Rotronic Sensor Cap Data sheet
Technical Datasheet Sensor Cap
Part No. U002-01
Each sensor cap has a unique identification number and is used to measure the environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity) during stability testing and monitoring /mapping applications. The cap incorporates the Rotronic Hygromer humidity sensor with Airchip 3000 housed within a plastic casing and containing a dsub connector for connectivity to the logger cap.
The sensor cap is fitted to a test chamber (U011-01) during stability testing and a stand (U010-01) during monitoring applications. A logger cap (U001-01) containing the test settings is attached to the sensor cap. The logger cap collects and stores the temperature and humidity readings and transmits the data wirelessly to the Amebis Control Software.
The sensor cap is supplied with a calibration certificate traceable to SCS (Swiss) or UKAS (UK). The sensor cap can be calibrated and adjusted using the calibration cable (U012-01) and the Rotronic HW4 software.
Colour Black
Weight 47grms.
Dimensions Height: 2.0cm, Diameter: 7.5cm
Material of Construction: Polycarbonate / Acrylobutylstyrene
Operating Temperature: 00C – 600C
Accuracy Humidity +/- 1.5% rh (10 ... 90% rh, 230C +/- 50C)
Accuracy Temperature +/- 0.3K (0 ... 500C)
Stability <1 % rh per year; < 0. 20C
Sensor Type Humidity - Capacitive polymer; Temperature – Pt100 1/3 Class B, 4
wire connection
Marking/Labelling Serial number on outside of sensor cap.
Delivery Documentation: This datasheet and calibration certificate
Factory Calibration: 10, 80 & 35% rh adjustment, calibration point at 90% rh and ambient
Storage: Store in a dry, cool and clean place when not in use.
Sensor cap fitted to test
Sensor cap fitted to test
chamber with connected
logger cap
Sensor cap fitted to stand.
Sensor cap fitted to stand
with connected logger cap
Sensor cap fitted to calibration chamber with connected calibration cable.
The sensor cap has been designed to allow connection of logger caps (U001-01) and calibration cables (U012-01) only. Do not connect any other cables or parts to the sensor cap.
Visit our website for more information on the sensor (Rotronic Hygromer humidity sensor with Airchip 3000).
Datasheet 3.1