Roland ZSC-1 User Manual

3D Scanning Sensor Unit
ZSC-1 User's Manual
Thank you very much for purchasing this product. T o ensure correct and safe usage with a full understanding of this product's performance, please be sure
to read through this manual completely and store it in a safe location.
Unauthorized copying or transferral, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited.The contents of this operation manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change
without notice.
The operation manual and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If y ou find
any misprint or error, please inform us.
through use of this product, regardless of any failure to perform on the part of this product.
with respect to any article made using this product.
Please read this Agreement before installing the software.
Software license agreement
Roland DG Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall grant you a non-tr ansferable, non-exclusiv e right to use the Software supplied with this Agreement, on the condition that you agree to the following provisions. Install the software if you agree with the following provisions. The Agreement is deemed to have been concluded once the software has been installed. If you do not agree with the following provisions, do not install the software.
1. Definition
The “Software" includes the softw are progr am and related files supplied with this Agreement and the related software programs and files distributed through the Internet and other services.
2. Ownership
All the ownership, copyright and other intellectual property rights of the Software, trademark, and related documents shall belong to the Company.
3. Terms and conditions
(1) You are authorized to use the Software on one computer. (2) You are allowed to create a backup copy of the Software. The right to keep the Software and the backup copy of the Software continues to belong to the Company, but the right to the media on which the backup copy of the Software is recorded does not belong to the Company.
4. Forbidden items
(1) This copy of the Software, or a backup copy of the Software, must not be used on multiple computers at the same time, on a network, the Internet, or on other computers through any other means of distribution. (2) The Software shall not be reverse engineered, decompiled or reverse assembled. (3) The rights to the Software cannot be transferred, assigned, lent, loaned or licensed to a third party in any case, regardless of whether this Agreement has been terminated or cancelled.
5. T ermination
(1) The Company can cancel this Agreement and require you to discontinue use of the Software if you breach any provision of this Agreement or if you infringe on the ownership, copyright, or other intellectual property rights of the Company. (2) This Agreement shall be automatically terminated when you stop using the Software. (3) If this Agreement is terminated or cancelled, you must return your cop y of the Softw are to the Company, or discard it as soon as practicable, at your own expense.
6. Guarantee
(1) The Company shall not guarantee that the quality or functionality of the Softw are will satisfy an y purpose that you may hav e in mind. (2) The Company shall not accept any responsibility for the results obtained from using the Software. (3) The Company shall not accept any responsibility for an y loss which might be caused as a result of your exercising the rights granted under this Agreement. (4) The specifications for the Software are subject to change without prior notice.
7. Governing law
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
To Ensure Safe Use ............................................................................................. 2
Pour utiliser en toute sécurité .......................................................................... 4
Important Notes on Handling and Use................................................................... 6
Chapter 1 Preparing the Sensor Unit .................................................................... 7
1-1 3D Scanning Sensor Unit ................................................................................................................... 8
Supported Models.............................................................................................................8
Unit Features ....................................................................................................................8
Checking the Included Items ............................................................................................8
Part Names and Functions ................................................................................................9
1-2 Installing the Sensor Unit ................................................................................................................. 10
Installing the Sensor Unit................................................................................................10
To Reinstall the Spindle Unit...........................................................................................11
1-3 Preparing the Programs.................................................................................................................... 12
System Requirements for the Programs ...........................................................................12
System Requirements for USB Connection .....................................................................12
Step 1: Installing and Setting Up the Programs ...............................................................12
Step 2: Making the Settings for Dr. PICZA3.....................................................................14
Chapter 2 Use and Operation As a 3D Scanner ................................................. 15
2-1 Operation As a 3D Scanner ............................................................................................................ 16
Operation As a 3D Scanner ............................................................................................16
Objects That Can and Cannot Be Scanned......................................................................17
Mounting the Object to Scan..........................................................................................18
2-2 Using the Included Programs .......................................................................................................... 19
User's Manuals for the Programs ....................................................................................19
Amount of Computer Memory Required.........................................................................20
Chapter 3 Basic Scanning Operation ................................................................... 21
3-1 Learning the Basics of Scanning ...................................................................................................... 22
Step 1: Setting the Scanning Conditions..........................................................................22
Step 2: Checking the Scanning Results ...........................................................................24
Step 3: Saving and Exporting Data..................................................................................24
Chapter 4 Appendix ............................................................................................... 25
4-1 What to Do If... .................................................................................................................................. 26
The machine doesn't start...............................................................................................26
Scanning is impossible ...................................................................................................26
Other Symptoms.............................................................................................................26
4-2 Specifications....................................................................................................................................... 27
Scanning-mode Specifications ........................................................................................27
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Copyright © 2005-2009 Roland DG Corporation
To Ensure Safe Use
Improper handling or operation of this machine may result in injury or damage to property. Points which must be observed to prevent such injury or damage are described as follows. *Please also read the important safety information in the user's manual for the modeling ma-
About WARNING and CAUTION Notices
Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe injury should the unit be used improperly.
Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or material damage should the unit be used improperly.
* Material damage refers to damage or other adverse effects caused with
About the Symbols
The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or warnings. The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the triangle. The symbol at left means "danger of electrocution."
The The specific thing that must not be done is indicated by the design contained within the circle. The symbol at left means the unit must never be disassembled.
The must be done is indicated by the design contained within the circle. The symbol at left means the power-cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet.
symbol alerts the user to items that must never be carried out (are forbidden).
symbol alerts the user to things that must be carried out. The specific thing that
respect to the home and all its furnishings, as well to domestic animals or pets.
Incorrect operation may cause injury
Important Notes on Scanning
To Ensure Safe Use
Be sure to follow the operation proce­dures described in this manual.
Failure to follow the procedures may cause sudden operation or the like of the machine, which may result in unexpected injury.
Never allow anyone unfamiliar with the usage or handling of the machine to touch the machine.
Touching a dangerous location may cause sudden operation or the like of the machine, which may lead to an unexpected accident.
Never allow children near the ma­chine.
The machine includes locations and components that pose a danger to chil­dren, and major accident, including in­jury, blindness, or choking, may occur.
Never touch the tip of the probe. Also, be sure to attach the probe cover when the sensor unit is not in use.
The tip of the probe is very sharp, and can cause injury or blindness.
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify.
Doing so may lead to fire or abnormal op­eration resulting in injury.
Never attempt to scan any object of high intrinsic or personal value, or that would otherwise be difficult to replace if damaged or broken.
Because scanning involves contact by the probe, the object scanned may be damaged. Incorrect settings may also cause the scanned object to strike areas other than the probe. Scan-object damage is not cov­ered by warranty.
When loading an object to scan, make sure that all sides and the top of the object are within the scannable area.
A scanned object may strike a component other than the probe and suffer damage. Scan-object damage is not covered by war­ranty.
Be sure to remove the probe cover when performing scanning.
Otherwise the object scanned may strike the probe cover and suffer damage. Scan­object damage is not covered by warranty.
Pour utiliser en toute sécurité
La manipulation ou l'utilisation inadéquates de cet appareil peuvent causer des blessures ou des dommages matériels. Les précautions à prendre pour prévenir les blessures ou les dommages sont décrites ci-dessous.
*Lire sans faute les importants renseignements sur la sécurité dans le guide de l'utilisateur de
la machine à modeler.
Avis sur les avertissements
Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de décès ou de blessure
grave en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.
Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de blessure ou de dommage matériel en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.
* Par dommage matériel, il est entendu dommage ou tout autre effet
indésirable sur la maison, tous les meubles et même les animaux domestiques.
À propos des symboles
Le symbole attire l'attention de l'utilisateur sur les instructions importantes ou les avertissements. Le sens précis du symbole est déterminé par le dessin à l'intérieur du triangle. Le symbole à gauche signifie "danger d'électrocution".
Le symbole chose spécifique à ne pas faire est indiquée par le dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que l'appareil ne doit jamais être démonté.
Le symbole indiquée par le dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que le fil électrique doit être débranché de la prise.
avertit l'utilisateur de ce qu'il ne doit pas faire, ce qui est interdit. La
prévient l'utilisateur sur ce qu'il doit faire. La chose spécifique à faire est
L'utilisation incorrecte peut causer des blessures
Remarque importante sur la numérisation (scanning)
Pour utiliser en toute sécurité
S'assurer de suivre les procédures d'utilisation décrites dans ce manuel.
Si les procédures indiquées ne sont pas suivies, le fonctionnement de l'appareil peut être déclenché soudainement, ce qui risque de causer des blessures.
Ne jamais permettre à quiconque de toucher l'appareil s'il ou si elle n'en connaçò pas le fonctionnement ou la manutention.
Toucher l'appareil à certains points dangereux peut en déclencher le fonctionnement, ce qui risque de causer un accident imprévu.
Ne jamais laisser d'enfants s'approcher de l'appareil.
Des éléments et des surfaces de l'appareil présentent des risques pour les enfants. Il pourrait se produire un accident grave qui causerait des blessures, ou créerait un ris­que de cécité ou de suffocation.
Ne jamais toucher l'extrémité de la sonde. S'assurer de fixer le couvert de la sonde lorsque le capteur n'est pas utilisé.
L'extrémité de la sonde est très acérée et peut causer des blessures ou la cécité.
Ne pas démonter, réparer ni modifier.
Démonter, réparer ou modifier l'appareil ris­que de provoquer un incendie ou de causer un fonctionnement anormal entraînant des blessures.
Ne jamais tenter de numériser un objet de grande valeur monétaire ou sentimentale, ou un objet qui serait difficile à remplacer s'il était endommagé ou brisé.
Les objets numérisés risquent d'être endommagés parce que la numérisation exige un contact entre la sonde et l'objet. En outre, si les réglages sont erronés, l'objet numérisé peut frapper des points autres que la sonde. La garantie ne couvre pas les objets numérisés.
Pendant le chargement d'un objet à numériser, s'assurer que tous les côtés et la partie supérieure de l'objet sont à l'intérieur de la surface numérisable.
Un objet numérisé peut frapper une composante autre que la sonde et être endommagé. La garantie ne couvre pas les objets numérisés.
S'assurer de retirer le couvert de la sonde pour faire la numérisation.
Sinon, l'objet numérisé peut frapper une composante autre que la sonde et être endommagé. La garantie ne couvre pas les objets numérisés.
Important Notes on Handling and Use
This unit is a precision device. To ensure the full performance of this unit, be sure to observe the following important points. Failure to observe these may not only result in loss of performance, but may also cause malfunction or breakdown.
This Unit Is a Precision Device
Never drop or subject to impact.Never twist or wrench the probe by hand.When not using the sensor unit, attach the probe cover and store in a safe place.
Items That may Not Be Copied
Unauthorized reproduction of a copyrighted item for any purpose other than personal use may be a violation of copyright. Roland DG Corp. will not be responsible for any violation of third-party copyright by any article made through use of this product.
Chapter 1 Preparing the Sensor Unit
1-1 3D Scanning Sensor Unit
Supported Models
Roland DG MDX-40seriesTechsoft TS-30
Most of the figures in this document depict the MDX-40.
Unit Features
This is an optional unit that enables you to use any of the preceding compatible models of modeling machines as a 3D scanner. Replacing the spindle unit with the sensor unit adds contacting 3D-scanner functionality. Dedicated programs for 3D scanning and for editing 3D data are included.
Checking the Included Items
Sensor unit Cap screws (black) Hexagonal wrench (3 mm)*
Roland Software Package
* A 2.5-mm hexagonal wrench is included with the modeling machine.
CD-ROM User's Manual (this manual)
+ 22 hidden pages