Saba SAAS User Manual

Data Sheet
Saba Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
 Instant access to world-class learning,
performance, and collaboration services
 Configure people and talent processes to your
needs through easy-to-use wizards
 Lower your cost of entry due to no additional
hardware or IT investments
 Accelerate the time it takes to benefit from your
investment through rapid deployments
 Eliminate implementation and upgrade
 Access Saba’s secure, available Cloud services
 Access the newest, most innovative
functionality as soon as it becomes available
 Maximize your investment in real time and stay
current with the latest releases
 Analyze usage behavior through reports and
metrics that allow you to see what functionality is being accessed most often by users
 Improve user engagement by identifying
process challenges and quickly reconfiguring processes
 Motivate the workforce to use all the tools and
applications provided
 Power up your people with Saba’s extensible
Cloud infrastructure
 Configurators and wizards
 Saba People Adoption Metrics
 Ad hoc reporting
 Out-of-the-box SSO and SSL
 Locales and translations
 Scalable Cloud infrastructure
 Secure and compliant data centers
 Disaster recovery
 SAS70 Type II certification
 EU safe harbor certification
 Secure, available Cloud services 24x7x365
 99.5 % SLA uptime guarantee
 Support and online training
 Flexible packages and additional services
Saba People Systems Cloud
Today organizations are forced to rethink how they operate and compete. Transformation to a people-driven enterprise requires that organizations achieve a people multiplier effect to mobilize teams and individuals, accelerate the flow of business, and cultivate organizational knowhow. HR and business leaders need to successfully engage the workforce to enable this people multiplier effect, and IT is asked to provide the underlying technology changes to address unique organizational requirements for all people processes.
Only Saba provides easy-to-use wizards with context-sensitive help on hand to walk you through configuring your people and talent processes to your needs.
Data Sheet n Cloud Infrastructure
Saba People Systems Cloud Editions
Saba’s People Systems are offered in a highly economical SaaS model. Saba offers three Cloud editions for its SaaS solutions that include a targeted set of bundled services and features to support different organizations wiith standard to complex people management requirements. Unlike one-size­fits-all solutios, Saba People Systems enable you to tailor processes to your organizational needs..
Saba Cloud Business Edition
Saba Cloud Business Edition is ideally packaged for midsize organizations and includes a targeted set of bundled services and features to support organizations looking for standard best practices for people management. Saba Cloud Business Edition customers benefit from a streamlined approach to implementing Saba’s most current functionality through a rapid deployment of their people systems.
Saba Cloud Enterprise Edition
Saba Cloud Enterprise Edition includes a set of bundled services and features to support larger organizations with standard to moderately complex people management requirements. Saba Cloud Enterprise Edition customers can take advantage of the deep configuration capabilities of Saba solutions to tailor their people processes to their needs while being on the most current software release.
Requirement Complexity
Saba Cloud Editions include a targeted set of bundled services and features for enterprises with standard to complex requirements.
Number of Employees
Saba Cloud Global Edition
Saba Cloud Global Edition includes a set of bundled services and features to support organizations with very complex requirements. Saba Cloud Global Edition customers benefit from Saba’s industry-leading, highly configurable people systems, while allowing for additional moderate customization to address specific needs. In addition, Global Edition customers retain full control over software upgrades.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
© 2010 Saba Software, Inc. All rights res erve d. Saba, the Saba logo, Sab a Centra, and the mark s relatin g to Saba pr oduct s and services referenc ed herein are either trademarks or re giste red tradem arks o f Saba Soft ware, Inc. o r its a flia tes. A ll oth er tra demar ks are the p roper ty of their respe ctive own ers.
Saba 2400 Bridge P arkway, Redwood Sho res, CA 9406 5-1166 USA (+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791 www. saba .com
on-d s08 _07/10