Rohde & Schwarz UPV-K7 User Manual

PAD-T-M: 3574.3259.02/01.00/CI/1/EN
R&S®UPV-K7 Software for Hearing Aids Tests
Operating Manual
Operating Manual
1401.9353.12 – 04
© 2019 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Muehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0
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Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
1401.9353.12 | Version 04 | R&S®UPV-K7
Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol , e.g. R&S®UPV-K7 is indicated as
R&S UPV-K7, or R&S®UPV is indicated as R&S UPV, etc.
R&S UPV-K7 Contents
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 3


1 Overview .............................................................................................. 6
2 Preparation and Start of the Application Software .......................... 7
2.1 Required Measuring Instruments and Accessories ................................................. 7
2.2 Installing the Software ................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Starting the Application Software ............................................................................10
3 Operating Concept............................................................................ 14
3.1 Options (General settings) ........................................................................................14
4 Calibration ......................................................................................... 19
4.1 Calibration Devices....................................................................................................19
4.2 Microphone Calibration .............................................................................................21
4.3 Calibration of Ear Simulator IEC 711 .......................................................................22
4.4 Entering correction values for Pistonphones .........................................................23
4.5 Calibration of Sound Source ....................................................................................23
4.6 Calibration of the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS) ...................................24
4.7 Calibration Value for Induction Coil.........................................................................25
5 Data Entry for Reporting .................................................................. 26
5.1 Operator ......................................................................................................................26
5.2 Test Object .................................................................................................................26
6 Measurements ................................................................................... 27
6.1 Functionality and Control of the Measurement Macros ........................................27
6.1.1 Zooming .......................................................................................................................28
6.1.2 Changing the Scale of the Graph ................................................................................28
6.1.3 Cursor ..........................................................................................................................28
6.1.4 Data Point Size ............................................................................................................29
6.1.5 Performing Additional Measurements..........................................................................29
6.1.6 Storing and Loading Curves ........................................................................................29
6.1.7 Storing Curves as Limit Curves ...................................................................................29
6.1.8 Entering a Comment ....................................................................................................29
6.1.9 Creating a Report.........................................................................................................30
6.1.10 Generating a Landscape Report ..................................................................................30
6.1.11 Closing the Measurement Window ..............................................................................30
R&S UPV-K7 Contents
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 4
6.2 Customizing Measurements .....................................................................................31
6.3 Notes on Individual Measurements .........................................................................33
6.3.1 Frequency Response Measurement............................................................................33
6.3.2 Multi-Curve Measurement ...........................................................................................37
6.3.3 Saturation Sound Pressure Level Measurement .........................................................40
6.3.4 Harmonic Distortion Measurement ..............................................................................41
6.3.5 Intermodulation Distortion Measurement .....................................................................44
6.3.6 Measurement of Dynamic Behaviour (AGC Settling) ..................................................47
6.3.7 Measurement of Input-Output Characteristics .............................................................49
6.3.8 Measurement of Equivalent Input Noise ......................................................................51
6.3.9 Battery Current Measurement .....................................................................................54
6.3.10 Speech Test according to IEC 60118-15 .....................................................................56
6.3.11 Routine for Reference Test Gain Setting .....................................................................62
6.3.12 Routine for Alignment of the Hearing Aid in the Magnetic Field ..................................64
6.3.13 Electric Input Sensitivity Measurement ........................................................................65
6.3.14 Create Report ..............................................................................................................67
6.3.15 Set Switcher .................................................................................................................68
6.3.16 Start Executable ...........................................................................................................69
7 Automatic Test Sequences .............................................................. 71
7.1 Creating and Editing a Sequence .............................................................................71
7.2 Opening an Existing Sequence ................................................................................72
7.3 Using a Sample Sequence ........................................................................................72
7.4 Running a Sequence .................................................................................................72
7.5 Running a Single Measurement within a Sequence...............................................73
7.6 Reporting on Sequence Results ..............................................................................73
8 Reporting, Storing, Loading and Deleting Results ........................ 74
8.1 Result Files .................................................................................................................74
8.2 Report Settings ..........................................................................................................74
8.3 Generating a Single Report ......................................................................................75
8.4 Generating a Sequence Report ................................................................................75
8.5 Configuring the Landscape Report..........................................................................76
8.6 Generating a Landscape Report ..............................................................................77
8.7 Selection Report ........................................................................................................77
8.8 Configuring the One-Page Report ............................................................................78
8.9 Generating a One-Page Report ................................................................................79
8.10 Preview Window.........................................................................................................81
8.11 Storing and Loading Curves .....................................................................................82
R&S UPV-K7 Contents
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8.12 Deleting Results .........................................................................................................83
8.13 Automatic Backup and Restoration of the Results File.........................................83
9 Remote Control ................................................................................. 85
9.1 Preparations ...............................................................................................................85
9.2 String Buffers and Data Buffers ...............................................................................85
9.3 Sending a Remote Control Command .....................................................................87
9.4 Remote Controlled Settings .....................................................................................88
9.4.1 Selecting a device under test .......................................................................................88
9.4.2 Setting the supply voltage ............................................................................................89
9.4.3 Setting the environmental values for the reports .........................................................89
9.4.4 Measuring the supply current ......................................................................................89
9.4.5 Generating a report and storing it to a file ...................................................................90
9.5 Starting a Measurement ............................................................................................90
9.6 Continue and Done ....................................................................................................90
9.7 Reading the Results ..................................................................................................90
9.8 Status of the remotely started measurement function ..........................................91
10 Terminating the Application ............................................................ 92
11 Index .................................................................................................. 93
R&S UPV-K7 Overview
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 6
1 Overview
Tests of basic properties of hearing aids are specified in standards IEC 60118 and ANSI S3.22. They comprise measurement of output sound pressure level, frequency responses, output SPL over input SPL, harmonic distortion, battery current drain and AGC settling.
Audio Analyzer R&S UPV with option R&S UPV-K7 provides a test system which, together with the necessary acoustic accessories, allows measurements according to IEC60118-0:1983, IEC60118-0:2015, IEC60118-1:1995, IEC60118-2:1983, IEC60118­6:1999, IEC60118-7:2005, IEC60118-9:1985 and ANSI S3.22-2003.
In addition to standard measurements it is possible to create own tests by customizing the available parameters.
With additional option R&S UPV-K71, tests according to IEC60118-15 using speech signal can be performed.
Automatic test sequences can be compiled from the available tests, and results are compiled for subsequent creation of test reports.
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Required Measuring Instruments and Accessories
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 7
Type (examples)
Hearing aid test box
Anechoic box with built-in sound source and induction loop, feed-throughs for the most important connection lines
R&S UPL-B7 or Interacoustics TBS25 or B&K 4232
Measurement microphone
¼” measurement microphone for measurement of artificial mouth output during calibration, to be inserted into IEC 126 2cc coupler, and for comparison measurement
B&K 4938 with B&K 2670 or G.R.A.S. 40BP with G.R.A.S. 26AC
Low-noise measurement microphone
½” measurement microphone with high sensitivity and low self-noise for speech tests according to IEC 60118-15.
G.R.A.S. 40AP with G.R.A.S. 26AC and right-angled adapter RA0001
IEC 126 coupler
Acoustic coupler according to IEC 126
Part of R&S UPL-B7 (with internal microphone or with ¼” microphone with preamplifier)
IEC 126 coupler for ½“ microphone
Acoustic coupler according to IEC 126, for use with ½” microphone
G.R.A.S. RA0038
IEC 711 ear simulator (optional)
IEC 711 type occluded ear simulator with adapters for calibration and connection to the output of the DUT, with 1/2” - preamplifier
B&K 4157 & 2669 or G.R.A.S. RA0045
Acoustic calibrator
Sound level calibrator or pistonphone for calibrating the measuring microphones
B&K 4231 or G.R.A.S. 42AB Microphone power supply
Power supply and preamplifier for the measuring microphone
B&K 2829, 5935L or 2690A0S2 or G.R.A.S. 12AD or 12AA
2 Preparation and Start of the Application
2.1 Required Measuring Instruments and Accessories
The Audio Analyzer R&S UPV with option R&S UPV-K7 is required for the measurements.
Acoustic devices such as measurement couplers, a calibrator and other accessories are required for the measurements. The following equipment from Brüel & Kjær or G.R.A.S. may be used:
Table 2-1: Acoustic accessories for hearing aid tests
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Required Measuring Instruments and Accessories
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 8
With the amplifier set to 0 dB, the microphone power supply B&K 2690A0S2 produces too much noise for measuring idle noise and distortion. It is therefore advisable to set a gain of 20 dB.
Theoretically the reference microphone for sound source calibration and comparison measurement should be a free field type and the IEC 126 coupler should be used with a pressure field type. However with a ¼” microphone the frequency response difference is negligible up to at least 10 kHz.
When using a ½” pressure microphone as reference microphone, a good approximation of a flat free field response is achieved if the microphone is place such that the sound incidence is from 90 degrees relative to the microphone axis.
An external USB keyboard and a mouse must be connected to the R&S UPV.
R&S UPV-K7 does not support the use of headphones.
Do not connect headphones to the R&S UPV during hearing aid tests. High level signals may be present at the headphone connector.
The audio analyzer must meet the following firmware requirements:
R&S UPV firmware version 4.0.4 or higher
License key R&S UPV-K7 installed
For tests with speech-like signals according to IEC 60118-15, license key R&S UPV-K71 must be installed in addition.
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 9
2.2 Installing the Software
Acoustical Test Box
1 2 1 2
110 V RMS /160 V PK CAT I
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
. -
F 5 F 6
F 7 F 8 F 9 F 10 F 11 F 12
ghi jkl m no
# A a
pqrs tuv wxyz
abc d ef
Power Supply
Loudspeaker Cable
Battery Adaptor Cable
Coupler Cable
Telecoil Cable
Audio Analyzer
The application program requires key K7 to be installed. The application program and the key are installed in the factory in case a new R&S UPV is ordered together with this option. If the option is ordered separately, the key as well as the installation manual is part of the delivery.
For instructions on installation of the software and update of previous versions please see the release notes.
2.3 Test Setup
Installing the Software
Figure 2-1 Test setup and connection of external components
The following cables are required to connect speaker, induction loop and battery voltage supply of the test box delivered with R&S UPL-B7 to the R&S UPV. The microphone signal from the microphone power supply may be connected to the analyzer input with a BNC cable and an R&S UP-Z1MF adapter. If a custom made BNC to XLR cable is used, it should be made following the schematics of the R&S UP­Z1MF adapter (see R&S UPV Manual, chapter “Configuring the Analog Analyzer”).
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Starting the Application Software
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 10
XLR female
3 2 1
open ends
Loudspeaker Cable
XLR female
3 2 1
6.3 mm mono jack male
Telecoil Cable
2 1
XLR male
D: 4 diodes: 1N4007 or similar (1A forward current) R1: resistor 2 Ohm, 1% R2: 2 resistors 1 Ohm, 1%
3.5 mm stereo jack male
BNC male
Battery Cable
6.3 mm stereo jack female BNC male
Figure 2-2 Connection cables for R&S UPL-B7 (Interacoustics TBS 25) test box
The cables shown in Figure 2-2 can be ordered as Accessory R&S UPV-Z7.
The cables of R&S UPL-B7 can be re-used for R&S UPV-K7. As the supply voltage is now provided by the “ANLG AUX OUT” on the rear panel of the R&S UPV, the following adapter is required in addition.
Figure 2-3 Adapter cable to connect the R&S UPL-B7 battery supply cable to the “ANLG AUX OUT” of the R&S UPV
2.4 Starting the Application Software
After installation, the program can be started by double-clicking the Icon “UPV-K7 Hearing Aid Tests” or by clicking “R&S UPV Applications UPV-K7 Hearing Aid Tests” in the “Programs” menu.
At the fist start of the program, selection windows appear for the standard according to which the measurements should be made, and for the measurement coupler used.
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Starting the Application Software
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 11
The entered selections are stored with the settings and automatically loaded at the next start of the program.
At each start of the program, the ambient conditions temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure are queried for protocol purpose. The entered values are not stored in the settings, because the ambient conditions are supposed to change with time. The query can be deselected and values can be changed any time in the “Options” menu.
Figure 2-4 Query window for selection of applied standard
If “none” is selected in the standard selection window, all measurements appear in the “Measurement” menu. If a standard is selected, all measurements appear in the “Measurement” menu, but compliant measurements are checked in the menu. If “Allow only standard measurements” is checked, non-compliant measurements are suppressed in the Measurement menu.
Figure 2-5 Query window for selection of ear simulator
When the checkbox “Do not show this dialog again” is checked, the corresponding selection window will not appear at the program start in future. However, the selection is still available in the “Options” menu (see below).
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Starting the Application Software
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 12
The next window to open is the input window for the ambient conditions temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure.
Figure 2-6 Query window for input of ambient conditions
The units can be switched between °C and °F and between kPa and mmHg, respectively. After the last of the three selection windows has been closed, the main window of the R&S UPV-K7 opens.
Figure 2-7 Main window after first start of the program
R&S UPV-K7 Preparation and Start of the Application Software
Starting the Application Software
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 13
Initially, the data grid in the center of the screen which shows the result overview is empty. The screenshot below shows an example after a number of measurements have been made.
Figure 2-8 Main window with results
R&S UPV-K7 Operating Concept
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 14
3 Operating Concept
3.1 Options (General settings)
Options (General settings)
Figure 3-1 Options menu
The “Options” menu in the main window allows to change a set of general settings like ear simulator, test method and battery voltage, which are valid for all or at least a plurality of the tests.
“Continuous current measurement” allows to measure the supply current at analyzer input 2. This option can only be selected with the substitution method. The value of the shunt resistor for the current measurement can be entered in the calibration menu. By default it is set to 2 Ω.
“Measurement frequency range” allows to enter the frequency range in which the sound source is calibrated. In general this will be 100 Hz to 10 kHz which is the default. “Number of points” specifies the number of (logarithmically spaced) frequencies measured for the sound source equalization.
“High pass (rumble) filter” allows to set a high pass filter which is active in most measurements except distortion measurements, battery current measurements and noise measurements. The edge frequency of the high pass filter can be set, and the filter can be activated and deactivated. The high pass filter is not applied to battery current measurements.
R&S UPV-K7 Operating Concept
Options (General settings)
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 15
Filters slow down the measurement. Therefore they should only be used if necessary. In particular a combination of selective measurement with high pass and / or low pass filter is not recommended.
If “File defined” is deactivated, the edge frequency can be set in the “Limit frequency” field. The R&S UPV firmware then calculates the filter coefficients and the delay to account for the filter settling. If “File defined” is activated, a file with filter coefficients can be loaded using the “Browse” button. A measurement delay for the filter settling time can be set manually if the “Def. delay” checkbox is activated.
Figure 3-2 Input window for filter settings
“Low pass (hiss noise) filter” allows to set a low pass filter which is active in most
measurements except battery current measurements and noise measurements. The edge frequency of the high pass filter can be set, and the filter can be activated and deactivated. The low pass filter is not applied to battery current and distortion measurements.
The settings in the “Lowpass Filter” window are according to those for the highpass filter.
With noise measurements, the filters from the “Options” menu are only applied to the gain measurement. The noise measurement has own parameters for the band limits of the noise level measurement.
“Adaptive measurement (function settling)” causes gain and level measurements to be repeated until the result has settled within a specified tolerance. This is helpful to assure that an AGC which is present in the signal path has adapted to the applied input signal of the hearing aid.
Figure 3-3 Input window for adaptive measurement
R&S UPV-K7 Operating Concept
Options (General settings)
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 16
The resolution value must be set high enough to take idle channel noise into account. If it is set too low, especially measurements with high gain at low input levels may be aborted due to invalid result values.
If the use of filters leads to slow measurements, the timeout value may have to be increased.
With the “Flat” type, measurements are repeated until the last “Samples” number of results are within the given “Tolerance” or the difference between two subsequent measurement results is below the “Resolution” value. The “Resolution” can be used to take into account the idle channel noise of hearing aid and measurement equipment.
With the “exponential” type of settling, differences between the earlier results may be higher than specified, but the results must converge exponentially into the specified values.
If the settling time of the hearing aid is known, measurement may be faster with settling turned off. In this case the known settling time has to be entered as pre-delay in the measurement parameters of each measurement.
Function settling is generally not applied to battery current measurements. For harmonic distortion measurements the resolution is set fix to 0.01 % THD.
“Standard” allows to select one of the available standards. Measurements belonging to this standard will be checked in the measurement menu. If “Allow only standard measurements” is checked, it is not possible to start single measurements which do not belong to the standard.
If “Select standard at startup” is checked, the selection window for the standard is opened at each start of the program.
“Ear simulator” allows to select the type of ear simulator used. For details on the handling of calibration data see section 4 Calibration below.
If “Select ear simulator at startup” is checked, the selection window for the ear simulator is opened at each start of the program.
“Ambient conditions” allows to change the temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure values for the protocol.
“Query ambient conditions at startup” causes the input window for the ambient condition to be opened at each start of the program.
R&S UPV-K7 Operating Concept
Options (General settings)
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 17
“Test method” allows to select the method for setting the input sound pressure.
Figure 3-4: Window for selection of the test method
With “Substitution”, the nominally set SPL at the input of the hearing aid is assumed to be correct, due to the calibration of the sound source. With “Comparison”, the input SPL is measured simultaneously with the output SPL by the reference microphone in a two channel measurement, and results transfer measurements are corrected for the deviation of the input SPL from the nominal value. “Comparison” cannot be selected when the coupler microphone is used as reference microphone (see below). When the continuous current measurement is active, an input switcher is required for the “Comparison” method.
From IEC 60118-0:2015 it is required to adjust the input sound pressure level with the hearing aid under test present. For sweep measurements the input sound pressure level is measured with an extra sweep using the equalization and calibration value obtained with the last source calibration. The deviation is subtracted as correction from the existing values. There are options to do this for each input sound pressure level value required in the measurement (“Subst. each”) or to do it once with a specified default sound pressure level (“Subst. once”). As the measurement results from low input levels can be noisy, especially when a ¼” measurement microphone is used, it is possible to specify a minimum SPL. For all lower input levels, the sound pressure will be adjusted with the minimum level instead. The values obtained can be re-used as long as the same hearing aid is tested (i.e. the device under test is not changed in the “Data” menu), or updated for each measurement. Single values are fine-adjusted in this test mode with each measurement.
“Microphone Location MLE (IEC 60118-15)” allows to specify the location of the hearing aid. The respective frequency correction (“location effect”) according IEC 60118-8 is taken into account for speech tests according to IEC 60118-15.
None: No location effect is taken into account
BTE: Location effect for hearing aids worn behind the ear
ITE: Location effect for hearing aids worn inside the concha
ITC: Location effect for hearing aids inserted into the ear canal
CIC: Location effect for hearing aids which are worn completely inside the ear canal.
R&S UPV-K7 Operating Concept
Options (General settings)
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 18
“Use coupler mic as reference mic” allows to use the microphone of the IEC 126 coupler for sound source calibration. In this case the program applies the calibration value of the coupler microphone for the sound source calibration, and the reference microphone has to be connected to analyzer input 1 instead of analyzer input 2.
If “Show operator instructions” is checked, instructions to the operator are displayed in a message box before the measurement starts. The operator may be prompted to position the hearing aid in a defined way or to set the volume to a certain setting.
In Menu item “Delay before closing a measurement in a sequence” a time period can be defined for which the result of a completed measurement is shown during execution of a sequence, before the measurement window is closed and the next measurement in the sequence is started.
“Store results of further measurements” allows to include results obtained with the “Add measurement” softkey to the result database. All curves obtained this way will be reported in the same graph. This allows e.g. to measure responses depending on settings of the hearing aid, and to report them in a field of curves.
“Store Loaded Curve Data to results” includes curve data which is loaded with the button “Load Curve” to the result database such that the loaded curves will appear in the diagram of the respective report.
If “Generate temporary image files” is activated, each measurement stores a screenshot of the result graph in an image file called “”. The file can be queried by a remote control host after a remotely started testcase has finished. It is overwritten when the next measurement finishes successfully.
Battery voltage” allows to specify the supply voltage for the hearing aid. If a supply voltage is specified in the parameters of a measurement, the general setting is overridden. This allows to measure response curves for different supply voltages within one sequence.
“Report settings” allows to define the type of information which should appear in the reports. For details on reporting, see section 7 Automatic Test Sequences below.
“Input Switcher” enables the use of a UPZ12 switcher, e.g. to switch the second analyzer input automatically between the output of a reference microphone measuring the input sound pressure of a hearing aid, and a shunt resistor for continuous current measurement.
If “Enable Remote Control” is active, remote controlled start of testcases and configuration via SCPI commands is possible. For details see section 9.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 19
4 Calibration
4.1 Calibration Devices
R&S UPV-K7 allows to simultaneously store calibration values for multiple individuals of the same type. This allows to switch devices without the requirement for re­calibration. However, regular re-calibration is recommended in order to assure the correct function of the used devices.
Calibration Devices
Figure 4-1 Calibration menu
For every device to be calibrated, an entry must be created using “Calibration New device” in the main menu. This menu item opens an entry window to specify the calibrated device. A category of device must be chosen from the combo box on top. Type, manufacturer and serial number are entered into the text boxes below. The entries are confirmed by clicking on the “Save and close” button.
Figure 4-2 Input window for information about calibrated device
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Calibration Devices
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 20
Before a device can be calibrated or used, it must be selected with “Calibration Select device” in the main menu. Clicking on this item opens a window with a table of all entered devices.
Figure 4-3 Window for selection of calibrated devices
In the combo box lower left, a category of devices must be selected. Subsequently the table is reduced to available devices in this category. At first startup, there is only a “Default” device for each category, but when more devices have been created with the “New device” function, a choice will be available in this view. In this state a row in the table can be marked with a mouse click on its left end. A mouse click on the button “Select” selects this device for the associated usage.
Figure 4-4 Selection window for particular device type (here IEC 126 coupler)
Subsequently this procedure may be repeated for other categories. Finally all selections are confirmed by clicking the “Ok” button.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 21
All calibration data are stored on the R&S UPV hard disk and are therefore
After inserting the microphone, wait about 10 s to allow for static pressure equalization.
automatically available again after every restart. The calibration values for the R&S UPV-K7 option are stored independently of other options.
All calibration routines below require as pre-requisite that a device for the respective usage has been generated and selected.
To simplify the procedure for the case that it is not intended to use multiple devices of the same category nor to include information about the used devices into a report, there is a “Default” device selected for each device type or category after the first start of the program.
4.2 Microphone Calibration
Insert the measuring microphone fully into the adapter of the sound level
calibrator and switch on the calibrator.
Microphone Calibration
Call the test routine with “Calibration Microphone 2 cc Coupler”,
“Calibration Microphone Reference” or “Calibration Microphone
0.4 cc Coupler” from the main menu, depending on the microphone.
First the nominal SPL of the calibrator has to be entered:
Figure 4-5 Input window for calibration SPL
Checkbox “Apply Correction Values for Pistonphone” allows to specify volume correction and atmospheric correction values which are added to the nominal calibration value to calculate the effective pressure level at the microphone during calibration. If this checkbox is checked, the default for the nominal calibration value is 124 dBPL. If the calibration values are deactivated, the default is 93.98 dBSPL.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Calibration of Ear Simulator IEC 711
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 22
If selective calibration is activated in the calibration menu, the frequency of the calibration signal has to be entered:
Figure 4-6 Input window for calibration frequency
If correction values for pistonphone are used, the default for the calibration frequency is 250 Hz. Otherwise the default calibration frequency is 1000 Hz.
After these settings have been confirmed, instructions for connecting the microphone are displayed, unless an input switcher is used. The reference microphone must be connected to analyzer input 2, coupler microphones must be connected to analyzer input 1.
Figure 4-7 Connection instructions of microphone calibration
Subsequently, the output voltage of the microphone is measured and the sensitivity displayed with reference to 1 Pa. If a mere power supply without gain is used, the displayed sensitivity must approximately match the value in the calibration certificate of the microphone capsule (typical value for microphone capsule 4134 of artificial ear 4185 is approx. 12 mV/Pa, display = 120 mV/Pa). If a conditioning amplifier with 20 dB gain (recommended value) is used, the displayed sensitivity must be about 10 times higher. If the voltage measured is below 3 mV or instable, an error message is displayed. Possible error sources are, for example, a switched-off microphone power supply or a disabled calibrator. In this case, the program requests that the calibration is repeated. After switching on the microphone power supply, wait approx. 20 s before starting the calibration again.
4.3 Calibration of Ear Simulator IEC 711
For calibration of the IEC 711 ear simulator, an adapter part must be screwed onto the simulator which allows it to be inserted into the calibrator like a ½” microphone. The calibration routine is started with “Calibration Ear Simulator IEC 711” and follows the course described above.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Entering correction values for Pistonphones
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 23
4.4 Entering correction values for Pistonphones
With the menu Item “Pistonphone” in the “Calibration” menu, volume and atmospheric correction values can be viewed and edited. In addition the default nominal level and calibration frequency for pistonphone use can be modified.
Volume correction values are specific to the different microphone or coupler types and can therefore be entered separately. The atmospheric correction value is common to all microphones and ear simulators.
Figure 4-8 Input window pistonphone correction values
4.5 Calibration of Sound Source
Before a hearing aid can be tested, the absolute sensitivity and frequency response of the sound source have to be measured and corrected with the aid of a previously calibrated reference microphone. If “Use coupler mic as reference mic” is activated in the “Options” menu, the microphone of the IEC 126 coupler can be used for this purpose. The frequency response of the microphone can be ignored in the test frequency range (100 Hz to 10 kHz) (see also calibration certificate of microphone capsule). If a separate reference microphone is used, this has to be calibrated beforehand with “Calibration Microphone Reference”.
After starting the sound source calibration with “Calibration Sound Source”, the calibration level can be defined. This allows to adapt the calibration to specific measurement levels. It is also possible to store calibrations for different levels using multiple calibration devices (see above).
The sound pressure generated at the point of the reference microphone is set to exactly the specified level in an automatic measurement routine at 1 kHz. The generator voltage required is stored in a file on the hard disk and used as a reference for all subsequent settings with the same sound source. If the sound pressure cannot be adjusted to the specified value, an error message is displayed with a request to check the connection to the sound source and to repeat the measurement.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Calibration of the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS)
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 24
The uncorrected frequency response of the sound source is measured and displayed. Next, the frequency response is measured with the inverse frequency response correction automatically selected in the generator (equalization). Residual errors caused by nonlinearities of the speaker are measured and taken into account in the final equalization file as fine correction.
To verify the results, the absolute sound pressure versus frequency is measured at the specified sound pressure level. Correct calibration without interfering sound yields an almost straight line.
4.6 Calibration of the International Speech Test Signal (ISTS)
This item is only available with option R&S UPV-K71 installed.
Figure 4-9 Submenu for ISTS calibration
The calibration function performs the following actions on the ISTS:
Pre-filtering the speech signal with the inverse frequency response of the sound source (valid sound source calibration is prerequisite)
Level alignment of the filtered signal
Analysis of the long-term average spectrum and percentile spectra at the reference point and limit check in comparison to the requirements in IEC 60118-
Analysis of the speech signal at the reference point as input signal to the hearing aid (according to IEC 60118-15). Raw results like 3rd octave spectra over time and selected intervals in each 3rd octave for given percentiles are stored in files for later use in the measurement function.
Pre-filtering of the equalized signal according to the different microphone location effects.
Standard speech levels are 65 dBSPL, 80 dBSPL and optionally 55 dBSPL. Additionally calibration can also be performed at other levels if required. Especially for low levels like 55 dBSPL, a low-noise microphone is required to get correct values for the 30% percentile.
R&S UPV-K7 Calibration
Calibration Value for Induction Coil
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 25
Before starting the ISTS calibration routine, either a coupler microphone or a reference microphone must be calibrated. If the coupler microphone is to be used for this calibration function, select “Options Use coupler mic as reference mic”. The coupler microphone must be connected to analyzer input 1. If a separate reference microphone is to be used, “Options Use coupler mic as reference mic” must be unchecked. The reference microphone must be connected to analyzer input 2.
Figure 4-10 ISTS calibration result
For each calibrated speech level, the window contains a tab with a result graph. Each result graph shows long-term average speech spectrum (LTASS) and percentile levels for this speech level, together with limits calculated from the nominal levels given in IEC 60118-15 for the ISTS at 65 dBSPL speech level ±3 dB.
The calibration is valid even if not all limits are passed. Particularly ad 55 dBSPL it might be difficult to pass the limits for the 30% percentile.
4.7 Calibration Value for Induction Coil
The sensitivity H/I for the induction coil used for hearing aid tests with inductive input can be entered under menu Item “Induction Coil” in the “Calibration” menu.
Refer to the data sheet of the test box for induction coil sensitivity and resistance.
R&S UPV-K7 Data Entry for Reporting
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 26
5 Data Entry for Reporting
5.1 Operator
Under “DataOperator” an operator’s name can be entered which is stored in association with all calibration and measurement results. If “Operator” is activated in the report settings, the name will appear in all reports about these measurements.
5.2 Test Object
Under “Data Test object New” a description of the device under test can be entered.
Figure 5-1 Window for input of information about a test object
With “Data Test object Select” one of the entered test objects can be selected. The data of this selected test object will be stored in association with all measurements and appear on the associated reports if “DUT information” is activated in the report settings.
R&S UPV-K7 Measurements
Functionality and Control of the Measurement Macros
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 27
6 Measurements
6.1 Functionality and Control of the Measurement Macros
Figure 6-1 Example of a measurement window
When a measurement macro is started, e.g. from the “Measurement” menu, the standardized measurement is immediately executed. With a single measurement, the window of the measurement macro stays open after the measurement is terminated. At that time, the following functionality is available:
Figure 6-2 Context menu of the graph window
R&S UPV-K7 Measurements
Functionality and Control of the Measurement Macros
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 28
6.1.1 Zooming
When the “Shift” key on the keyboard is pressed, the mouse cursor changes to the zoom cursor. When the left mouse button is pressed, a rectangle can be marked in the graph. As soon as the left mouse button is released, the graph is zoomed into the area of the marked rectangle
“Zoom Out” in the graph context menu reverses the last zooming step. “Unzoom” zooms completely out to the original scaling.
6.1.2 Changing the Scale of the Graph
“Change Scale” in the context menu opens a window in which the upper and lower bounds of both axes can be entered by numbers.
Figure 6-3 Window for changing the scale of the graph
6.1.3 Cursor
When the item “Show Cursor” is marked in the graph context menu, a cursor is displayed which can be dragged along the graph with the mouse. X and Y values of the data points below the cursor are displayed.
Figure 6-4 Cursor with data display
R&S UPV-K7 Measurements
Functionality and Control of the Measurement Macros
Operating Manual 1401.9353.12 - 04 29
6.1.4 Data Point Size
“Data Point Size” in the graph context menu opens a window in which the size of marks at the measured data points can be specified. Moving the mouse cursor over one of the marks causes the associated X and Y values to be displayed.
Figure 6-5 Data points with data display
6.1.5 Performing Additional Measurements
The softkey “Add Measurement” triggers another measurement according to the specification of the test. Loudness ratings and noise values are calculated and displayed in the legend. However, limits are not checked. This function can e.g. be used to compare different settings in a device under test.
If the item “Store results of further measurements” is activated in the “Options” menu, graphs and result values obtained with this functionality are added to the results database and will appear later in reports on this measurement. All curves obtained within the same measurement will appear in the report in the same graph.
6.1.6 Storing and Loading Curves
All measured curves in the graph can be stored to an ASCII file, and stored curves can be loaded back into the graph. The softkey “Store Curve” opens a window in which a combo box offers choice between the legends of all measured curves in the graph. The curve associated in which the selected entry is stored to the file at the specified location.
6.1.7 Storing Curves as Limit Curves
With “Store As Limit Curve” a curve can be selected and stored into a R&S UPV format limit file with a specified shift in Y axis direction. This functionality can be used to generate limit curves from “golden” devices for evaluation purpose. Regarding the use of such limit curves see section 6.2 Customizing Measurements below.
6.1.8 Entering a Comment
With the softkey “Enter Comment” or the item “Comment” in the graph context menu, a comment can be entered and edited which will appear in the report about the respective measurement.
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