Industrial 21" CRT Monitor
(Bullet in 61 58)
Installation and User Manual

2 Table of Contents
Industrial 21" CRT Monitor.............................................. 3
Description........................................................................... 3
Package Contents................................................................. 4
Dimensions.......................................................................... 5
Installing the 6158 Industrial Monitor ................................... 7
Connecting AC Power.......................................................... 10
Product Options.................................................................... 10
Connecting to a Computer.................................................... 15
Rear Panel Controls and Indicators....................................... 16
Maintenance......................................................................... 18
Allen-Bradley Support ......................................................... 19
Troubleshooting................................................................... 20
Specifications...................................................................... 21
Important U s er Information
Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of
electromechanical equipment. "Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and
Maintenance of Solid State Controls" (Publication SGI-1.1) describes some important
differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices.
Because of this difference, and because of the wide variety of uses for solid state
equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves
that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or
consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes.
Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular
installation, Rockwell Automation cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual
use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation with respect to use of the
informat ion, cir cuits, equipment, or s of twar e described in this manu al.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written
permission of Rockwell Automation is prohibite d.
Throughout this manual, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death,
property damage, or economic loss.
application and understanding of the product.
Identifies information that is espe cially imp ortant for succe ssful
Publication 6158-5.0

&57 0RQLW
Industrial 21" CRT Monitor 3
&57 0RQLWR
The Bulletin 6158 21" Industrial CRT Monitor is a general purpose
monitor suitable for a wide range of industrial computing applications.
ATTENTION: The equipment described in this
document generates, uses, and emits radio frequency
energy. The equipment has been t ested and found to
comply with FCC Rules, Part 15, subpart J, for Class A
computing devices.
The use of non-shielded interface or power cords with
All e n-Bradley indust rial monitor s is prohibited.
ATTENTION: X-ray emissions from these monitors are
typically about 0.05 mR/hr maximum, well below the 0.5
mR/hr maximum rec ommend e d by the US. Departme nt of
Heal th and Human Resour ces an d specif ied i n "Federal
Perf orman ce Standar ds for Television R e ceiv ers", Section
10, Part 1020, Title 21, of the U. S. Code of Regulation
(PL90-620), Vol. 38, No. 198.
These m onitors are equip ped wit h X-ray protection
circuits which cause automatic shutdown of the
equipment i n cas e its X-r ay emissions begin to ap pr oach
Feder al limits .
Publication 6158-5.0

4 Industrial 21" CRT Monitor
Package Contents
The monitor shipping carton contains the following items:
Pa cka g e of mou nt i ng ha r dwa r e
AC power cord (optional)
Video cable (optional)
This user manual
A 6158 Industrial Monitor with a touchscreen option is shipped with
these additional items:
Supporting software and manuals
RS-232 serial extension cable (optional)
Un packing the Unit
Before unpacking a new monitor, inspect the shipping carton for
damage. If damage is visible, immediately contact the shipper and
request assistance. Otherwise, proceed with unpacking.
Make s ure you keep t he ori ginal packagin g f or the monitor
in case you need to return the monitor for repair.
Publication 6158-5.0

Industrial 21" CRT Monitor 5
Figure 1
6158 Industrial Monitor - Physical Dimensions
Publication 6158-5.0

6 Industrial 21" CRT Monitor
Figure 2
Panel Cutout Dimensions
Publication 6158-5.0

Industrial 21" CRT Monitor 7
Installing the 6158
Industrial Monitor
Environmental Considerations
The 6158 Industrial Monitor requires a minimum free air space of 76.2
mm (3 in.) behind and 50.8 mm (2 in.) above and below for proper
cooling. A llen-Bradley I ndustria l Monitors have b e e n de sig ned to
function with out coo l ing fa ns. T herefore, maintenanc e o f f an filters and
access to them n eed not be a concern.
Str ong magnetic fields near the front of the mon i tor outsid e the enclosure
could potentially distort the image over time. This type of image
distortion generally disappears after degaussing occurs. Allen-Bradley
industrial monitors automatically degauss each time AC power is
applied, or whe n the de gauss but ton is press e d.
The internal degauss will not prevent color impurities
caused by local magnetic fields. Make certain the monitor’s
enclosure is free of residual mag n etism.
Installation Instructions
The 6158 Industrial Monitor has a 9U panel height and is designed to
meet N EMA 4 and NEMA 12 st andards whe n properly installe d.
The panel on which you mount the monitor should be at least 14 gauge
to insure a NEMA 4 seal and proper support for the unit. The mounting
studs attached to the rear of the monitor bezel will accommodate this
minimum thickness panel and panels up to 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick.
The monit or may also be bo l ted to the front r ails of EIA standard 19 in.
rack cabinets.
To install the 6158 Industrial Monitor:
1. Confirm that the shipping carton contains a package of 20 10–32
loc k nuts and 20 flat wa shers. You will nee d 18 nut s and washers for
2. Refer to th e physic al dimension drawings (Figure 1 ) and co nfirm
that there is adequate space behind the panel. Remember to allow
extra space for air circulation.
3. Refer to the pa nel cutout drawing (Figure 2) for dimensions of the
panel cutout and mounting hole locations . Cut and dri ll the panel.
4. Carefully remove the monitor from its packaging. Avoid damaging
the monitor gasket.
Publication 6158-5.0

8 Industrial 21" CRT Monitor
5. Insert the monitor in the panel cutout from the front (Figure 2). Do
not damage the threaded mounting studs as you position the monitor.
Tip: It will be easier to install the monitor if you support it with a shelf
or other support adjusted to the appropriate height.
Figure 3
Generic Panel Mount Diagram
Publication 6158-5.0