The BD2802GU is a RGB LED driver specifically engineered for decoration purposes.This RGB driver incorporates lighting
patterns and illuminates without imposing any load on CPU.This RGB driver is best-suited for illumination using RGB LEDs
and decoration using monochrome LEDs.In addition, this RGB driver has been successfully miniaturized through the use of
a VCSP85H2 (2.8 mm 0.5 mm pitch) chip size package.
1) RGB LED driver (dual drivers)
- A slope control function is incorporated (allowing dual drivers to be controlled independently).
- Slope control can be implemented using the DC current.
- Two modes “continuous illumination mode” and “illumination single cycle mode” are supported.
- Multiple drivers can be used concurrently by using the I
2) Thermal shutdown
3) I2C BUS fast mode support (maximum rate: 400 kHz)
- A device address can be changed via an external pin.
* This driver has not been designed for anti-radiation.
* This document may be altered without prior notice.
* This document does not provide for delivery.
●Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃)
C address change function and supporting reference clock I/O.
Parameter SymbolLimits Unit
Maximum Applied voltage VMAX 7 V
Power Dissipation Pd 1250
Operating Temperature Range Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 ~ +150 ℃
(Note1)Power dissipation deleting is 10.0mW/ oC, when it’s used in over 25 oC.
(It’s deleting is on the board that is ROHM’s standard)
The writing operation is based on the I2C slave standard.
・Slave address
A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 R/W
ADDSEL=L 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
ADDSEL=H 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
Slave address can be changed with the external terminal ADDSEL.
・Bit Transfer
SCL transfers 1-bit data during H. SCL cannot change signal of SDA during H at the time of bit transfer. If SDA changes
while SCL is H, START conditions or STOP conditions will occur and it will be interpreted as a control signal.
SDA a state of stability
Data are effective
It can change
・START and STOP condition
When SDA and SCL are H, data is not transferred on the I
C- bus. This condition indicates, if SDA changes from H to L
while SCL has been H, it will become START (S) conditions, and an access start, if SDA changes from L to H while SCL
has been H, it will become STOP (P) conditions and an access end.
START condition
STOP condition
It transfers data 8 bits each after the occurrence of START condition. A transmitter opens SDA after transfer 8bits data, and
a receiver returns the acknowledge signal by setting SDA to L.
A register address is transferred by the next 1 byte that transferred the slave address and the write-in command. The 3rd
byte writes data in the internal register written in by the 2nd byte, and after 4th byte or, the increment of register address is
carried out automatically. However, when a register address turns into the last address, it is set to 00h by the next
transmission. After the transmission end, the increment of the address is carried out.