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User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Safety Notices
Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the
instrument into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to the
instrument and any product connected to it. To prevent potential hazards, please
follow the instructions specif ied in this manual to use the instrument properly.
Use Proper Power Cord.
Only the exclusive power cord designed for the instrument and authorized for use
within the local country could be used.
Ground the Instrument.
The instrument is grounded th rough t he Protectiv e E arth lea d of the p ower co rd. To
avoid electr ic shock, connect the earth term i na l of the power cord to the Pro tec t i ve
Earth terminal before connecting any input or output terminals.
Connect the Probe Correctly.
If a probe is used, the probe ground lead must be connected to earth ground. Do
not connect the ground lead to high voltage. Improper way of connection could
result in dangerous voltages being present on the connectors, controls or other
surfaces of the oscilloscope and probes, which will cause potential hazards for
Observe All Terminal Ratings.
To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markers on the instrument and
check your manual for more information about ratings before connecting the
Use Proper Overvoltage Protection.
Ensure that no overv oltage (such as that cause d by a bolt of lightnin g) can reach the
product. Otherwise, the operator might be exposed to the danger of an electric
Do Not Operate Without Covers.
Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Do Not Insert Anything Into the Air Outlet.
Do not insert anything into the air outlet to avoid damage to the instrument.
Use Proper Fuse.
Please use the specified fuses.
Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.
Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the unit is powered on.
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures.
If you suspect that any damage may occur to the instrument, have it inspected by
RIGOL authorized personnel before further operations. Any maintenan ce,
adjustment or replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be performed
by RIGOL authorized personnel.
Provide Adequate Ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of temperature in the instrument,
which would cause damage to the instrument. So please keep the instrument well
ventilated and inspect the air outlet and the fan regularly.
Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.
To avoid short circuit inside the instrument or electric shock, never operate the
instrument in a humid environment.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
To avoid personal injuries or damage to the instrument, never operate t he
instrument in an explo sive atm ospher e.
Keep Instrument Surfaces Clean and Dry.
To avoid dust or moisture from affecting the performance of the instrument, keep
the surfaces of the instrument clean and dry.
Prevent Electrostatic Impact.
Operate the instr ument in an electrostatic discharge protective en vironment to avoid
damage induced by static discharges. Always ground both the inter nal and external
conductors of cables to release static before making connections.
Use the Battery Properly.
Do not expose the battery (if available) to high temperature or fire.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Keep it out of the reach of children. Improper change of a battery (lithium bat t ery)
may cause an explosion. Use the RIGOL specified battery only .
Handle with Caution.
Please handle with care during transportation to avoid damage to keys, knobs,
interfaces, and other parts on the panels.
The disturbance test of all the models meet the limit values of A in the
standard of EN 61326: 1997+A1+A 2+A3, but can’t meet the limit values
of B.
Measurement Category
The DS1000B series Digita l Oscilloscope is intende d to be used f or measu rement s in
Measurement Category I.
Measurement Category
Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly
connected to MAINS. Examples are measuremen t s on circuits not derived from
MAINS, and specially protected (inte rnal ) MAI NS de riv ed circuits. In the latter case,
transient stresses are variable; for that reason, the transient withstand capability of
the equipment is made known to the user.
IEC Measurement Category I, the input terminals may be connected to circuit
terminal in IEC Category I installations for voltages up to 300 VAC. To avoid the
danger of electric shock, do not connect the inputs to circuit’s voltages above 300
Transient overvoltage is also present on circuits that are isolated from mains. The
DS1000B series Digital Oscilloscopes is designed to safely withstand occasional
transient ove rvolta ge up to 1000 Vpk. Do not use thi s equipment to measure circuit s
where transient overvoltage could exceed this level.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Safety Notices and Symbols
Safety Notices in this Manua l:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice which, if not
avoided, will result in serious injury or death.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice which, if not
avoided, could result in damage to the product or loss of im portant data.
Safety Terms on the Product:
DANGER It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in injury or hazard immediately.
WARNING It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in
CAUTIONIt calls attention to an operation, if not correctly pe rformed, could
result in
Safety Symbols on the Product:
potential injury or hazard.
damage to the product or other devices connected to the
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen
Überprüfen Sie diefolgenden Sicherheitshinweise
sorgfältigumPersonenschädenoderSchäden am Gerätundan damit verbundenen
weiteren Gerätenzu vermeiden. Zur Vermeidung vonGefahren, nutzen Si e bitte das
Gerät nur so, wiein diesem Handbuchangegeben.
Um Feuer oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden, verwenden Sie ein
ordnungsgemäßes Netzkabel.
Verwenden Sie für dieses Gerät nur das für ihr Land zugelass ene u nd genehm igte
Erden des Gerätes.
Das Gerät ist durch den Schutzleiter im Netzkabel geerdet. Um Gefahren durch
elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, ist es unerlässlich, die Erdung durchzuführen.
Erst dann dürfen weitere Ein- oder Ausgänge verbunden werden.
Anschluss einesTastkopfes.
Die Erdungsklemmen der Sonden sindauf dem gleichen Spannungspegel des
Instruments geerdet. SchließenSie die Erdungsklemmen an keine hohe Spannung
Beachten Sie alle Anschlüsse.
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer oder Stromschlag, beachten Sie alle Bemerkungen und
Markierungen auf dem Instrument. Befolgen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung für
weitere Informationen, bevor Sie weitere Anschlüsse an das Instrument legen.
Verwenden Sie einen geeigneten Überspannungsschutz.
Stellen Sie sicher, daß keinerlei Überspannung (wie z.B. durch Gewitte r verurs acht)
das Gerät erreichen kann. Andernfallsbestehtfür den Anwender die
Nicht ohne Abdeckung einschalten.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht mit entfernten Gehäuse-Abdeckungen.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht geöffnet.
Der Betrieb mit offenen oder entfernten Gehäuseteilen ist nicht zulässig. Nichts in
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
entsprechende Öffnungen stecken (Lüfter z.B.)
Passende Sicherung verwenden.
Setzen Sie nur die spezifikationsgemäßen Sicherungen ein.
Vermeiden Sie ungeschützte Verbindungen.
Berühren Sie keine unis olierten Verbindungen oder Baugruppen, während das Gerät
in Betrieb ist.
Betreiben Sie das Gerät n ic h t im Fehlerfa ll .
Wenn Sie am Gerät einen Defekt vermuten, sorgen Sie dafür, bevor Sie das Gerät
wieder betreiben, dass eine Untersuchung durch RIGOL autorisiertem Personal
durchgeführt wird. Jedwede Wartung, Einstellarbeiten oder Austausch von Teilen
am Gerät, sowie am Zubehör dürfen nur von RIGOL autorisiertem Perso nal
durchgeführt werden.
Belüftung sicherstellen.
Unzureichende Belüftung kann zu Temperaturanstiegen und somit zu thermischen
Schäden am Gerät führen. Stellen Sie deswegen die Belüftung sicher und
kontrollieren regelmäßig Lüfter und Belüftungsöffnungen.
Nicht in feuc h te r Um g ebung betre iben.
Zur Vermeidung von Kurzschluß im Geräteinneren und Stromschlag betreiben Sie
das Gerät bitte niemals in feuchter Umgebung.
Nicht in explosiver Atmosphäre betreiben.
Zur Ve rm e idung von P e rs onen- und Sachschäden ist es unumgängli ch, das Ger ät
ausschließlich fernab jedweder explosiven Atmosphäre zu betreiben.
Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken halten.
Um den Einfluß von Staub und Feuchtigkeit aus der Luft auszuschließen, halten Sie
bitte die Geräteoberflächen sauber und trocken.
Schutz gegen elektrostatische Entladung (ESD).
Sorgen Sie für eine elektrostatisch geschützte Umgebung, um somit Schäden und
Funktionsstörungen durch ESD zu vermeiden. Erden Sie vor dem Anschluß immer
Innen- und Außenleiter der Verbindungsleitung, um statische Aufladun g zu
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Die richtige Verwendung desAkku.
Wenneine Batterieverwendet wird, vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen bzw. Feuer
ausgesetzt werden. Bewahren Sie es außerhalbder Reichweitevon Kindern auf.
Unsachgemäße Änderung derBat t e ri e (Anmerkung: Lithium-Batterie) kann zu einer
Explosion führen. VerwendenSie nur von RIGOL angegebenenAkkus.
Sicherer Transport.
Transportieren Sie das Gerät sorgfältig (Verpackung!), um Schäden an
Bedienelementen, Anschlüssen und anderen Teilen zu vermeiden.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole
Begriffe in diesem Guide:
Die Kennzeichnung WARNING beschreibt Gefahrenq ue llen die leibliche
Schäden oder den Tod von Personen zur Folge haben können.
Die Kennzeichnung Caution (Vorsicht) beschreibt Gefahrenquellen die
Schäden am Gerät hervorrufen können.
Begriffe auf dem Produkt:
DANGER weist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin, die sof ort
geschehen kann.
WARNINGweist auf eine V erletzung oder Gefährdung hin , die möglicherweise
nicht sofort geschehen.
CAUTIONweist auf eine Verletzung oder Gefährdung hin und bedeutet, dass
eine mögliche Beschädigung des Instruments oder anderer
Gegenstände auftreten kann.
Symbole auf dem Produkt:
Schutz-erde Gehäusemasse Erde
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
General-Purpose Oscilloscopes
The introduction of this document contains three types of DS1000B series
oscilloscope: DS1074B, DS1104B and DS1204B
RIGOL DS1000B series digital oscilloscopes with four analog channels in
connection with an external trigger channel are designed to capture multi ple signals
and meet the needs of measurement along with its e xcellent performa nce, pow erful
The instrument is designed for 2GSa/s maximum real-time sample rate, 50GSa/s
maximum equivalent sample rate and 20 0 MHz maximum ba n dw idth. Besides,
abundant trigger modes, math and acquire functions enable it easy to capture and
analyze waveforms, also, Auto button is available to display a signal automatically.
What’s more, the laconic and clear panel in line with tradition and the intuitive on
the panels make instrument operation easy and convenient, as well as the LCD,
interface and buttons are all friendly and clear, ma king o peration m ore comfor table.
Main Features:
Four Channels, Bandwidth of per channel:
200MHz: DS1204B
100MHz: DS1104B
70MHz: DS1074B
2GSa/s real-time s ampling rat e and 50GSa/s equivalent sampling rate.
Color TFT 5.7 inch LCD, 320×240 pixels resolution.
USB storage and PictBridge printing.
Available to interconnect with RIGOL signal generator seamlessly.
Adjustable waveform intensity, more effective waveform viewing.
One-touch automatic setup, ease of use (AUTO).
Storage and recurrence of Waveforms and setups, supports CSV, 8 or 24 bits
bitmap and PNG format.
Delayed Scan Function, easy to give at tention to bot h details and o ver view of a
22 Automatic measurements.
Automatic cursor tracking measurements.
Waveform recor de r, record and repla y dynamic waveforms.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Built-in FFT function.
Digital filters, includes LPF, HPF, BPF, BRF.
Pass/Fail detection Function, optically isolated Pass/Fail output.
Addition, Subtract and Multiply Mathematic Functions of waveforms.
Advanced trigger types include: Edge, Video , Pulse w idth, Pattern, Alternative.
Adjustable trigger sensitivity.
Multiple Language User Interface.
Pop-up menu makes it easy to read and easy to use.
Built-in help systems with multinational languages.
Easy-to-use file system supports Chinese & English characters file name input.
Conform to LXI consortium instrument standard class C.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Document Overview
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To introduce the panls and menus to help users to realize the base operations.
Chapter 2 Operating Your Oscilloscope
More details to help users to understand the functions and measurements of
instrument deeply.
Chapter 3 Application Examples
To show the measurement functions directly by application examples.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
Provide you troubleshooting to solve the problems during operating.
Chpter 5 Specifications
List common specifications and characteristics of the oscilloscope.
Chapter 6 Appendix
Information about accessories, warranties, services and supports and the like.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Guaranty and Declaration ........................................................................ I
Safety Notices ........................................................................................ II
Safety Notic e s an d Symbols .................................................................... V
Allgemeine Sicherheits Informationen................................................... VI
Sicherheits Begriffe und Symbole .......................................................... IX
General-Purpose Oscilloscopes ............................................................... X
Document Overview ............................................................................ XII
Appendix C: Care and Cleaning .............................................................. 6-3
Index ...................................................................................................... 1
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Chapter 1 Quick Guide
This chapter covers the following topics:
General Inspect
Panels and User Interface
Functional Check
To Compensate the Probes
To Display a Signal Automatically
To Understand the Vertical System
To Understand the Horizontal System
To Understand the Trigger System
To Understand the Quick Function
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
General Inspect
After receiving a new DS1000B series oscilloscope, please inspect the instrument as
1. Inspect the shipping container for damage.
Keep the damaged shipping container or cushioning material until the contents
of the shipment have been checked for completeness and the instrument has
passed both ele ctrical and mechanical test.
The consigner or carrier shall be liable for the damage to instrumentresulting
from shipment, without free maintenance or replacement by RIGOL.
2. Inspect the instrument.
In case of any damage, or defect, or failure, notify your RIGOL Sales
3. Check the accessories.
Accessories supplied with the instrument are listed in "Appendix A: DS1000B
series Accessories" in this guide.
If the contents are incomplete or damaged, please notify your RIGOL Sales
User’s Guide for DS1000B series
LCD Off Menu Knob Button Menu Control
Power USB Probe Menu Analog Signal EXT TRIG
Panels and User Interface
Being familiar with the operation panels is the f irst priority when you get a new
DS1000B series digital oscilloscope. This chapter will bring you a brief introduction
and description of the panels and functions of oscilloscope, which can help users to
know well about the instrument in a short time.
Front Panel
Figure 1-1, the front Panel; the knobs are used most often and are similar to the
knobs on other oscilloscopes. There are f ive gr ey buttons defined a s No.1 to No.5
from up to bott om on the right side of the displa y which a re menu ope rating buttons.
The buttons not only all ow you to use s ome of the f unctions directly but also bring up
soft button menus on the screen, which enable the access to many measurement
features associated with the advanced functions, mathematics, and reference or to
run control features.
Turn On/ Multi-Function Quick Function Run
Switch Host Compensator Buttons Channels Channel
Figure 1-1 Front Panel Overview
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Front Panel Interfaces:
USB Host: Con nect DS1000B with external USB devices when the oscilloscope is
regarded as “Host Devi ce”, such as connecting a USB flash device.
Analog Signal Channels: Four channels are provided: CH1, CH2, CH3 and CH4.
EXT TRIG Input: It is applied to input external trigger signal.
NOTE: There are two USB Host ports respectively on the front and rear panel.
Rear Panel
④ ⑤ ⑥
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel Overview
Rear Panel of DS1000B contains the fo llo wing parts:
① Power Supply: Input power supply to the instrument.
② Fuse: 250V, T2A
③ Power Switch: Turn on or off the power source.
④ LAN: Enable users to set up network by LAN port.
⑤ USB Device: Connect DS1000B with external USB devices wh en the
oscilloscope is regarded as “Slave Device”. For exa mpl e: connect with PC for
remote contr ol .
⑥USB Host: Connect DS1000B with external USB devices when the
oscilloscope is regarded as “Host Device”, such as connecting a USB flash
User’s Guide for DS1000B series
Notation definitions in this Manual:
Throughout this guide, notation symb ols of buttons a nd knobs are the sa me of those
on front-panel.
A box around the name of the key denotes MENU function buttons on
front-panel, such as Measure.
() denotes the multi-function knob.
denotes the five POSITION knobs.
denotes the five SCALE knobs.
denotes the LEVEL knob.
The name with a drop shadow denotes the menu operating key, such as
Waveform soft key in Storage menu.
Arrow “→” is used to divide operation steps. Such as: Storage → Storage,
indicates press “Storage” button on the front panel, then press “Storage” menu.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
User Interface
Status Timebase
U-Disk Location of Waveform Trigger Point
Connected Window in Memory in Memory
Perform this quick functional check to verify that the instrument is operating
1. Turn on the instrument
Use the power cord designed for the oscilloscope only to connect the instru ment
and AC power which delivers 100 to 240 VAC
power switch to turn on the instruments, waiting until the display shows the
waveform window.
To avoid electric shock, be sure the oscilloscope is prope rl y grounded .
3. Input a signal to a channel of the oscilloscope
Push BNC plug of probe into CH1 BNC connector, then twist the BNC cable to
right to lock the probe in place. Switch on the pr o be to 10X.
Press CH1 → Probe → 10X to set probe att enuation of the oscill oscope, so as to
make sure the measurement result is correct (Default probe at te nuation s cale i s
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
Figure 1-5 Probe connection Figure 1-6 Probe adjustm ent
Attach the probe tip to the Probe compensator connector and the reference lead
to the ground pin. Press Auto, within a few seconds, a square wave will display
(approximately 1kHz, 3Vpp).
Push the OFF button or push the CH1 button again to turn off Channel 1. Push
the CH2, CH3, CH4 buttons to turn on other channels, repeat step 2&3.
NOTE: Signal outputed from the Probe compensator is ONLY used for probe
compensation, not for calibration.
User’s Guide for DS1000B series
To Compensate the Probes
Perform this adjustment to match the characteristics of the probe and the channel
input. This should be perf ormed whenev e r at tachin g a probe to any in put c hanne l at
the f i r st time.
1. From CH1 menu, set the Probe attenuation to 10X (press CH1→Probe→10X).
Set the switch to 10X on the probe and connect it to CH1 of the oscilloscope.
When using the probe hook-tip, inserting the tip into the hook-tip firmly to
ensure a tight connection.
2. Attach the probe tip to the connector of the Pr obe compensator and link the
reference wire cramp with the ground connector of the probe compensator,
Select CH1, and then press Auto.
3. Check the shape of the displayed waveform.
Over Compensated Correctly Compensated Under Compensated
Figure 1-9
Figure 1-7 Compensate waveform
4. If necessary, use a non-m etallic tool to adjust the variable ca pacit o r of the probe
for the flattest square wave being displayed on the oscilloscope.
5. Repeat if necessary.
To avoid electric shock while using the probe, be sure the perfection of the
insulated cable, and do not touch the metallic portions of the probe head
while it is connected with a voltage source.
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
To Display a Signal Automatically
The oscilloscope has an automated feature to display the input signal in best-fit
status. The input signal should be 50 Hz or higher and a duty cycle is greater than
Using the automatic setting:
1. Connect a signal to the oscilloscope (such as channel 1) as described above.
2. Press Auto.
The oscilloscope may change the current settings to display the signal; adjusts the
vertical and horizontal scaling, the trigger coupling, t ype, position, level, and mode.
User’s Guide for DS1000B series
To Understand the Vertical System
As shown in Figure 1-8, there are several buttons and knobs in the VERTICAL
control area , which are used for setting Channels, MATH and REF functio ns as well as
adjusting vertical position and Volts/div of waveforms. In addition, different colors
are designed for different channels, correspondi ng to differe nt waveforms, so as to
observe clearly.
Figure 1-8 Vertical control
1. Press CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, MATH, REF, the operating menus, symbols,
waveforms and status information of corresponding channel and settings will be
displayed on the screen. The current selected channel will be shut down when
you press the key associated with the channel one more time.
2. Set vertical position of waveform display by
Turning the
knob, a voltage value is displayed for a short time
indicating its value with re spect to the gr ound ref erence locate d at the center o f
the screen. Also notice that the ground symbol on the left side of the display
moves in co njunctio n w ith the
User’s Guide for DS1000B Series
allow you to use greater sensitivity to display the AC component of the
knob to change the vertical display position of
knob to set the vertical display
back to 0 as a sho rtcut ke y, this is especially helpful when the t ra ce
The Coarse/Fine vertical control can be set by simply pressing the vertical
Measurement hints
If the channel is DC coupled, measuring the DC components of the signal by
simply noting its distance from the ground symbol.
If the channel is AC coupled, the DC component of the signal is blocked,
Vertical offset back to 0 shortcut key
Turn the
channel and press the
position is far out of the s creen a nd want it to get back to t he sc reen center
3. Set vertical “Volts/div” by
to change “Volts/div”, the change will be displayed in real
time at the bottom of interface. Besides, the “Volts/div” contains two forms:
“Fine” and “Coarse”.
Coarse/Fine Shortcut key
User’s Guide for DS1000B series
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