Ricoh PCL6 Driver Technical Information

PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver. 4.0.0
Technical Information:
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print
White Paper
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Version History:
Version Issue Date Revisions
1.0.0 Oct. 1, 2008 Initial release
Added support for Citrix Presentation Server and
1.0.1 Oct. 10, 2008
1.1.0 Nov. 26, 2008
1.2.0. Feb. 18, 2009
1.3.0. Apr. 14, 2009
1.4.0 Jun. 16, 2009
1.5.0 Sep. 25, 2009
1.6.0 Nov. 13, 2009
1.7.0 Feb. 19, 2010
1.8.0 May 19, 2010
MetaFrame to the “Operating Systems > Specifications”
Added supported SNMP version to “Architecture” section.
Added supported ports to “Supported Ports >
Specifications” section.
Added supported models to the “Models > Specifications”
Added “Install Method” section.
Added Windows Server 2008 and Novell Netware to the
Operating Systems table. Added a supported port to
“Supported Ports > Specifications” section. Added
information about the SNMP community name to the
“Supported Ports > Specifications” section. Added
“Languages section > Specifications” section
Added some new port types to the “Supported Ports >
Specifications” section. Added “PrinterSwitcher” section.
Added “Notes” section.
Added supported models to the “Models > Specifications”
Renamed “Models” section to “Supported Models”.
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print version is now
v. (No new functions or supported models have
been added)
Added Windows 7/2008 R2 to the “Supported Operating
Systems > Specifications” section. Added the “Generic
Model” section. Added Windows 7/2008 R2 to the
“Supported Operating Systems > Specifications >
PrinterSwitcher ”.
Added supported models to the “Supported Models >
Specifications” section. Added supported models to the
“Generic Model” section.
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print version is now v. (No new functions or supported models have been
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Version Issue Date Revisions
Added Aficio SP C430DN/C431DN to the “Supported
Models > Specifications” section.
Added Aficio SP C430DN/C431DN to the “Generic Model”
1.9.0 Sept. 13, 2010 Modified the “Upgrading the driver” procedure.
Modified the “Upgrading the driver” section.
Added “Uninstalling the driver” section.
Added “Disabling bi-directional communication” section.
This document has been reclassified a “White Paper”
instead of a “Technical Information document”.
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print version is now
Added the following models as being fully supported or
supported as “Generic model”:
Aficio MP C4501/C5501/C4501A/C5501A
Aficio MP C3001/C3501
Aficio MP C300/C300SR/C400/C400SR
2.0.0 Mar. 30th, 2011
Aficio MP C2051/C2551/C320DN
Added a “Scripting” section.
Added a “Point and Print” installation procedure.
Added a “Web Point and Print” installation procedure.
Added a “Plug and Play” installation procedure.
Added a reference to iPrint documentation.
Explained that the use of the PCL6 DRIVER FOR
UNIVERSAL PRINT with a server cluster is supported.
Explained that “Printer Driver Isolation” is supported.
- Added Aficio MP 201 to the “Supported Models >
Specifications” section.
- Added Aficio MP 201 to the “Generic Model” section.
2.1.0 June 14th, 2011
- Added information about the way the driver retrieves an
SNMP community name from a Novell iPrint server.
- General corrections throughout.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Version Issue Date Revisions
- Remove Windows 2000 from support OS
- Added information about “Microsoft Cluster Service and
Failover Cluster”.
- Added the information about Citrix environment.
- Added some models to the “Supported Models.
Added some models to the “Generic Model” section.
- Added information about “GUI based remote installation
2.2.0 6/28/2012
and queue creation”.
- Added information for the Package Awareness to the
point and print section.
- Added a “Printer Driver Editor” overview section
- Added a “Printer Driver Editor” specifications section
- Support for the following models:
- Aficio SP 4400S/4410SF/4420SF
- Aficio SP 3500SF/3510SF/3500N/3510DN
Support for the following models:
2.3.0 10/05/2012
- Aficio SP C830DN/C831DN
- Aficio SP 8300DN
- Added support for the following models:
- MP 2001/2501
- Aficio SP C730DN
- Added support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
2.4.0 February 1, 2013
to the “Supported Operating Systems > Specifications”
- Added information about Server Core.
- Deleted the Plug and Play installation procedure.
- Removed support for Citrix Presentation Server 4.
- The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print version is now
4.0.0 June 28, 2013 v4.0.0.0.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Target Readers:
1. All end users - The information contained in the document can be distributed to end users as long as you follow
the restrictions outlined on page 2.
The main target readers are IT Administrators.
When distributing this document to end users, region specific information including model names must be
NDA is not required to disclose the contents of the document to the customers.
2. The regional support and marketing staff of each regional company
3. The support and marketing staff of Ricoh Sales companies including Ricoh family group companies and their
4. Technical support personnel (CE’s) of dealers.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10
1-1 What is the
1-2 Advant
1-2-1 Without PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ............................................................................... 11
1-3 With PCL6 Driver for Universal Print
1-4 Support Op
1-4-1 Supported Operating Systems .............................................................................................. 12
1-4-2 Citrix XenApp .......................................................................................................................... 14
1-4-3 Microsoft Clusters and Failover Clusters ............................................................................. 14
1-4-4 Server Core Environments .................................................................................................... 14
1-4-5 Novell ....................................................................................................................................... 14
1-5 Supported printing methods
1-5-1 Citrix XenApp .......................................................................................................................... 16
1-6 Supported Models (PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.13.0.0)
1-7 Supported Models (PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v4.0.0.0)
Universal Driver? ............................................................................................... 10
ages of the Universal Driver ....................................................................................... 11
.................................................................................... 12
erting Systems ................................................................................................... 12
................................................................................................. 16
............................................ 19
.............................................. 21
1-8 Supported Language
............................................................................................................ 24
2. Certification Support ..................................................................................................... 25
2-1 WHQL
2-2 Citrix Ready
and Microsoft Server Catalog .................................................................................... 25
.......................................................................................................................... 25
3. Supported Windows architecture .................................................................................. 26
3-1 Printer Drive
3-2 Package awareness
r Isolation .......................................................................................................... 26
............................................................................................................. 27
4. Driver Customization .................................................................................................... 28
5. Set up ........................................................................................................................... 29
5-1 Inst
allation ............................................................................................................................ 29
5-1-1 Before install the printer driver ............................................................................................. 29
5-1-2 Installation and Queue Creation locally ............................................................................... 29
5-1-3 Remote Installation ................................................................................................................. 30
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Failover Cluster Environment ............................................................................................... 31
Install printer driver via Print Management console for Server Core Environment ............... 33
5-1-4 Scripting (PrintUIEntry.dll, Printadmin.dll) ........................................................................... 34
5-1-5 USB Plug and Play .................................................................................................................. 35
5-1-6 Localization ............................................................................................................................. 36
How does the driver detect the language for its UI? ............................................................. 36
Default Paper size selection ................................................................................................. 37
5-2 Bi-directiona
5-2-1 What is bidirectional communication? ................................................................................. 40
5-2-2 Requirements: ......................................................................................................................... 40
5-2-3 When Bi-directional communication will occur: ................................................................. 40
5-2-4 UI Selection via bi-directional communication .................................................................... 41
5-2-5 Configuration on the Novell iPrint server: ........................................................................... 43
l communication ................................................................................................ 40
5-2-6 Disabling automatic bi-directional communication ............................................................ 43
Configuring disabling automatic bi-directional communication ............................................. 44
5-3 Point & Print
5-3-1 Installation on a Point and Print server: ............................................................................... 44
5-3-2 Installation of the printer driver on a Point and Print client: .............................................. 45
5-4 W
eb Point and Print .............................................................................................................. 46
5-4-1 Configuration of the Web Point and Print server: ............................................................... 46
5-4-2 Installation of the printer driver on a Web Point and Print client: ..................................... 46
.......................................................................................................................... 44
6. Upgrade ........................................................................................................................ 47
6-1 Upgrading from v1.0.0.0
6-2 Upgrading the printer dr
version ........................................................................................................................................ 47
6-2-1 Advantage of use of New Driver button ............................................................................... 48
6-2-2 Known issues in case of updating with New Driver button ............................................... 48
- v3.2.0.0 to a latest version .......................................................... 47
iver from an older version (excluding v1.0.0.0 - v3.2.0.0) to a latest
Some Settings Cannot Be Inherited ..................................................................................... 48
Resetting of the Settings in a File Might Occur..................................................................... 49
6-2-3 Upgrading an x86 Driver Installed As an "Additional Driver" on an x64 System (and Vice
Versa) 49
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
7. Uninstallation ................................................................................................................ 50
8. Printing features ........................................................................................................... 51
pool format ......................................................................................................................... 51
8-1 S
8-2 One Click Preset Icons
8-2-1 Settings that cannot be stored as One Click Presets ......................................................... 53
8-2-2 Shared One Click Preset Icons.............................................................................................. 53
8-3 Printing feat
8-4 Support for
ures for Aficio SP 4400S/4410SF/4420SF ........................................................ 54
Aficio SP 3500SF/3510SF and 3500N/3510DN ................................................. 63
......................................................................................................... 51
9. Other functions ............................................................................................................. 64
9-1 “Generic Mo
9-1-1 Models Supported As “Generic Models” by PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.13.0.0 .. 65
9-1-2 Models Supported As “Generic Models” by PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v4.0.0.0 .... 65
9-1-3 Supported functions (v3.0.0.0 - v3.13.0.0) ............................................................................ 66
9-1-4 Supported functions (as of v4.0.0.0) ..................................................................................... 71
9-1-5 Custom Paper Size for the Generic Model ........................................................................... 76
9-1-6 Generic Model: Bidirectional communication ..................................................................... 76
9-1-7 Specification change as of v4.0.0.0 ...................................................................................... 76
del” Mode .......................................................................................................... 64
9-2 PrinterSwitcher ..................................................................................................................... 77
9-2-1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 77
9-2-2 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 77
9-2-3 Limitation: Some Functions Have Been Eliminated ............................................................ 78
9-3 Enhanced Locked Print
9-3-1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 79
9-4 Printer Drive
9-4-1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 80
9-4-2 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 82
r Packager NX .................................................................................................. 80
NX FlexRelease Server (ELP-NX FS) ............................................ 79
10. Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 84
10-1 T
able: Details About Upgrading Versions by Using the New Driver Button ..................... 84
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1. Overview
1-1 What is the Universal Driver?
Unlike other PCL6 Drivers, the PCL6 Driver for Universal Print is not model-specific. However, the functions
shown in the interface will be tailored to the connected device.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1-2 Advantages of the Universal Driver
1-2-1 Without PCL6 Driver for Universal Print
Device replacement:
Re-install printer drivers.
Re-evaluate the whole system and re-check the installed driver’s compatibility with the new
Retrain users/operators.
Printer Driver for MFP A
Replace Replace
Printer Driver for MFP B
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1-3 With PCL6 Driver for Universal Print
Using the Universal Driver, replacement is much simpler:
Re-installation is not required.
Less intensive evaluation of the system (already evaluated when MFP A was installed).
Minimal re-training required (new device-features only).
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print
1-4 Support Operting Systems
1-4-1 Supported Operating Systems
Operating System Support
Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 Yes Windows XP Professional Edition (x86 and x64) Service Pack 3 Yes
Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 3 Yes *1
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Service Pack 3 Yes *1
Windows Vista Home Basic Yes *2 Windows Vista Home Premium Yes *2 Windows Vista Business Yes *2
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Windows Vista Enterprise Yes *2 Windows Vista Ultimate Yes *2
Windows 7 Home Premium (x86 and x64) Yes *3
Windows 7 Professional (x86 and x64) Yes *3 Windows 7 Enterprise (x86 and x64) Yes *3 Windows 7 Ultimate (x86 and x64) Yes *3 Windows 8 (x86 and x64) Yes *4 Windows 8 Pro (x86 and x64) Yes *4 Windows 8 Enterprise (x86 and x64) Yes *4
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (x86 and x64) Yes
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (x86 and x64) Yes
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (x86 and x64) Yes
Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (x86 and x64) Yes
Windows Server 2008 Standard Yes *2 *5
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Yes *2 *5
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (x64) Yes *3 *5
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (x64) Yes *3 *5
Windows Server 2012 Foundation (x64) Yes *4 *5
Windows Server 2012 Essentials (x64) Yes *4 *5
Windows Server 2012 Standard (x64) Yes *4 *5
Novell Netware 6.5 SP2 or later Yes
*1: PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.13.0.0 or earlier only.
*2: PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v1.4.0.0 or later only.
*3: PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.0.0.0 or later only.
*4: PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.12.0.0 or later only.
*5: PCL6 Driver for Universal Print supports Server Core environments
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1-4-2 Citrix XenApp
Supported versions
Presentation Server 4
Presentation Server 4.5
XenApp 5.0 XenApp 6.0 XenApp 6.5
No Yes Yes No No
No Yes Yes Yes Yes or later
1-4-3 Microsoft Clusters and Failover Clusters
We support the use of PCL6 driver for Universal Print v1.1.0.0 or later with the following Windows operating systems that include the Failover Clustering feature:
Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2012 Standard, Windows Server 2012 Foundation, and Windows Server
2012 Essentials
1-4-4 Server Core Environments
We support the use of PCL6 driver for Universal Print with the following Windows operating systems:
Windows Server 2008 Standard and Windows Server 2012 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Windows Server 2012 Enterprise
Windows Server 2012 Standard, Windows Server 2012 Foundation, and Windows Server
2012 Essentials
1-4-5 Novell
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print supports the following Novell products:
Netware 6.5 SP2 or later
iPrint Client for Windows v5.20 or later
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print supports the following Netware services:
Known issues and Limitation:
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
NDPS Gateway is not supported.
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print cannot be installed on Windows 2003 via iPrint. This
limitation doesn’t apply to any other operation systems.
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v1.4.0.0 or later is required if using Novell iPrint.
Please see Novell’s webpage for information about iPrint.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1-5 Supported printing methods
Local printer (Standard TCP/IP, USB)
Point and Print
Microsoft Failover Cluster
Server Core Environments
Terminal Service environment
Citrix XenApp
Novell iPrint
1-5-1 Citrix XenApp
We support the use of PCL6 driver for Universal Print with the following Citrix XenApp environment:
a) Using the printer driver installed on the client: Auto-Create Printer (Native Printer
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
b) Using the printer driver installed on the XenApp server (local printer)
c) Using the client’s printer driver that is being shared from a print server: Auto-Create
Printer (NPD)
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
d) Using a printer driver that is being shared by a print server using a policy (Session
e) Using a printer driver that is always shared by a print server
Ricoh does not officially support the following printing methods:
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Printing using Citrix UPD is not supported officially because the Citrix UPD is not a driver created by Ricoh. The Citrix UPD uses EMF data. EMF data can cause a variety of errors, depending on the application used to print. In addition, if a Citrix client has drivers that were installed via point and print, changes made to the Citrix UPD settings might not take effect.
Not using a print server:
Using the printer driver installed on the client: Auto-Create Printer (Citrix UPD)
Using a print server:
Using the client’s printer driver that is being shared from a print server: Auto-Create
Printer (Citrix UPD)
Known issues and Limitation:
The Citrix replication function, which replicates driver files on another server, is not
supported. Please manually install the printer driver on each server.
Device Option Utility is not supported for use with any version of the PCL6 Driver for
Universal Print
Some driver settings from the client PC may not be inherited by the auto-created printer
(such as Job Type settings, paper size, output tray, etc.). This primarily occurs when the Citrix server is x64 and the client is x86 or vice-versa.
1-6 Supported Models (PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.13.0.0)
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print supports not only “Model Specific” mode but also “Generic Model” mode. Supported models are dependent on each mode. For details about “Generic Model” mode, please see the section “9-1. ‘Generic Model’ mode”.
Model Specific Generic Models
MFPs Aficio 2051/2060/2075
Aficio 3025/3030 Aficio 3035/3045 Aficio 3224C/3232C Aficio 3228C/3235C/3245C Aficio 3260C, Aficio Color 5560(V) Aficio MP 161/161L Aficio MP 1600/2000 Aficio MP 171 Aficio MP 201 Aficio MP 2352/2852/3352 Aficio MP 2500/2500L
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Aficio MP 2510/3010 Aficio MP 2550(B)/3550(B) Aficio MP 2851/3351 Aficio MP 301 Aficio MP 3500/4500 Aficio MP 4000(B)/5000(B) Aficio MP 4001/5001 Aficio MP 4002/5002 Aficio MP 5500/6500/7500 Aficio MP 6000/7000/8000 Aficio MP 6001/7001/8001/9001 Aficio MP 6002/7502/9002 Aficio MP 9000/1100/1350 Aficio MP C1500/615C Aficio MP C2000/C2500/C3000 Aficio MP C2030/C2530/C2050/C2550 Aficio MP C2051/C2551 Aficio MP C2800/C3300 Aficio MP C300/C400/C300(SR)/C400(SR) Aficio MP C3001/C3501 Aficio MP C3002/C3502 Aficio MP C305 Aficio MP C3500/C4500 Aficio MP C4000/C5000 Aficio MP C4501(A)/C5501(A) Aficio MP C4502(A)/C5502(A) Aficio MP C6000/C7500 Aficio MP C6501/C7501 Aficio SP 3500SF/3510SF Aficio SP 4400S/4410SF/4420SF Aficio SP 5200S/5200SF/5200SR MP 2001/2501 Pro 906EX/1106EX/1356EX Pro 907EX/1107EX/1357EX Aficio AP410/410N
LPs Aficio AP610N
Aficio AP900 Aficio CL3500N
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Aficio CL4000DN/CL4000HDN Aficio CL7200/CL7300
√ √
Aficio SP 3500N/3510DN Aficio SP 4100N/4100NL/4110N Aficio SP 4210N Aficio SP 4310N Aficio SP 5200DN/5210DN Aficio SP 6330N Aficio SP 8100DN Aficio SP 8200DN Aficio SP 8300DN Aficio SP 9100DN Aficio SP C320DN Aficio SP C400DN/C411DN/C410DN Aficio SP C420DN Aficio SP C430DN/C431DN Aficio SP C730DN Aficio SP C811DN Aficio SP C820DN/821DN Aficio SP C830DN/C831DN
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
1-7 Supported Models (PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v4.0.0.0)
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v4.0.0.0 supports the following models as model-specific mode. Old models are supported as Generic Model mode.
Model Specific Generic Model
MFPs Aficio 2051/2060/2075
Aficio 3025/3030 Aficio 3035/3045 Aficio 3224C/3232C Aficio 3228C/3235C/3245C Aficio 3260C, Aficio Color 5560(V) Aficio MP 1600/2000
Aficio MP 161/161L Aficio MP 171 Aficio MP 201 Aficio MP 2352/2852/3352
√ √ √ √
Aficio MP 2500/2500L Aficio MP 2510/3010
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Aficio MP 2550(B)/3550(B) Aficio MP 2851/3351 Aficio MP 301
√ √ √ √
Aficio MP 3500/4500 Aficio MP 4000(B)/5000(B) Aficio MP 4001/5001 Aficio MP 4002/5002
√ √ √ √
Aficio MP 5500/6500/7500 Aficio MP 6000/7000/8000 Aficio MP 6001/7001/8001/9001 Aficio MP 6002/7502/9002
√ √
Aficio MP 9000/1100/1350 Aficio MP C1500/615C Aficio MP C2000/C2500/C3000 Aficio MP C2030/C2530/C2050/C2550 Aficio MP C2051/C2551 Aficio MP C2800/C3300 Aficio MP C300/C400/C300(SR)/C400(SR) Aficio MP C3001/C3501 Aficio MP C3002/C3502 Aficio MP C305
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Aficio MP C3500/C4500 Aficio MP C4000/C5000 Aficio MP C4501(A)/C5501(A) Aficio MP C4502(A)/C5502(A) Aficio MP C6000/C7500 Aficio MP C6501/C7501
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Aficio SP 3500SF/3510SF Aficio SP 4400S/4410SF/4420SF Aficio SP 5200S/5200SF/5200SR MP 2001/2501 MP C2003(Z)/C2503(Z)/C3003/
√ √ √ √ √ √
C3503/C4503/C5503/C6003 MP C6502/C8002, Pro C5100S/C5110S
Pro 906EX/1106EX/1356EX Pro 907EX/1107EX/1357EX
LPs Aficio AP410/410N
Aficio AP610N
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
Aficio AP900 Aficio CL3500N Aficio CL4000DN/CL4000HDN Aficio CL7200/CL7300 Aficio SP 3500N/3510DN Aficio SP 4100N/4100NL/4110N Aficio SP 4210N Aficio SP 4310N Aficio SP 5200DN/5210DN Aficio SP 6330N Aficio SP 8100DN Aficio SP 8200DN Aficio SP 8300DN Aficio SP 9100DN Aficio SP C320DN Aficio SP C400DN/C411DN/C410DN Aficio SP C420DN Aficio SP C430DN/C431DN Aficio SP C730DN Aficio SP C811DN Aficio SP C820DN/821DN Aficio SP C830DN/C831DN
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √
√ √
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
1-8 Supported Language
The PCL6 Driver for Universal Print support following language.
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch
NOTE: The help file of the PCL6 driver for Universal Print is only available in English.
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
2. Certification Support
WHQL and Microsoft Server Catalog
Citrix Ready
2-1 WHQL and Microsoft Server Catalog
The PCL6 driver for Universal Print is certified by Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs. PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v4.x or later will be listed in Windows Catalog for the following operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Please see also Microsoft Server Catalog website: tID=1326&cpID=1783&avc=10&ava=0&avq=0&OR=1&PGS=25&ready=0
2-2 Citrix Ready
The PCL6 driver for Universal Print is Citrix Ready. Ricoh tests the PCL6 Driver for Universal Print using the Citrix Printer Test Kits. The kits and more information are available at the following link:
Citrix Ready for Ricoh
Citrix Ready Verification Testing
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
3. Supported Windows architecture
Printer Driver Isolation
Package awareness
3-1 Printer Driver Isolation
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print v3.4.0.0 or later supports Print Driver Isolation. Printer Driver Isolation allows the driver to run completely separate of the spooler. This makes an individual driver less likely to crash the spooler and prevent all drivers from printing.
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print uses Isolation mode by default. When first installed, the driver’s isolation mode will be “Shared”, but this can be changed after installation.
Configuration (Windows Server 2008 R2) Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Roles > Print and Document Services > Print Management > Print Servers > Server Name > Drivers Right-click a driver > Set Driver Isolation
Configuration (Windows 7) Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Print Management > Custom Filters > All Drivers Right-click a driver > Set Driver Isolation
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PCL6 Driver for Universal Print ver 4.0.0
3-2 Package awareness
PCL6 driver for Universal Print v3.8.0.0 or later is Package Aware. An explanation of Package Awareness can be found on the MS website. The purpose of making our driver package aware was to prevent users from being prompted to login when they install the driver.
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