Mac Users Read Me First
Installation Instructions for Mac Users
Mac OS9 and OSX users must first install the required iTunes 2.0.4 software, then install the
required Rio plugin.
1. To install iTunes, choose the “Install iTunes” link on the software CD install screen, and follow
the on-screen instructions.
2. To install the Rio plugin, choose the "Download Rio Plugin" link on the software CD install
screen. Choose the “Install Rio Plugin” link for your Mac's OS on the Web page that displays.
The plugin begins downloading and is installed on your computer. You must have an internet
connection to download the Rio plugin.
OSX Users
The "Install" program on the software CD may not run on some OSX systems, if you are having
difficulty, follow these steps:
To Install iTunes 2.0.4
1. Double click on the CD icon to show the contents of the CD that came with your product.
2. Open the “iTunes” folder
3. Open the “OSX” folder
4. Double click on the iTunes2.pkg file to begin the installation of iTunes 2.0.4
To manually view the electronic User’s Guide, open the “Docs” folder on the CD and double click
on the SXXUG.pdf file, where “XX” is the model number of your product.
© 2002 SONICblue Incorporated. All rights reserved. Rio is a registered trademark of SONICblue Incorporated. SONICblue is
a trademark of SONICblue Incorporated. iTunes is provided by Apple Computer, Inc. © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights
reserved. iTunes is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
registered in the United States and other countries.
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