Robam ZQB235-SA01 Operation Manual

Steam Oven
Operation Manual
ZQB23 5-SA01
Product Ov erv iew --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- 1
Product Pa ram ete r-- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- 1
Product St ruc tur e-- --- --- --- --- -------------------------- --- -- 2
Use Instru cti on- --- --- --- --- --- -------------------------- --- --- 3
Installa tio n-- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- --- --- -- 5
Safety and G ene ral Wa rning------------------ --- --- --- --- --- 7
Daily Main ten anc e-- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- - 8
General Tro ubl esh ooting----------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- - 8
Cooking Fo od Tabl e-- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- -- 9
Accessor ies --- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- --- --- 11
Circuit Di agr am- --- --- --- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- --- 11
Produ ct Overvie w
team OvenS
Produ ct Paramet er
Produ ct Charact eristic
Touch c ontro l techn ology, r ed aper ture di splay, sc ience a nd tech nolog y senso ry; alu minum a lloy ha ndle, s tainl ess ste el deco rativ e plate , stabl e and wid e; the wh ole pro duct sh ows con cise, b eauti ful, ge nerou s.
■Hea lth and f riend ly-en viron ment ar e uniqu e advan tages f or stea m. It won 't lose nut ritio n withi n food an d it can pr otect v itami n and min erals .
Hum anize d desig n for inn er cavi ty illu minat or, make s the cav ity sti ck out a mi le;
scr een loc k, elec troma gneti c lock, i nduct ion gat ing mul tiple i ntell igent s ecuri ty pro tecti on syst em.
■ All s tainl ess ste el heat p late, s tabil ity, mak es ser vice li fe long er and th e heati ng spe ed more q uickl y, and can e ffecti vely re duce th e dirty a dhesi on.
The c ookin g by stea m won't l ose ori ginal t aste wi thin fo od and it w on't ad d other
pec uliar s mell, t he plat e and rac k are all m adeof s tainl ess ste el;
The c ookin g by stea m can pre vent pe culia r smell b etwee n diffe rent fo od, for e xampl e,
fis h and mea t. Mean while , it can co ok kind s of foo d at the sa me time .
Produ ct Structu re
8. Gatin g Swi tch
11. Tra y
1. Displ ay Sc ree n
2. Contr ol Pa nel
10. Ligh t
3. Wa ter Tank
5. Door hi nge
6. Door
9. Door Lo ck
4. Shelf
7. Handl e
12. Stea m gen era tor
Dear Use rs:
Thank fo r you r buy ing Robam b uil t-i n steam ove n. We suggest yo u to
read thi s man ual c arefull y bef ore i nstalla tio n and o peratio n, an d kee p
this man ual p rop erly.Rob am sp ecializ ing i n hom e applian ces a nd kitchen
wares, for e xam ple, rang e hoo d, st erilize r, gas h ob an d so on.Our b uil t-i n
steam ov en ad opt s advance d ide a ,ca res for com ple ted d esign and
perfec t app ear ance. And ou r pro duc ts are heal th, f rie ndly envi ron men tal
and savi ng en erg y.
Not e:
1.T he para meter s in tabl e for ref erenc e only, pl ease s ubjec t to name plate o n the ste am oven .
2.R obam ke ep righ t to revi se desi gn or spe cific ation .
Meat fish E gg Cake
Tendon Veget ables N oodle Th aw
team OvenS
Power Suppil
Energy Loss
Rated Power
Working Method
Net Weight
Product Size
220-240V~ (50Hz)
Heat to 100 degree and keep wam 1 hour, energy loss 0.71kW-h
Steam with high temperature
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