Audio ICs
LED level meter driver, 12–point,
VU scale, dot or bar display
The BA682A is a monolithic IC for LED level meter applications.
The display level range is 13mV
The constant current outputs can be set using external components allowing use of different color LEDs in various combinations.
Level meters for all types of audio equipment applications
1) 12-point VU display meter driver for bar/dot displays.
2) Fixed-current outputs that can directly drive LEDs.
3) Output current can be set using external resistors allowing different types of LEDs to be used in combination.
rms to 327mVrms (Typ.), the 0dB level is 130mV rms (Typ.) and the VU display is -20dB to
4) Built-in half-wave rectifier amplifier.
5) LED on and off timing can be set using an external
capacitor and resistor.
6) With bar-type display , by connecting four LEDs in series, power dissipation is reduced.
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C)
Audio ICs BA682A
Block diagram
Electrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C and V
CC = 12V)