A3 Black and White MFP
MP 2555
MP 3055
MP 3555
MP 4055
MP 5055
MP 6055
Copier Printer Scanner Facsimile
MP 2555(A)SP
Black & White
MP 4055(A)SP
Black & White
MP 3055(A)SP
Black & White
MP 5055(A)SP
Black & White
MP 3555(A)SP
Black & White
MP 6055SP
Black & White

Productivity the Smart way.
Your workgroups need to generate and share digital and hard-copy documents quickly and easily. You
want simple yet smart solutions at your fingertips that the business can afford. Combining versatility, ease
of use and advanced document handling, our extended range of professional quality black and white A3
MFPs is the smart way to put your business ahead.
Smart Operation Panel with intuitive 10.1-inch touch panel helps increase productivity and improves workflow
Intel processor will improve productivity with faster results/ faster jobs
Great finisher options in the 1000-sheet hybrid finisher, all-in-one offering (staples and staple-less finisher) and
Inner Folder built in
Instant access to our Application Site, where you can download innovative job specific applications
ECO-friendly machines with low power consumption in sleep mode

Work the way you want to work.
The complex made easy.
When you’ve got a business to run, you want
everything to be seamless. We’ve created the
innovative technology in this range to help you
transform the way your organisation operates. In
fact, things like improved usability, enhanced
productivity, and high-level solution capabilities
are just the start.
Employees should be able to deal with any
scanning, copying, and print requirements –
whether they are single or multi-page document
formats – quickly and intuitively. Combining smart
touch screen operation, fast scanning, advanced
document feeding, plus hybrid sheet finishing and
folding options, this all-in-one range ensures they
can. Managing workflow has never looked so