C. Handset
1. Power control circuit
3.6V DC power is supplied from the battery through JP2.
U4 has 3 regulated outputs (VREG0, 1, 2) controlled by BS0, BS1 and BS2
In receiving mode, the BS0 (pin 23 of U5) becomes low, then the receiver part of RF
block is supplied with the power of 3.2V from VREG0 (pin 15 of U4).
In transmitting mode, the BS1 (pin 24 of U5) becomes low, then the transmitter part of
RF block is supplied with the power of the 3.2V from VREG1 (pin 1 of U4).
On the other hand PLL, MSK data filter(U3A, U3B), EEPROM, key pad, charge
detector, CPU reset circuit, low battery detector circuit and CPU are supplied with the
power of the 3.2V from VREG2 (pin 5 of U4).
VREG2 always comes out 3.2V output on power ON mode.
U1 (speak amplifier) and Q310 (final amplifier TR of transmitter RF block) are supplied
from battery directly for good efficiency. (V_BATT)
2. Low battery detector circuit
When the battery voltage drops below 3.2V, pin 10 of U4 (BATT_LOW) is driven to
high, so pin 57 of CPU is set to high, and then CPU (pin 17, 25) send warning tone
command to BZ1 (buzzer).
3. Receiving audio signal from base unit
Received RF signal from base unit is detected in the RF block and the demodulated
audio signal (DEMOD_AUDIO) is filtered by low pass filter composed of U3C, C13,
C14, C15, R7, R8 and R9 through C16. This audio signal is filtered again by high pass
filter composed of op amp in U2, C9, C10, C11, R3, R4 and R5 then expanded in U2.
The expanded signal coming from pin 19 of U2 is fed into a speaker amplifier U1 via
C6 and R2. The fully amplified audio signal is sent to the loud speaker (SP1).
When the user set the handset volume LOW, VOL_CONT from pin27 of CPU (U5) is
high level then Q2 is switched on. So C5 is connected to GND and the audio signal
from U2 is attenuated about 6dB
4. Sending audio signal to base unit
The audio signal picked up by the microphone (MI1) is fed into pin8 of U2 (compandor).
This signal is amplified and compressed for noise reduction then goes through 3rd
order low pass filter composed of op amp in U2, C18, C19, C20, R12, R13 and R14.
This signal is sent to the modulation input (MOD_AUDIO) of the RF block through C17,
R11 and RV2, and transmitted to the base unit.