Rigol DP711, DP712 Programming Guide

Programming Guide
DP700 Series Programmable Linear DC
Power Supply
Jun. 2016

Guaranty and Declaration

© 2016 RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. All Rights Reserved.
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RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL TECHNO LO GIE S, INC.
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Software Version
00.01.02 Software upgrade might change or add product features. Please acquire the latest version of the manual from RIGOL website or contact RIGOL to upgrade the software.
RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and pending. RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications and pricing policies at
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DP700 Programming Guide I

Document Overview

This manual is your guide to programming the RIGOL DP700 series pro grammable linear DC power supply.
Main Topics in this Manual:
Chapter 1 Programming Overview
This chapter introduces how to set up remote communication b etween the power supply and the PC , the remote control methods, the syntax, symbols, parameters, and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.
Chapter 2 Command System
This chapter introduces the syntax, function, parameters, and usage of each command.
Chapter 3 Application Instances
This chapter provides some application instances of the basic functions of the power supply. Each application instance is composed of a series of commands, which are used to realize the specified basi c function.
Chapter 4 Programming Examples
This chapter illustrates how to control the DP700 series by programming in LabVIEW and Visual C#.
Chapter 5 Appendix
This chapter provides default settings and warranty information for the DP700 series.
For the latest version of this manual, download it from the official website of
Format Conventions in this Manual:
(1) The key on the front pane l is denoted by the format of “Key Name (Bold) + Text Box” in the manual.
For example, On/Off denotes the "On/Off" key.
(2) Use the screen shot to indicate the key. For example, denotes the Power key.
Content Conventions in this Manual:
DP700 series programmable linear DC power supply includes the following models. Unless otherwise specified, this manual takes DP711 as an example t o make a detailed introduct ion about the co mmand s of the DP700 series, and lists some application instances and programming examples of DP711.
Model No. of Channels Output Voltage/Current
DP711 1 30 V/5 A DP712 1 50 V/3 A
II DP700 Programming Guide
Contents RIGOL
Guaranty and Declaration ......................................................................................................... I
Document Overview ................................................................................................................. II
Chapter 1 Programming Overview...................................................................................... 1-1
To Build Remote Communication ............................................................................................... 1-2
Remote Control Method ............................................................................................................ 1-4
SCPI Command Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-4
Syntax ............................................................................................................................... 1-4
Symbol Description ............................................................................................................ 1-4
Parameter Type .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Command Abbreviation ...................................................................................................... 1-5
Chapter 2 Command System ............................................................................................... 2-1
:APPLy Command ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
:APPLy ............................................................................................................................... 2-2
:DISPlay Command ................................................................................................................... 2-3
:DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe] ............................................................................................... 2-3
IEEE488.2 Common Commands ................................................................................................. 2-4
*IDN? ............................................................................................................................... 2-4
*OPT? ............................................................................................................................... 2-4
*RCL ................................................................................................................................. 2-5
*RST ................................................................................................................................. 2-5
*SAV ................................................................................................................................. 2-5
*TST? ............................................................................................................................... 2-6
:INSTrument Commands ........................................................................................................... 2-7
:INSTrument:NSELect ......................................................................................................... 2-7
:INSTrument[:SELEct] ........................................................................................................ 2-7
:INSTrument[:SELect] ........................................................................................................ 2-7
:LIC Command ......................................................................................................................... 2-8
:LIC:SET ............................................................................................................................ 2-8
:MEASure Commands ................................................................................................................ 2-9
:MEASure:ALL[:DC]? .......................................................................................................... 2-9
:MEASure:CURRent[:DC]? ................................................................................................... 2-9
:MEASure:POWEr[:DC]? ..................................................................................................... 2-9
:MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? ................................................................................................ 2-9
:MEMory Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-10
:MEMory[:STATe]:DELete .................................................................................................. 2-10
:MEMory[:STATe]:LOAD .................................................................................................... 2-11
:MEMory[:STATe]:LOCK .................................................................................................... 2-11
:MEMory[:STATe]:STORe .................................................................................................. 2-12
:MEMory[:STATe]:VALid? .................................................................................................. 2-13
:OUTPut Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-14
:OUTPut:CVCC? ............................................................................................................... 2-14
:OUTPut:MODE? .............................................................................................................. 2-14
:OUTPut:OCP:ALAR? ........................................................................................................ 2-15
:OUTPut:OCP:QUES? ........................................................................................................ 2-15
:OUTPut:OCP:CLEAR ........................................................................................................ 2-16
:OUTPut:OCP[:STATe] ...................................................................................................... 2-16
:OUTPut:OCP:VALue ........................................................................................................ 2-17
:OUTPut:OVP:ALAR? ........................................................................................................ 2-18
:OUTPut:OVP:QUES? ........................................................................................................ 2-18
:OUTPut:OVP:CLEAR ........................................................................................................ 2-19
:OUTPut:OVP[:STATe] ...................................................................................................... 2-19
:OUTPut:OVP:VALue ........................................................................................................ 2-20
:OUTPut[:STATe] .............................................................................................................. 2-21
DP700 Programming Guide III
RIGOL Contents
:SOURce Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-22
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] .............................................. 2-22
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:CLEar ..................................................................... 2-23
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection[:LEVel] ................................................................... 2-23
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe .................................................................... 2-24
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped? ............................................................... 2-25
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] ............................................... 2-25
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:CLEar ..................................................................... 2-26
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] ................................................................... 2-26
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe ..................................................................... 2-27
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? ............................................................... 2-28
:SYSTem Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-29
:SYSTem:BEEPer:IMMediate .............................................................................................. 2-29
:SYSTem:BEEPer[:STATe] .................................................................................................. 2-30
:SYSTem:BRIGhtness ........................................................................................................ 2-30
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUD ................................................................................. 2-31
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:DATABit ............................................................................. 2-31
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:PARItybit ........................................................................... 2-32
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:STOPBit ............................................................................. 2-32
:SYSTem:ERRor? .............................................................................................................. 2-33
:SYSTem:FAN? ................................................................................................................. 2-33
:SYSTem:KLOCk ............................................................................................................... 2-33
:SYSTem:KLOCk:STATe ..................................................................................................... 2-34
:SYSTem:LANGuage:TYPE ................................................................................................. 2-35
:SYSTem:LOCal ................................................................................................................ 2-35
:SYSTem:LOCK ................................................................................................................. 2-36
:SYSTem:POWEron ........................................................................................................... 2-36
:SYSTem:PRINT? .............................................................................................................. 2-37
:SYSTem:REMote .............................................................................................................. 2-37
:SYSTem:RWLock[:STATe] ................................................................................................. 2-37
:SYSTem:SAVer ................................................................................................................ 2-38
:SYSTem:SELF:TEST? ....................................................................................................... 2-38
:SYSTem:TRIGger:IN[:STATe] ........................................................................................... 2-38
:SYSTem:TRIGger:OUT[:STATe] ........................................................................................ 2-39
:SYSTem:VERSion? ........................................................................................................... 2-40
:TIMEr Commands .................................................................................................................. 2-41
:TIMEr:CYCLEs ................................................................................................................. 2-41
:TIMEr:ENDState .............................................................................................................. 2-42
:TIMEr:GROUPs ................................................................................................................ 2-42
:TIMEr:PARAmeter ........................................................................................................... 2-43
:TIMEr[:STATe] ................................................................................................................ 2-44
:TIMEr:TRIGger................................................................................................................ 2-44
Chapter 3 Application Instances ........................................................................................ 3-1
Constant Voltage Output............................................................................................................ 3-2
Timing Output .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Chapter 4 Programming Examples .................................................................................... 4-1
Programming Preparations ......................................................................................................... 4-1
LabVIEW Programming Example ................................................................................................ 4-2
Visual C# Programming Example ............................................................................................... 4-7
Chapter 5 Appendix ............................................................................................................ 5-1
Appendix A: Default Settings ..................................................................................................... 5-1
Appendix B: Warranty................................................................................................................ 5-2
IV Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL

Chapter 1 Programming Overview

This chapter introduces how to set up remote communication b etween the power supply and the PC , the remote control methods, the syntax, symbols, parameters, and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.
Contents in this chapter:
 To Build Remote Communication  Remote Control Method  SCPI Command Overview
DP700 Programming Guide 1-1
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
120V 250Vac 220V T2.5A 240V 250Vac
RS232 Interface

To Build Remote Communication

DP700 series power supply can communicate with the PC via the RS232 interface. This section will illustrate how to use the Ultra Sigma software to remotely control the power supply via the RS232 interface.
Note: The RS232 protocol command ends with "\n" for the DP700 series.
Operation Procedures:
1. Install Ultra Sigma
You can download Ultra Sigma from the official website of RIGOL ( software according to the installation wizard.
2. Connect the power supply to the PC
Connect the power supply to the PC by using the 9-pin RS232 cable (female-to-female, straight-through) via the RS232 interface on the rear panel (as shown in the figure below). Then, connect to power and power on the power supply.
www.rigol.com) and install the
Figure 1-1 DP700 Communication Interface
3. Set the parameters for the RS232 int erf a c e
Press System, and then press the Left/Right arrow key or use the knob to select the " Inter." tab. Then, you can set the par ameters for the RS232 interf ace ac cord in g to the hel p information displayed at the bottom of DP700 interface or descriptions in
DP700 User's Guide
4. Add the device resource
Start Ultra Sigma, and then click "RS232". A window is displayed as shown in Figure (a).
In the "RS232 Setting" tab, set Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, and Stop Bit that match the current parameters of the RS232 interface of DP700 (Note: You must select "None" under the "Flow Control" option, and select "\n" under the "End Mark" option). After completing the settings, click "TEST". If the test succeeds, a dialog box, as shown in Figure (b), is d isp layed.
1-2 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
Note: If the test fails, check whether DP700 can communicate wit h the PC via the RS232 cable normally, whether the current RS232 settings of the software match those of DP700.
In the dialog box shown in Figure (b), click "OK". Then the "Add" button in the "RS232 Setting" tab will be enabled. Click "Add", and then the currently selected instrument resource will be displayed on the right section of the window, as shown in Figure (c). Then, click "OK" to add the instrument resource.
The added RS232 instrument resource will be displayed under the "RIGOL Online Resource" directory , as shown in Figure (d).
5. Control the instrument remotely
Right-click the resour c e name "DP711 (A S RL1::INSTR)", and select "SCPI Panel Control" to open the SCPI command control panel. In the SCPI command control panel, input a correct command. After that, click "Send Command" first and then click "Read Response". Or you can directly click "Send & Read" to verify whether the connection works properly.
Figure 1-2 SCPI Control Panel
DP700 Programming Guide 1-3
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview

Remote Control Method

1. User-defined programming
You can refer to Chapter 2 in this manual to use the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands to control DP700 by programming in LabVIEW, Visual C#, and other development environments. For details, refer to Chapter 4 in this manual.
2. Send SCPI commands via the PC software
You can use the PC software to send commands to control DP700 remotely. RIGOL Ultra Sigma is recommended. You can download the software from RIGOL official website (

SCPI Command Overview

SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) is a standardized instrument programming language that is built upon the existing standard IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 and conforms to various standards, such as the floating point operation rule in IEEE 754 standard, ISO 646 7-bit coded character set for information interchange (equivalent to ASCII programming). This chapter introduces the syntax, symbols, parameters, and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.


The SCPI commands provide a hierarchical tree structure, and consist of multiple subsystems. Each command subsystem consis ts of one root keyword and one or more sub-keywords. The command line usually starts with a colon; the keywords are separated by colons, a nd following the keywords are the parameter settings available. The keywords of the command and the first parameter is separated by a space. The command ending with a quotation mark ind icates querying a cer tain function.
For example, :SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUD <baud> :SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUD?
SYSTem is the root keyword of the command, COMMunicate, RS232, and BAUD are the l evel-2, level-3, and level-4 keywords, respectively. The command line starts with a colon, and different levels of keywords are also separated by colons. <baud> indicates a settable parameter. The command keyword :SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUD and the parameter <baud> is separated by a space. The quotation mark (?) indica tes querying.
In some commands with multiple parameters, commas are often used to separate these parameters. For example, :TIMEr:PARAmeter <num>,<voltage>,<current>,<time>

Symbol Description

The following four symbols are not part of the command, and they are not sent with the commands, but taken as delimiters to better describe the parameters in the command.
1. Braces { } The contents enclosed in the braces can contain multiple optional parameters. When sending the command, you must select one of the parameters.
2. Vertical Bar | The vertical bar is used to separate multiple param eter options. When sending the command, you must select one of the parameters.
1-4 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
3. Square Brackets [ ] The contents (keywords or parameters) in the square brackets can be omitted. If the parameter is omitted, it will be set to the default. For example, when sending the :MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? command, you can select any one of the following four commands, as they can achieve the same effects as the :MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? command. :MEASure? :MEASure:DC? :MEASure:VOLTage? :MEASure:VOLTage:DC?
4. Angle Brackets < > The parameter enclosed in the angle brackets must be replaced by an effective value. For example, the :SYSTem:SAVer <state> command must be sent in the form of :SYSTem:SAVer ON, in which <state> is replaced by an effective value ON.

Parameter Type

The parameters contained in this manual can be divided into the following five types: Bool, Intege r, Real, Discrete, and ASCII String.
1. Bool The parameter can be set to ON (1) or OFF (0).
2. Integer Unless otherwise specified, the parameter can be any integer within the effective value range.
Note: Do not set the parameter to a decimal, otherwise, errors will occur.
3. Real
Unless otherwise specified, the parameter can be any real-value (in decimal form or in scientific notation) within the effective value range.
4. Discrete The parameters can only be the specified numerical values or characters.
5. ASCII String The parameter can be the combinations of ASCII characters.
Besides, many commands suppo rt the MINi mum, M AXimum, or DEF par ameter. MINimum indicates set ting the parameter to a minimum value or querying the minimum value of the parameter; MAXimum indicates setting the parameter t o a maximum v alue or querying the maximu m value of the parameter; DEF in dicates setting the parameter to a default value.

Command Abbreviation

The letters in the commands are case-insensitive. The commands can be input in uppercase letters or in lowercase letters. If abbreviation is used, you must enter all the uppercase letters that exist in the command syntax. For example, :SYSTem:ERRor? can be abbreviated as :SYST:ERR?
DP700 Programming Guide 1-5
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

Chapter 2 Command System

This chapter introduces the syntax, functions, parameters, and usage of each command.
Contents in this chapter:
:APPLy Command :DISPlay CommandIEEE488.2 Common Commands:INSTrument Commands :LIC Command:MEASure Commands:MEMory Commands:OUTPut Commands:SOURce Commands:SYSTem Commands :TIMEr Commands
Note: In the command system, the commands with the time, voltage, current, or power parameter are allowed to be sent with the corresponding unit. Unless otherwise specified, the unit and the default unit for the parameters are listed in the following table.
Parameter Type Unit Supported Default Unit
Time second (s) second (s) Voltage volt (V), millivolt (mV) volt (V) Current ampere (A), milliampere (mA) ampere (A) Power watt (W), milliwatt (mW) watt (W)
DP700 Programming Guide 2-1
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
DP711: 0 A to 5.3 A
DP711: 5 A

:APPLy Command

The :APPLy command provides the most straightforward method to program the power supply over the remote interface. You can set the output voltage and current in one command. As long as their setting values are within the settable range, after you execute the command, the output voltage and current will make changes accordingly.


:APPLy [<channel>,]{<voltage>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEF}[,<current>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEF] :APPLy? [<channel>[,<item>]]
Description Sets the channel output voltage and/or current. Queries the channel voltage and/or current setting value.
Name Type Range Default
<channel> Discrete
<voltage> Real
<current> Real <item> Discrete {VOLTage|CURRent} --
Remarks <voltage> indicates the channel output voltage, and <current> indicates the channel output current.
If you specify only one parameter for the command, by default, the powe r supply regards it as the voltage setting value.
MINimum indicates setting the channel output voltage/ current to a minimum value; MAXimum
indicates setting the channel output voltage/current to a maximum value; DEF indicates setting the channel output voltage/current to a default value.
If <item> is omitted, the command queries both the channel voltage and current setti ng values. You can also use the
channel output voltage, and use the command to set the channel output current.
:APPLy CH1,5,1 /*Sets the channel output voltage to 5 V, the output current 1 A*/ :APPLy? /*Queries the channel voltage and current setting value*/ :APPLy 3 /*Sets the channel output voltage to 3 V*/ :APPLy? CH1,VOLTage /*Queries the channel voltage setting value*/
Return Format A string If all parameters are omitted or only the parameter <item> is omitted, the command returns both the channel voltage and current setting values. For example, 5.00,1.00 Otherwise, only the channel voltag e or current setting value is returned. For example, 3.0 0
Related Commands
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] command to set the
DP712{CH1|P50V} DP711: 0 V to 32 V
DP712: 0 V to 53 V
DP712: 0 A to 3.2 A
0 V
DP712: 3 A
2-2 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:DISPlay Command

The :DISPlay comm and is used to turn on or off the display.


:DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe] <state> :DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe]?
Description Turns on or off the display. Queries the on/off state of the display.
Name Type Range Default
Remarks Only when DP700 is in remote mode, can the :DISPlay:WINDow :STATe OFF command be valid. After you turn off the display, if DP700 returns to the local mode, the display is automatically on.
:DISPlay ON /*Turns on the display*/ :DISPlay? /*Queries the on/off state of the display*/
Return Format ON or OFF
Related Command
Bool {ON|OFF} ON
DP700 Programming Guide 2-3
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

IEEE488.2 Common Commands

Command List:
 *IDN?  *OPT?  *RCL  *RST  *SAV  *TST?


*IDN? Description
Queries the identification string. Return Format
RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES,<model>,<serial number>,<software version> Wherein, <model>: indicates the model number of the instrument. <serial number>: indicates the serial number of the instrument. <software version>: indicates the software version of the instrument.


*OPT? Description
Queries the installation status of the option. Remarks
DP700 series provides the following options: Trigger, Timer, and High Resolution. If you need any options, please purchase them and refer to the
Return Format <state1>,<state2>,<state3> Wherein, <state1>: indicates the installation stat us of the trigger option. If it has been installed, the command returns DP7-TRIGGER; if not, the command returns 0. <state2>: indicates the installation status of the timer option. If it has been installed, the command returns DP7-TIMER; if not, the command returns 0. <state3>: indicates the installation stat us of the high resolution option. If it has been installed, the command returns DP7-HIRES; if not, the command returns 0.
Related Command
:LIC:SET command to install them
2-4 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL


*RCL <position> Description
Recalls the state file or timer file stored in the specified location in the internal non-volatile memory of the power supply.
Name Type Range Default
<position> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12} --
Remarks The internal non-volatile memory of DP700 series power supply provides ten storage locations for state
files and tw o for timer files. They are used to store the state information of the instrument and the timer parameters, respectively.
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}: indicates the storage location for the state file, which c orresponds to "State1...State10" in the storage and recall interface. {11|12}: indicates the storage location for the timer file, which corresponds to "Timer1 and Timer2" in the storage and recall interface.
After the files have been read, the status information of the instrument or the timer parameters will
change accordingly.
If no file is found to be saved in the selected storage location, the command is invalid. You can also send the
from the internal memory.
*RCL 2 /*Recalls the state file stored in the storage location State2*/
Related Command
:MEMory[:STATe]:LOAD command to recall the saved state files or timer files


*RST Description
Restores the instrument to the default settings (refer to
Related Command
Appendix A: Default Settings).


*SAV <position> Description
Saves the current state or timer parameters o f the power supply with the default file names to the specified location of the internal memory.
DP700 Programming Guide 2-5
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
Name Type Range Default
<position> Discrete {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12} --
Remarks The internal non-volatile memory of DP700 series power supply provides ten storage locations for state
files and tw o for timer files. They are used to store the state information of the instrument and the timer parameters, respectively.
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}: indicates the storage location for the state file, which corresponds to "State1...State10" in the storage and recall interface of the instrument. {11|12}: indicates the storage location for the timer file, which corresponds to "Timer1 and Timer2" in the storage and recall interface of the instrument.
When the state file is saved, the default file name is Rigoln, in which, "n" should be consistent with the
parameter <position>. When the timer file is saved and <position> is set to 11 or 12, the default file name is Rigol11 or Rigol12.
If a file is found to be saved to the specified storage location, but the file is not locked, at this time, if
you use the command, the curren t state or timer parameter s of the power supply will be directly sav ed to the specified location (the original file will be overwritten). If a file is found to be saved to the specified storage location, and the file is locked, the command is invalid (the original file will not be overwritten).
You can also send the
parameters of the power supply to the internal memory.
*SAV 5 /*Saves the current state of the instrument to the storage location State5,
with the file name Rigol5*/
Related Commands
:MEMory[:STATe]:STORe command to save the current state or timer


*TST? Description
Queries the self-test result. Remarks
The power supply performs the self-test operation when it is powered on. Sending this command can
query the self-test result.
You can also send the Return Format
A string. For example, Fan:PASS
Related Command
:SYSTem:SELF:TEST? command to query the self-test result of the instrument.
2-6 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:INSTrument Commands

Command List:

:INSTrument:NSELect :INSTrument[:SELEct] :INSTrument[:SELect]


:INSTrument:NSELect <channel> :INSTrument:NSELect?
Description Selects the current channel. Queries the currently selected channel.
Name Type Range Default
<channel> Discrete {1} 1
Return Format 1
:INSTrument[:SELEct] :INSTrument[:SELect]
:INSTrument[:SELEct] <c ha nnel > :INSTrument[:SELect] <channel> :INSTrument[:SELEct]? :INSTrument[:SELect]?
Description Selects the current channel. Queries the currently selected channel.
Name Type Range Default
<channel> Discrete
Return Format CH1
DP711: {CH1|P30V} DP712: {CH1|P50V}
DP700 Programming Guide 2-7
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System

:LIC Command

The :LIC command is u sed to install the options. DP700 series provides the following options: Trigger, Timer, and High Resolution. If you need any options, please purchase them and install them properly.
Trigger: provides the trigger input and output function; the order No. is TRIGGER-DP700. Timer: outputs based on the preset voltage and current values; the order No. is TIMER-DP700. High Resolution: improves the resolution of the instrument; the order No. is HIRES-DP700.


:LIC:SET <license > Description
Installs an option.
Name Type Range Default <license> ASCII String Refer to Remarks --
To install an option, you need an option license (<license>, and each instrument has a unique license). The option license is a 28-character string, which can only consist of English letters and numbers. After you purchase an option, you will obtain a key (used for obtaining the license). Then, yo u can install the option according to the following steps.
1. Obtain the option lic en se (1) Log in to the RIGOL official website (
Register to enter the "Registered product license code" interface.
(2) In the interface, enter the correct key, serial number (press System, and select the "Info." tab to
obtain the serial number of the instrument), and verification code. Then click Generate to obtain the option license for the parameter <license>.
Note: The hyphens in the option license should be omitted for the parameter <license>.
2. Install the option
Send the :LIC:SET <license> command to install the option.
Related Command
www.rigol.com), click SERVICE Software License
2-8 DP700 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL

:MEASure Commands

Command List:


:MEASure:ALL[:DC]? :MEASure:CURRent[:DC]? :MEASure:POWEr[:DC]? :MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]?
:MEASure:ALL[ :DC]? [<channel >] :MEASure:CURRent[:DC]? [<channel>] :MEASure:POWEr[:DC]? [<channel>] :MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? [<channel>]
Description Queries the voltage, current, and power value measured on the channel output terminal. Queries the current value measured on the channel out put terminal. Queries the power value measured on the channel output terminal. Queries the voltage value measured on the channel output terminal.
Name Type Range Default
:MEASure:ALL? CH1 /*Queries the voltage, current, and power value measured on the channel :MEASure:CURRent? /*Queries the current value measured on the channel outp ut terminal*/
:MEASure:POWEr? CH1 /*Queries the power value measured on the channel output terminal*/ :MEASure? /*Queries the voltage value measured on the channel output terminal*/
Return Format The :MEASure:ALL[:DC]? command returns three real numbers that are separated by commas. The three real numbers from the left to right indicate the voltage, current, and power, respectively. For other commands, they return one real number.
DP711: {CH1|P30V} DP712: {CH1|P50V}
output terminal*/
DP700 Programming Guide 2-9
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
When <file_type> is RSF, the range of <position> is

:MEMory Commands

The :MEMory commands are used to save the state of the instrument or the timer parameters to the specified location of the internal memory, delete, read, lock, and unlock the saved file in the internal memory.
Command List:
:MEMory[:STATe]:DELete :MEMory[:STATe]:LOAD :MEMory[:STATe]:LOCK :MEMory[:STATe]:STORe :MEMory[:STATe]:VALid?


:MEMory[:STATe]:DELete <file_type>,<posi tion> Description
Deletes the state files (RSF) or timer files (RTF) stored in the specified locations of the internal non-volatile memory.
Name Type Range Default
<file_type> Discrete {RSF|RTF} --
<position> Discrete
Remarks The internal NVM of DP700 series power supply provides ten storage locations for state files and two
for timer files. They are used to store the state information of the instrumen t and the timer parameters, respectively.
Storage location of the state file (RSF)
The range of <position> is {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}, which corresponds to "State1...State10" in the storage and recall interface of the instrument.
Storage location of the timer file (RTF)
The range of <position> is {1|2}, which corresponds to "Timer1 and Timer2" in the storage and recall interface of the instrument.
This command is only valid when the file is found to be saved to the specified storage location and the
file is not locked.
:MEMory:DELete RTF,2 /*Deletes the file stored in the storage location Timer2*/
Related Command
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}. When <file_type> is RTF, the range of <position> is {1|2}.
2-10 DP700 Programming Guide
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