Rigol DS1000CD, DS1000C, DS1000MD, DS1000M User guide

User Manual


Publication number DS1-060301

March 2006

DS1000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes

DS1000CD, DS1000C, DS1000MD, DS1000M

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006

All Rights Reserved


zCopyright © RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2006 All Rights Reserved.

zRIGOL products are protected by patent law in and outside of P.R. China.

zInformation in this publication replaces that in all previously corresponding material.

zRIGOL Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to modify or change pat of or all the specifications and pricing policies at company’s sole decision.

NOTE: RIGOL is registered trademark of RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Safety Notices

Review the following safety precautions carefully before operate the instrument to avoid any personal injury or to damage the instrument and any products connected to it.

To avoid potential hazards use the instrument in a manner only as specified by this user’s guide.

The instrument should be serviced by qualified personnel only.

To Avoid Fire or Personal Injury

Use proper power cord Use only the power cord designed for your oscilloscope and authorized in your country.

Connect and Disconnect accessories properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test leads while they are connected to a voltage source

Ground the instrument This oscilloscope is grounded through the protective earthing conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the oscilloscope ensure that the instrument is properly grounded.

Connect the probe properly. The probes’ ground terminals are at the same voltage level with earth terminal of the instrument. Do not connect the ground terminals to a high voltage.

Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and marks on the instrument. Follow the user’s manual for further ratings information before making connections to the instrument.

Do not operate without Covers. Do not operate your oscilloscope with covers or panels removed.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


Use Proper Fuse. Use only the fuse type and rating specified for this product.

Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is on.

Do not operate with suspected failures. If you suspect damage with this product, have it inspected by qualified service personnel before further operations.

Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for details as to the oscilloscope has proper ventilation.

Do not operate in wet/damp conditions

Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere

Keep product surfaces clean and dry

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Safety Terms and Symbols

Terms in This Manual. These terms may appear in this manual:

WARNING: Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could

!result in injury or loss of life.

CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could

!result in damage to this product or other property.

Terms on the Product: These terms may appear on the product:

DANGER indicates an injury hazard may be immediately accessible.

WARNING indicates an injury hazard may be not immediately accessible.

CAUTION indicates that a potential damage to the instrument or other property might occur.

Symbols on the Product: These symbols may appear on the Instrument:



Refer to






earth terminal






of Chassis



© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


General-Purpose Oscilloscopes

RIGOL DS1000-Series Digital Oscilloscopes offer exceptional waveform viewing and measurements in a compact, lightweight package. The DS1000 series are ideal for production test, field service, research and design and all of the applications involving analog/digital circuits test and troubleshooting, as well as education and training.

Each of these oscilloscopes gives you:

zDual Channel, Bandwidth:

100MHz (DS1102CD, DS1102C, DS1102MD, DS1102M)


(DS1062CD, DS1062C, DS1062MD, DS1062M)


(DS1042CD, DS1042C, DS1042MD, DS1042M)


(DS1022CD, DS1022C, DS1022MD, DS1022M)

zOptional 16 digital channels (Mixed signal oscilloscope), each channel can be turned on or off independently, or in a 8 bit group

zMono/Color TFT LCD Displays at 320*234 resolution

zUSB storage and printing supports, firmware upgradeable via USB connectivity

zAdjustable waveform intensity, more effective waveform viewing

zOne-touch automatic setup for ease of use (AUTO)

zSaves 10 Waveforms, 10 setups, supports CSV and bitmap format

zNewly designed Delayed Scan Function, easy to give attention to both details and overview of a waveform

z20 Automatic measurements

zAutomatic cursor tracking measurements

zWaveform recorder, record and replay dynamic waveforms

zUser selectable fast offset calibration

zBuilt-in FFT function, Frequency Counter

zDigital filters, includes LPF HPF BPF BRF

zPass/Fail Function, optically isolated Pass/Fail output

zAdd, Subtract and Multiply Mathematic Functions

zAdvanced trigger types include: Edge, Video, Pulse width, Slope, Alternative, Pattern and Duration (Mixed signal oscilloscope)

zAdjustable trigger sensitivity

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



zMultiple Language User Interface

zPop-up menu makes it easy to read and easy to use

zBuilt-in Chinese and English help system

zEasy-to-use file system supports Chinese & English characters key-in

DS1000 Series Digital Oscilloscope accessories:

zTwo 1.5 meter, 1:1 10: 1 switchable probes

zDigital test set (Mixed Signal Oscilloscope only, DS1xxxxD), include A data line (Model: FC1868)

An active logic head (Model: LH1116) Twenty test wire (Model: LC1150) Twenty logic clips (Model: TC1100)

zPower cord for country of destination

zUser’s Manual

zWarranty Card


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series





Safety Notices ..................................................................................................


General-Purpose Oscilloscopes ..........................................................................


CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED .....................................................................


The Front Panel and the User Interface .......................................................


To Inspect the Instrument ..........................................................................


To Perform a Functional Check....................................................................


To Compensate Probes...............................................................................


To Use Digital Leads (Mixed Signal Oscilloscope) ........................................


To Display a Signal Automatically ..............................................................


To Set Up the Vertical Window..................................................................


To Set Up the Horizontal System ...............................................................


To Trigger the Oscilloscope.......................................................................


CHAPTER 2: OPERATING YOUR OSCILLOSCOPE ..............................................


Understand the vertical system ...................................................................


Understand the Horizontal System.............................................................


Understand the Trigger System .................................................................


To Set Up the Sampling System ................................................................


To Set Up the Display System ...................................................................


To Store and Recall Waveforms or Setups..................................................


To Set Up the Utility .................................................................................


To Measure Automatically .........................................................................


To measure with cursors...........................................................................


To use run control buttons.......................................................................


CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION & EXAMPLES .........................................................


Example 1: Taking Simple Measurements.....................................................


Example 2: View a signal delay caused by a circuit .......................................


Example 3: Capture a Single-Shot Signal......................................................


Example 4: To reduce the random noise on a signal......................................


Example 5: Making Cursor Measurements ....................................................


Example 6: The application of the X-Y operation...........................................


Example 7: Triggering on a Video Signal ....................................................


Example 8: FFT Cursor measurement ........................................................


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Example 9: Pass/Fail Test ..........................................................................


CHAPTER 4: PROMPT MESSAGES & TROUBLESHOOTING .................................


Prompting Message ....................................................................................




CHAPTER 5: SUPPORT & SERVICE ..................................................................


CHAPTER 6: APPENDIX ..................................................................................


Appendix A: Specifications ..........................................................................


Apendix B: DS1000-Series Accessories .........................................................


Appendix C: General Care and Cleaning .......................................................





© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


Chapter 1 : Getting Started

This chapter covers the following topics:

The front panel and user interface

To inspect the instrument

To perform a functional check

To compensate probes

To use digital leads (Mixed signal oscilloscope only)

To display a signal automatically

To set up the vertical system

To set up the horizontal system

To trigger the oscilloscope

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



The Front Panel and the User Interface

One of the first things you will want to do with your new oscilloscope is to become acquainted with its front panel. This chapter will help you be familiar with the layout of the knobs and keys and how to use them. Read the chapter carefully before further operations.

The front panel has knobs and buttons. The knobs are used most often and are similar to the knobs on other oscilloscopes. The buttons not only let you use some of the functions directly but also bring up soft button menus on the screen, which allow you access to many measurement features associated with advanced functionalities, math, and reference or run control features.


DS1000-Series Oscilloscope’s Front Panel

DS1000 series oscilloscopes provide an easy-to-use user interface, the definitions of the buttons and the knobs are as follows:

Menu buttons: Associated with Measure, Cursor, Acquire, Display, Storage, and


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


Utility menus.

Vertical buttons: Associated with CH1, CH2, MATH, REF and LA menus, the OFF button can set waveform or menu which currently active off.

Horizontal buttons: Associated with horizontal MENU.

Trigger buttons: Associated with trigger MENU, instant action to set 50% trigger level and FORCE trigger.

Action buttons:

Include run control buttons for AUTO and RUN/STOP.

Function buttons: Five grey buttons from top to bottom on the right to the LCD screen, which set choices of operation in the currently active menu.


For the adjustment of vertical or horizontal



and trigger



© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Figure 1-2

Front Panel Controls

Character definitions in this User’s Manual

Throughout this book, character figures of buttons and knobs are the same to those on front-panel.

A box around the name of the key denotes MENU function buttons on front-panel, such as Measure.

denotes the multi-function knob .

denotes the two POSITION knobs.

denotes the two SCALE knobs.

denotes the LEVEL knob.

The name with a drop shadow denotes the menu operating key, such as WAVEFORM soft key in STORAGE menu.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series

Rigol DS1000CD, DS1000C, DS1000MD, DS1000M User guide






Location of





waveform window

Trigger point in

Trigger point in

Running status

in memory


waveform window








Channel 1








Channel 2

















display window






Figure1 3

Display screen Analog channels only


Digital channel

Digital channels

Running status

turned off

turned on

Channel 1

Digital channels

Channel coupling



and vertical div.

time base div.


Figure 1-4

User Interface Analog and Digital channels

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



To Inspect the Instrument

After you get a new DS1000 series oscilloscope, please inspect the instrument according to the following steps:

1.Inspect the shipping container for damage.

Keep a damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the instrument has been checked mechanically and electrically.

2.Check the accessories.

Accessories supplied with the instrument are listed in "Accessories" in this manual.

If the contents are incomplete or damaged notify your RIGOL Sales Representative.

3.Inspect the instrument.

In case any mechanical damage or defect, or if the instrument does not operate properly or pass performance tests, notify your RIGOL Sales Representative.

If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs of stress, notify the carrier as well as your RIGOL sales office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier’s inspection.

RIGOL offices will arrange for repair or replacement at RIGOL’s option without waiting for claim settlement.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


To Perform a Functional Check

Perform this quick functional check to verify that your instrument is operating correctly.

1. Turn on the instrument.

Use only power cords designed for your oscilloscope. Use a power source that delivers 100 to 240 VACRMS, 45Hz to 440Hz. Turn on the instruments, and wait until

the display shows the waveform window. Push the Storage button, select Storage in the top menu box and push the Factory menu box.

Power button

Storage button


Figure 1-5


To avoid electric shock, be sure the oscilloscope is properly grounded.

2 Input a signal to a channel of the oscilloscope

Set the switch on the probe to 10X and connect the probe to channel 1 on the oscilloscope. To do this, align the slot in the probe connector with the key on the

CH 1 BNC, push to connect, and twist to the right to lock the probe in place. Attach the probe tip and ground lead to the PROBE COMP connector.

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Probe compensator

Figure 1-6

Set the probe attenuation to 10X. To do this, push CH1→Probe→10X.

Probe scale

Figure 1-7

Figure 1-8

Push the AUTO button. Within a few seconds, you could see a square wave in the display (approximately 1 kHz 3 V peakto- peak).

Push the OFF button or push the CH1 button again to turn off channel 1, push the CH2 button to turn on channel 2, repeat steps 2 and 3.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


To Compensate Probes

Perform this adjustment to match your probe to the input channel. This should be done whenever you attach a probe for the first time to any input channel.

1.Set the Probe menu attenuation to 10X. Set the switch to 10X on the probe and connect the probe to channel 1 on the oscilloscope. If you use the probe hook-tip, ensure a proper connection by firmly inserting the tip onto the probe. Attach the probe tip to the PROBE COMP connector and the reference lead to the PROBE COMP Ground connector, turn on channel 1, and then press AUTO.

2.Check the shape of the displayed waveform.

Over compensated

Correctly Compensated

Under Compensated

Figure 1-9

3.If necessary, use a non-metallic tool to adjust the trimmer capacitor on the probe for the flattest square wave possible as displayed on the oscilloscope.

4.Repeat as necessary.

!WARNNING: To avoid electric shock while using the probe, be sure the perfection of the insulated cable, and do not touch the metallic portions of the probe head while it is connected with a voltage source.

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



To Use Digital Leads (Mixed Signal Oscilloscope)

1.Switch off power supply of the Device Under Test if necessary to avoid short circuit. Since no voltage is applied to the leads at this step, you may keep the oscilloscope on.

2.Connect one end of the flat cable FC1868 to the Logic Analyzer Input, connect the other end to Logic Head LH1116. An identifier is located on each end of the flat cable, it can only be connected in one way. It is unnecessary to switch off power supply of your oscilloscope connect the cable.

Figure 1-10

!CAUTION Use only FC1868, LH1116, TC1100 and LC1150 made by RIGOL for specified mixed signal oscilloscopes.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


3. Connect a test clip to one lead wire; make sure it’s connected well.

Test clip

Figure 1-11

4. Test your device with the clip.

Figure 1-12

5.Remember to connect Ground Channel to the DUT’s ground terminal.


Figure 1-13

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



To Display a Signal Automatically

The oscilloscope has an Auto feature that sets up the oscilloscope automatically to display the input signal in a best fit. This Auto feature requires the input signal with a frequency of 50 Hz or higher and a duty cycle greater than 1%.

When you press the AUTO button, the oscilloscope automatically sets up vertical, horizontal and Trigger controls to display the input signal in the screen for view. You may want to adjust the controls manually if necessary to get the best results.

DS1000 series are two-channel oscilloscopes with an external trigger input. In this exercise you connect a signal to the channel 1 input.

1.Connect a signal to the oscilloscope.

2.Press AUTO.

When you press the AUTO button, the oscilloscope may change the current settings to display the signal. It automatically adjusts the vertical and horizontal scaling, as well as the trigger coupling, type, position, slope, level, and mode settings.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


To Set Up the Vertical Window

Figure 1-14 shows the Channels, MATH, REF, Logic Analyzer and OFF buttons and vertical , knobs. The following exercise guides you through the vertical buttons, knobs, and status bar. It will help you be familiar with the setting of the vertical parameters.

Figure 1-14

1. Center the signal on the display with the knob.

The knob moves the signal vertically, and it is calibrated. Notice that as you turn the knob, a voltage value is displayed for a short time indicating how far the ground reference is located from the center of the screen. Also notice that the ground symbol on the left side of the display moves in conjunction with the knob.

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Measurement hints

If the channel is DC coupled, you can quickly measure the DC component of the signal by simply noting its distance from the ground symbol.

If the channel is AC coupled, the DC component of the signal is blocked, allowing you to use greater sensitivity to display the AC component of the signal.

Vertical offset back to 0 shortcut key

Turn the knob to change the vertical display position of channel and press the knob to set the vertical display position back to 0 as a shortcut key, this is especially helpful when the trace position is far out of the screen and want it to get back to the screen center immediately.

2. Change the vertical setup and notice that each change affects the status bar differently.

You can quickly determine the vertical setup from the status bar in the display.

zChange the vertical sensitivity with the knob and notice that it causes the status bar to change.

zPress CH1.

zA soft button menu appears on the display, and the channel turns on (or remains on if it was already turned on).

zToggle each of the soft buttons and notice which button cause the status bar to change. Channel 1 and 2 have a vernier soft button that allows the knob to change the vertical step size in smaller increments. To press Volts/Div soft button, you can change the step size into Fine or Coarse status.

zPress OFF button to turn the channel off.

Coarse/Fine Shortcut key

You can set the Coarse/Fine vertical control not only on the Volts/Div item in the CH1 or CH2 menus, but also by simply pressing the vertical



© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


To Set Up the Horizontal System

Figure 1-15 shows the MENU button, and knobs of horizontal system. The following exercise guides you through these buttons, knobs, and status bar.

Figure 1 15

1. Turn the knob and notice the change it makes to the status bar.

The horizontal knob changes the sweep speed in a 1-2-5 step sequence, and the value is displayed in the status bar. The time base ranges of the DS1000 series are listed as follows. The horizontal scan speed is from 5ns/div* to 50s/div.

* NOTE: The speed of horizontal scan varies by different models.

Delayed Scan Shortcut key

To press the knob in the horizontal control area on the front-panel is another way to enter or exit Delayed Scan mode and it is equal to the following menu operations, MENU→Delayed.

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User Manual for DS1000 Series



2. The horizontal knob moves displayed signal horizontally on waveform window

Horizontal offset back to 0 shortcut key

Press the knob to set the horizontal offset to 0 as a shortcut key, this is especially helpful when the trigger point is far out of the screen and want it to get back to the screen center immediately.

3.Press the MENU key to display the TIME menu.

In this menu, you can enter or exit the Delayed Scan mode, set the display to Y-T, X-Y or ROLL mode, and turn the horizontal knob to adjust trigger offset.

Horizontal position control

Trig-Offset: In this setting, the trigger position will be changed horizontally when you turn the knob.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


To Trigger the Oscilloscope

Figure 1-16 shows the trigger control area on the front panel, it has a trigger level knob and three soft buttons. The following exercise guides you through these trigger buttons, knobs, and status bar.

Figure 1-16

1. Turn the trigger Level knob and notice the changes it makes to the display.

On the DS1000 series oscilloscopes, as you turn the knob or press the 50% menu button, two things happen on the display for a short time. First, the trigger level value is displayed at the bottom-left of the screen. If the trigger is DC coupled, it is displayed as a voltage value. If the trigger is AC coupled or LF reject, it is displayed as a percentage of the trigger range. Second, a line is displayed showing the location of the trigger level (as long as AC coupling or low frequency reject are not selected).

© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series



Trigger Level to 0 Shortcut key

Turn the knob to change trigger level value and press the knob to set trigger level back to 0 as a shortcut key.

2. Change the trigger setup and notice these changes affect the status bar differently.

· Press MENU button in the trigger control area.

A soft button menu appears on the display showing the trigger setting choices. Figure 1-17 displays this trigger menu.

·Press the trigger Mode button and choose Edge.

·Press the trigger Source button to select CH1.

·Press the trigger Slope button to choose Rising Edge.

·Press the trigger Sweep button to select Auto.

·Press the trigger Set Up button to enter secondary menu.

Figure 1-17

NOTE: The trigger type, slope and source change in conjunction with the status bar on the top-right of the screen.

3. Press 50%

This key is an action button. Every time you press the 50% button, the oscilloscope sets the trigger level to the center of the signal.


© Copyright RIGOL Technologies, Inc. 2006.


User Manual for DS1000 Series


4. Press FORCE

Press this button starts an acquisition regardless of an adequate trigger signal, usually used in “Normal” or ”Single” trigger mode. This button has no effect if the acquisition is already stopped.

Key point:

Holdoff: A time interval before the oscilloscope response to next trigger

signal. During this holdoff period, the trigger system becomes “blind” to

trigger signals. This function helps to view complex signals such as an AM

waveform. Press Holdoff button to activate knob, then turn it to adjust

Holdoff time.

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User Manual for DS1000 Series


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