Complete Document
Management with
Colour on Demand

Print, Copy, Fax*, Scan
in Black-and-white… or Colour
By now most offices have discovered the benefits of multi-functionality. So, how do you
gain that competitive advantage? Imagine using one affordable all-in system that allows you
to go that one step further. The Aficio™2232C/2238C provide you with every capability
you would expect from a Ricoh multi-functional document manager. Digital supremacy,
exceptional ease of use, advanced networking, top output quality, reliability… you name it.
Of course these systems come with ‘scan to e-mail’, LDAP support and document management
functionalities. In addition, cost-effective faxing, finishing and booklet making as well as
an array of other options are available. However, being the leader in office colour, Ricoh takes
it one step further and offers you the one tool that will make your documents stand out:
on demand, affordable colour. Any user can now easily and cost-effectively enhance
business documents with colour. A superior professional image is within your reach. The
Aficio™2232C/2238C deliver sophisticated multi-functionality as well as the option to add
colour that will give your documents that extra edge!
* Fax: black-and-white only.