Ricoh INFOPRINT XT GLD0-0025-01, InfoPrint XT Installation And User Manual

InfoPrint XT for Windows: Installation Guid e and User’s Guid e
Ve r s i o n 2 Release 1
InfoPrint XT for Windows: Installation Guid e and User’s Guid e
Ve r s i o n 2 Release 1
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 155.
This edition applies to the InfoPrint XT for Windows programming request for price quotation (PRPQ), 5799-RZA, Version (Product Update 11) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
This edition replaces GLD0-0025-00.
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InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC 6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J Boulder, CO 80301-9270 U.S.A.
Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007. All rights reserved.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ix
About this publication . . . . . . . .xi
Who should use this publication . . . . . . .xi
How this publication is organized . . . . . . .xi
Conventions used in this publication . . . . . . xii
Highlighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Understanding the syntax notation and the use
of special characters . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Entering commands that this publication describes xiii
Related information . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Web sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
InfoPrint Solutions Company information
centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
InfoPrint XT manual (man) pages . . . . . . xiv
Summary of changes . . . . . . . .xv
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT . . .1
InfoPrint XT overview . . . . . . . . . . .1
Benefitting from AFP and InfoPrint XT . . . .1
Xerox resources and the InfoPrint XT load process . .1
Printable Xerox resources . . . . . . . . .2
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT
uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT
does not use . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Xerox data stream conversion . . . . . . . . .3
Xerox START commands and InfoPrint XT
conversion parameters . . . . . . . . . .3
Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs) . . . .3
Methods of sending jobs to the Windows system and
submitting them to InfoPrint XT . . . . . . . .4
Xerox job restrictions . . . . . . . . . . .4
Other restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Double-byte character set (DBCS) support . . . .8
Supported and unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Chapter 2. Installing and configuring
InfoPrint XT . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
| |
Understanding software requirements . . . . .11
Required operating system . . . . . . . .11
Required UNIX emulation tools . . . . . .11
Optional printer driver software . . . . . .12
Installing InfoPrint XT . . . . . . . . . . .13
InfoPrint Manager configuration tasks . . . . .13
Creating the InfoPrint XT configurable transform 14
Using the pdxtsetdest command to update
InfoPrint Manager actual destinations . . . .15
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 iii
Adding Windows user account names for
InfoPrint Manager security . . . . . . . .16
Testing the InfoPrint XT installation . . . . . .16
Testing with the pdxtloadres and pdxtx2afp
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Testing with InfoPrint Manager . . . . . . .17
Applying an InfoPrint XT product update . . . .18
Rejecting an InfoPrint XT product update . . .19
Permanently removing the InfoPrint XT software . .19
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT . .21
Terms used in this chapter . . . . . . . . .21
Setting environment variables . . . . . . . .21
Controlling the working directory that InfoPrint XT uses for variable data (PDXTWORKDIR) . .22 Controlling how InfoPrint XT interprets directory
names (PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX) . . . . . .22
Controlling the default arguments when you load
resources (PDXTLOADRES_ARGS) . . . . .23
Controlling the default arguments when you
process jobs (PDXTX2AFP_ARGS) . . . . . .23
Controlling resource-load messages for FILE
Activating trace functions for the font converter
(PDXT_XR2FAPI_TRACE) . . . . . . . .24
Activating trace functions for the image and logo
converter (PDXT_XR2IAPI_TRACE) . . . . .24
Controlling the content of error messages
(PDXT_INTMSGIDS) . . . . . . . . . .24
Controlling the format of the error sheet
(PDXT_MSGxxxxxxx) . . . . . . . . . .25
Environment variables for directives . . . . .25
Creating a custom parameter mapping file . . . .26
Parameter mapping file syntax rules . . . . .26
Verifying the parameter specification of the
mapping file . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Using transform directives . . . . . . . . .29
Transform directives and syntax . . . . . .29
Trace transform directives . . . . . . . .30
Activating transform directives . . . . . . .30
Working with InfoPrint XT AFP structured fields . .31
InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format . . .31 InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP level X'0000'
format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP keywords . . . .32
Working with content-sensitive medium map names 34
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources . .37
Transferring Xerox printer resources to the Windows
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Understanding the load process for Xerox resources 37
InfoPrint XT resource directories for the load
process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Types of Xerox resources that you can load . . .38 Loading Xerox double-byte character set (DBCS)
fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Loading order for Xerox resources by resource
type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Information files generated by InfoPrint XT
during resource tasks . . . . . . . . . .40
Error information for resources that fail to load 41
Using the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox
resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Streams used by the pdxtloadres command . . .49 Return codes from the pdxtloadres command . .50
Examples: pdxtloadres command . . . . . .50
Scanning a job for required resources with the
pdxtx2afp command . . . . . . . . . . .50
Printing samples of overlays and page segments . .51 Correlating font, image, or logo resources manually 51
Creating manual correlation entries for
single-byte Xerox fonts . . . . . . . . .52
Creating manual correlation entries for
double-byte Xerox fonts . . . . . . . . .53
Creating manual correlation entries for images .53 Creating manual correlation entries for logos . .54
Processing a manual correlation table . . . . .54
Deblocking and reblocking CMDs, FSLs, ISLs, and
JSLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Using the pdxtdblkres command to deblock
resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Using the pdxtblkres command to block
resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Receiver log . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Temporary files . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting InfoPrint
XT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Problem determination: The job resulted in some
type of printed output . . . . . . . . . . .83
Problem determination: The job resulted in no
printed output . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Problem determination: Processing jobs through
Download for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . .87
Diagnostic and informational files that InfoPrint XT
produces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
pdxtx2afp.log file . . . . . . . . . . .89
x2afp.lst file . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Service coordinator responsibilities . . . . . .91
Determining problem severity . . . . . . . .91
Placing a service call . . . . . . . . . . .91
Determining the version of InfoPrint XT . . . .91
Using the pdxtcapture command . . . . . . .92
Using the pdxtclnwork command to clean work
directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Appendix A. Conversion parameters for
converting Xerox jobs . . . . . . . .93
Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for
data stream conversion . . . . . . .59
Processing Xerox jobs with InfoPrint Manager . . .59
Document attributes that you specify for
processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
How InfoPrint XT searches for resources . . .60 Using the pdpr command to transform and print
Xerox jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Using the pdxtx2afp command to process Xerox jobs 61
Streams used by the pdxtx2afp command . . .64 Return codes from the pdxtx2afp command . .64
Examples: pdxtx2afp command . . . . . . .65
Processing jobs that contain FILE DJDE commands 65
Processing limitations . . . . . . . . . .66
Including resource-load messages for FILE DJDE
jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Processing jobs that contain stapling commands . .66
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with
Download for z/OS . . . . . . . . .67
What the InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program does 67
Setting up Download for z/OS . . . . . . . .68
Creating InfoPrint Manager MVS Download
receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Using JCL parameters to assign InfoPrint Manager
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Creating an attribute mapping file . . . . . . .71
Processing jobs that contain more than one data set 73
Using download directives . . . . . . . . .74
Enabling download directives . . . . . . .78
pdxtdownload file naming conventions . . . . .78
Input data sets . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Appendix B. InfoPrint XT messages:
5016-nnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Return code numbers . . . . . . . . . . .113
Appendix C. Resource converter
messages: 5018-nnn . . . . . . . .117
Appendix D. Resource utility messages and data stream converter
messages: AIOxxxnnnx . . . . . . . 121
Resource path names used in messages . . . . . 121
InfoPrint XT resource utility messages . . . . . 121
InfoPrint XT data stream converter messages . . . 132
Appendix E. DJDE report messages:
ALTER through XMP . . . . . . . . 147
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Programming interfaces . . . . . . . . . . 156
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Glossary of selected InfoPrint
Solutions Company terms . . . . . . 159
Glossary of selected Xerox terms . . 167
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) . . . . . 171
InfoPrint Manager for Windows . . . . . . . 171
Print Services Facility for z/OS . . . . . . . 171
iv InfoPrint XT Guide
InfoPrint Solutions Company printers . . . . . 172
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Contents v
vi InfoPrint XT Guide
1. InfoPrint XT test page . . . . . . . . .18
2. Completed parameter mapping file . . . .28
3. Sample correlation entries for single-byte
Xerox fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
4. Sample correlation entries for Xerox images 54
5. Sample correlation entries for Xerox logos 54
6. Sample z/OS routing-control data set . . . .68
7. Completed attribute mapping file . . . . .73
8. Sample Download receiver log . . . . . .80
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 vii
viii InfoPrint XT Guide
1. Printable Xerox resources and their AFP
functional equivalents . . . . . . . . .2
2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
3. DOS-to-UNIX directory conversions . . . .22
4. Format of the transform parameter mapping
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
5. InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format 31
6. InfoPrint XT NOP level X'0000' format . . .32
7. Format of content-sensitive medium map
| ||
names . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
8. Xerox resource extensions, AFP prefixes, and
metrics extensions . . . . . . . . . .38
9. IBM Infoprint XT Extender for z/OS naming
conventions for Xerox resource files . . . .48
10. InfoPrint Manager attribute assignments when
using the pdxtdownload program . . . . .70
11. Return code numbers 1-64 in InfoPrint XT
messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
12. Return code numbers 65-127 in InfoPrint XT
messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 ix
x InfoPrint XT Guide
About this publication
This publication describes how to install, configure, and use InfoPrint® XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT). With InfoPrint XT, you can process and print Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) jobs and Xerox metacode jobs on Intelligent Printer Data Stream™ (IPDS™) printers.
You can use InfoPrint XT with InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager) or as a stand-alone transform. This publication describes how to use InfoPrint XT with InfoPrint Manager and points out differences for systems where InfoPrint Manager is not installed.
| | |
Note: You can also use InfoPrint XT as a stand-alone transform when you access it
from InfoPrint ProcessDirector (5697-N55) as an InfoPrint ProcessDirector external step.
Who should use this publication
This publication contains instructions and procedures for Windows administrators who install the InfoPrint XT software and do configuration tasks for the installation. It also contains information for printer operators who process and print the Xerox jobs on IPDS printers.
How this publication is organized
This publication contains these chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introducing InfoPrint XT,” on page 1
Describes InfoPrint XT functions and the restrictions that apply when InfoPrint XT processes Xerox jobs.
Chapter 2, “Installing and configuring InfoPrint XT,” on page 11
Describes how to install the InfoPrint XT software on the Windows system. It also describes how to configure InfoPrint Manager objects, such as actual destinations, to work with InfoPrint XT. It includes test procedures to verify the installation.
Chapter 3, “Customizing InfoPrint XT,” on page 21
Describes how to customize InfoPrint XT through:
v Environment variables
v Custom parameter mapping files
v Transform directives
Chapter 4, “Loading Xerox resources,” on page 37
Chapter 5, “Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion,” on page 59
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 xi
It also describes how to interpret the No Operation (NOP) structured fields that InfoPrint XT can include in the Advanced Function Presentation
(AFP™) data stream that it produces.
Describes how to load Xerox resources and how to print samples of the AFP resources that InfoPrint XT generates from Xerox resources.
Describes how to process and print Xerox jobs. It also includes methods to streamline the specification of InfoPrint XT conversion parameters and InfoPrint Manager job and document attributes.
Chapter 6, “Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS,” on page 67
Describes how to set up Download for z/OS to work with InfoPrint XT. After you set this up, you can submit jobs from systems that have IBM Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS installed and convert them with InfoPrint XT.
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting InfoPrint XT,” on page 83
Describes how to diagnose and correct problems that might occur when you load Xerox resources or process Xerox jobs. It also discusses the information that you need to place a service call.
This publication contains these appendixes:
Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93
Describes the Xerox conversion parameters that are specific to InfoPrint XT.
Appendix B, “InfoPrint XT messages: 5016-nnn,” on page 105
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you use InfoPrint XT commands.
Appendix C, “Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn ,” on page 117
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you load Xerox fonts, images, and logos.
Appendix D, “Resource utility messages and data stream converter messages: AIOxxxnnnx,” on page 121
Lists the messages that the InfoPrint XT resource utility and data stream converter can issue when they process Xerox resources and jobs.
Appendix E, “DJDE report messages: ALTER through XMP,” on page 147
Lists the messages that InfoPrint XT can issue when you request a report of the Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE) commands that a Xerox job contains.
This publication also contains two glossaries, a bibliography, and an index.
Conventions used in this publication
This publication uses conventions for:
v Highlighting
v Command syntax and example syntax, including special characters in
These are the types of highlighting:
Bold Identifies commands, attributes, files, directories, and other items whose
names the InfoPrint XT installation predefines. For example, the pdxtx2afp command and the %PDXTINSTDIR% directory.
Italic Identifies a variable item whose actual name or value you supply. For
example, local or ldest. Italics also identify publication titles.
Bold Italic
Syntax that combines bold and italic highlighting identifies a specific keyword or parameter name that you enter exactly as shown, and a variable value that you supply. For example, xjdl=jdl_name. Enter the string
xjdl=. jdl_name is a value that you choose.
xii InfoPrint XT Guide
Understanding the syntax notation and the use of special characters
These rules apply to the syntax diagrams and examples that this publication contains:
v Text that you type is case-sensitive. For example, p0612c.fnt and F$P0612C; type
the font names in lowercase and uppercase characters exactly as they are shown.
v Do not type any vertical bars, underscores, or brackets that command examples
– A vertical bar or bars between two or more entries means that you can
specify only one of the values. [xspacing=none | word | char] is an example of this notation. Yo u can specify one of these values:
- xspacing=none
- xspacing=word
- xspacing=char
An underscore identifies the default value for an option or parameter.
InfoPrint XT uses the default value if you do not explicitly specify a value. none was the default value in the previous example.
– Brackets around an item in an example mean that the item is optional. You do
not have to include it.
This does not apply to the brackets that you can include in
pattern-matching strings.
Entering commands that this publication describes
Procedures in this publication direct you to enter InfoPrint XT commands, such as pdxtloadres and pdxtx2afp. For installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, certain procedures also instruct you to enter InfoPrint Manager commands, such as pdls and pdpr. Enter these commands from a Windows Command Prompt window; InfoPrint XT does not provide a user interface.
Related information
Other sources of information that you can use with InfoPrint XT are:
Web sites
For additional information about InfoPrint Solutions Company products, including printers and software:
InfoPrint Solutions Company information centers
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Information centers provide online, task-oriented information about InfoPrint Solutions Company hardware and software products:
InfoPrint Solutions Company provides both hardcopy and viewable versions of publications. For a list of publications that you might find useful with the InfoPrint XT installation, see “Bibliography” on page 171.
About this publication xiii
InfoPrint XT manual (man) pages
An InfoPrint XT installation includes online help in the form of man pages. To see the InfoPrint XT man pages, enter the pdxtman command, followed by the name of the man page. For example:
pdxtman pdxt
For a complete list of all the man pages that InfoPrint XT supplies, access the pdxt man page. Enter pdxtman pdxt or enter the pdxtman command by itself.
xiv InfoPrint XT Guide
Summary of changes
These are brief descriptions of the functional updates to InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) and the corresponding documentation changes that this publication contains:
Support for content-sensitive medium maps
The InfoPrint XT data stream converter uses a sequentially numbered naming convention for medium map names in the inline form definition that it generates as it converts a Xerox job. The numbering sequence begins with AIO00001. You can now instruct InfoPrint XT to create medium map names that reflect certain characteristics of the medium map, such as whether it specifies simplex or duplex printing. InfoPrint XT provides the new xcsmmname conversion parameter that you can use to control the format of the medium map name. See these topics:
v “Working with content-sensitive medium map names” on page 34
v The xcsmmname conversion parameter on page 96
of the Xerox ALIGN operator command
InfoPrint XT can emulate the Xerox ALIGN operator command, which lets users adjust the position of page images in the AFP output that InfoPrint XT creates. InfoPrint XT uses two new conversion parameters for the alignment emulation. The xalign parameter controls how InfoPrint XT aligns the AFP output with the pages of the job. The xinvertalign parameter controls how InfoPrint XT aligns the AFP output for pages that Xerox OUTPUT INVERT commands or INVERT Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs) invert. See these topics:
v The xalign conversion parameter on page 93
v The xinvertalign conversion parameter on page 97
Duplicate inline image checking for online jobs
Xerox online jobs can use GRAPHIC DJDEs instead of IMAGE DJDEs to specify inline images. This can impact performance and increase the processing time that InfoPrint XT requires for the job. If the job contains many inline images, but there are few unique images and most are duplicates of images that were specified earlier in the job, the performance impact is greater. When possible, the best solution is to change the application that generated the job. To improve performance, the application should use IMAGE DJDEs to specify the inline images instead of GRAPHIC DJDEs. If changing the application is not possible, you can use the new xckdupnlimg conversion parameter. When you specify xckdupnlimg=yes, InfoPrint XT does a preliminary check of each inline image that a GRAPHIC DJDE specifies. If it determines that the image is a duplicate, InfoPrint XT does not process the image again. It uses the AFP output from the first conversion of the duplicated image that it generated earlier in the job. See page 95.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 xv
The xckdupnlimg conversion parameter does not apply to offline
automatic carriage control verification
You use the existing xcc conversion parameter to specify the type of carriage controls, ANSI or machine code, that the data for an online job contains. In addition, InfoPrint XT automatically reads the first records of
the job to further verify the type of carriage controls. If it detects a different type of carriage control, InfoPrint XT overrides the type that the xcc parameter specifies. With Download for z/OS, InfoPrint XT can use a download directive to convert ANSI carriage controls to machine code before it converts the job. When the job contains both ANSI and machine code carriage controls and you do not use Download for z/OS to transfer online jobs, the AFP output that InfoPrint XT generates can be wrong if the InfoPrint XT automatic carriage-control type verification returns an incorrect result. InfoPrint XT now provides the xpcctest conversion parameter that lets you prevent InfoPrint XT from reading the first records of the job. InfoPrint XT then uses the value of the xcc parameter to determine the type of carriage controls that the data for the job contains. See these new and revised topics:
v -p download directive on page 76
v xcc conversion parameter on page 94
v xpcctest conversion parameter on page 99
With the default xspacing=none conversion parameter and value, InfoPrint XT converts spacing characters in Xerox fonts to Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA) text characters in the AFP that it creates. It does the same for overlays that it creates from Xerox FRMs. You can now instruct InfoPrint XT to create Relative Move Inline (RMI) structured fields in the AFP output instead of the PTOCA text characters.
This function is useful if you need to manually correlate Xerox fonts to AFP fonts rather than use the AFP fonts that InfoPrint XT creates. For example, you might need to correlate a Xerox Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) font to an AFP MICR font that is specifically tuned for a particular Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printer. In this case, a code page conflict might arise if the spacing characters in the Xerox font do not match any of the available characters in the manually correlated AFP font.
You can avoid this type of conflict by instructing InfoPrint XT to generate RMI structured fields in the AFP output or in any overlays that it generates for Xerox fonts that you load with the new -b option of the pdxtloadres command. If you manually correlate an AFP font to a Xerox font that you load with the -b option, InfoPrint XT does not look for corresponding spacing characters in the AFP font.
You can also use a new conversion parameter, xspcrmi, to control how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters in the Xerox fonts that FILE DJDEs specify. InfoPrint XT does not look for corresponding spacing characters in a manually correlated AFP font for any Xerox font that it loads when the xspcrmi=yes conversion parameter is in effect for the job.
for spacing characters in Xerox fonts
For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you install the product update:
v Use the pdxtloadres command and its -b option to reload any Xerox
v Use the pdxtloadres command to reload all forms that use the affected
v Add the xspcrmi=yes conversion parameter to jobs that use FILE DJDEs
xvi InfoPrint XT Guide
fonts for which you want to use this function.
to specify fonts for which you want to use this function.
these topics:
v The -b option for the pdxtloadres command on page 42
v The xspcrmi conversion parameter on page 101
The InfoPrint XT default is to convert Xerox shading patterns to raster dot patterns in the AFP output. InfoPrint XT also converts shading characters in Xerox FRMs to raster dot patterns in the corresponding AFP overlays. InfoPrint XT now can convert shading patterns and shading characters to grayscale. This improves the overall visual results and increases the readability for any text that is superimposed on the shading. The enhancement consists of these changes:
v The pdxtloadres command has a new -c option that lets you specify
how InfoPrint XT converts shading characters when it processes FORMS$, FORMSX, and ISISPX fonts in FRMs.
v The new xshading conversion parameter controls how InfoPrint XT
converts shading patterns in Xerox data streams. This parameter also controls how InfoPrint XT converts inline FRMs that FILE DJDE commands specify.
For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you install the product update:
v Reload any FRMs that contain shading that the SHADING parameter of
the BOX FSL command controls. Use the pdxtloadres command with the
-c option to reload the resources.
v Specify the xshading conversion parameter for jobs that contain
standard Xerox shading from FORMS$, FORMS, and ISISPX fonts. Also specify this conversion parameter for jobs that use FILE DJDEs with inline FRMs.
to Xerox shading support
these topics:
v The -c option of the pdxtloadres command on page 43.
v The xshading conversion parameter on page 100.
v Restrictions apply when you use InfoPrint XT shading support. See page
INVERT command and INVERT DJDE support
InfoPrint XT provides a new conversion parameter, xhonorinvert, that lets InfoPrint XT process jobs that contain OUTPUT INVERT commands and INVERT DJDEs. For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you install the product update:
v Reload any Job Description Libraries (JDLs) that contain OUTPUT
INVERT commands.
v Specify xhonorinvert=yes for jobs that invoke JDLs or Job Descriptor
Entries (JDEs) that specify OUTPUT INVERT or that contain INVERT DJDEs.
information about the xhonorinvert conversion parameter, see page 96.
OUTPUT XSHIFT command and XSHIFT DJDE support
InfoPrint XT can now process OUTPUT XSHIFT commands and XSHIFT DJDEs with the existing xhonorshift conversion parameter. For this enhancement to take effect, you must do these tasks after you install the product update:
v Reload any JDLs that contain OUTPUT XSHIFT commands.
v Specify xhonorshift=yes for jobs that invoke JDLs or JDEs that specify
Summary of changes xvii
For information about the xhonorshift conversion parameter, see page 96.
Generation of NOP structured fields for C DJDE text
Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MO:DCA) No Operation (NOP) structured fields can store information in the AFP data stream. In addition to NOPs for OTEXT, AFP fonts and page segments, and highlight color, you can now instruct InfoPrint XT to generate NOPs for comments that C DJDEs contain. This is useful if you do indexing tasks on the AFP that InfoPrint XT generates from Xerox jobs that use C DJDEs. For more information, see these topics:
v The xcmt2nop conversion parameter on page 95
v The XRXCDJDE NOP keyword on page 33
font support
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) fonts are used with financial applications, such as those that generate bank and payroll checks. Externally, standard Xerox MICR fonts are typically identified by their names. Xerox fonts whose names begin with E13B, E14B, or CMC7 prefix can be MICR fonts. When it loads a Xerox MICR font, InfoPrint XT uses internal bit settings in the AFP font that it generates to differentiate AFP MICR fonts from non-MICR AFP fonts. InfoPrint XT lets you request AFP MICR fonts when you load Xerox MICR fonts through the new -M option of the pdxtloadres command. You can also use the new xmicrfont conversion parameter to instruct InfoPrint XT to generate AFP MICR fonts from Xerox MICR fonts that FILE DJDEs in a job specify. For more information, see these topics:
v “Using the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox resources” on page 42
v xmicrfont conversion parameter on page 98
This publication also includes editorial, stylistic, and typographical updates. These
updates are not marked with revision bars.
xviii InfoPrint XT Guide
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT
This chapter briefly describes the components of InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT), how it processes jobs, and its non-supported or restricted functions. InfoPrint XT is the Xerox transform technology that you can use to print Xerox jobs on high-speed, Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printers.
Note: This publication identifies the system on which you install InfoPrint XT as
the Windows system.
InfoPrint XT overview
InfoPrint XT transforms Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS) jobs and metacode jobs to jobs that you can print on IPDS printers. InfoPrint XT converts the jobs and the resources that they require, such as fonts and forms, to the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format. AFP is part of the InfoPrint Solutions Company presentation architectures for creating, storing, retrieving, viewing, and printing data.
Benefitting from AFP and InfoPrint XT
The presentation architectures represent documents in a data format that is independent of the methods used to capture or create them. Documents might contain combinations of text, images, graphics, and bar code objects in device-independent formats.
You can send the same document to a variety of destinations, including printers, without altering its format for the type of destination. Many methods exist by which you can generate Xerox LCDS and metacode data streams and send them to Xerox printers. Now, you can send Xerox jobs directly to InfoPrint XT without altering the applications that generate the jobs.
InfoPrint XT converts the jobs, which you can then print on a wide variety of IPDS printers. For example, you can print the jobs on InfoPrint 4100 printers, which are nonimpact, all-points-addressable, laser electrophotographic printers. These continuous-forms printers are ideal for the high volume, production printing environment. If your printing needs require cut-sheet printers, with several bins for
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a variety of paper stocks, you can print the jobs on an InfoPrint 2190 or InfoPrint 2210 printer. The InfoPrint 2190 prints at 110 pages-per-minute, and the InfoPrint 2210 prints at 90 pages-per-minute. Both are modular, multifunction cut-sheet printers for use in the production printing environment.
For in-depth information about the presentation architectures, see the publications listed for “Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)” on page 171. For detailed information about InfoPrint Solutions Company printers, visit this Web site:
Xerox resources and the InfoPrint XT load process
Xerox jobs use a combination of printable and non-printable resources. In the Xerox environment, these resources are on the Xerox printer hardware. Before you convert a Xerox job to AFP, you must first convert its printable resources to AFP. You convert the Xerox resources to their AFP counterparts through the InfoPrint
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2004, 2007 1
XT load process. The InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command does the actual conversion. You also convert the non-printable resources.
Printable Xerox resources
Xerox jobs use specific printable Xerox resources, such as fonts, forms, images, and logos. Table 1 lists the major types of printable Xerox resources and their equivalent AFP resources.
Table 1. Printable Xerox resources and their AFP functional equivalents
Xerox Resources AFP Resources
Xerox FNT (fonts) AFP code pages, character sets, and coded
Xerox FRM (forms) AFP overlays
Xerox IMG (images) AFP page segments
Xerox LGO (logos) AFP page segments
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT uses
Xerox jobs use other types of Xerox resources, such as job descriptor libraries (JDLs) and page descriptor entries (PDEs). These resources control the data stream characteristics and the printing environment. While you must also load these Xerox resources on the Windows system, the load process does not produce any corresponding AFP resources. Instead, the InfoPrint XT pdxtloadres command stores the necessary formatting information that the resources contain. When you process a job that uses these resources, InfoPrint XT creates a unique AFP form definition for the job from some of the formatting information. This list describes the non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT processes and uses:
Cluster Library (LIB)
Defines clusters, or groups of printer trays.
Copy Modification Entry (CME)
Defines changes to the printing characteristics of a job on a copy-by-copy basis.
Job Descriptor Library (JDL)
A collection of compiled job descriptor entries (JDEs), which define the unique characteristics of one or more Xerox jobs.
Page Descriptor Entry (PDE)
A set of statements that define formatting information for each page of a job. This includes information such as the page orientation, the starting print line, and the fonts that the page uses.
Routing Text (TST)
Contains information that is specific to separator sheets, which precede individual Xerox reports.
Stocksets (STK)
Defines the types of paper that the job requires and associates them with the clusters of printer trays, as defined by clustr.lib.
For more information about loading resources and the messages that InfoPrint XT
can issue during the load process, see:
v Chapter 4, “Loading Xerox resources,” on page 37
v Appendix C, “Resource converter messages: 5018-nnn ,” on page 117
2 InfoPrint XT Guide
v “InfoPrint XT resource utility messages” on page 121
Non-printable Xerox resources that InfoPrint XT does not use
The other types of non-printable Xerox resources that you can load through InfoPrint XT are:
InfoPrint XT copies information for these non-printable resources when you load them. InfoPrint XT does not use these resources; it copies them for reference purposes only. For more information, see “Types of Xerox resources that you can load” on page 38.
Xerox data stream conversion
The InfoPrint XT data stream converter reads and interprets internal Xerox entries and commands when it converts the Xerox job to AFP.
Xerox START commands and InfoPrint XT conversion parameters
When you print a job on a Xerox printer, you enter a specific START command to run the job. The START command specifies the starting JDL and JDE pair to use for the job; the JDL and JDE specify the characteristics of the job. For example, they can specify an initial set of fonts and whether duplexing is in effect. They can also specify carriage control assignments and the delimiters that identify Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry (DJDE) commands. You might have a single START command that applies to all jobs, or several START commands that apply to specific jobs. When you submit a job to InfoPrint XT, you pass this same information to the data stream converter using InfoPrint XT conversion parameters. For more information, see these topics:
v Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93,
which describes the InfoPrint XT parameters that you pass to the data stream converter.
v “InfoPrint XT data stream converter messages” on page 132, which describes the
messages that the data stream converter issues.
Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Xerox jobs can contain DJDEs, which invoke printable and non-printable Xerox resources and control the printing environment. Yo u can use DJDEs in both LCDS and metacode jobs. They can make modifications to the printing environment that the starting JDL and JDE pair specifies. The data stream converter interprets a specific set of DJDE commands. For more information, see “Supported and unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL commands” on page 8.
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT 3
Methods of sending jobs to the Windows system and submitting them to InfoPrint XT
You can use these methods to send Xerox LCDS and metacode jobs to the Windows system and to process them with InfoPrint XT:
Download for z/OS
Download for z/OS is a separately orderable, licensed feature of IBM Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS. You can use it to transfer Xerox jobs over a TCP/IP network to a directory on the Windows system. You also need InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager), and an MVS Download receiver that it provides, to process jobs through Download for z/OS.
InfoPrint Select
With InfoPrint Select, you can send jobs from word processors, spreadsheet programs, and other desktop applications. InfoPrint Manager provides the InfoPrint Select client; it is not a part of InfoPrint XT.
LPR If you have InfoPrint Manager installed, you can send Xerox jobs from any
system that supports the line printer control program through the lpr command.
pdpr command
If you have InfoPrint Manager installed, you can use the InfoPrint Manager pdpr command to submit Xerox jobs for processing. For detailed information about the use of this command, see the InfoPrint Manager documentation listed in the “Bibliography” on page 171.
pdxtx2afp command
For more information about processing jobs, see Chapter 5, “Submitting Xerox jobs
for data stream conversion,” on page 59.
Xerox job restrictions
These restrictions apply to Xerox jobs that you process with InfoPrint XT:
Accounting statistics
FILE DJDE support
You can use the InfoPrint XT pdxtx2afp command to process Xerox jobs and create the corresponding AFP versions of the jobs.
Xerox printers can provide information about job processing, which includes information that is specific to the reports in the job. You can use this information for purposes such as billing or supplies management. InfoPrint XT also collects accounting information at the report level. However, InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of matching the Xerox accounting information to the number of pages that actually print on the printer hardware. The InfoPrint XT accounting information is specific to the pages that it converts.
In the Xerox environment, Xerox printers can only process one job at a time. InfoPrint XT can process two or more jobs concurrently. Do not submit two jobs at the same time that specify different versions of the same resource. Also, do not process any job that specifies more than one version of the same resource in the reports in the job. Unpredictable results can occur in both cases.
4 InfoPrint XT Guide
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Grayscale substitution for Xerox shading
InfoPrint XT can interpret and convert Xerox shading patterns and characters to grayscale. This improves the overall visual results and increases the readability for any text that is superimposed on the shading. These restrictions apply to grayscale substitution when you use the xshading conversion parameter or the -c option of the pdxtloadres command:
v Grayscale interpretation of Xerox standard shading is only useful with
printers, archival solutions, and viewing solutions that support Logical Page and Object Area Coloring.
v In FRM conversion, this enhancement is only effective for shading that is
accomplished by the SHADING LIGHT | MEDIUM | HEAVY parameter of the BOX FSL command. It has no effect on conversion of highlight color shading that is accomplished by the FILL parameter of the BOX FSL command.
v In data stream conversion, this enhancement is only effective for shading
that is accomplished by the use of the shading characters in FORMS$, FORMSX, or ISISPX fonts. The shading enhancement has no affect on shading that is produced by text fonts, custom fonts, or graphics fonts.
v When converting data streams that use the FILE DJDE to specify one or
more inline FRMs, this enhancement controls how InfoPrint XT interprets shading in all the inline FRMs in the job, regardless of whether the input data stream is LCDS or metacode.
v The dot patterns in certain Xerox standard shading code points do not
fill the entire area that the code point represents, which leaves white space on one or more sides. The grayscale that InfoPrint XT generates for these and other Xerox shading code points fills the entire area and leaves no white space. In certain shading configurations, this can cause solid grayscale areas to look larger than their dot pattern counterparts.
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InfoPrint XT does not support highlight-color shading in Xerox FRMs. If the use of highlight color is restricted to only the text in the form, InfoPrint XT successfully converts the form. However, the resulting AFP overlay is black and white.
form processing
Highlight-color image processing
InfoPrint XT can process Xerox highlight-color images that use Restricted Raster Encoding and produce black-and-white AFP page segments that correspond to the images. These restrictions apply to the highlight-color image processing that InfoPrint XT does. InfoPrint XT only supports:
v Interleaving by pixel for the color sample and the black sample that the
Xerox image contains. InfoPrint XT does not support interleaving by scan line or interleaving by compressed-pixel vector array.
v Highlight-color images that use the portrait scan orientation.
v A maximum of two samples per pixel; one color sample and one black
v A maximum sample value of one.
For detailed information about Xerox highlight-color images and Restricted Raster Encoding, see the Xerox Interpress documentation:
v Xerox Interpress Raster Encoding Standard: XNS Standard 178506, January,
v Xerox Interpress Electronic Printing Standard: XNSS 048601, January, 1986
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT 5
Highlight-color job processing
You can submit Xerox jobs that contain color-related metacodes or PDL commands, such as ICATALOG, IDR, ILIST, and INKINDEX. However, InfoPrint XT does nothing with the color information. The jobs print in black and white.
OTEXT messages
You can process jobs that contain OTEXT messages with InfoPrint XT. However, InfoPrint XT does not display the OTEXT message text or suspend printing.
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SHIFT and XSHIFT JDL and DJDE commands
InfoPrint XT supports the Xerox SHIFT and XSHIFT JDL and DJDE commands with these exceptions:
1. You must specify the xhonorshift=yes conversion parameter for
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InfoPrint XT to process jobs that contain SHIFT and XSHIFT commands. The default is that InfoPrint XT ignores SHIFT and XSHIFT commands.
2. Xerox LPS printers save DJDE SHIFT values between jobs, but they do
not save JDL/JDE SHIFT values. Therefore, if the first SHIFT DJDE in a job specifies a value for only one side, the value for the other side is the last DJDE value specified for that side, even if a previous, unrelated job specified that value.
InfoPrint XT initializes each job with SHIFT values of zero for both front and back sides. If the first SHIFT DJDE in a job specifies a value for only one side, the value for the side that was not specified is zero. Output does not shift on the unspecified side until InfoPrint XT finds a SHIFT value for that side in a JDL/JDE or in a DJDE in the job.
This restriction does not apply to XSHIFT.
3. When a Xerox LPS finds SHIFT DJDEs in the data stream, it sometimes
misplaces graphic images for the page on which the new SHIFT values take effect. For example, in portrait mode, the images might move lower on the page instead of shifting to the right or to the left. This might even affect images that are specified by the FRM being printed on the page.
InfoPrint XT correctly shifts all page segments as specified by the SHIFT command when you set up InfoPrint XT to honor SHIFT commands. InfoPrint XT does not try to emulate the incorrect image placement occasionally introduced by the Xerox LPS.
This restriction does not apply to XSHIFT.
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characters in Xerox fonts
With the default xspacing=none conversion parameter and value, InfoPrint XT converts spacing characters in Xerox fonts to Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (PTOCA) text characters in the AFP that it generates. It does the same for overlays that it generates from Xerox FRMs. You can instruct InfoPrint XT to create Relative Move Inline (RMI) structured fields in the AFP output instead of the PTOCA text characters. You use the -b option of the pdxtloadres command or the xspcrmi conversion parameter to generate RMI structured fields.
Controlling how InfoPrint XT interprets spacing characters is intended for limited use with a small subset of Xerox fonts in any given resource set. Use this function only if you have manually correlated Xerox fonts to AFP fonts and code page conflicts occur with Xerox spacing characters and AFP
6 InfoPrint XT Guide
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code points. This function does not correct any other type of code page conflicts that occur after manually correlating Xerox resources to AFP resources.
Stapling support
When you submit jobs that request stapling, these restrictions apply to InfoPrint XT processing:
v You must specify the xhonorstaple=yes conversion parameter for
InfoPrint XT to process jobs that contain stapling instructions. The default is that InfoPrint XT ignores stapling commands.
v Differences exist in the stitching hardware of InfoPrint Solutions
Company cut-sheet printers and Xerox LPS cut-sheet printers. Because of this, InfoPrint XT does not support the Xerox stapling commands FACEUP and NTO1, either when used independently or when used only with each other. InfoPrint XT only recognizes FACEUP and NTO1 when a job uses them with the STAPLE command. Together, STAPLE=YES, FACEUP=YES, and NTO1=YES or NTO1=n indicate that stapling should occur. n is a positive number.
v When a Xerox LPS printer processes the STAPLE command, it always
drives the staples into the upper-left corner of the sheets, as viewed in portrait orientation. This is true even if the report is actually in landscape orientation. If you specify the xstapleorient=yes conversion parameter for the job, InfoPrint XT detects any reports whose first pages are landscape. It then staples them in the lower-left corner of the sheets, as viewed in portrait orientation. This is equivalent to the upper-left corner when you view the sheet in landscape orientation.
v InfoPrint XT assumes that the default printing order that was established
on the Xerox printer at SYSGEN is 1TON. If you specify NTO1 at printer SYSGEN, you must include the xstaplesysgen=nto1 conversion parameter. Otherwise, InfoPrint XT ignores stapling commands in JDLs and JDEs that jobs invoke internally if the starting JDL and JDE pair does not specify that stapling should occur.
v The Xerox NTO1 command forces the LPS printer to delay output
processing until the input processing for the entire report is complete. For this reason, input processing might not recognize the end of the report until it identifies the beginning of the next report. This might not occur until input processing identifies a BANNER page at the beginning of the next job. This can cause the printer to retain attributes from one job and apply them to subsequent jobs. InfoPrint XT does not apply attributes of one job to the next job. Instead, it processes each job using only the attributes that are specific to the job.
v InfoPrint XT cannot detect if the destination IPDS printer supports
stapling. When you specify stapling with the xhonorstaple=yes conversion parameter and value and then convert a Xerox job that has JDEs that specify STAPLE=YES, InfoPrint XT includes stapling information in the AFP that it generates. This is always the case, even if the destination printer does not support stapling.
v Each of the InfoPrint Solutions Company printer models that support
stapling imposes its own limits on the number of sheets, the paper weights, and the paper sizes that it can staple. InfoPrint XT cannot automatically detect those limits. It does not reference any information about them when it generates an AFP job that includes stapling information. You must set the maximum number of sheets to staple with the xstaplemax conversion parameter, as needed.
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT 7
Other restrictions
These InfoPrint XT restrictions apply to considerations other than Xerox job conversion:
240-pel resolution support
Receipt of jobs over a channel connection
Processing jobs on tape
Processing resources on tape
Note: For more information about the xhonorstaple, xstapleorient,
xstaplesysgen, and xstaplemax parameters, see Appendix A,
“Conversion parameters for converting Xerox jobs,” on page 93.
InfoPrint XT only supports 300-pel resolution. If you have older printer models that support 240-pel resolution, do not direct jobs from InfoPrint XT to them.
For combined InfoPrint XT and InfoPrint Manager installations, InfoPrint XT uses the standard InfoPrint Manager methods for sending jobs to the Windows system. Neither InfoPrint Manager nor InfoPrint XT provides a method of sending jobs over a channel connection.
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing jobs on tape.
InfoPrint XT does not provide a method of processing resources on tape.
Compilers for Xerox JSLs and FSLs
InfoPrint XT does not provide compilers for Xerox Job Source Libraries (JSLs) or Forms Source Libraries (FSLs).
Double-byte character set (DBCS) support
InfoPrint XT supports the conversion of Xerox DBCS LCDS and metacode jobs. It also stores information from the Xerox DBCS fonts that the jobs require for use during data stream conversion. However, InfoPrint XT does not directly convert the Xerox DBCS fonts to the AFP DBCS outline fonts that it requires for DBCS data stream processing. It also does not automatically create the grid-mapping files that it requires to print DBCS output. These fonts and files are available from InfoPrint Solutions Company as a separately priced option. For more information about AFP DBCS outline fonts and grid-mapping files for use in Xerox DBCS data stream conversion, contact your marketing representative.
Note: You can use AFP DBCS outline fonts from other sources. Those fonts must
fully conform to the MO:DCA FOCA standards; see Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference, S544-3285.
Supported and unsupported Xerox DJDE and PDL commands
InfoPrint XT does not support a subset of less-commonly used Xerox DJDE and PDL commands. Table 2 lists both the supported and unsupported commands.
Table 2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE commands
8 InfoPrint XT Guide
Supported Unsupported ¹
Table 2. Supported and unsupported PDL and DJDE commands (continued)
Supported Unsupported ¹
Chapter 1. Introducing InfoPrint XT 9
v ¹ InfoPrint XT ignores these commands when it finds them in a job. InfoPrint XT
processes the job and issues informational messages that state that it ignored the commands.
v ² This is a CME parameter. v ³ InfoPrint XT only supports this command when you use it with the STAPLE
v Restrictions apply to this command. See page 6. v If you compile an FSL to an FRM that contains LOGO references in its internal
font list or logo list, InfoPrint XT supports those references. However, InfoPrint XT does not support a LOGO DJDE in the data stream.
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v InfoPrint Solutions Company can negotiate support for non-supported DJDEs on
the basis of customer need.
10 InfoPrint XT Guide
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