Ricoh ap204 Operating Instructions p3 rps2

Operating Instructions
Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators should carefully read and follow the instruc­tions in this manual. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information in the “Printer Reference” that comes with the printer before using this machine. It contains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIP­MENT PROBLEMS.


Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or operating the machine.


is a registered trademark of Ricoh Company.
Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
and PostScript® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Apple, Macintosh, TrueType, LaserWriter and ColorSync are registered trademarks of Apple Compu­ter, Incorporated.
Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights in those marks.


The proper names of Windows operating system are as follows:
Windows® 95 operating system
•Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system
Windows ® Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
•Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional
•Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server
Windows NT® Server operating system Version 4.0
•Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation operating system Version 4.0

How to Read This Manual



In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, may result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates the prior knowledge or preparations required before op­erating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after misop­eration.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys that appear on the machine's panel display.
Keys and buttons that appear on the computer's display.
Keys built into the machine's operation panel.
Keys on the computer's keyboard.


1.Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 95/98/Me..................................... 1
Printer Properties Tabs and Their Settings ................................................... 1
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 2000............................................ 7
Printer Properties Tabs and Their Settings ................................................... 7
Printing Preferences Tabs and Their Settings .............................................. 9
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows NT 4.0....................................... 13
Printer Properties Tabs and Their Settings ................................................. 13
Default Document Properties Tabs and Their Settings............................... 15
Windows Network Environment............................................................. 20
Windows Headers.................................................................................... 21
Sending Header Data.................................................................................. 21
2.Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with a Macintosh
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with a Macintosh.............................................. 23
Option Setup Dialog .................................................................................... 23
Setting up for Printing............................................................................. 24
Setting up Print Options .............................................................................. 24
Specifying Custom Size .............................................................................. 29
Printer Memory and VM Area ................................................................. 31
Specifications .......................................................................................... 32
Precautions for RICOH-SCRIPT2 ........................................................... 33
Difference in Description............................................................................. 33
Other Precautions ....................................................................................... 33
INDEX........................................................................................................ 34
1. Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows

Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 95/98/Me

For operation under Windows 95/98/Me, you should install both the Windows 95/98/Me PostScript printer driver and the PPD file.
This documentation describes the specific printer functions and menus that are added by installing the PPD file. For details about the functions and menus of the Windows 95/98/Me PostScript printer driver, see the printer driver's Help.
Be sure to install the PPD file for Windows 95/98/Me. Do not install the PPD
file for Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 accidentally.

Printer Properties Tabs and Their Settings

This section describes the Printer Properties tabs and the settings that are specif­ic to this printer. The [General], [Details], [Sharing], and [Color Management] tabs are standard Windows tabs.
For more information about these tabs, see the documentation that comes with your Windows operating system.
[Paper] tab
❖❖❖❖ Paper size
Use this to select the size of paper you want to use.
For more information about the paper sizes supported by this printer, see P.32 “Specifications”.
❖❖❖❖ Paper source
Use this to select the paper tray you want to use. The following items are available: [AutoSelect Tray], [Tray 1], and [Tray 2] (option).
If the paper tray you want to use is not available here even though it is
physically installed, use the [Device Options] tab to make the printer recog­nize the tray correctly. P.4 [Device Options] tab”
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows
❖❖❖❖ Copies
Use this to set the number of copies of a print job.
With some applications, the number of copies specified with the applica-
tion takes priority over the number of copies specified with the printer driver.
❖❖❖❖ Custom
Select [Custom page] in [Paper size], and then click [Custom]. This will open the [Custom-Defined Size] dialog box where you can set the custom page size. P.3
[Custom-Defined Size] dialog box
❖❖❖❖ More Options
Click to open the [More Paper Options] dialog box. P.2 [More Paper Options]
dialog box
You can select the page orientation for duplex printing and the paper type in this dialog box.
Duplex printing is possible only when the PAPER FEED UNIT Type206
(option) and the AD390 (duplex unit, option) are installed on the printer.
❖❖❖❖ About
Click to display the printer driver copyright and version information.
[More Paper Options] dialog box
❖❖❖❖ Printing on both sides (duplex printing)
Use this to set the duplex printing. The following items are available: [None], [Flip on long edge] and [Flip on short edge].
Duplex printing is possible only when the PAPER FEED UNIT Type206
(option) and the AD390 (duplex unit, option) are installed on the printer.
You can select long-edge feed or short-edge feed regardless of feed and
print direction.
❖❖❖❖ Paper type
Use this to select the paper type. The following items are available: [Plain Pa- per], [OHP Transparency], and [Thick Paper].
Selecting [OHP Transparency] as the paper type automatically adjusts inter-
nal settings to use a color profile specifically for OHP transparencies. Even though the color profile has been optimized for OHPs, the adjustments are automatic and are not indicated in any of the dialog boxes. In this case, the “Color Profile” setting on the [Device Options] tab is not enabled.
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 95/98/Me
[Custom-Defined Size] dialog box
❖❖❖❖ Paper name
You can give a name to the custom size paper you are going to define.
❖❖❖❖ Width, Length
Use these to define the width and length of the custom size paper.
❖❖❖❖ Units
Select the unit of the width and length; inch or millimeter.
When specifying the width and length in millimeter unit, the custom paper
size may not be correctly set.
Do not turn on [Traverse].
[Graphics] tab
❖❖❖❖ Resolution
Use this to select the resolution; 600 dpi or 300 dpi.
❖❖❖❖ Color control
Use this to select whether or not you want the colors in the documents to be adjusted before printing so that the printed page more closely matches the colors on the screen.
❖❖❖❖ Halftoning
Select the halftone pattern you want to use for printing. The following items are available: [Use printer's settings] and [Use settings below].
You can select [Use settings below], but modifying [Screen frequency:] or
[Screen angle:] has no effect on the printing result.
❖❖❖❖ Special
Use this to control the print image. Selecting a check box changes the icon on the left so that it reflects the option you select.
Print as a negative image
Select this option to print a negative image, which is produced by replac­ing the three primary colors with their complementary colors, and by re­versing black and white.
Using negative image printing to output a color image might produce
unexpected results.
Print as a mirror image
Select this option to print a mirror image of the document by reversing the horizontal coordinates.
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows
❖❖❖❖ Scaling
Use this to enlarge or reduce the original document. The range of values can be changed between 25 to 400 %.
[Fonts] tab
Use this tab to select the TrueType font printing method.
If you select [Send TrueType fonts to printer according to the font Substitution Table], you can edit the table. Clicking [Edit the Table] on the [Fonts] tab displays the [Font Substitution Table] dialog box. You can use this dialog box to specify which Tru- eType fonts should be replaced with built-in printer fonts.
❖❖❖❖ Using substitute fonts
Open the [Font Substitution Table] dialog box.
In the [For this TrueType font:] list in the upper part of the dialog box, click
the TrueType font which you want to use as a substitution font.
Use the [Printer font for:] list box to select the printer font you want to use.
Click [OK].
[Device Options] tab
This tab includes settings that should be made after the printer driver is in­stalled. These settings optimize the printer configuration.
❖❖❖❖ Available printer memory
Shows the amount of memory installed on the printer. You normally do not need to change this setting.
❖❖❖❖ Printer features
Shows settings that are specific for the printer. These features can be changed using the [Change settings for:] list box. The following is a list of available set­tings.
Auto Tray Switch
Color Mode
Color Setting
Turning on this setting tells the printer to automatically switch to the other tray if it has the same paper size as the current tray when paper runs out while printing.
Use this to set the output color to [Black and White] or [Color].
Use this to set the printing mode to [Fast] or [Standard].
Use this to set the correction method used for the color conversion. The fol­lowing items are available: [Off]
No modification to the color setting. Select this setting to perform CMYK conversion with enhanced saturation and
brightness to print vivid colors.
, [Vivid]
, [Super Vivid]
, [Fine]
, [Super
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 95/98/Me
Select this setting to perform CMYK conversion. The colors printed with this setting are more vivid than those printed with the [ colors in the image, especially the lighter ones, are emphasized.
Select this setting to perform color matching based on the printer's built-in color rendering dictionaries, and perform CMYK conversion. It makes it pos­sible to print colors that are close to the displayed colors on the computer screen. The color rendering dictionaries refer to the contents selected by the “Color Profile setting. This setting is useful when the application and printer driver do not support the color matching features.
Like the [Fine] setting, the color rendering dictionary is used, however, output is more vivid. This setting is enabled to make light colors print more vividly.
] setting. All of the
The color rendering dictionary that is selected in the “Color Profile set-
ting is used.
Color Profile
Use this to select a color rendering dictionary (CRD). The CRD is referred to for color matching, so you should select the appropriate CRD for the document you are printing. The CRD you select is also referred to when [Fine] or [Super Fine] is selected for “Color Setting. The following items are available: [Photograph]
, [Presentation]
, and [Solid Color]
When selecting [OHP Transparency] as the paper type, the CRD automat-
ically adjusts to a color profile specifically for OHP transparencies. Even though the color profile has been optimized for OHPs, the adjustments are automatic and are not indicated on any of the dialog boxes. In this case, this setting is not enabled.
Use this setting to enhance the reproduction of photos and graphics that in­clude midtones.
Use this setting to enhance the reproduction of documents that contain text and graphics. This CRD is best for printing colored charts, graphs, presenta­tion materials and so on. If you use this CRD for printing photographs, color or gradations might not be reproduced well.
Use this setting to print specific colors, logos and so on.
Toner Saving
Use this to set Toner Saving to [Off] or [On].
Turning on toner saving can cause the output to become blurred and re-
sult in very thin lines not printing at all. In the case of color printing, ton­er saving can cause colors to be different from those expected. Because of this, use toner saving only for proofing and intermediate drafts, and turn it off for final prints when top quality is important.
Black Text/Graphics
Use this to select the black color mode to [K] or [CMY+K].
If [K] is selected, the black parts of text and graphics are printed with
only black toner.
Use this to set the image rendering mode. The following items are availa­ble: [Auto], [Photographic], and [Text].
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows
Statistics Code
Use this to set [On] or [Off]. If [On] is selected, User Code “99999999” and User ID “RPS2” will be fixed. If [Off] is selected, User Code “Other” and User ID “?” will be fixed.
For more information about User Codes, see the Printer Reference in­cluded as a PDF file on the CD-ROM.
❖❖❖❖ Installable options
This box shows the options installed in the printer. When selecting an option inside the upper list of this group, its current setting appears in the [Change setting for:] box. The following settings are available: For the optional tray unit: [None], [Tray 2]. For the duplex unit: [Not Installed], [Installed]. For the optional memory unit (VMOption): [32 MB RAM], [64 MB RAM], [96 MB
RAM], [128 MB RAM], [160 MB RAM], [192 MB RAM], [256 MB RAM].
[PostScript] tab
Use this tab to set the output format of the PostScript files and the data process­ing method.
On the [PostScript] tab, click [Advanced] to display the [Advanced PostScript Op- tions] dialog box.
❖❖❖❖ When the printer is connected to the network.
Clear both [Send CTRL+D before job] and [Send CTRL+D after job].
❖❖❖❖ When the printer is connected to the computer via a parallel cable.
Select both [Send CTRL+D before job] and [Send CTRL+D after job]. Also, confirm that [ASCII data] is selected. If it is not selected, select it.
For more information about the network, see P.20 “Windows Network Environ- ment”.
For more information about the PostScript headers, see P.21 “Windows Head- ers”.

Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 2000

Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 2000
For operation under Windows 2000, you should install both the Windows 2000 PostScript printer driver and the PPD file.
This documentation describes the specific printer functions and menus that are added by installing the PPD file. For details about the functions and menus of the Windows 2000 PostScript printer driver, see the printer driver's Help.
Installing a printer driver requires Administrators permission. When you in-
stall a printer driver, log on using an account that has Administrators permis­sion.
Be sure to install the PPD file for Windows 2000. Do not accidentally install
the PPD file for Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT 4.0.

Printer Properties Tabs and Their Settings

This section describes the tab settings that are specific to this printer.
Changing the printer settings requires Manage Printers permission. Members
of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Manage Printers permis­sion by default. When you set up options, log on using an account that has Manage Printers permission.
The [General], [Sharing], [Ports], [Advanced], [Color Management] and [Security] tabs are Windows 2000 standard tabs. For more information about these tabs, see the documentation that comes with your Windows operating system.
[Device Settings] tab
❖❖❖❖ Form to Tray Assignment
You normally do not need to change this setting.
If the paper tray you want to use is not available here, even though it is
physically installed, use [Option Tray] on the [Device Settings] tab to make the printer recognize the tray correctly.
❖❖❖❖ Font Substitution Table
Use this to edit the TrueType font substitution table. Under [Font Substitution Table], the TrueType fonts installed on the computer are displayed. Select the
setting you want to use from the list boxes for each TrueType font.
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows
❖❖❖❖ Available PostScript Memory
Shows the amount of memory installed on the printer. You normally do not need to change this setting.
You can change this setting by changing the memory setting in [Installable
❖❖❖❖ Send CTRL-D Before Each Job, Send CTRL-D After Each Job
When the printer is connected to the network, select [No] for both [Send CTRL- D Before Each Job] and [Send CTRL-D After Each Job]
When the printer is connected to the computer via parallel cable, select [Yes] both for [Send CTRL-D Before Each Job] and [Send CTRL-D After Each Job].
❖❖❖❖ Job Timeout
Use this to set a job timeout period in the range of 0 to 32767 seconds. Setting the value to 0 turns the job timeout off.
❖❖❖❖ Wait Timeout
Use this to set a wait timeout period in the range of 0 to 32767 seconds. Setting the value to 0 turns the wait timeout off.
❖❖❖❖ Installable Options
Total Printer Memory Use this to select the amount of memory actually installed in the printer. The following items are available: [32 MB], [64 MB], [96 MB], [128 MB], [160 MB], [192 MB] and [256 MB].
Option Tray Use this to select if the optional tray is installed in the printer. The follow­ing items are available: [None] and [Tray 2].
Duplex unit When the optional duplex unit is installed to the printer, select [Installed]. If not, select [Not Installed].
Using RICOH-SCRIPT2 with Windows 2000

Printing Preferences Tabs and Their Settings

Changing the printer settings requires Manage Printers permission. Members
of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Manage Printers permis­sion by default. When you set up options, log on using an account that has Manage Printers permission.
General users can change the settings in an application's [Print] dialog box.
[Layout] tab
❖❖❖❖ Print on Both Sides (Duplex)
Use this to set the duplex printing. The following items are available: [None], [Flip on Short Edge] and [Flip on Long
Duplex printing is possible only when the PAPER FEED UNIT Type206
(option) and the AD390 (duplex unit, option) are installed on the printer.
You can select long-edge feed or short-edge feed regardless of feed and
print direction.
❖❖❖❖ Advanced
Click to open the [Advanced Options] dialog box. P.10 [Advanced Options]
dialog box
[Paper/Quality] tab
❖❖❖❖ Tray Selection
Paper Source Use this to select the tray from which you want paper to be fed for printing. The following items are available: [Automatically Select], [Tray 1], and [Tray 2] (option).
If you cannot select an optional tray even though it is physically in-
stalled on the printer, use [Installable Options] on the [Device Settings] tab to correctly set up the option.
Media Use this to select the paper type as [Plain Paper], [OHP Transparency], or [Thick Paper].
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