Roland R-4, R-4 PRO User Manual [ja]

動作時に周囲の振動、音圧が 内蔵ハードディスクに与える影響について
R-4/R-4 Pro の内蔵 ハードディスクは精密機器のため、高密度メディアの正確な位置へ書き込む必要が あります。R-4/R-4 Pro をご使用になる際 には、ハードディスクの正確な動作を阻害する要因(周囲の 振動・音圧など)をできるだけ避けるため、以下の点にご注意ください。
設置場所が振動する可能性のある場合は毛布や防振材などを R-4/R-4 Pro の下に敷き、振動が伝わら ないようにしてください。 音の大きいライブ会場内やアンプスピーカーの近くなど、R-4/R-4 Pro 周囲の音圧が極端に大きくな
(*1)110dB 以上、音の大きさは身近な例では、鉄道のガード下程度、車のクラクション (2m) です。
R-4 R-4 Pro
この状態が一定時間持続するとディスプレイにHDD Slowのメッセージが表示され、その時点で録音 データが失われてしまいます。上記のような現象が見られたときは、直ちに R-4/R-4 Pro を振動・音圧 のない場所に移動するか、上記のような振動・音圧対策を施してください。
2006 ローランド株式会社 本書の一部、もしくは全部を無断で複写・転載することを禁じます。
R-4 /R-4 Pro
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40678234 1PD
The effect of environmental vibration and sound pressure on the internal hard disk when the R-4/R-4 Pro is operating
The R-4/R-4 Pro’s internal hard disk is a precision device, and needs to write data to precise locations on
its high-density media.
When using the R-4/R-4 Pro, please observe the following points in order to avoid factors (environmental
vibration and sound pressure) that may hinder correct operation of the hard disk.
• Do not place the unit in unstable locations or where it will be subject to vibration. If the location may
be subject to vibration, place the unit on material that provides insulation against vibration, such as a
folded blanket, so vibration is not transmitted to the unit.
• If sound pressure around the R-4/R-4 Pro is extremely high, as when it is used in a high-volume live
concert or near an amplified speaker
of the R-4/R-4 Pro that is toward the source of the sound pressure in order to minimize the vibration
caused by the sound pressure.
When doing so, leave part of the R-4/R-4 Pro uncovered, and ensure that there is a path for air to carry
away the heat so that the temperature around the unit does not exceed 40 degrees C.
If you cover the unit entirely, heat will be trapped in it, possibly causing a malfunction due to
(*1) 110 dB or louder; such as under a railway crossing, or an automobile horn (two meters away).
Detecting the effects of vibration or sound pressure
Symptoms like the following will appear if the effects of vibration or sound pressure are interfering with
the internal hard disk’s reading or witing.
, place a folded blanket or other thick, soft material on the side
Time counter
Level meters
R-4 / R-4 Pro
• The movement of the time counter or level meter will become much slower than normal.
• (During recording) The time counter value will gradually drift away from the total time value.
R-4 R-4 Pro
Time counter
Total recording time
Level meters
If such symptoms continue for a while, the “HDD Slow” message will appear and the recorded data will
be lost at that point. If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately move the R-4/R-4 Pro to
a location free of vibration and sound pressure, or take the measures described above for mitigating the
vibration and sound pressure.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
Total recording time