Robam CXW-220-A817, CXW-220-A815 User Manual

Before operating this unit, please read the ser manual completely and keep it. u
User Manual
CXW-220-A817 CXW-220-A815
Range Hood
Safety Precaution.......................................................................................... ....1
Important Information....................................................................................... .............3
Product Overview................................................................................................. ........4
Installation Instructions...................................................................................... ....5
User Manual......................................................................................................... 8
Maintenance.......................................................................................... 10
Removal of Components........................................................................................... 10
Circuit Diagram....................................................................................................... .. 12
Troubleshooting of General faults........................................................................................ 13
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Range Hood
Dear users:
Thank for your buying our range hood. Please accept our best regards.Please read this user manual
carefully before installation and operation.
*The pictures in this manual only for your reference. If the picture isn’t accord with object, subject to object. We
keep to right to update appearance, structure or products without notice.
Safety Precaution
In ord er to avoid har m or proper ty damage to th e users or ot her person, t he followin g distinc tion and mark s
are st ipulated. The y are importa nt safety p recaution , please co mply strict ly based on the f ull under standing.
Subject t o harmful or d estruct de gree
Warnin g
If ign ore this sign a nd operat e product imp roperly, it’s high ly possible t o cause dan ger, seri ous injury or f ire.
If ign ore this sign a nd operat e product imp roperly, it’s poss ible to cause d anger, ser ious inju ry or fire.
If ign ore this sign a nd operat e product imp roperly, it’s poss ible to cause i njury or lo ss.
Notice an d Prohibit M ark
Proh ibit
War ning
Prohibit Flame
Plea se use this pro duct acco rding to manu al strict ly, or RO BAM shall n ot take any resp onsible cau sed by impr oper operat ion.
Prohibit Touch
Prohibit Touch by Wet Hand
Prohibit Disassembly
Don' t al low childre n or w eakling to use
rang e h ood separa tely, or it ma y c ause
Proh ibit
Proh ibit Proh ibit
Strict Execution
elec tric shock or o ther acci dent.
Prohibit water on motor, switches or other electric parts; Prohibit wash range hood by water spray. Don’t use range hood if wet or it may cause electric leakage or shock.
The electric wire must be cut off before clean, install or maintain range hood avoiding from electric shock.
Please turn off range hood immediately if pan got fire (range hood shall ag gra vat e fire if it’s working) and extinguish fire by effective action. For example, cover flame by metal cover, turn off gas valve immediately and remove inflammable things.
Prohibit Touch
by Wet Hand
Proh ibit Strict
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Neccessary Earthed
Do n’t t ouch plug, elec tri c par ts or butt on by wet hands , or it may caus e elec tric shock.
Don’ t cha nge, s tretch, bind or press elec tric wire , or it’s possibl e to cause elec tric shoc k or fi re becaus e of brok en wire .
Proh ibit any c hange of inte rior c ircuit, or it may cause injur y or other d anger, for ex ample, elec tric shoc k or fire.
Any abnorma l, plea se turn off power, take off plug or cut off electri c sou rce, and contac t serv ice. It’s poss ible to caus e electr ic shock or fire if usin g rang e hood under ab normal si tuation.
Caution Electric Shock
Caution Scald
Range Hood
Prohibit Disassembly
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Range ho o d must be i n s t a l l e d , d i s a s se mbl e d o r m a i n t a i ne d b y
professional person.
In order to ensure safety, range hood must be installed by specific accessory ( especially expansion pipe and wooden screws, or it may cause accidental drop of range hood). The pipe bore and hole must fit tightly during the installation of metal expansion pipe. It is prohibited to make excessively large hole to prevent accidental drop of loosening expansion pipe.
If e l e c t r i c a l wir e i s broken , o n l y prof essional en gineer ca n replace it.
If th e rang e hood will be used w ith th e kitc hen range bur ning gas or other fuel s, the room mus t be well ven tilated.
Proh ibit
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Put out t he stov e fir e in time wh en it is not use d. Th at the stove fir e bakes the r ange hoo d direct ly is p rohibited . Do not bar becue food dire ctly under the range hood l est the range hood is dama ged and a n accident sh ould occu r.
The ra nge hood must be us ed by spec ific plug a nd proper ly ground i t. It’s poss ible to cause elect ric sho ck, h ot plug or fire because of impro per ele c t ric wire . In s talla t i on must be exec uted by pro fessional p erson bas ed on lo cal elec trical regulati ons. Befor e co nnect ele ctr ici ty, pow er mu st be turn ed off .
All opera tion mus t com ply with our safe ty guidel ines as well as local sa fe ty regu lations.
The range hood is used only daily life not special environment ( for example, outside). And it’s not allowed to exhaust dangerous or explosive matter or air. It should be put under dry and ventilation environment without dangerous air.
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
The range hood and electric circuit must be installed by skilled and trained personnel with required qualific a t i o n . W h e n installation, the related regulation, standard or instruction on fire must be complied. It may cause danger because of improper installation, for example, electric shock, drop or fire accident.
It may get fire if cleaning range hood not in accordance with manual.
Keep a good habit to turn off gas hob and gas valve if go outside, sleep or finish operation. Replace or check gas pipe regularly, since gas alarm device can’t completely avoid accident caused by gas leakage.
Strict Execution
Prohibit Touch
The outlet must be connect with outside. In order to ensure safety and fresh air, waste gas should be exhaust to outside. Don’t exhaust waste gas to the wall, loft or garage.
Don’t touch bulb if it’s on or just close in short time, or it may cause scald.
Range Hood
Proh ibit
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
The gas from range hood shall not be
exhausted to hot flue used for burning gas or
other fuels.
Because the installation is difficult and
hood is heavy, the installation shall be
executed by professional person based
on manul.
Don' t break electri c w ire or other in v i s i b le e q u i pmen t when c u ttin g some thing or dril ling hole s on ceiling.
When the oil exceeds 2/3 or near tick mark in the oil cup, clean it in time. Don't eat waste oil from oil cup.
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Strict Execution
Th e temp e r a t ure f o r r a n g e h o o d
work ing can’t exc eed 40℃.
Be f o r e r e m o vi n g ra n g e ho o d fo r
inst allation, cle an or maint ainance , powe r m ust be cut off a voiding from elec tric sh ock. Wh en inst allation, clean
or ma inta inan ce, pro tect ive gl o ove
must b e wear avoidi ng from inj ury.
When range hood is using in well sealed building, i t should have air inlet or open door to ensur e good ventilation.
The wall of installing range hood needs enough strength. For hollow walls, the thickness of solid layer of hollow wall must be more than 30mm, but for concrete walls, it can be drill holes directly. The range hood must be fixed on the wall firmly.
Important Information
Package of Range Hood
Please settle those packages carefully in order to protect environment.
Don’t allow children to play plastic film and package, it may cause asphyxia. Please avoid children near package
Before use Range hood
This range hood exhaust fume outside.
Please read this manual and all information carefully before installation and operation. Please comply with our
suggestion. If it’s necessary, please read manual for gas hob. And please keep these manual carefully for future
This manual is available for different models. So you may find different description with your own range hood.
If range hood has obvious damage, please don’t electrify and contact operator.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
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