RKI Instruments GD-70D Operating Manual

Gas Detector Head
Part Number: 71-0446 Revision: P1 Released: 7/11/19
GD-70D Series
Operating Manual

Request for the Customers

Read and understand this operating manual before using the detector.
You must operate the detector in accordance with the operating manual.
Regardless of warranty period, we shall not make any compensation for accidents and damage
caused by using this product. The compensation shall be made only under the warranty policy of products or parts replacement.
Because this is a safety device, daily and biannual maintenance must be performed.
If you find abnormalities in the detector, please contact our local representative immediately.
Request for the Customers ..................................................................................... 1
1 Outline of the Product .................................................................................................... 4
1-1 Preface ............................................................................................................. 4
1-2 Product Purp ose ............................................................................................... 4
1-3 Definition of DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE .............................. 5
1-4 Method of confirmation for CE marking type .................................................... 5
2 Important Notices on Safety .......................................................................................... 6
2-1 Danger Statements ........................................................................................... 6
2-2 Warning Statements ......................................................................................... 6
2-3 Caution Statements .......................................................................................... 7
3 Product Components ..................................................................................................... 8
3-1 Main Unit and Standard Accessories................................................................ 8
3-2 Outline Drawing ................................................................................................ 9
3-3 Names and Functions for Each Part................................................................. 10
3-4 Operation Diagrams ......................................................................................... 14
4 Installation ...................................................................................................................... 16
4-1 Requirements ................................................................................................... 16
4-2 Precautions for Installation Sites ...................................................................... 16
4-3 Precautions for System Designing ................................................................... 18
4-4 Proper use of alarm contact ............................................................................. 19
4-5 Installing the Detector ....................................................................................... 20
4-6 Wiring the Detector ........................................................................................... 22
4-7 Making Tubing Connections ............................................................................. 34
4-8 Disposal ............................................................................................................ 35
5 Operation ....................................................................................................................... 36
5-1 Preparation for Start-up .................................................................................... 36
5-2 Starting Up the Detector ................................................................................... 36
5-3 Turning Off the Detector ................................................................................... 38
5-4 Basic Operation ................................................................................................ 38
5-5 Modes ............................................................................................................. 39
6 Detection Mode .............................................................................................................. 41
6-1 Gas Alarm Activation ........................................................................................ 41
6-2 Fault Alarm Activation ....................................................................................... 47
6-3 External Output Operation ................................................................................ 47
6-4 Other Functions ................................................................................................ 50
6-5 About LONWORKS (LN specification) ............................................................. 53
7 Alarm Test Mode ............................................................................................................ 57
7-1 Alarm Test Mode ............................................................................................... 57
8 User Mode ..................................................................................................................... 59
8-1 User Mode ........................................................................................................ 59
9 Maintenance Mode ........................................................................................................ 65
9-1 Environmental Setting 1 "2-9" ........................................................................... 70
9-2 Alarm Value Setting "2-9" - "SET 1" .................................................................. 71
9-3 Fault Alarm Test "2-9" - "SET 4" ....................................................................... 73
9-4 Environmental Setting 2 "2-10" ......................................................................... 74
9-5 Date/Time Setting "2-10" - "SET 1" .................................................................. 79
9-6 Energized/De-Energized Contact Setting "2-10" - "SET 6" .............................. 81
9-7 ETHERNET Setting "2-10" - "SET 18" ............................................................. 83
10 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 86
10-1 Maintenance Intervals and Items ........................................................ 86
10-2 Calibration Overview ........................................................................... 86
10-3 Calibrating with the Target Gas ........................................................... 90
10-4 Calibrating with a Surrogate Gas (Sensors with Factors) ................... 93
10-5 Calibrating with a Gas Bag (Calibrating with HCl) ............................... 99
10-6 Calibrating with a Humidifier (MOS Sensors) ...................................... 103
10-7 Calibrating a Pyrolyzer Unit ................................................................. 107
10-8 Flow Rate Adjustments ........................................................................ 110
10-9 Replacing Parts ................................................................................... 112
- 2 - GD-70D
10-10 Storing the GD-70D ............................................................................. 115
11 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 116
12 Product Specifications ................................................................................................... 119
12-1 Common Specifications ....................................................................... 119
12-2 Specifications for Each Model ............................................................. 119
12-3 Specifications for Each Sensor Type ................................................... 120
12-4 Full Scale and Alarm Points ................................................................. 123
13 Calibration Parts List...................................................................................................... 126
14 Replacement Parts List ................................................................................................. 129
Warranty Policy ....................................................................................................... 142
- 3 - GD-70D
4 - 20 mA specification
Analog transmission
NT specification
2-wire type DC power-line communication
EA specification
Ethernet and analog transmission (4 - 20 mA)
LN specification

Outline of the Product

1-1 Preface

Thank you for choosing our GD-70D Series gas detector head. Please verify that the model number of the product you purchased is included in the specifications on this manual.
This manual explains how to use the detector and its specifications. It contains information required for using the detector properly. All users must read and understand the operating manual before using the detector.

1-2 Product Purpose

This is a fixed type gas detector head which detects gas leaks in semiconductor factories, etc.
The gas detector is a safety device, not an analyzer or densitometer which performs quantitative/qualitative
analysis/measurement for gases. You must understand the features of the detector before using it, so that you can use it properly.
The detector detects abnormalities in the air caused by the presence of gas (or oxygen deficiency) with the built-in gas sensor unit. The concentrations of detected gases are shown on the LCD .
The built-in pump in the detector draws gas to perfo rm gas detect ion.
The detector has two-step gas alarm conta ct an d fau lt ala r m co nta ct.
The detector outputs the gas concentration in 4 - 20 mA or digital data.
The communication method for each specification is as follows.
GD-70D - 4 -
CE Marking

1-3 Definition of DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE

This message indicat es that im proper hand ling may ca use serious d amage
on life, health or assets.
This message indicat es that im proper hand ling ma y cause serious d amage on health or assets.
This message indicates that improper handling may cause minor damage on health or assets.
This message indicates advice on handling.

1-4 Method of confirmation for CE marking type

The CE marking is labeled on the detector in case of comply with CE marking. Please confirm the instrument specification before using. Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity that is at the end of this manual if you have CE marking type. You can confirm instrument specification to see the CE marking as follows.
CE marking label (Back of front cover)
- 5 - GD-70D
Power Supply

Important Notices on S afety

2-1 Danger Statements

This is not an explosion-proof device. You must not use it to detect gases exceeding the lower limit of explosion.

2-2 Warning Statements

Before turning on the detector, always check whether the voltage is properly applied. Do not use an unstable power supply because it may cause malfunction s.
Need of grounding circuit
Do not cut the grounding circuit or disconnect the wire from the grounding terminal.
Defects in protective functions
Before starting the detector, check the protective functions for defects. When defects are found in the protective functions, such as protective grounding, do not start the detector.
External connection
Before connecting the detector to external equipment or an external control circuit, securely connect it to a protective grounding circuit.
The detector is designed to draw gases around it under normal atmospheric pressure. If excessive pressure is applied to the sampling inlet and outlet (GAS IN, GAS OUT) of the detector, detected gases may leak from the flow system and pose dangers. Be sure that excessive pressure is not applied to the detector when it is used. Detected gases must be exhausted from the outlet (GAS OUT) on the bottom of the detector to a safe place using an exhaust tube.
Handling the sensor unit
Do not disassemble the electrochemical type sensor unit (ESU) or galvanic cell type sensor unit (OSU) because they contain electrolyte. Electrolyte may cause severe skin burns if it contacts skin and may cause blindness if it contacts eyes. It may discolor or damage clothing. If contact occurs, ri nse the area immediately with a large quantity of water.
Zero adjustment (AIR Adjustment) in the atmosphere
When zero adjustment (AIR Adjustment for oxygen deficiency alarm) is performed in the atmosphere, check the atmosphere for freshness before beginning the adjustment. If other gases exist, the adjustment cannot be performed properly and the detector will not properly detect gas.
Operation in a gas
Do not operate the detector in a place where flammable/explosive gases or vapors are present. Operating the detector in such an environment will lead to extreme dangers.
Response to a gas alarm
Issuance of a gas alarm indicates that there are extreme dangers. Take proper actions based on your judgment.
GD-70D - 6 -
Definition of Terms
Do not use a transceiver (walkie-talkie) near the detector.

2-3 Caution Statements

Radio waves from a transceiver near the detector or its cables may disrupt detector operation. When using a transceiver, it must be used in a place where it disturbs nothing.
Do not turn the detector on less than 5 seconds after it was turned off.
Restarting the detector less than five second s after turning it off may cause errors.
Verify that the reading on the flow rate indicator corresponds to the specified flow rate before using the detector.
If it does not correspond to the specified flow rate, gas detection cannot be performed properly. Be sure the flow rate is stable.
Attach the dust filter before using the detector.
Before using the detector, attach the specified filter to prevent disturbances by possible gas absorption or air dust. The dust filter used depends on the gas being detected. For more information on dust filters, please contact RKI.
Observe the operating restrictions to prevent condensation inside the tube.
Condensation formed inside the tube causes clogging or gas absor ptio n, w hich di sturb s acc urate gas detection. Thus, condensation must be avoided. In addition to the installation environment, carefully monitor the temperature/humidity of the sampled area to prevent condensation inside the tube. In particular, when detecting a corrosive, water-soluble gas, such as a strong acid gas, the gas is undetectable and furthermore may corrode internal parts. Please observe the operating restrictions.
Do not use the external output of the detector to control other devices.
This is not a control device. You are not allowed to use its external output to control other devices.
Do not disassemble/modify the detector, or change the settings unless necessary.
Disassembling/modifying the detector will invalidate the guarantee of the performance. Changing the settings without understanding the specifications may cause alarm malfunctions. Please use the detector properly in accordance with the operating manual.
Do not forget to perform regular maintenance.
Since this is a safety device, regular maintenance must be performed to ensure its safety. Continuing to use the detector without performing maintenance will compromise the sensitivity of the sensor, thus resulting in inaccurate gas detection.
- 7 - GD-70D
<Standard Accessories>

Product Components

3-1 Main Unit and Standard Accessories

<Main Unit>
Operating manual
Protective rubber cap (to be removed when using the
Dedicated handling lever (for wiring)
Dust filter
Interference gas removal filter
(to be supplied with sensor units for certain gases)
GD-70D - 8 -
Pyro lyzer Uni t
(Unit: mm)
Sensor unit display
Operating switch
Screw for grounding earth rod
External wire hole
Power switch
<Pyrolyzer Unit (PLU-70)(Option)>
* This is needed in “pyrolyzer + electrochemical type (ESU)” and “pyrolyzer + pyrolysis-particle type (SSU)”. For more information on the pyrolyzer unit (PLU-70), see the separate operating manual.

3-2 Outline Drawing

M5 mounting hole
Protective cover for power switch
Connector for PLU
Connector for PoE
- 9 - GD-70D
Wall-mounted unit
Main unit
Pump unit
Sensor unit
MODE key
Lock lever
Sensor unit nameplate display window
Power lamp
First alarm lamp
Second alarm lamp
Fault lamp
⑫ ⑬
bar indicator
⑮ ⑯
⑰ ⑱
connection indicator
CAUTION the unit compromises its original performance or causes malfunctions.

3-3 Names and Functions for Each Part

The detector consists of the following units.
Each unit consists of precision parts. When a unit is detached, be careful not to drop it. Dropping
<Front Panel and Character LCD>
 TEST/SET key  key  key
Alarm setpoint
value display
Flow rate
Pyrolyzer unit
Unit display
Gas name display
Inhibit indicator
GD-70D - 10 -
MODE key
Used to enter User and Maintenance Mode. It is also used to cancel or skip in a specific mode.
Used to enter the test mode. It is used for confirmation in a specific mode.
Used to change screens or change a value (UP).
Used to change screens or change a value (DOWN).
Lock lever
Lever to lock the main unit. Push it to attach or detach the main unit.
Sensor unit nameplate display window
Window to view information on the currently installed sensor.
Power lamp (POWER)
Power lamp. Turns green when the power is on.
First alarm lamp (ALM1)
First alarm lamp. Turns red when the first alarm is reached.
Second alarm lamp (ALM2)
Second alarm lamp. Turns red when the second alarm is reached.
Fault lamp (FAULT)
Fault lamp. Turns yellow when an abnormality is detected in the detector.
Gas name display
Displays the gas name in chemical formu la (e.g. Silane = SIH4).
Concentration value display
Displays the gas concentration.
Unit display
Displays the unit according to the specification (ppm, ppb, vol%, %, %LEL).
Concentration bar indicator
The detectable range (full scale = FS) is divided into 20 segments. The increase in concentration is displayed in prop ortio n to the full scale.
Alarm setpoint indicator
The alarm setpoints (AL1 and AL2) are indicated on the conc entr at ion bar.
Flow rate indicator
Displays the flow rate. When the line is in the middle of the indicator, t he flow rate is normal (0.5 L/m in).
Communication indicator
For GD-70D-NT, this indicator is displayed while transmitting data with the upper unit (TX, RX).
Maintenance indicator
Displayed while in Maintenance Mode. When this indicator is displayed, the alarm contact is disconnected and there are no alarms.
Inhibit indicator
Displayed when the inhibition (point skip) is set.
Pyrolyzer unit connection indicator
Displayed when the dedicated pyrolyzer unit (PLU-70) is connected.
③ ④ ⑤ ⑥
⑦ ⑧
⑩ ⑪ ⑫
⑬ ⑭
⑲ ⑳
<Main Unit>
The main unit of the GD-70D houses the sensor unit, pump unit, and circuitry for the detector. The main unit installs to the mounting plate’s terminal plate.
<Pump Unit>
The pump unit gets installed in the main unit. It draws sample into the detector at 0.5 L/min.
- 11 - GD-70D
Mounting hole
10-point terminal plate: Connections for power supply, signal cables and other external wires.
Locking lever: Locks the main unit to the mounting plate.
<Mounting Plate>
The mounting plate gets installed to the installation site. The main unit connects to the mounting plate using the 10-point terminal plate.
<Sensor Unit>
A sensor unit installed in the detector is the same regardless of the detection principle which means sensor units are interchangeable. Each sensor unit has a different color that corresponds to the detection principle as shown below. Handling of the sensor unit depends on the detection principle.
The sensor unit must be handled carefully to ensure quality. When the sensor unit is stored, a dedicated warehouse and power equipment for the sensor unit are needed. In principal, the sensor unit must not be detached from the detector when it is handled or stored.
Be sure that the sensor unit is installed properly. If a sensor unit is of different specification or principle than the one shipped from the manufacturer, a message will be display ed on the dete ctor LCD (C-02). If this message is displayed, make sure you are using the correct sensor unit.
After the sensor unit is replaced, always perform a gas calibration (zero adjustment and span
GD-70D - 12 -
Do not disassemble the sensor unit because it contains electrolyte. If contact
Although the sensor unit contains radioactive materials, it is certified as a
Before using the sensor unit, it needs to be warmed up for a specified time.
Unpowered time Suggested warm-up time
SGU-8541 (H2)
SGU (Others)
10 minutes or less
10 minutes or more
2 hours or more
1 hour or less
30 minutes or more
2 hours or more
24 hours or less
1 hour or more
4 hours or more
72 hours or less
4 hours or more
24 hours or more
10 days or less
2 days or more
2 days or more
Less than 1 month
7 days or more
7 days or more
Less than 3 months
14 days or more
14 days or more
3 months or more
1 month or more
1 month or more
Dedicated case
Dedicated case
type (ESU)
type (SSU)
occurs, rinse the area immediately with a large quantity of water.
The sensor unit identifies the storage direction. Put the sensor unit in the dedicated case while handling it. Do not place it on its side or upside-down.
When a new sensor unit is installed, it must be warmed up. Although warm-up time is different depending on the type of the installed sensor, it is recommended that warm-up should be performed for three hours or more. Please contact RKI for more information.
The sensor unit must be stored in a clean, cool and dark place away from direct sunlight. Some types of the sensor units cannot be stored together with other units. Please contact RKI for more information.
specified designing certification device, which is regarded as a device having no influences on health. Observe the "Safety Manual" which stipulates conditions for the certification. To dispose of the sensor unit, you must return it to us. You do not need to take any additional actions.
The sensor unit contains a small amount of radioactive materials. Do not disassemble it, or dispose of it like other wastes.
The sensor unit must be put into the dedicated case specified by us, and stored away from direct sunlight in a clean place where the temperature and humidity are maintained at a normal level and where appropriate measures are taken to prevent the sensor from being taken out easily.
When the sensor unit is transported out of your factory, please use a transportation company which can handle specified designing certification devices (L-type packages).
For more information, see the "Safety Manual".
type (SGU)
The sensor unit is warmed up sufficiently in our factory before it is delivered to you. Therefore, after you receive the sensor unit, please use it as soon as possible so that unpowered time is minimized.
The warm-up time before using the sensor unit is related to how long the sensor unit was unpowered .
To store the sensor unit in an unpowered state, it must be stored under normal temperature/humidity in a clean place away from direct sunlight.
- 13 - GD-70D
Galvanic cell type
Do not disassemble the sensor unit because it contains electrolyte. If contact
Sensor unit
Power supply part
Gas alarm contact
Alarm contact controller
EA specification)
Operating unit
4 - 20 mA specification:
occurs, rinse the area immediately with a large quantity of water.
The sensor unit must be stored under normal tem per atur e/humidity in a clean place away from direct sunlight.

3-4 Operation Diagrams

<Electric Diagram>
(ALM1, ALM2) Fault alarm contact (FAULT) * Standard setting of
GD-70D - 14 -
contact activation
(De-energized at a normal state)
(Closed contact at an alarm state)
(4 - 20 mA/NT/
4 - 20 mA DC transmission NT specification: Digital data transmission EA specification: Ether net and 4-20 mA DC transmission LN specification: confirm to LONWORKS
(MODE) (▲) (▼) (TEST/SET)
Pump control circuit
<Tubing Diagram>
- 15 - GD-70D
working areas, carefully consider how many units to install and whe re to in stall t he m.
sensor unit.


4-1 Requirements

All users must follow the operating precautions. Ignoring the precautions may damage the detector, resulting in inaccurate gas detection.
After you receive the detector, start using the detector within the specified operation start limit of the

4-2 Precautions for installation sites

This is a precision instrument. Because the detector may not provide the specified performance in some places (environments), check the environment in the installation site, and then take appropriate actions if necessary.
Because the detector plays an important role for safety and disaster prevention, you must install as many units o f the det e ctor a s nee ded in a pp ropri at e p oin ts.
Because gases may leak or collect in different areas depending on the types of gases and the
Do not install the detector in a place with vibrations or shocks.
The detector contains sensitive electronic parts. The detector must be installed in a stable place without vibrations or shocks and where it will not fall.
Do not install the detector in a place exposed to water, oil or chemicals.
Avoid installation locations where the detector is exposed to water, oil or chemicals.
Do not install the detector in a place where the temperature drops below 0ºC or rises over 40ºC.
The operating temperatures of the detector are 0 - 40ºC. The detector must be installed in a stable place where the operating temperatures are maintained and do not change suddenly.
GD-70D - 16 -
Do not install the detector in a place exposed to direct sunlight or sudden changes in the temperature.
Avoid installation locations where the detector is exposed to direct sunlight or radiant heat (infrared rays emitted from a high­temperature object), and where the temperature changes suddenly. Condensation may form inside the detector, or the detector cannot adjust to sudden changes in the temperature.
Keep the detector (and its cables) away from noise source devices.
Avoid installation locations where high-frequency/high-voltage exist.
Do not install the detector in a place where maintenance of the detector cannot be performed or where handling the detector involves dangers.
Regular maintenance of the detector must be performed. Do not install the detector in a place where the equipment must be stopped when maintenance is performed, where parts of the equipment must be removed to perform maintenance, or where the detector cannot be removed because tubes or racks prevent access to it. Do not install the detector in a place where maintenance involves dangers, for example, near a high-voltage cable.
Do not install the detector in equipment which is not properly grounded.
Before installing the detector in equipment, the equipment must be grounded properly.
Do not install the detector in a place where other gases exist around it.
The detector must not be installed in a place where other gases exist around it.
- 17 - GD-70D
Power supply voltage
or PoE connection (GD-70D-
Allowed time of
Up to 10 milliseconds (To
Example of actions
Do not use it with a power
frequency noise.
Example of actions
Protection against
Take appropriate measures in accordance with the importance of the facilities
In addition to lightning, there are more sources of surge noise. To protect devices from these noise sources, the devices must be grounded.
An unstable power supply and noise may cause malfunctions or false alarms.

4-3 Precautions for System Designing

Using a stable power supply
The external output and alarm contact of the detector may be activated when the power is turned on, when momentary blackout occurs, or when the system is being stabilized. In such cases, use a safety power supply, or take appropriate actions on the receiving side. The detector must be provided with the following power supply.
24 VDC ±10% (the terminal voltage of the detector)
momentary blackout
recover from a momentary blackout longer than 10 milliseconds, restart the
supply that has a large power load or high-
To ensure continuous operation and activation, install a protective power supply outside the detector.
Use a line filter to avoid the noise source if necessary.
Heat radiation designing
When it is installed in the closed instrumentation board, attach ventilation fans above and below the board.
Protecting against lightning
If cables are installed outside the factory/plant, or if internal cables are installed in the same duct as the cables coming from outside the factory/plant, lightning will cause problems. Because lightning acts as a large emission source while cables act as a receiving antenna, devices connected to the cables may be damaged. Lightning cannot be prevented. Cables installed in a metal conduit or under the ground cannot be completely protected from a power surge caused by lightning. Although complete elimination of disasters caused by lightning is impossible, the following protective measures can be taken.
and the environment.
Connect the transmissi on sign al rout e by using optical fiber.
Provide protection by a lightning arrester (cable safety retainer).
(Although indu ctiv e l igh tni ng su r ge can be t ran smi tted th ro ugh t he c abl e, it is prevented by i n stalli n g a l ig htn ing a rre ste r be fo re t he fiel d dev i ces a nd central processing equipment. For information on how to use a lightning arrester, please contact the manufacturer.)
* The lightning arrester has a circuit to remove a surge voltage which damages field devices, so that
signals may be attenuated. Before installing a lightning arrester, verify that it works properly.
GD-70D - 18 -
External relay (low voltage relay)
* SK1, SK2: Surge absorbing parts
receiving side of the b cont act.
as a CR circuit.

4-4 Proper use of alarm contact

The alarm contact of the detector is used to transmit signals to activate an external buzzer, alarm lamp or rotating lamp. Do not use the detector for controlling purpose (e.g., controlling the shutdown valve).
The b contact (break contact) under de-energized state may be open ed momen ta rily by a physical shock, such as external force.
When the b contact is selected for the alarm contact, take appropriate actions to prepare for a momentary activation by adding signal delay functionality (approximately one second) to the
The specifications for the alarm contact of the detector are based on the resistive load conditions. If inductive load is used at the alarm contact, the following errors will occur easily because counter electromotive force is generated at the contact.
Deposition, defective insulation or defective contact at the relay contact
Damage of any el e ctri c pa r ts due t o hi gh-voltage generated inside the detector
Abnormal operations by an out-of-control CPU
In principal, do not activate inductive load at the alarm contact of the detector. (In particular, never use the inductive load to activate a fluorescent lamp or motor.)
If inductive load is activated, relay it with an e xternal relay (c ontact amplifi cation). However, because the coil of a n e xte rnal relay al so inv olv e s in du ctiv e l oad , sele ct a relay a t a low e r v ol tag e (1 00 VAC o r below), and then p r otec t the c o ntac t of t he de te cto r wi th an ap p rop riat e sur ge ab sorbi ng pa r t, su ch
If load is to be activated, appropriate measures must be taken to stabilize the operation of the detector and protect the alarm contact referring to the following information.
Relay it with a n e x tern al rel ay at 100 VAC or lower (contact amplification). At the same time, the surge absorbing part, SK1, suitable for the specifications must be attached to the external relay.
In addition, the surge absorbin g part, SK2, must be attach ed to the loa ded side of the e xternal relay if necessary.
It may be recommended that the surge absorbing part be attached to the contact for certain load conditions. It must be a ttac he d to an ap pr op riate po si ti on by che ckin g how t he loa d is activated.
- 19 - GD-70D
be damaged. Do not forget to remove the caps.
Leave space for the crosshatched area when installing the detector.
resonance between them. In this case, take preventive actions like reinforcing the rack or wall.
Maintenance space
Maintenance space
Maintenance space
Maintenance space
Maintenance space
Maintenance space
When installing using 2 screws
When installing using 3 screws
(Unit: mm)

4-5 Installing the Detector

To use the pyrolyzer unit (PLU-70), also refer to the individual operating manual.
Before installing the detector, remove the protective rubber caps from the GAS IN and GAS OUT fittings. If the detector is turned on while the rubber caps are still in place, the pump and sensor may
<Detector Dimensions and Maintenance Space>
Multiple detectors installed in the same location must be installed at least 5 mm apart. It is recommended that they be 10mm apart.
When you install more than one detector in the same location, install them in a rack or on a wall that is not affected by vibrations. When the detectors are installed side-by-side, if the rack or wall in which the detectors are installed does not have enough streng th, vibrations from the pumps inside the detectors can cause
The crosshatched space represents necessary maintenance space.
GD-70D - 20 -
The detector must be installed in the correct orientation to ensure its performance. Install the detector as shown on the follow ing ex ample. (* The dete ctor must al so remain in this orie ntati on during transportation.)
<Correct Installation Orientation>
<Installing the Mounting Plate>
1. Make sure power to the detector is turned off.
2. While pushing the blue lever toward the mounting plate, push the main unit up.
3. If you cannot move the main unit, insert a larger flathead screwdriver into the mounting plate while pushing the lever as shown to the right. Do not rotate or move the flathead screwdriver. Simply insert it into the mounting plate.
4. Remove the silver mounting plate from the back of the GD-70D.
- 21 - GD-70D
For 3-wire type (common cable for specification)
Shielded cable of CVVS, etc. (1.25 mm2) - 3-core
For 2-wire type (power and signal specification)
Power: Cable of CVV, etc. (1.25 mm2) - 2-core
For 2-wire type DC power-line specification)
Shielded twisted-pair cable of KPEV-S, etc. (1.25 mm2) ­For Ethernet (EA)
Power: Cable of CVV, etc. (1.25 mm2) - 2-core Signal: Ethernet cable (category 5 or higher)
For PoE (EA)
Ethernet cable (category 5 or higher)
For LONWORKS output cable
For contact
Cable of CVV, etc. (1.25mm2) - max. 6-core
When stranded wires are used, prevent wires from contacting each other.
5. Attach the mounting plate to the installation surface using two or three M5 screws.
Recommended mounting screw (M5) Length of 8 mm or more Flat washer of φ10 mm or less (small round)
6. Leave the main unit detached from the mounting plate and continue to the wiring section.

4-6 Wiring the Detector

To use the pyrolyzer unit (PLU-70), also refer to the separate operating manual.
Be careful not to damage the in te rnal ele ct roni c cir cuit w h en w i ring. I n a ddi tio n, be care ful t o p rovi de appropriate strain relie f w hen u si ng cabl e s for w i ring.
The power cables and signal cables must not be installed together with the motor power cables, etc. When these cables must be installed together for unavoidable reasons, put the power cables and signal cables in a metal conduit. The conduit must be connected to a groundin g circuit .
<Recommended Cable>
power and signal) (4 - 20 mA/EA
cables separated) (4 - 20 mA/EA
Signal: Shielded cable of CVVS, etc. (1.25 mm2) - 2-core
communication system (NT
GD-70D - 22 -
Shielded twisted pair cable of KPEV-S, etc. (1.25 mm2)
handling lever
Wiring hole
Driver slot
Conductive part
Top handling slot
<Terminal Plate Specifications>
Specifications of terminal plate
Rated voltage: 250 VDC
Rated current: 16 A
Connection conditions
Cable: 0.08 - 2.5mm2
Bare wire length: 8 - 9 mm
Connecting tool: Dedicated handling lever (accessory)
The specified bare wire length must be observed when the wire insulation is peeled off.
Be careful not to separate the wire strands.
Compatible bar terminal
For a bar terminal, the following items are available.
Bar terminal (ferrule): Model 216 Series (manufactured by WAGO)
Crimping tool: Model VarioCrimp 4 (206-204) (manufactured by WAGO)
A bar terminal of the specified model must be used. Using other bar terminals invalidates the guarantee of the performance.
- 23 - GD-70D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24 VDC
4 - 20 mA
FAULT contact
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24 VDC
FAULT contact
<Wiring to the Terminal Plate>
4 - 20 mA/NT/EA Specification
LN Specification
For a 3-wire type 4 - 20 mA, terminal 2 is used as common for the power supply and the 4-20 mA output. Therefore, wiring should be connected to terminals 1, 2, and 3 only. Terminal 4 can be left open.
For the NT specification, terminals 3 and 4 are not used. For the EA specification with PoE connection, terminals 1 and 2 are disabled.
The right tools must be used.
Only one wire can be connec t ed to e a ch wi rin g hole .
Do not connect a wire anywhere othe r than a wi ring hole.
1. Make sure power to the detector is turned off.
2. While pushing the blue lever toward the mounting plate, push the main unit up.
3. If you cannot move the main unit, insert a larger flathead screwdriver into the mounting plate while pushing the lever as shown to the right. Do not rotate or move the flathead screwdriver. Simply insert it into the mounting plate.
GD-70D - 24 -
Push the dedicated
Push the lever with your in its inside.
While holding down the lever, insert the
lever is released, the wire is secured.
4. Use the handling lever included with the GD-70D or a flathead screwdriver to make wiring connections.
5. Route the wires through the wiring opening in the bottom of the mounting plate.
6. Insert the handling lever into the driver slot associated with the terminal you are wiring.
7. Push the lever toward the terminal plate so the protr us ion on the lever goes into the top handling slot and opens the wiring hole. If you are not using the handling lever, push down into the top handling slot with a flathead screwdriver.
8. Hold the lever down while you insert a wire into the wir i ng hole.
9. Release the lever. Gently pull on the inserted wire to make sure it is connected.
10. Repeat for all other wiring connections.
finger to lower the spring
wire into the (round) wiring hole until it reaches the deepest point. Once the
handling lever to open the terminals. Insert 1 wire per terminal.
- 25 - GD-70D
6 7
Fault Alarm
- (DC Ground)
In (FB)
GD-70D Terminal
Generic Controller Wiring
GD-70D - 26 -
4 5 6
8 9
Alarm 2
Fault Alarm
Power Supply
- 24VDC
+24 VDC
PLC or DCS Wiring
- 27 - GD-70D
Fault Alarm
Alarm 2
Alarm 1
13 14
GD-70D TerminalPlate
RM-5003 Wiring
GD-70D - 28 -
+24 VDC
Alarm 2
Alarm 1
PC or
GD-70D Terminal
Ethernet Wiring
- 29 - GD-70D
5 6
7 81
Alarm 1
Alarm 2
Fault Alarm
PC or
Switching Hub
(with PoE
GD-70D TerminalPlate
PoE Wiring
GD-70D - 30 -
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