8.2 DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRICAL CO MPONE NTS ................................... 165
D124 iv Detailed Description s
Operation panel
Main u
Roll Unit 1 (standard)
Roll Unit 2 (option)
Exit stacker
This section is a qu ick sum mary of the external com ponent s of t he D 12 4. M ore det a ils
are provided in later sections of this document.
Six units comprise the machine.
/Scanner unit
Detailed Description s 1 D124
Operation panel. A full color wide VGA operation panel display.
The angle of the operation panel can be adjusted to reduce glare on the LCD
A [Home] button has been added so the opera t or can eas ily retur n to the Home
Screen at any time.
Five function keys are available on the left side can be assigned for a desired
The SD card/USB card slots are placed on the right si de of the operation
Scan-to-media, Media-to-Print. SD card or USB clip memory. One SD card slot and
one USB memory slot is provided on the right side of the operation panel.
Warm-up time. Short warm-up time: less tha n 40 sec. at 23°C (73.4°F).
Roll feed. Two roll feed units (one standard , one option), and manual bypass feed are
possible. A paper holding lever is provided on the right side of the machine allows
loading cut sheets for copying and printing.
Security. Standard HDD overwrite and encryption functions for security are provided.
D124 2 Detailed Descriptio ns
Color scanning
HDD overwrite/encryption
Media to
Memory (Standar
PDF batch print
Yes (With Printer Option)
Scan to media
Scanning Speed (600
Scanning function
1.1.3 COMPARISON TO D093/D094
The D124 is a wide-format inkjet printer that incorporates the desi gn of the
D093/D094 scanner unit. Here is a brief summary of the features of the D124 and
D124 and D093/D094 Compared
5 staggered units 5 staggered units
Yes Yes
Ink Jet Technology Electrostatic-photo
Yes (Std.) Yes (Std.)
20 Languages 18 Languages
print Yes (Std.) No
d) 3GB + 250GB HDD 1GB + 160GB HDD
(With Scanner Option)
2GB + 160GB HDD
function Standard Option
original output Yes Yes
Yes (Std.) Yes (Option)
dpi) 80 mm/sec (B/W)
26.7 mm/sec (FC)
Standard Option
26.7 mm/sec (FC)
80 mm/sec (B/W)
Detailed Description s 3 D124
The designs of the following components are nearly identical to those of earlier Ricoh
inkjet printers. These features will be immediately recogni zable to service technicians
who are familiar with servicing the smal ler inkjet copiers and printers.
Horizontal Carriage Movement During Printing
A hori zontal motor (1) and long drive belt drive (2) move the carriage unit (3)
mounted on a guide rod (4) left and right over the surface of the paper during
printing. Normally, the machine prints on the right to left pass only, but
bi-directional printing (laying down ink on both passes left and right) is also
The operation of the horizontal motor is controlled by a long horizontal encoder
strip (5) stretched across the width of the main unit.
A hor izont a l encoder sensor (6) m ounted on th e back of the carriage unit reads the
codes on the strip to control operation of the motor and carriage unit as the
carriage unit moves left and right.
Occasionally, the carriage is moved all the way to the right so that the main ink
level sensors (7 ) ca n r ead t he actuators of the ink s ub t ank s on the c arri age, which
monitor the ink levels.
D124 4 Detailed Descriptio ns
Vertical Paper Feed
A vertical feed motor (1) and drive belt (2) rotate the registration roller (3) and exit
roller (4) to feed paper in the paper path. The diameter of the exit roller is slightly
larger than the diameter of the registration roller. This keeps the paper slightly
stretched to prevent buckling.
The operation of the vertical motor is controlled by a vertical encoder wheel (5)
mounted on the left side of the machine in front of the vertical feed motor.
A vertical encoder sensor (6) bracketing the edge of the vertical encoder wheel
reads the codes on the edge of the wheel as it rotates to control vertical paper
The vertical encoder HP sensor (7) stops the motor when the wheel reaches the
home position at the end of a job.
Detailed Description s 5 D124
Maintenance Unit
The maintenance unit on the right side of the machine cleans the print heads.
There are two motors in the maintenance unit: the maintenance motor and the
maintenance lift motor.
The maintenance motor (1) raises the suction cap (K1 unit head/cap) (2) that
cleans the print heads, raises the rubber scraper (3), moves the wipers (4) and
drives the suction pump (5).
The maintenance lift motor (6) rai ses the three print head cap s (K 2, C, YM unit
heads/caps) (7) that protect the print heads from drying out and slides the
cleaning unit (8) forward and backward.
The maintenance lift motor and the sliding cleaning unit is a new mechanism.
D124 6 Detailed Descriptio ns
Ink Supply
The ink supply unit (1) on the right side of the machine holds four ink cartridges
Each cartridge has an ID chip (2). The ID chi ps attached to each ink cartridge
keeps an accurate count of the amount of ink remaining in each sub tank in the
carriage unit.
The CCB (Cartridge Control Board) (3) of each cartridge is the contact point
between the ink cartridge and the ink supply unit. Thi s signals the machine that
the ink cartridge is installed correct ly.
An ink pump motor (4) rotates a cam (5) against the side of the flexible ink supply
tube (6). The alternate pressure and release of the cam against the tube form
enough suction to draw ink from the ink cartridge.
The ink is pumped through the tube and into the ink sub tank in the print head unit
(7), which is mounted in the carriage unit (8).
There are four short ink supply tubes (one for each cartridge) between the ink
cartridge port and the ink pumps. The black tube splits into two supply tubes, one
for K1 and one for K2, bringing the total number of tubes to 5 with one ink pump
for each of the five tubes.
An ink end sensor (9) and a small cylinder (10) with a floating impeller compri se
the ink end mechanism. When ink runs out, the suction in the tube with no ink in it
Detailed Description s 7 D124
moves the impeller, activates the sensor, and signals ink out.
The ink out mechani sm ensures that the ink is completely used up before the ink
end alert is triggered.
Waste Ink Collection
A waste ink collector tank (1), mounted on the right side of the machine below the
maintenance unit (2) , collects the ink removed from the print heads by the
maintenance unit during print head cleaning. The ink collector tank has an ID chip
that keeps a count, and will signal when the tank is full and needs to be replaced.
A ri ght ink sump (3), mounted behind the waste ink collector, catches waste ink
that is scraped from the surfaces of the heads during print head cleaning by the
maintenance unit.
A left ink sump (4) on the left side of the machine collects ink that is vented from
the print heads occasionally during printing to prim e the print heads and prevent
them from clogging.
D124 8 Detailed Descriptio ns
DRESS Sensor
The DRESS (Direct Realization Edge Scanning Sens or) se nsor is m ounted on the left
side of the c arria ge u n it (shown above with the l ef t cover the carriage un it removed). It
performs these functions:
Paper width detection. The sensor checks the right and left edges of the paper
on the platen to check the size of the paper.
Image registration. Detects the leading edge, right edge, and left edge of the
paper so the machine can position the image on the paper.
Skew correction. Checks and corrects skew at the right edge of the paper. If the
edge is skewed more than ±10 mm, the machine rewinds the paper onto the roll.
Dot position correction (color registration). The carriage moves across the
paper during printing, so the ink drops cannot fall vertically. The readings of the
DRESS sensor are used to adjust the timing of the piezo-electric elements in the
print heads that release the ink. Timing is adjusted for the hei ght of the carriage
(and print heads), paper thickness, speed of the carriage, and print mode
(uni-directional or bi-directional).
Detailed Description s 9 D124
Here is a summary of some new features.
Main Machine Stand and Scanner Stand
The scanner unit and main unit are mounted on separate stands.
Front Cover Swit ches
The front cover (1) can be raised to remove paper jams and to load paper for
bypass feeding.
The left front cover switch (2) and right front cover switch (3) are push-switches
that detect when the front cover is raised and lowered.
The guide pins on either end of the front cover are set in tracks which guide the
D124 10 Detailed Description s
cover into the correct closed position. The front cover track switch (4) (a
push-switch) has been added to ensure that these guide pins are inserted
correctly into the left and right track.
The machine cannot operate until the front cover is down and all three of these
switches are closed.
Ink Level Detection
An OCFS (On Carriage Fill Sensor) system constantly monitors the ink level of each
sub tank for each color.
A one-direction cutter cuts roll paper from right to left and returns to the right side of
the machine after cutting below the paper, without interfering with paper feed.
Detailed Description s 11 D124
Paper Feed Control
The DSP control (Digital Signal Processing) system controls paper feed wi th encoder
wheels. It assures accurate roll paper feed and constantly monitors the amount of
paper remaining on the rolls.
Encoder sensor 1 [1]. Counts rotations of the roll feed motor. This pulse count i s
used to measure the operation time of the roll feed motor.
Encoder sensor 2 [2]. Co unt s the rotat ions of the edge roll core which vary
depending on how much paper remains on the roll. (The number of rotations
increases as the diameter of the paper roll decreases.) This pulse count is used in
a calculation to determine how much paper remains on the roll.
D124 12 Detailed Description s
Improved Produc t i v ity
During black-and-white printing [A], only the K1 print head (1) and K2 print head (2)
are used. These black print heads are offset so they can cover a wider band with
black ink. This increases printing speed because a wider band can be covered with
one pass in a black-and-white print. During color printing [B], the K2 (3), C (4), and
YM (5) print heads are used. The band is narrower because the forward sitting K1
print head is not used.
Detailed Description s 13 D124
D124 14 Detailed Description s
Air release solenoid
1 Operation panel
2 Scanner unit
3 Scanner stand
4 Main unit stand
5 Carriage unit
7 Maintenance unit
8 Ink supply unit
9 Roll Unit 1 (Std.)
10 Roll Unit 2 (Option)
11 Exit stacker
The operation panel (1) and scanner unit (2) are mounted on the scanner stand
The main unit is mounted on the main unit stand (4). The main unit and scanner
stand can be easily separated. Separation is required for most service procedures.
Also, the scanner unit can be easily removed and placed on a table or desk for
easy access so that the machine can be operated from a sitting position.
The carriage unit (5) houses the print head units, the DRESS sensor, horizontal
encoder sensor, lift sensors (used for print head gap adjustment) and the OCFS
system that monitors ink level in the print head unit sub tanks during printing.
The air release sol enoid (6) purges air from the ink supply system.
The maintenance unit (7) cleans the print heads mounted on the bottom of the
carriage unit. It contains two motors and three sensors that control the pri nt head
cleaning cycle. (This is described in a later section.)
The ink supply unit (8) houses the ink cartridges and ink pumps that supply ink to
each print head unit when ink runs low in a print head unit sub tank.
Roll Unit 1 (Standard) (9). Holds one roll of paper. The stoppers can be adjusted
easily to accept different widths of roll paper.
Roll Unit 2 (Option) (10). Holds one roll of paper. Its stoppers can also be adjusted
easily to accept different widths of roll paper.
The exit stacker ( 11) (Standard) is mounted on the front of the machine and
requires insta llatio n. Th e ex it st acker can be f olde d in when it is not being used (or
for stacking outputs in a well-like structure) or extended for output of long sheets.
Detailed Description s 15 D124
Ink collector tank
1 Horizontal motor
2 Timing belt
3 Carriage unit
4 Horizontal encoder sensor
5 Horizontal encoder strip (semi-transparent)
6 DRESS senso r
7 Cutter motor
8 Cutter
9 Cutter return switch
10 Cutter HP switch
11 Maintenance unit
13 Right ink sump
14 Left ink sump
D124 16 Detailed Description s
15 Vertical motor
The horizontal motor (1) and timing belt (2) drive the carriage unit (3) left and right
across the surface of the paper. The carriage unit contains the print head sub
tanks and print heads that lay down the ink on the paper below.
The horizontal encoder sensor (4) (mounted on the back of the carriage unit)
reads codes embossed on the horizontal encoder strip (5) as the carriage unit
moves left and right. This controls the movement of the carriage unit.
The DRESS sensor (6) functions as a paper registration sensor and image
registration sensor during paper feed at the start of a print job, and also as a color
registration sensor during the print head adjustment procedure.
Paper Cutting
When printing on roll paper has finished, the cutter motor (7) switches on and
drives the cutter (8) from its home position on the right to the left side of the
machine. This cuts the paper.
When the cutter reaches the left si de of the machine after cutting, the cutter return
switch (9) signals the cutter motor to reverse. A lever and stopper in the cutter unit
lowers the cutter into a lower race so that it passes from left to right below the
paper. When the cutter reaches the cutter home position on the right, the cutter
HP switch (10) switches the cutter motor off.
Print Head Cleaning
The maintenance unit (11) cleans the print heads to prevent them from clogging
with dry ink, paper dust, or other foreign matter.
Cleaning is done automatically at frequent intervals during print jobs and can also
be executed m anually by the ope rato r with the User Tools (Maintenance: Cleaning,
Flushing) functions when probl ems occur.
The ink collector tank (12) and right ink sump (13) collect waste i nk taken from the
print heads by the maintenance unit during the cleaning cycle.
At infrequent intervals, the machine will force the carriage unit to pause over the
left ink sump (14) so that ink can be purged from the print heads to keep the print
heads primed and clear. This feature is controlled by the firmware and cannot be
done by the operator.
Paper Feed
The vertical motor (15) drives the registration roller and exit roller to feed paper in
the vertical paper path and out of the machine.
Detailed Description s 17 D124
D124 18 Detailed Description s
Roll feed unit 1 clutch
1 Scanner motor
2 Horizontal motor
3 Vertical motor
4 Maintenance motor
5 Maintenance lift m otor
7 Roll paper feed motor 1
8 Roll feed unit 2 clutch
9 Roll paper feed motor 2
10 Ink pump motors (five)
11 Cutter motor
12 Air release solenoid
13 Head lift motor
The scanner motor (1) drives the original entrance roller and original exit roller of
the scanner unit.
The horizontal m otor (2) dr ives the t im ing belt that moves the carriage unit left and
right during printing.
The vertical motor (3) drives the registration roller and exit roller that feed paper.
The maintenance motor (4) and maintenance lift motor (5) are housed inside the
maintenance unit. The maintenance lift motor raises the right print head caps (K2,
Y, CM) to cap and uncap the K2, C, and YM print heads, and moves the
maintenance cleaning unit that holds the cleaning components (suction cap,
wipers) to the front and rear. The maintenance motor r aises and lowers the left
print head cap (suction cap) to cap and uncap the K 1 pr int head, or t o clean a print
head. The maintenance motor also operates the suction pump that sucks ink from
the surfaces of the print head being cleaned.
The roll paper feed motor 1 clutch (6) and motor (7) feed roll paper from Roll Unit
The roll paper feed motor 2 clutch (8) and motor (9) feed roll paper from Roll Unit
The five ink pump motors (10) (one assigned to each print head sub tank inside
the carriage unit) drive the pumps that supply ink to the print head units.
The cutter motor (11) drives the circular cutter from left to right during paper
Detailed Description s 19 D124
The air release sol enoid (12) purges air from the ink sub tanks. This single
solenoid services all the print head sub tanks.
The head lift motor (13) on the right side of the main unit frame (controlled by two
lift sensors housed in the carriage unit) raises and lowers the carriage unit to
adjust the gap between the paper and print heads for different thickness of paper.
This prevents the print heads from abrading the surface of thick paper during
D124 20 Detailed Description s
1 Ink supply tubes 5
2 Air plungers 4
3 Air release solenoid 1
4 Main ink level sensor 2 (FS2) 1
5 Main ink level sensor 1 (FS1) 1
6 Ink supply pumps 5
7 Ink end sensors 5
8 Ink cartridges (K, C, M, Y) 4
9 OCFS (On Carriage Fill Sensors) 5
10 On carriage feelers 5
11 Air sensors (pairs) 5
Detailed Description s 21 D124
D124 22 Detailed Description s
Original exit (upper)
Roll paper paths
Pre-registration sensor
Bypass p aper p ath
[A] Original path
1 Original width sensors
2 Original set sensor
3 Original registrati on sensor
4 Original exit sensor
6 Original exit (rear)
7 Roll end sensor (Roll Unit 2)
8 Entrance sensor (Roll Unit 2)
9 Exit sensor (Roll Unit 2)
10 Roll end sensor (Roll Unit 1)
11 Entrance sensor (Roll Unit 1)
12 Exit sensor (Roll Unit 1)
14 DRESS sensor
15 Exit sensor
16 Bypass sensor
17 Registration standby position
18 Paper standby position (Roll Unit 1)
19 Paper standby position (Roll Unit 2)
Original Path
The original wid th s ensors (1) detect the w idth of the o r ig inal pl aced o n the or ig inal
table of the scanner unit.
The original set sensor (2) detects when the original is set on the original table. It
also functions as an original width sensor.
The original registration sensor (3) detects the leading edge of the original and
stops the original feed roller. The user can then manually make the original
straight if it is out of position. This sensor also detects the leading and trailing
edges of the original as it passes during scanning.
The original exit sensor (4) detects when the trailing edge of the original exits the
scanner unit to the upper exit (5) or rear exit (6). The original exits to the top with
the original guide installed and exits to the rear with the original guide removed.
Detailed Description s 23 D124
Roll Paper Path
The roll end sensor (7) detects when Roll Unit 2 runs out of paper.
The roll entrance sensor (8) detects the leading edge of the paper fed manually
when a roll is loaded for Roll Unit 2. This sensor triggers the roll feed sequence
and feeds paper into the vertical feed path.
The exit sensor (9) detects the leading edge of the paper as it feeds from Roll Unit
2. it also detects the leading edge of the roll paper as it is rewound onto the roll so
the roll can be removed.
The roll end sensor (10) detects when Roll Unit 1 runs out of paper.
The roll entrance sensor (11) detects the leading edge of the paper fed manually
when a roll is loaded for Roll Unit 1. This sensor triggers the roll feed sequence
and feeds paper into the vertical feed path.
The exit sensor (12) detects the leading edge of the paper as it feeds from Roll
Unit 1. it also detects the leading edge of the roll paper as it is rewound onto the
roll so the roll can be removed.
The pre-registration sensor (13) detects the leading edge of the roll paper as it is
fed into the vertical paper path from a roll below.
The DRESS sensor (14) functions as a paper registration sensor during paper
feed. It detects the leading edge of the roll paper, allows the paper to feed out of
the machine for a prescribed distance, and then signals the machine to reverse
feed the paper to the registration standby position. This sensor also functions as
an image registrat ion sens or and triggers printing w hen it detec t s the lead ing edg e
of the roll fed from the registration standby position at the start of a job. After
cutting at the end of a job, the DRESS sensor once again detects the edge of the
paper and switches off reverse feed so that the paper stops at the registration
standby position for the next job.
The exit sensor (15) dete ct s t he tra iling edge of the ro ll p ape r as it leaves th e main
machine after cutting.
The bypass sensor (16) detects the presence of paper in the bypass feed path.
There are two st andby pos it ions. When paper f rom R oll Unit 1 is at the reg istrat ion
standby position (17), the machine rewinds the paper to the first paper standby
position 1 (18) if Roll Unit 2 or bypass feed is selected for a job. Similarly, when
paper from Roll Unit 2 is at the registration standby position (17), the machine
rewinds the paper to the second paper standby position 2 (19) if Roll Unit 1 or
bypass feed is selected for a job. Both the paper standby positions are 51.5 mm
away from the pre-registration sensor.
D124 24 Detailed Description s
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