Deluxe Wind Shield
107 Carnarvon st, Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia
Ph: +61 2 9648 5855 Fx: +61 2 9648 2455
PO Box 91028, Long Beach CA 90809-1028
Ph: +1 562 364 7400 Fax: +1 888 412 4664
Specifications Features
The RØDE WS8 Deluxe Windshield is an easy to use high-performance
Weight 18g
100.00mmH x 100.00mmW x
windshield for RØDE’s most popular small diaphragm condenser
microphones, the NT5, NT55 and NT6.
Designed to reduce wind noise when recording in adverse environmental
conditions, the WS8 combines an open-cell foam surround with an outer
layer of acoustically transparent articial fur. A rubber base prevents any
wind noise from entering the rear of the microphone pickup area.
The WS8 supports microphones of 20mm diameter and 27mm capsule