Roland AN User Manual

Hard Disk Recorder
© 1998 Roland Corporation
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Just as word processors have revolutionized the writing process, digital hard disk recorders (HDRs) are giving musicians unprecedented creative freedom in the production of their music.
Imagine being able to...
...record as many tracks of a guitar solo as you
want without having to erase one take.
...listen to your song in many different
arrangements and choose the one that you or your producer likes best.
...boldly experiment, knowing that your original
recordings are safe and mistakes can be ‘undone’.
...record, mix and add effects all in one digital unit.
This creative flexibility is what
Hard Disk Recording is all about.
This guide discusses the issues and power of Hard Disk Recording and will help you to:
• Understand the basics of digital recording,
• Learn about different kinds of digital recorders,
• Understand how hard disk recording is different from other types of digital recorders, and
• Understand the basics of how recording works on HDRs and where your music “goes.”
You will see the incredible benefits of such features as: random access; virtual tracks; and pointer based, non destructive editing.
You will also learn about integrating HDRs with effect processors and MIDI devices, and how easy it is to understand and use HDR systems. This second edition has even added the latest concepts and terms to keep you up to date.
Most importantly, this guide will be your doorway to HDRs, showing you how much control they can give you, empowering you to expand your creativity and make your music sound its best.
An Introduction to Hard Disk Recording
Every recording process converts audio to something.
Analog tape Recording on analog tape converts audio to constantly changing magnetic fluctuations.
Although this process has been in use for many years, it has some inherent problems:
• Hiss on original tape and more in each copy
• Wow and flutter of tape media
• Degradation of tape over time
• Maintenance: regular cleaning and adjustment
• Linear access: to get from Introduction to the Ending, you must go through all of your verses and choruses
Digital Recording Just like music on an audio CD, digital recording changes sound to numbers.
This process has some distinct advantages over analog recording:
• No hiss, no wow, no flutter: virtually no noise at all
• Copying with no degradation: you’re only copying numbers
• Lots of processing options (reverb, delay, etc.) with no loss of sound quality
• Some have random access locating: to get from the Introduction to the Ending, just jump there instantly!
What IS Digital Recording?
HDR’s have extremely high quality audio
There are several forms of digital recording:
• Digital Tape Recorders (such as Alesis ADAT®& Tascam DA-88®)
• MiniDisk Recorders
• Hard Disk Recorders
Digital Tape Recorders
Record digitally onto tape. Advantages:
• Cheap media
• Linear access: to get from Introduction to the Ending, you must go through all of your verses and choruses
• Destructive recording: lose the originals when you record over a track
• Impossible to copy from one section to another using one unit
• Limited editing without multiple units
• No virtual tracks
• Require you to buy external mixer and effects processors
Basically, they are very high quality “typewriters” (more on this later).
MiniDisk Based Systems Record onto a data-type MiniDisk. Advantages:
• Low cost
• Most are limited to 4 tracks
• Destructive recording without multiple levels of undo
• Use analog mixers so there is degradation when bouncing tracks
• No on board digital FX
• Track level copying or editing is either impossible or takes additional time or disk space. See page 10 - 12 for more details.
• Can’t lock multiple units to increase the number of tracks
Different Forms of Digital Recording
Hard Disk Recorders (HDRs) Record digitally onto a Hard Disk. Recording to hard disk has many advantages over the other types of digital recorders. For the remainder of this booklet we will focus on HDRs. These recorders really open the doors to your creativity.
Types of HDRs There are two basic types of Hard Disk Recorders: Computer Based Recorders, and Dedicated (Stand-alone) Hard Disk Recorders.
Computer Based Recorders Advantages:
• Graphics
• Expensive
• Require advanced computer knowledge
• Usually require a powerful computer, cards, cables, and external hardware
• Often less stable than dedicated units
• Not portable
Dedicated Hard Disk Recorders Stand alone systems designed specifically for audio recording and editing. Dedicated HDRs range from units that are basically recorders alone, to workstations (all-in-one boxes with mixers with faders and knobs and digital effects).
• Great dollar value
• Familiar layout and controls
• Easy to learn and use
• Extremely stable
• Portable
• Exceptional sound quality
• Multiple units can be easily sync’d to increase the number of tracks
Types of Hard Disk Recorders
8 Audio Tracks
16 Mixed Audio Tracks
Let’s answer this question with an analogy:
What’s the big difference between a typewriter and a word processor?
When you write something on a piece of paper with a typewriter, it’s there to stay. If you want to change the order of the words, add a paragraph in the middle of the page, or correct a mistake, you are out of luck. You have to start all over again. This is similar to analog or digital tape.
Word processors give you the creative freedom to move paragraphs, copy sections, insert new material, easily fix mistakes, or save several versions of a document.
That’s one of the biggest differences between hard disk recorders and linear recording, either digital or analog tape.
HDRs enhance your creativity. They allow you to re-organize your material, fix mistakes and try different ideas to see how they might sound.
Read on to find out about some of the great features HDRs give you, including:
• Random Access
• Virtual Tracks
• Non destructive, pointer based editing
• Digital mixing
• Digital effects
• SMPTE, MIDI, and extensive syncing options
What’s the Big Deal About Hard Disk Recording?
HDRs allow you to try many ideas with your music.
Dedicated HDRs with digital mixers are easier to use than any type of tape recorder and mixer combination.
Just plug in and start recording, just as you would on an old fashioned tape recorder.
You record right onto tracks just like a tape recorder. When you are finished recording, you can listen to what you recorded and record more material on other tracks.
This process is quite simple because the HDR takes care of all of the work without you having to worry about it!
How Do I Record Music With an HDR?
Recording music with HDRs is very easy
Recording is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Recording to an HDR is similar to any tape recorder!
It is also easy to integrate HDRs with:
• Drum Machines (using MIDI)
• Keyboard sequencers
• Computer sequencers
• Video
• other forms of recorders, such as Digital Tape recorders
How Do I Record Music With an HDR?
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