Multitasking performance
The Aficio™MP 2851/3351/4001/5001 can print, copy, colour scan, fax, distribute and finish. And these
all-in-one products do it fast with up to 50 pages per minute. Business efficiency is increased and userfriendliness improved with Ricoh's new App2Me software platform. Personalise your interaction with the
MFP by using downloadable Widgets. Doing everything with one device and saving time and costs have
never been so easy.
Productive: 28 to 50 pages per minute.
Efficient: applications for personalised settings.
Time-saving: (colour) scan and distribute in a single step.
Professional: finishers, Super G3/IP fax, IPDS/Postscript®3™ options.
Secure and flexible: data protection and handling of various media types.
A wealth of possibilities
Need documents fast and in high quantities? With the MP 2851/3351/4001/5001 prints come out instantly
due to short warm-up times and fast first output speeds. The products’ large paper capacities of up to
4,400 sheets keep you going. Productivity is increased even more since you can reload empty trays while
The Aficio™MP 2851/3351/4001/5001 devices come pre-installed with Ricoh's App2Me software
platform. This new technology platform runs Widgets, enabling users to personalise how they interact
with the MFP. These single-task software applications are automatically detected by any App2Me ready
MFP once they are installed on a connected PC, laptop or compatible smartphone. Press the App2Me
button and your Widgets will be shown on the colour display of the MFP. You will have fast access to
the latest tools and applications available.
Scanning documents to e-mail, personal directory, network folder or FTP is straightforward with the MP
2851/3351/4001/5001. Scan in a single step from the operating panel with optional GlobalScan NX:
perform the scanning operation by selecting one menu button and press start.