Russell DLD10M44, DLD User Manual

The control circuit should be energized 24 hours before charging and start-up to open the liquid line solenoid and turn on the crankcase heater. This will assist the evacuation and dehydration process and provide additional compressor protection during the charging and start-up.
Charge refrigerant into a system through a filter­drier in the charging line. This provides further assurance the refrigerant charge is clean and dry. The system refrigerant capacity is approximately 80% of the condenser, receiver, and liquid line capacity. If the condenser volume or refrigerant capacity is unknown, the system refrigerant capacity is often calculated at 90% of the receiver and liquid line capacity. Be cautious if the calculated charge is exceeded. Weigh the refrigerant. The actual refrigerant charge should be less than the calculated capacity. DO
NOT charge liquid refrigerant into the suction side of the compressor.
Be sure the compressor discharge valve is open. The suction valve should be open 2 or 3 turns, with a valve stem wrench attached for quick throttle adjusting. High and low pressure gauges
should be attached. Liquid charging is faster.
If R-404A or R-507 is used, liquid charging is mandatory. R-404A and R-507 refrigerant cylinders have a dip tube and liquid is charged with the cylinder upright. Break the final vacuum by charging liquid refrigerant into the receiver outlet valve access or the area of liquid line downstream from the receiver outlet.
Approximately 50 to 60% of the system charge can usually be injected into the receiver area before it is necessary to start the compressor for the system to accept more refrigerant . It may be necessary to throttle the compressor suction valve to keep suction pressures reasonable and prevent tripouts during charging and pull-down. If it is necessary to add liquid refrigerant to the suction side, a full control ball valve must be used in the charging line to slowly meter refrigerant vapor into the system.
If the condensing temperature is 105°F or greater, charge the system until the sight glass just clears, being careful not overcharge. If the condensing temperature is below 105°F, a part of the condenser coil can be blocked to raise the condensing temperature to 105°F. Be careful not
to block the air blast against the compressor. This procedure satisfies systems with floating head pressure control. Follow the same procedure for systems with low-ambient flooded condenser head pressure control.
With 105°F condensing temperature, charge until the sight glass just clears. Then accurately weigh in the additional pounds of refrigerant specified in the chart on page 19. There is also a charging tag on the unit. The pounds specified on the tag supercedes this IOM. This will provide adequate charge for all ambient operation. The actual charge should not exceed the calculated systems capacity. After system charging and room pull­down is complete , test the ability of the system to successfully pump down. Raise the room thermostat setting to close the liquid solenoid. The system must pumpdown and shut off at the low pressure cutout setting. See Table 13.
Unblock the condenser coil and return the room thermostat to the desired setting.
The first two to three hours of operation after start-up is a critical time. Do not just start-up and walk away. Watch for floodback and adjust the expansion valve if necessary. Observe system pressures. Check all fans on the evaporator and condensing unit to be sure they are operational and turning the proper direction. Record the pounds of refrigerant charged into the system. Check the compressor oil level frequently. On low temperature systems the fan delay control may cycle the evaporator fans. To keep the fans on until the room pulls down, it may be necessary to jumper the fan delay control.
Check voltage and amperage at the compressor. Voltage must be within 10% of the specplate rating. Amperage should be approximately equal across all three lines. Check the piping for vibration and add supports if needed. Check electrical conduit for vibration and route to prevent contact with tubing.
Use the Start-Up Check List on page 24 to assist you. Don’t forget to remove the fan delay jumper if one was used. Also, fully open the suction valve. After the room has pulled down to design temperature and held for 24 hours, review the system guidelines on page 23 and complete a system service record on page 25.
Table 12
MiniCon 1/2 - 6 HP MiniCon 1/2 - 6 HP D - Series 3 - 22 HP V - Series 20 - 80 HP
Model Lbs. to Model Lbs. to Model Lbs. to Model Lbs. to
H051H22 2.5 S050H22 1.3 3L22 9.5 SINGLE H050M44 2.2 S050M44 1.1 3L44 8.2 20H22 58
H050L44 2.2 S050L22 1.3 4L22 14.3 20M44 50 H075H22 2.5 S050L44 1.1 4L44 12.3 25H22 78 H075M44 3.2 S075H22 2.5 5H22 14.3 25M44 67
H075L44 3.2 S075L22 2.5 5M44 16.4 27L22 58 H100H22 3.8 S075L44 3.2 5L22 14.3 27L44 50
H100L44 3.2 S100H22 3.8 5L44 12.3 30H22 98 H101M44 4.3 S100M44 4.3 6M44 23.0 30M44 84 H150H22 5.0 S100L22 3.8 6L22 14.3 30L22 58 H150M44 4.3 S100L44 3.2 6L44 12.3 30L44 50
H150L44 4.3 S150H22 5.0 7H22 27.0 35H22 115 H200H22 7.5 S150L44 4.3 7M44 23.0 35M44 99 H201M44 8.6 S200H22 7.5 8H22 27.0 40H22 144
H200L44 6.5 S200M44 6.5 8M44 23.0 40M44 124 H250H22 7.5 S200L22 7.5 8L22 27.0 50H22 156 H300H22 12.4 S200L44 6.5 8L44 23.0 50M44 134 H300M44 10.6 S201L22 7.5 9L22 27.0 60H22 195
H300L44 10.6 S202L22 7.5 9L44 23.0 60M44 168 H400H22 12.4 S250L44 7.1 10H22 44.0 H400M44 10.6 S300H22 8.3 10M44 38.0 PARALLEL H500H22 16.5 S300M44 7.1 10L22 27.0 17H22 58 H500M44 14.2 S300L22 8.3 10L44 23.0 17M44 50
MLD S300L44 7.1 12H22 44.0 21H22 78
D300L22 12.4 S400H22 12.4 12M44 38.0 21M44 67
D300L44 10.6 S400M22 12.4 12L22 27.0 24H22 98
D400L22 12.4 S400M44 10.6 12L44 23.0 24M44 84
D400L44 10.6 S500H22 16.5 15H22 54.0 31H22 86 D500H22 16.5 S500M22 16.5 15M44 46.0 31M44 74 D500M44 14.2 15L22 44.0 41H22 115
D500L22 12.4 15L44 38.0 41M44 99
D500L44 10.6 22L22 54.0 44L44 74
22L44 46.0 51H22 117
51M44 101
54L44 99
CHARGING STEPS - (See Page 18) 61H22 195
1. Charge as necessary to achieve a clear sight glass, with the air intake to the condenser blocked, to maintain a minimum 200 psi 61L44 124
head pressure. This will prevent gas from by passing through the 71H22 173 flood valve. DO NOT OVERCHARGE! Just clear the glass. 71M44 149
2. Add the exact amount of refrigerant shown in this table of the model being charged. This will provide the system the charge it 81H22 198
requires for all weather, flooded, operation.
61M44 168
81H22 231