Russell FRAC-1 Installation Manual

Bulletin No. 411.1 April, 1999
221 S. Berry St. • Brea, CA 92821 • Tel (714) 529-1935 • FAX (714) 529-7203
Closed circuit fluid coolers are practical heat rejection devices for use with relatively small capacity packaged refrigeration systems used for process cooling as well as specialized applications such as computer rooms. During most of the year, it will deliver cooled fluid temperatures approaching those obtained by a cooling tower. The fluid cooler circulates the fluid inside a finned tube coil specifically designed and circuited for the fluid to be cooled.
One of the problems the fluid cooler has in common with conventional cooling towers and evapora­tive cooled systems is operation in freezing climates. This is overcome by the use of anti-freeze. The most common anti-freeze is a 20% to 50 % so lu tion o f e thy l­ene or propylene glycol in water. The reduction in heat transfer capability caused by use o f the an ti-fre eze is partially compensated for by the use of higher coolant flow rates. Even though additional energy is required to pump the coolant, it results in lowering the co mpr essor head pressure. Operating with this reduced pressure has a greater effect on energy costs than doe s the highe r water flow rate. Also, as there is no drift loss or evapora­tion in a closed coolant circuit. Anti-freeze must be replaced only in the event of a leak.
As with any equipment, proper installation and maintenance will improve performance and life expectancy.
tall obstructions on three or more sides. See Figure 1 for minimum clearance from obstructions and between units. Short circuiting of the air flow or the intake of warmer air from another unit will seriously degra de the performance of the fluid cooler. Noise consideration should be considered when locating an flu id coo ler. Proximity to windows, walls, and surrounding structures can cause objections by the occupan ts. An acou stical expert should be consulted when noise is of a particular concern.
sufficiently strong to support the fluid cooler operating weight. Consult with a professional structural engineer to determine safe platform loading.
Do not locate any unit so as to be bordere d by
Structural supports and roof platforms should be
Check all items against the bill of lading to make sure all crates and cartons have been received. If there is any damage, report it immediately to the carrier and file a claim. Make sure the voltage on th e unit nameplate agrees with the power supply available.
FVAC 5 thru 19 model condensers are shipped on their sides, and all other FRAC / FVAC models are shipped flat. All units come shipped on a skid with a wooden skeleton frame to prevent damage in transit. Leave all framing attached until the unit is a s close as possible to its final installed location.
All units have built in lifting lugs. Use spreader bar(s) when necessary, failure to do so will damage the air cooled condenser. Never use the coil headers or return bends for moving or lifting the condenser.
1. Design structural supports to carry the weight of the fluid cooler plus the fluid weight in the coil.
If this is a roof installation provide suitable flashing of the roof. For ground level moun ting, a con cre te pad is recommended. Mounting holes pe rmit the unit to be bolted down to withstand wind pressure s.
2. The mounting legs of the fluid cooler are shipped in a recessed position. Raise the unit to lower the legs down and reinstall all fastener.
3. Level mounting is necessary to assure proper fluid distribution through the coil as well as a flooded suction for the pump.
4. Water piping must comply with local codes. Correct pipe sizing will help reduce pu mping powe r and operating costs.
5. If in doubt, consult Russell for the fluid cooler fluid pressure drop at the spe cific cond ition s on your job.
6. Provide sufficient valves and unions to permit easy access to parts subject to wear and possible repair or replacement.
7. After fluid piping is completed, all joints should be leak tested.
8. Where city water make-up is required, follow local plumbing codes and make certain that disconnecting provisions are provided.
9. If the fluid cooler is supplied without starters, select starters and wire in accordance with nameplate data on the fan and pump motors. The installation must conform to local codes.
The piping system should provide maximum leak prevention. Weld or sweat joints should be used where possible. If threaded pipe joints are used tightly drawn teflon tape should be sufficient. A possibility that the glycol solution or other heat transfer fluids will leak while water will not, should be considered during installation.
A glycol system should not use a pressure reducing valve. This is because a slight leak would lead to dilution of the glycol mixture. Any refill should be con­trolled so as to maintain the proper glycol-to-water ratio.
Table 1 shows pressure drops for various pipe sizes at flow rates commonly used with a typical fluid cooler. These pipe sizes are standard connections act ual size may vary according to available pump head. This can be determined by subtracting from the total available pump head at design flow, the cond ense r pressure drop and the fluid cooler pressure drop. Allow some safety factor for last minute pipe fittings added to the system and for eventual fouling of the system.
(a) Glycol piping requires no insulation except when fluid temperature will be below ambient dewpoint temperatures. Fluid coolers normally produce about 70°F or higher fluid temperatures.
(b) Vents are required at all high points in piping to bleed air when filling the system. If fluid coolers are at high points, vent valves should be installed at each fluid cooler.
(c) It is recommended that gate valves be installed on both sides of the pump to prevent loss of fluid in the event the pump should require repair or replacement.
Pressure Loss (Water) for a Typical Fluid Cooler
Schedule 40 Copper Tube Flow Pipe Size Type L Steel Head Ft/100 Ft GPM Steel O.D. Copper Head Ft/100 Ft Equiv. Laths.
15 1" 1-1/8" 27.8 15.0 20 1" 1-1/8" 50.8 23.1 24 - 1-1/8" - 32.3 24 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 25.8 12.7 30 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 40.6 18.5 32 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 42.5 20.8 40 - 1-3/8" - 30.0 40 1-1/2" 1-5/8" 27.8 12.9 45 1-1/2" 1-5/8" 37.0 16.4 60 - 1-5/8" - 27.7 60 2" 2-1/8" 14.9 7.6 80 2" 2-1/8" 27.8 12.0
Pressure Drop Correction Factors:
50% Glycol Solution vs Water
40 1.45 2.14 100 1.1 1.49 140 1.0 1.32 180 0.94 1.23 220 0.9 1.18
Pressure Drop
Correction @
Equal Flow
Total Pressure Drop Correction; 50% Glycol Flow
(INcreased per Table 1)
Although Russell does not supply the circulation pump, this section is general reference to pumps. Please consult with the pump manufacturer for proper selection and installation.
Mechanical seal type pumps mus t be used for glycol systems. Gland type pumps will cause glycol waste, and if used with a pressure reducing valve will lead to dilution of the glycol mixture and eventual freeze­up.
Pump is selected for piping friction loss plus pressure drop through the fluid cooler coil, plus pressure drop through the heat source. No allowance for vertical lift is made since in a closed system a counterhead acts on the pump suction.
With glycol solution the pump performance curve will drift to the right from its design point because differ­ences in circuit design: control valve application; pres­sure drop calculations; etc. The pump should be select­ed high on the curve so as to provide for the "drift". The pump curve should be "flat" so that the pump will com­pensate for the inability to exactly predict the final oper­ating system flow condition and to provide sufficient flow for satisfactory heat transfer and maximum protection against freezing at the far end of the circuit. The pump motor should have sufficient power for operation over the entire pump curve, to prevent motor overload at reduced voltages.
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