Publication No. RU-ITA-0712A
Air Defrost – 12,600 to 69,000 BTUH
Electric Defrost – 10,500 to 52,000 BTUH
Hot Gas Defrost – 10,500 to 52,000 BTUH
Coolers & Freezers
Medium to Large

• APPLICATIONS — Inter-Temp unit coolers are ideally
suited for a wide range of coolers and freezers. ITA
models are designed for use in coolers above 35°F.
ITE, ITG, and ITH units are suited for 35°F coolers,
when mechanical defrosts are required, as well as
for freezers with temperatures ranging down to
• SIZES — There are 37 models offered, with
capacities from 10,500 BTUH up to 69,000 BTUH @
10°TD. Air fl ow ranges from 3,320 CFM to 9,130 CFM.
• HOUSING — Each unit is constructed with a rustfree, heavy gauge, textured, aluminum housing
which is light weight yet extremely durable. Air and
electric defrost models have hinged drain pans to
allow for convenient servicing and maintenance (Hot
Gas drain pans are not hinged). Slotted hangers are
provided on all units for fast installation.
• COIL — Seamless copper tubes are staggered and
mechanically expanded into heavy gauge corrugated
aluminum fi ns to assure maximum heat transfer.
Die formed fi n collars are provided for accurate
fi n spacing. Heavy gauge hangers are fastened
directly to the tube sheet of the coil to provide high
structural strength.
• REFRIGERANTS — Inter-Temp unit coolers are
designed for most refrigerants including, R-22,
R-404A, R-134a, R-502 and R-507. Please specify
system refrigerant requirements when ordering. A
separate compartment is provided for all refrigerant
connections which allows ample room for internal
mounting of expansion valves. Inter-Temps can
also be used with chilled water or glycol solutions,
contact factory for selection.
• FANS — Powerful heavy duty aluminum fans are
individually balanced to provide vibration free
• WIRE FAN GUARDS — Standard heavy gauge
wire fan guards are epoxy coated for corrosion
resistance. Optional air straighteners are available
for increased air throw when required.
• MOTORS — All motors are high effi ciency PSC, ball
bearing type, life lubricated and thermally protected.
Inter-Temp unit coolers use either 1/8 HP, 1050 rpm
or 1/3 HP, 1075 rpm motors.
• ELECTRICAL — Available in 115V/1, 208/230/1,
208/230/3, 460/1 or 460/3. Inter-Temps can also
be operated on 220/1/50, 220/3/50, 380/1/50 and
380/3/50 power. All components are factory
wired to convenient screw type terminal blocks.
A large compartment is supplied for all electrical
components and is easily accessible by removing
the end panel.
• AIR DEFROST — Available on ITA series only, for use
in coolers at +35°F and above. Complete air defrost
systems are available from Russell.
• ELECTRIC DEFROST — These units are available
as ITE models. The placement of heaters within
the refrigeration coil allows for a more effi cient
and rapid defrost cycle than other designs. This
arrangement enables the energy from the heaters
to be conducted from the center of the core out,
providing an even defrost pattern. All heaters are
factory installed and wired to screw type terminal
blocks, allowing for quick fi eld hook up or change
over from 1 to 3 phase with the installation of
jumper wires. Separate, fi xed defrost termination,
fan delay and heater saftey controls are factory
mounted for optimum performance of each control
function. Drain pans are heated for fast, reliable
drainage. Timer and contactors are available as
options. Complete electric defrost systems are
available from Russell. Contact the factory for
• HOT GAS RE-EVAP DEFROST — Available on all but
the ITA models. These units include separate fi xed
defrost termination and fan delay controls which
are factory mounted for optimum performance of
each control function. A hot gas drain pan circuit
is provided, thus eliminating the need for electric
heat and additional wiring. A heat exchanger/reevaporator is supplied with every unit. Refer to the
current Russell Technical Bulletin HG for piping.
Complete Hot Gas Re-Evap systems are available
from Russell, contact the factory for details.
all but the ITA models. These units include separate
fi xed defrost termination and fan delay controls
which are factory mounted for optimumperformance
of each control function. A hot gas drain pan circuit
is provided, thus eliminating the need for electric
heat and additional wiring. Refer to the current
Russell Technical Bulletin HG for piping. This unit is
also used for Alternating Evaporator System.

• Copper fi ns
• Coated fi ns (air and hot gas defrost models only)
• Galvanized steel housing
• Insulated drain pans
• Custom circuiting for chilled water or glycol applications
• High throw fan guards (air straighteners)
• Reheat kit.
• Adjustable DTFD
• Contact factory for other requirements
Air Throw
Air throw is greatly affected by installation variables. Optimum air throw is obtained by high
ceiling with no interference from beams, or return air restrictions. Inter-Temp unit coolers will
throw air up to 50 feet under ideal conditions, 60 to 70 feet with air straighteners.
IT *26 - 150 - D P
Motor Type
Inter-Temp Models P = PSC
E = EC
A=Air Defrost Voltage Code
E = Electric Defrost A = 115V D = 208/230/1/60
H=Hot Gas Re-Evap B= 208/1/60 E = 208/230/3/60
G = Hot Gas Rev. Cycle C = 230/1/60 F = 460/1/60
G = 460/3/60
Number of Fans
Fins Per Inch BTUH In Hundreds