User manual
CO2 / temperature transmitter
The IAQ-sensor product CF5 is used to measure indoor air carbon dioxide
concentration and temperature in rooms. The CF5 is available both with and without
display, (LCD). Both are available for wall mounting as well as for duct mounting.
The unit is designed for connecting to Direct Digital Control (DDC). The linear output
functions are pre-programmed as CO2 and temperature transmitters with jumper
selected outputs 0-10 V / 2-10 V / 0-20 mA / 4-20 mA. The measuring ranges can be
modified from a PC (Windows) and use of the software UIP (version 4.3 or higher)
together with the RS232 communication cable.
Figure 1 CF5 for wall mounting and duct mounting

Temperature value in oC = Volt/10*50
Temperature value in oC = (Volt –2)/8*50
Temperature value in oC = (mA-4)*50/16
Value = (reading-a)/(b-a)*(d-c)+c
a = lowest value of the configuration
d = highest value of the range
Table I. Default output configurations for CF5
Default Output
0-2000 ppm CO2
0-50 oC
Outputs of this
Formulas for calculati on of out put values
0-10 VDC
2-10 VDC
0-2000 ppm CO
0-2000 ppm CO
CO2 value = Volt/10*2000
CO2 value = (Volt –2)/8*2000
Output Range of
4-20 mA
0-2000 ppm CO
CO2 value = (mA-4)*2000/16
b = highest value of the configuration
c = lowest value of the range
Table II. Calculation of CO2 value and temperature value for CF5
Output Configurations
The sensors/controllers are supplied from the factory (unless otherwise ordered) with
0...10VDC linear outputs for Out(1) and Out(2) (see Table I). If other options are
needed for the application, the output jumpers have to be configured before the unit
is powered up. Each jumper selection is independent from the others, except for the
“Start point selection” jumper, which affects both Out(1) and Out(2) linear outputs.
Alternative measuring ranges of the outputs can be selected with the software UIP
(version 4.3 or later).

Jumper top position provides 0Vdc or 0mA start point for Out(1), Out(2)
NOTE! The start point jumper is missing on some models!
Connection in position “Current” provides 0/4-20mA output range for Out(1).
configured in voltage outputs mode.
Connection in position “Current” provides 0/4-20mA output range for Out(2).
configured in voltage outputs mode.
Jumper Position Function
(0-20mA or 0-10V).
Jumper bottom position provides 2Vdc or 4mA start point for Out(1), Out(2) (4-
20mA or 2-10V).
Current output is not recommended for temperature measurements
Connection in position “Voltage” provides 0/2-10VDC output range for Out(1).
Please note! Temperature measurements accuracy is valid only for units
Current output is not recommended for temperature measurements
Connection in position “Voltage” provides 0/2-10VDC output range for Out(2).
Please note! Temperature measurements accuracy is valid only for units
Table II. Configuration jumpers for CF5
The system contains complete self-diagnostic procedures. A full system test is
executed automatically every time the power is turned on. In addition, constantly
during operation, the sensor probes are checked against failure by checking the valid
dynamic measurement ranges. All EEPROM updates, initiated by the sensor itself, as
well as by external connections, are checked by subsequent memory read back and
data comparisons. These different system checks return error bytes to the system
RAM. The error codes are available by connecting a PC with a special RS232 cable
connected to the UART port slide connector. The error codes are shown in the
software UIP (version 4.3 or later). Warm up and Out of Range are the only bits that
are reset automatically after return to normal state. All other error bits have to be
reset manually after return to normal by power off/on.
The yellow LED flashes if an error has been detected. If a fatal error has been
detected the yellow LED is lit.