risk,
and potential, can be captured and tracked by management and HR
professionals. Critical positions and individuals without a list of potential

Data Sheet n Saba Succession
successors are visually flagged. Detailed analysis tools, such
as dynamic organizational charts, side-by-side comparisons
of talent, and extensible 9-box grids, help the organization
identify risks and plan development strategies accordingly.
Identify Critical Talent
Studies have shown that the cost of filling a position from
within is much less expensive to the organization, and
results in meaningful career paths for individuals across the
organization. While many succession planning solutions
focus on top executive positions, Saba Succession enables
organizations to manage succession and career development
for any individual or role within the organization. With Saba
Succession, managers have an interactive dashboard into the
succession activity of their team, and detailed people profiles
help the organization track the experience, exposure, and
education of their key talent.
Saba Succession also provides industry-leading search
capabilities to identify talent for critical positions. Detailed search
criteria, including education, competency proficiency, language
skills, experience, and much more can be documented and
ranked, enabling managers and talent professionals to identify
the “best fit” candidates on a percentage basis. Candidates can
be compared side-by-side, as well as viewed on an extensible
9-box grid to help aid decision-making.
Manage Internal Recruiting
In addition to managing succession, organizations can further
drive employee engagement and retention by empowering the
employee to play a more active role in their career progression.
Saba capabilities for the management of internal recruiting
includes providing individuals with the ability to search internal
opportunity boards and apply to public talent or succession
pools that they find are a good fit for their ambitions. Managers
and administrators are also empowered with the ability to
represent external candidates in their pools, and link out to
external profiles on sites such as LinkedIn.
Develop Talent for Future Success
Organizations can significantly improve retention of key talent
through access to development opportunities. When used in
conjunction with other pieces of Saba’s unified platform for
people management, such as Saba Learning Suite and Saba
Performance Suite, talent pool candidates are prescribed
goals that can directly include courses, curricula, and
certifications from Saba Learning to guide the development of
these individuals. These assignments automatically populate
the individual’s “My Success Plan,” providing a seamless view
of all their performance and career development activities.
Saba Succession is the ideal environment to support the
proactive development of talent for future success. By focusing
on succession, career development and internal recruiting,
leading organizations are reaping the rewards of increased
retention of high-potential individuals and individuals in critical
roles, while reducing risk and enhancing workforce effectiveness.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration
technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the
ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
© 2010 Saba Software, Inc. All rights res erve d. Saba, the Saba logo, Sab a Centra, and the mark s
relatin g to Saba pr oduct s and services referenc ed herein are either trademarks or re giste red
tradem arks o f Saba Soft ware, Inc. o r its a flia tes. A ll oth er tra demar ks are the p roper ty of their
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2400 Bridge P arkway, Redwood Sho res, CA 9406 5-1166 USA
(+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791
www. saba .com
talen t-ds 01_09/09