BM60052FV-C Evaluation Board
(For 300 A/1200 V Full-SiC Power Module
1-1. Overview
BM60052FV-EVK-001 (BM60052FV-C Evaluation Board) is an evaluation board whose shape allows direct mounting onto
the ROHM’s 2ch 300 A/1200 V class full-SiC power module, BSM300D12P2E001.
This is a single unit, comprising the SiC-MOSFET gate drive circuit along with the gate driver IC, the BM60052FV-C
integrating insulation element, and an insulated DC-DC converter, supplying gate voltage.
The constant is set to the value suitable for driving BSM300D12P2E001.
Integrated functions include SiC-MOSFET’s DESAT detection function, soft turn-off function at DESAT detection, DESAT
detection FLT signal output function, gate bias voltage reduction detection/gate state monitoring RDY signal output function,
and mirror clamp function.
This evaluation board is intended to be used with BM60052FV-C to drive the full-SiC power module for evaluation. However,
it is not designed for mass-production use.
1-2. Schematic of the board
Reference: [Full-SiC Power Module BSM300D12P2E001]: To be purchased separately
© 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2016.3.4 Rev.002
2-1. Performance specifications (Ta=25°C. These are typical values and do not guarantee the characteristics of the
evaluation board.)
Power voltage
Power current
Number of drive circuits 2
Range of input signal frequency DC ~ 100 kHz
Minimum input ON pulse width 1.0 µs * 6
Minimum input OFF pulse width 1.0 µs
Input signal 5V 0-P
Maximum gate drive charge 1500 nC * 1, * 2
Output forward bias voltage (+Vg) +17 V ~ +19 V * 1
Output reverse bias voltage (-Vg) -3 V ~ -5 V * 1
Gate forward direction bias current (+Ig) +7.5 A max (Prw 0.5 µs) * 1, * 2
Characteristic item Standard/Rating Remarks
12 VDC ~ 28 VDC (15 V typ., 24 V typ.) between Pin1
and Pin2
0.8 A (power voltage 15 VDC)
0.5 A (power voltage 24 VDC)
* 1
Gate drawing current (-Ig) -8.5 A max (Pfw 0.5 µs) * 1, * 2
Rise response delay time (+Tstg) 100 ns typ. * 1, * 3
Fall response delay time (-Tstg) 100 ns typ. * 1, * 4
Rise time (Tr) 100 ns typ. * 1, * 5
Fall time (Tf) 100 ns typ. * 1, * 5
Withstand voltage For one minute at AC 2500 V (between input and output)
Repeatedly peak voltage
1200V voltage betweenTH7 and TH8, voltage between
TH8 and TH8
Insulation resistance 100 m or more at DC 500 V (between input and output)
DESAT detection voltage 4.0 V (min)
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +70ºC
Storage temperature range -40 ~ +80ºC
Operating humidity range 30% to 90% RH (No dew-condensation)
* 1 Vin: 15 V, 24 V; Load: Dummy load equivalent to BSM300D12P2E001, i.e., 1.6 + 0.083 µf; f: 100 kHz and Duty
cycle: 50%
* 2 A gate resistance (RG) of 0.2 is inserted in the circuit for SiC-MOSFET gate driver as shown in the following
© 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gate driver
ゲートドラ イ バー
RG= 0.2 Ω
RG= 0.2 Ω
2016.3.4 Rev.002
* 3 +Tstg: The time from the rise of input signals until reaching 10% of the output gate signal peak value.
* 4 -Tstg: The time from the fall of input signals until reaching 90% of the output gate signal peak value.
* 5 Tr, Tf: The time taken for the transition between 10% and 90% of the output gate signal peak value.
* 6 About 1 µs is defined for DESAT detection suppression after the gate rise.
2-2. Definition of output parameters
(1) At steady output (2) At DESAT detection
Input signal
Output signal
Gate current
Input signal
Output si
Short-circuit detection
suppression time
1 s typ
Soft turn-off
© 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2016.3.4 Rev.002
3. Operating procedures
(1) Place BM60052FV-EVK-001 on the full-SiC power module and make sure that the seven pins are correctly located.
(See the red solid lines in the following figure)
(2) Fix BM60052FV-EVK-001 using self-tap screws. (See the blue dotted lines in the following figure)
(3) Solder the seven pins for electrical connection.
© 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2016.3.4 Rev.002