Side-Loading AnoSkyBox
Instruction Sheet
32 Corner
Instructions for assembly
Note: You will be assembling four frames.
Below instructions are for one frame only.
Repeat steps 1 & 2 for each frame.
Step 1
Locate two split rails and a solid rail that is
the same length as the split rails.
Insert two corner brackets in each end of
the solid side AnoFrame rail. Insert one
corner bracket into each end of each split
side AnoFrame rails. Fig. 1.
Note: Tension tabs on corner brackets face
towards outside of frame rails.
Step 2
Assemble frame following steps in Fig. 2
sliding sides together in the order shown.
12 AnoFrame Rails
Figure 1
solid rail
8 AnoFrame
split rails
split rails
solid rail
solid rail
The AnoSkybox™ is a trademark of Rose Displays, Ltd. Neither the
manufacturer nor any sales agent may be held liable for injury, loss or
damage resulting from the use of these products.
Part #03INSSideLoadingAnoSkyBox
split rails
Figure 2
35 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970
Tel# 1- 800 631-9707 Fax# 1-800-560-2890
Side-Loading AnoSkyBox
Instruction Sheet
8 Corner
Braces 4 Spine Rails
Instructions for assembly
Step 3
Attach one corner brace onto one end of
each corner spine. Fig. 3.
Step 4
Screw into place and tighten. Fig. 4.
Step 5
Lay out AnoSkyBox parts as shown.
Be sure to lay out frames so each corner
contains matching frame sides — two
corners should contain only split rails and
two corners should contain only solid rails.
Fig. 5.
Note: Once side of each frame contains
split rails. When laying out your
AnoSkybox, make sure you match the
split rail sides of both frames to the same
corner spine. You should have only 2
corners containing split rails.
1 Ball Head
Screwdriver 8 Screws 4 Hanger Tabs
Figure 3 Figure 4
split rails
solid rail
solid rail
The AnoSkybox™ is a trademark of Rose Displays, Ltd. Neither the
manufacturer nor any sales agent may be held liable for injury, loss or
damage resulting from the use of these products.
Part #03INSSideLoadingAnoSkyBox
Figure 5
35 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970
Tel# 1- 800 631-9707 Fax# 1-800-560-2890