Part Number: 71-0059RK
Revision: D
Released: 1/15/14
Product Warranty
RKI Instruments, Inc., warrants gas alarm equipment sold by us to be free
from defects in materials, workmanship, and performance for a period of
one year from date of sh ipm ent from RKI Instr uments, Inc. Any part s fo und
defective within that period will be repaired or replaced, at our option, free
of charge. This warranty does not apply to those items, which by their
nature, are subject to deterioration or consumption in normal service, and
which must be clean ed, rep aired, or replace d on a rout ine basis. Exa mples
of such items are as follows:
a) Absorbent cartridgesd) Batteries
b) Pump diaphragms and valvese) Filter elements
c) Fuses
Warranty is voided by abuse including mechanical damage, alteration,
rough handling, or repair procedures not in accordance with the operator’s
manual. This warranty indicates the full extent of our liability , and we are not
responsible for removal or replacement costs, local repair costs,
transportation costs, or contingent expenses incurred without our prior
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to users by authorized
distributors, de alers, and r epresenta tives as appo inted by R KI Instrument s,
We do not assume indemn ification for any accident or damage caused by
the operation of this gas monitor, and our warranty is limited to the
replacement of parts or our complete goods.
This chapter briefly describes the Beacon 200 Gas Monitor. This chapter
also describes the Beacon 200 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual (this
document). Table 1 at th e en d o f thi s ch apter lists the specifications for the
Beacon 200.
About the Beacon 200 Gas
The Beacon 200 is a fixed-mounted, continuous-monitoring gas detection
instrument. This gas monito r is capable of detecting gas at up to two
locations. The display screen simultaneously displays the gas readings of
the active channel or channel s. Both dir ect connect ( internal a mplifier type)
detector heads and 4 - 20 mA transmitter (remote amplifier type) detector
heads may be used with the Beacon 200.
The Beacon 200 includes audible and visual alarms that warn you of
hazardous gas conditions. The alarm circuit includes two levels of gas
alarms. The fail circuit alerts you to failures in the gas detector heads or
Beacon 200.
Three instrument programs allow you to display and change channel and
calibration settings and change channel types. They are the Channel
Control & Setu p Program and the Ca libration P rogram, and the Inp ut Setup
Overview • 5
About this Manual
The Beacon 200 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual is organized as follows:
•Chapters 1 through 6 describe components of the Beacon 200 and
procedures to install, start up, operate, and maintain the Beacon 200.
The Beacon 200 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual uses the following
conventions for notes, cautions, and warnings.
NOTE: Describes additional or critical information.
CAUTION: Describes potential dam a ge to equ ipm en t.
WARNING: Describes potential danger that can result in injury or
I Caution: refer to accompanying documentation
~ Vac (AC voltage)
Vdc (DC voltage)
6 • About this Manual
Table 1 lists specifica t ion s for the Beaco n 200 Gas Mo ni to r.
Table 1: Beacon 200 Specifications
Input Power
Construction (housing)Fiberglass/polyester with lexan window (NEMA 4X)
Dimensions10.5 in. H x 8.5 in. W x 6.25 in. D
Weight8 lbs.
Environmental Conditions
115/220V ~ ±10%, 50/60Hz, 0.5/0.3A
24 V +10% -8%, 0.6A VDC
(267 mm H x 216 mm W x 158 mm D)
•For indoor or outdoor locations (Type 4X)
•2000m max. altitude
•-20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F) max. ambient
•Maximum humidity of 80% relative
•Mains supply voltage fluctuations not exceeding ± 10% of nominal
•DC supply voltage fluctuations not exceeding +10% -8% of nominal
•Program buttons: ESCAPE, UP/YES, DOWN/NO, and ENTER
Standard AccessoryOperator’s manual (this document)
*1The AC voltage input is factory set. The standard input is 115 V~.
CAUTION: Cleaning is not to be performed.
CAUTION: The operator of this instrument is advised that if the equipment
is used in a man ner not specif ied in thi s manua l, the pr otectio n
provided by th e equipment may be impaired.
Specifications • 7
Chapter 2: Description
This chapter describes external and internal components of the Bea con
200 Gas Monitor.
External Description
This section describes the housing and all external components of the
Beacon 200. For the purposes of this description, the housing door is
considered the front of the monitor.
The Beacon 200’s fiberglass hou sing is weath er- and corros ion-resist ant. It
is suitable for installation where general purpose equipment is in use. The
housing door is hing ed on the lef t side and is secure d by two latches on the
right side. The displa y screen and st atus lig hts are visible thr ough win dows
in the housing door. Four mounting feet are attached to the back of the
housing (one at each corner). The mounting feet allow you to install the
housing to a vertical surface. Three conduit hubs on the bottom of the
housing are for external wiring connections.
CAUTION: To avoid electrical inte rference, do not ro ute detect or head and
power wiring through the same conduit hub.
Reset Switch
The reset switch i s on the bottom of th e ho usi ng . I t i s in front of the conduit
hubs. The reset switch serves three functions:
•Resets the alarm circuits for “latch ed” alarms after an alarm 1 or alarm
2 condition passes.
You can set each channel for latched or self-resetting alarms in the
Channel Control & Setup Program.
8 • Overview
•Silences the bu zzer during an alarm 1 or al a rm 2 con dit io n. You canno t
silence failure alarms.
•Displays and resets the minimum and maximum gas concentration
The buzzer is on the botto m of the housi ng. It is on the far r ight. The buzze r
sounds audible alarms to warn you of gas alarms and in strument failures.
Internal Description
This section describes the internal components of the Beacon 200.
Main PCB
Display PCB
(see Figure 2)
DC Fuse
Alarm Relays
(see Figure 3)
Terminal Strip, Channel 1
Detector/Tra n s mitter
Terminal Strip, Channel 2
3/4" Conduit
Hub, 3X
Power Switch
AC Fuses
Terminal Strip
Terminal Strip
Alarm Terminal
Reset Switch
Figure 1. Beacon 200 Gas Monitor Component Location
Internal Description • 9
Display Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
The display PCB is mou nted to the p ower supply mo unting plate which is in
turn mounted to t he ma in PCB. The power su pply mo unting p late an d main
PCB are described below. The display PCB includes the displ ay, the status
lights, and the program buttons.
The display simultaneously indicates the channel number, current gas
reading, measuring unit, and target gas of all active channels.
The display also indicates messages, settings, and other data when you
are operating the instrument programs.
ALARM 2 Light
ALARM 1 Light
Display Contrast
Adjust Pot
Display Screen
Display Cable Connector
FAIL Light
Figure 2. Display Board Component Location
Button Repeater
10 • Internal Description
Status Lights
The Beacon 200 includes four status lights that indicate the current status
of the monitor. The status lights are to the left and right of the display (see
Figure 2).
•Pilot Light. The pilot light is on when the Beacon 200 is receiving
incoming power.
•Fail Light. The fail light turns on when the Beacon 200 is experiencing
a fail condition. A fail condition can be caus ed by a failure within the
Beacon 200 or detector hea d( s) w i r ed to the Be aco n 20 0. See Chapter
5, Maintenanc e, or the troubleshooting section in the applicable
detector head manual to respond to a fail condition.
•Alarm 1 Light. The alarm 1 light is on when the Beacon 200 is
experiencing an alarm 1 gas condition.
•Alarm 2 Light. The alarm 2 light is on when the Beacon 200 is
experiencing an alarm 2 gas condition.
Program Buttons
The Beacon 200 includes four program buttons that allow you to enter the
instrument programs, navigate through the programs, update instrument
and channel settings, and save changes to the program settings. When a
program button is pressed, a buzze r lo cate d on the disp la y PCB beeps.
The program buttons are near the right edge of the display PCB (see
Figure 2).
Table 2: Beacon 200 Program Button Functions
ESCAPE•Moves backward through the program menus
•Cancels changes you make in the program menus
•Enters the Channel Control and Setup program (press with the ENTER button)
UP/YES•Accepts the displayed setting and proceeds to the next setting
•Changes the displayed setting
•Enters the Calibration program (press with the ENTER button)
DOWN/NO•Allows you to update the displayed setting
•Changes the displayed setting
ENTER•Saves changes you make in the programs
•Enters the Channel Control and Setup program (press with ESCAPE button)
•Enters the Calibration program (press with the UP/YES button)
•Enters the Input Setup Program (press while flipping power switch to ON position)
Internal Description • 11
Main PCB
The main PCB is mounted inside the housing. The power supply mounting
plate is mounted to the main PCB with four standoffs and the display PCB
is mounted to the power supply mounting plate with four standoffs. The
main PCB includes the terminal strips, relays, fuses, and power switch.
Terminal Strips
The Beacon 200 includes four terminal strips for external wiring
connections. See “Wiring the Beacon 200 Gas Monitor” for detailed wiring
•Detector/Transmitter Terminal Strips. Two detector/transmitter
terminal strip s are locate d near the bo ttom lef t corne r of the mai n circuit
board (see Figure 1). These two 9-point terminal strips facilitate wiring
connections to the detectors or transmitters. Although each terminal
strip can accommodate several different detector head models, only
one detector h ead at a time ma y be wi red per channel . The top term inal
strip is for channel 1 and the bottom terminal strip is for channel 2.
•Alarm Terminal Strip. The alarm terminal strip is located along the
bottom edge of the main circuit board (see Figure 1). This 21-point
terminal strips facilitates wiring connections to external alarm devices
(horn, strobe, etc.). Termin als are provided for individual channel as well
as common alarm relay contacts.
•Controller T e rminal Str ip. The 10-point controller terminal strip is near
the lower right edge of the main circuit board (see Figure 1). The
controller terminal strip facilitates various interna l and external wiring
connections. Table 3 lists the function of each terminal.
Table 3: Terminal Assignments for the Controller Terminal Strip
TerminalConnects to:
+ CH1 OUT+ connection of 4 - 20 mA output, channel 1
- CH 1 OUT- connection of 4 - 20 mA output, channel 1
+ CH2 OUT+ connection of 4 - 20 mA output, channel 2
- CH2 OUT- connection of 4 - 20 mA output, channel 2
- connection from 24 VDC power source
+ connection from 24 VDC power source1 (or 24 V backup battery)
If DC power is used as the primary power source, do not make wiring connections to the AC terminal strip.
12 • Internal Description
•AC In T e rminal St rip. The AC in terminal strip is a 3-point terminal strip
located above the controller terminal strip (see Figure 1). It facilitates
wiring from the AC power source. Table 4 lists the function of each
T a ble 4: Terminal Assignments for the AC In Terminal Strip
TerminalConnects to:
LINEHot wire from AC power source.
NEUTNeutral wire from AC power source.
GNDEarth gro und
The Beacon 200 includes four channel relays (two per channel) and three
common relays. Both sets of relays are single-pole, double-thr ow (SPDT)
and are rated for 10 amps at 250 VAC (resistive).
NOTE: You can select normally energized (NE) or normally de-energized
(NDE) settings for ea ch channel in th e Channel Co ntrol and Setup
program. This section describes the default setting : normally deenergized.
The alarm 1 and alarm 2 common relays are factory-set as NDE
and the fail common relay is factory-set as NE. The alarm 1, alarm
2, and fail common relays’ NE/NDE settings are not useradjustable.
•Channel relays. The four channel relays are above the alarm terminal
strip (see Figure 1). These relays are dedicated to specific channels
and alarm levels.
For example, the channel 1, alarm 1 relay energizes if channel 1
recognizes an alarm 1 condition. Figure 3 below illustrates the
allocation of the channel relays
NOTE: The alarm 2 channel relays may be set to operate as individual
•Common relays. The three common relay s, alarm 1, alarm 2, and fail,
are to the lef t of th e controlle r terminal strip (see Figu re 1). These rela ys
are common for both channels.
Common Alarm 1
Common Alarm 2
Common Fail
channel fail relays. See the Configu re Channel Settings sect ion of
Chapter 5 for instructions.
For example, the al arm 1 common rela y energizes if either channel 1 or
channel 2 recognizes an alarm 1 condition.
There are three fu ses that are used in t he Beacon 200 . T w o of them are AC
fuses and one of them is a DC fuse.
•AC Fuses. The two fuses located directly to the left of the controller
terminal strip are the AC fuses. They cut off the incoming AC power in
the event of a short circuit or other electric al fault which causes a high
current draw in the Beacon 200. They are housed in vertical fuse
holders and are held in the holder by a quarter turn cover. They are
labelled as F2 (top fuse) and F3 (bottom fuse) on the PCB silk-screen
and are rated at 3 A, 250 V.
•DC Fuse. The fuse located to the left of the power switch is the DC
fuse. It cuts off incoming DC power in the event of a short circuit or
other electrical fault which causes a high current draw in the Beacon
200. It is also housed in a vertical fuse holder and is held in the holder
by a quarter turn cover. It is labelled as F1 on the PCB silk-screen and
is rated at 6A, 250 V.
14 • Internal Description
Power Switch
The power switch is located above the relays and in between the AC and
DC fuses (see Figure 1). The power switch turns the incoming AC power
source on and off at the Beacon 200. When the switch is up, the power
switch is on.
NOTE: The DC power in put has no on/off switch and i s not af fected by the
position of this switch.
Power Supply
The power supply is mounted to the power supply mounting plate which is
located behind the display PCB. The p ower supply mounting plate is
mounted to the main PCB with fou r st a ndo ffs. The power supply receives
the AC input from the external power source and converts it to a DC
voltage that is usable by the Beacon 200 circuitry.
Internal Description • 15
Chapter 3: Installation and Start Up
This chapter describes procedures to mount the Beacon 200 Gas Monitor,
make wiring connections to the monitor, and start up the monitor.
WARNING: Perform all installation and start-up procedures in a
“fresh air” environment (known to be free of combustible
gas, toxic gas, and of normal oxygen content). The
Beacon 200 is not in operation as a gas monitoring
system until the start-up procedure is complete.
Mounting the Beacon 200 Gas
Perform the following procedure to install the Beacon 200 at the mounting
1. Select the mounting site. When you select the mounting site consider
the following factors:
•Is an AC or DC power source available?
•Is there enough room to open the housing door and make wiring
connections through the conduit hubs at the bottom of the housing?
•Are the display screen and status lights visible?
2. Close and latch the housing door.
3. Position t he monitor on a vertical surface at e ye level (4 1/2 to 5 feet
from the floor).
4. The Beacon 200 is shipped with the mounting feet positioned behind
the housing. Loosen the screws that secure the feet to the housing,
rotate the feet to their mounting position (as shown in Figure 4), then
tighten the screws.
5. Insert 1/4 in. or 5/16 in. screws through the slot s in the mounting fe et at
16 • Overview
each corner of the housing to secure the housing to the mounting
surface (see Figure 4).
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