Ricoh 2045 Operating Instructions Manual

Printer/Scanner Unit
Type 2045
Operating Instructions
Printer Reference 2
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Using the Document Server
Printer Features
For safe and proper operation, read the Safety Information in the General Settings Guide before you use it.
This manual describes detailed instructions on the operation and notes about the use of this machine. To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators are requested to read this manual carefully and follow the instructions. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be li­able for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or oper­ating the machine.
Use of controls or adjustment or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
, Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
, PostScript®, Acrobat® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PCL® is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
AppleTalk, Apple, Macintosh and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Incorporated.
IPS-PRINT™ Printer Language Emulation Copyright
2000, Oak Technology, Inc., All Rights Re-
is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
Bluetooth is a Trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. (Special Interest Group) and licensed to RICOH company limited.
Copyright © 2001 Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
The Bluetooth Trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. USA
Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights in those marks.
The proper names of the Windows operating systems are as follows:
The product name of Windows
The product name of Windows
95 is Microsoft®Windows® 95
98 is Microsoft®Windows® 98
The product name of Windows® Me is Microsoft®Windows®Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
The product name of Windows® XP are as follows: Microsoft Microsoft
Windows® XP Professional
Windows® XP Home Edition
The product name of Windows® 2000 are as follows: Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft
The product name of Windows Microsoft Microsoft
Windows® 2000 Advanced Server
Windows® 2000 Server
Windows® 2000 Professional
Windows NT® Server 4.0
Windows NT® Workstation 4.0
Windows NT® Workstation operating system Version 4.0
NT are as follows:
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Manuals for This Machine
The following manuals describe the operational procedures of this machine. For particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual.
Manuals provided are specific to machine type.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view the manuals as a PDF file.
Two CD-ROMs are provided:
• CD-ROM 1“Operating Instructions for Printer/Scanner”
• CD-ROM 2“Scanner Driver & Document Management Utilities”
❖❖❖❖ General Settings Guide
Provides an overview of the machine. It also describes System Settings (such as paper trays and user codes settings), Document Server functions, and troubleshooting.
❖❖❖❖ Network Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Describes procedures for configuring the machine and computers in a net­work environment.
❖❖❖❖ Copy Reference
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s copier function.
❖❖❖❖ Facsimile Reference <Basic Features>
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s fac­simile function.
❖❖❖❖ Facsimile Reference<Advanced Features>
Describes advanced functions and settings for key operators.
❖❖❖❖ Printer Reference 1
Describes system settings and operations for the machine’s printer function.
❖❖❖❖ Printer Reference 2 (PDF file - CD-ROM1) (this manual)
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s print­er function.
❖❖❖❖ Scanner Reference (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s scan­ner function.
❖❖❖❖ Manuals for DeskTopBinder V2 Lite
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop­Binder V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia­log box when DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Introduction Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations of DeskTopBinder V2 Lite and provides an overview of its functions. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when DeskTop­Binder V2 Lite is installed.
Auto Document Link Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations and functions of Auto Document Link installed with DeskTopBinder V2 Lite. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
❖❖❖❖ Manuals for ScanRouter V2 Lite
ScanRouter V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, settings, and the operating environment for Scan­Router V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia­log box when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes delivery server management and operations, and provides an overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite functions. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
❖❖❖❖ Other manuals
PS3 Supplement (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Unix Supplement (Available from an authorized dealer, or as a PDF file on
our Web site.)
Manuals for This Machine......................................................................................i
How to Read This Manual .....................................................................................1
1. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Accessing the Printer Properties .........................................................................3
Windows 95/98/Me - Accessing the Printer Properties .............................................. 3
Windows 2000/XP - Accessing Printer Properties .....................................................4
Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing the Printer Properties ..................................................5
Macintosh - Setting Up for Printing ............................................................................ 7
Cancelling a Print Job ...........................................................................................8
Windows - Cancelling a Print Job ..............................................................................8
Macintosh - Cancelling a Print Job............................................................................. 9
2. Using the Document Server
Accessing the Document Server........................................................................11
3. Sample Print/Locked Print
Sample Print .........................................................................................................13
Printing a Sample Print File...................................................................................... 13
Deleting a Sample Print File.....................................................................................15
Checking the Error Log ............................................................................................ 15
Locked Print .........................................................................................................17
Printing a Locked Print File ......................................................................................17
Deleting Locked Print Files ...................................................................................... 18
Checking the Error Log ............................................................................................ 19
Form Feed............................................................................................................. 20
Print using a selected tray ........................................................................................20
Canceling the form feed ........................................................................................... 20
4. Troubleshooting
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel ................................................21
The Machine Does Not Print ...............................................................................25
Other Printing Problems ..................................................................................... 28
5. Printer Features
Printer Features Menu.........................................................................................33
Adjusting Printer Features..................................................................................35
Printer Features Parameters...............................................................................36
Paper Input............................................................................................................... 36
List/Test Print ........................................................................................................... 36
Maintenance............................................................................................................. 38
System ..................................................................................................................... 39
Host Interface ...........................................................................................................42
PCL Menu ................................................................................................................ 42
PS Menu ..................................................................................................................44
6. Appendix
Staple ....................................................................................................................46
Staple Position ......................................................................................................... 46
Precaution on stapling..............................................................................................48
Punch ....................................................................................................................50
Punch Position ......................................................................................................... 50
Precautions when punching ..................................................................................... 51
Collate ................................................................................................................... 52
Spool Printing ......................................................................................................54
Slip Sheets............................................................................................................ 58
User Defined Pages .............................................................................................62
Options .....................................................................................................................64
INDEX......................................................................................................... 67
How to Read This Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, may result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might misfeed, originals might be dam­aged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates prior knowledge or preparations is required before oper­ation.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after mal-op­eration.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys and buttons that appear on the computer's display.
Keys that appear on the machine's display panel.
Keys built into the machine's control panel.
Keys on the computer's keyboard.
1. Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Accessing the Printer Properties
Windows 95/98/Me - Accessing the Printer Properties
Changing default settings
On the taskbar, click the [Start]
button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The [Printer Properties] dialog box appears.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
With some applications, the
printer driver settings are not used, and the application own settings are applied.
Making settings from an application
To make settings for a specific appli­cation, open the [Printer Properties] di­alog box from that application. The following example describes how to make settings for the WordPad appli­cation that comes with Windows 95/98/Me.
Actual procedures you should fol-
low to open the [Printer Properties] dialog box may vary depending on the application. For more informa­tion, see the operating instructions that comes with the application you are using.
Any settings you make in the fol-
lowing procedure are valid for the current application only:
On the [File] menu, click [Print].
The [Print] dialog box appears.
Select the machine you want to
use in the [Name] list box, and then click [Properties].
The [Printer Properties] dialog box appears.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Click [OK] to start printing.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Windows 2000/XP - Accessing Printer Properties
Changing default settings - Printer Properties
Changing machine settings re-
quires Manage Printers permission. Members of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Man­age Printers permission by default. When you set up options, log on us­ing an account that has Manage Printers permission.
On the taskbar, click the [Start]
button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
In Windows XP Professional,
access the [Printers and Faxes] window from the [Start] button on the taskbar.
In Windows XP Home Edition,
access the [Printers and Faxes] window by clicking [Control Pan- el] from the [Start] button on the taskbar, click [Printers and Other
Hardware], and then click [Print­ers and Faxes].
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Normally you do not have to
change the “Form to Tray As- signment” settings on the [De- vice Settings] tab in the PostScript 3 printer driver.
Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Changing default settings - Printing Preferences Properties
Changing machine settings re-
quires Manage Printers permission. Members of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Man­age Printers permission by default. When you set up options, log on us­ing an account that has Manage Printers permission.
On the taskbar, click the [Start]
button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
In Windows XP Professional,
access the [Printers and Faxes] window from the [Start] button on the taskbar.
Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The [Printer Properties] dialog box appears.
In Windows XP Home Edition,
access the [Printers and Faxes] window by clicking [Control Pan- el] from the [Start] button on the taskbar, click [Printers and Other
Hardware], and then click [Print­ers and Faxes].
Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
Accessing the Printer Properties
On the [File] menu, click [Printing
The [Printing Preferences Properties] dialog box appears.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Making settings from an application
To make settings for a specific appli­cation, open the [Print] dialog box from that application. The following example describes how to make set­tings for the WordPad application that comes with Windows 2000/XP.
Actual procedures you should fol-
low to open the [Print] dialog box vary depending on the applica­tion. For more information, see the operating instructions that comes with the application you are using.
Any settings you make in the fol-
lowing procedure are valid for the current application only.
On the [File] menu, click [Print...].
The [Print] dialog box appears.
Select the machine you want to
use in the [Select Printer] box.
Click the tab for which you want to change print settings.
Click [OK] to start printing.
In Windows XP, click [Print] to
start printing.
Windows NT 4.0 - Accessing the Printer Properties
Changing default settings - Printer Properties
Changing machine settings re-
quires Full Control access permis­sion. Members of Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators, and Power Users groups have Full Control permission by default. When you set up options, log on using an account that has Full Con­trol permission.
On the taskbar, click the [Start]
button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The [Printer Properties] dialog box appears.
In Windows XP, click [Prefer-
ence] to open the Printing Pref-
erence window.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Normally you do not have to
change the Form to Tray As­signment settings on the [De- vice Settings] tab in the PostScript 3 printer driver.
Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Changing the default settings - Default Document Properties
Changing machine settings requires
Full Control access permission. Members of the Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators, and Power Users groups have Full Control permission by default. When you set up options, log on us­ing an account that has Full Control permission.
On the taskbar, click the [Start]
button, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers].
The [Printers] window appears.
Click the icon of the machine
whose default you want to change.
Making settings from an application
To make settings for a specific appli­cation, open the [Printer Properties] di­alog box from that application. The following example describes how to make settings for the WordPad appli­cation that comes with Windows NT
Actual procedures you should fol-
low to open the [Printer Properties] dialog box vary depending on the application. For more information, see the operating instructions that comes with the application you are using.
Any settings you make in the fol-
lowing procedure are valid for the current application only.
On the [File] menu, click [Print].
The [Print] dialog box appears.
Select the machine you want to
use in the [Name] list box, and then click [Properties].
The [Printer Properties] dialog box appears.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Click [OK] to start printing.
On the [File] menu, click [Document
The [Default Document Properties] di- alog box appears.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Accessing the Printer Properties
Macintosh - Setting Up for Printing
Making paper settings from an application
Open the file you want to print.
On the [File] menu, click [Page Set-
The [AdobePS Page Setup] dialog box appears.
Make sure that the machine you
want to use is shown in the [For- mat for:] box.
In Mac OS X, this is called [Paper
Setting up for printing from an application
Open the file you want to print.
On the [File] menu, click [Print].
The [Printer Features] dialog box ap- pears.
Make sure that the machine is se-
lected in the [Printer:] box.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [Print] to start print­ing.
If the machine is not shown in
the [Format for:] box, use the pop-up menu to display a list of available machines.
The actual appearance of the Page Setup depends on the ap­plication you are using. See the operating instructions that comes with the Macintosh for more information.
In the [Paper:] box, select the pa-
per size.
Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
Cancelling a Print Job
Windows - Cancelling a Print Job
Double-click the printer icon on
the Windows taskbar.
A window appears, showing all print jobs currently queued for printing. Check the current status of the job you want to cancel.
Select the name of the job you
want to cancel.
Press [Reset Current Job] or [Reset
All Jobs].
[Reset Current Job]: cancels the
print job currently being pro­cessed by the machine
[Reset All Jobs]: cancels all jobs
in the print queue
On the [Document] menu, click
[Cancel Printing].
In Windows XP, click [cancel] on
the [Document] menu.
In Windows 95/98/Me, 2000 or
NT 4.0, you can also open the print job queue window by double-clicking the machine icon in the [Printers] window, and in Windows XP, the [Print- ers and Faxes] window.
Press the {{{{Printer}}}} key on the ma-
chine's control panel.
Press [Job Reset] on the display
[Resume Printing]: resumes print-
ing jobs
A confirmation message appears.
Press [Yes] to cancel the print job.
Press [No] to return to the previ-
ous display.
If the machine is shared by mul-
tiple computers, be careful not to accidentally cancel someone else's print job.
When the machine is connected
to the computer using a parallel cable, sent print jobs may be cancelled if [Reset All Jobs] is pressed while the “Waiting...” message is on the display panel. After the interval set in I/O Timeout in Printer Features has passed, the next print job can be sent. A print job sent from a dif­ferent client computer will not be cancelled in the above case.
Cancelling a Print Job
You cannot stop printing data
already processed by the ma­chine. Because of this, printing may continue for a few pages after you press [Job Reset].
A print job containing a large
volume of data may take con­siderable time to stop.
Macintosh - Cancelling a Print Job
Double-click the printer icon on
the desktop.
A window appears, showing all the print jobs that are currently queuing to be printed. Check the current status of the job you want to cancel.
In Mac OS X, start Print Center.
Select the name of the job you
want to cancel.
Click the pause icon, and then
click the trash icon.
Press the {{{{Printer}}}} key on the ma-
chine's control panel.
Press [Job Reset] on the display
Press [Reset Current Job] or [Reset
All Jobs].
[Reset Current Job]: cancels the
print job currently being pro­cessed
[Reset All Jobs]: cancels all jobs
in the print queue
[Resume Printing]: resumes print-
ing jobs
A confirmation message appears.
Press [Yes] to cancel the print job.
Press [No] to return to the previ-
ous display.
When the machine is being
shared by multiple computers, be careful not to accidentally cancel someone else's print job.
When the machine is connected
to the computer using a parallel cable, sent print job may be can­celled if [Reset All Jobs] is can­celled while “Waiting...” is on the display panel. After the in­terval set in I/O Timeout in Printer Features has passed, the next print job can be sent. A print job sent from a different client computer will not be can­celled in the above case.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Cancelling a Print Job
You cannot stop printing data
already processed by the ma­chine. Because of this, printing may continue for a few pages after you press [Job Reset].
A print job containing a large
volume of data may take con­siderable time to stop.
2. Using the Document Server
Accessing the Document Server
The Document Server enables you to store documents on the machine's hard disk to edit and print as you want.
Applications, like PageMaker, which use original drivers do not work with
this function.
For more information about Document Server functions, see
For information about how to access to Document Server from a client, see the printer driver Help.
When you use the Document Server, the following functions can be selected
using the machine's control panel:
General Settings Guide
Paper selection: Paper source tray, paper type, paper output tray.
Functions related to paper selection: Cover sheets, slip sheets, chaptering.
The above items are dimmed, so you cannot set them from the [Printer Proper-
ties] dialog box when the Document Server is selected.
You must enter a user ID using up to eight alphanumeric characters.
You should enter Password and File Name to distinguish the job from others.
Up to 3,000 files can be stored in the Document Server. No new files can be
stored once 3,000 files are stored. Even if less than 3,000 files are stored, new files cannot be stored when
a file to be stored contains more than 1,000 pages,
the total number of pages contained in files stored exceeds 9,000,
the hard disk is full.
The Document Server also stores files that scanned using the Automatic Doc-
ument Feeder (ADF) or exposure glass. You should delete unnecessary stored files once in a while so as not to exceed the capacity of the hard disk. For how to delete stored files, see General Settings Guide.
When using the hard disk for functions other than Document Server func-
tions, you may be unable to store new files in the Document Server even if there are less than 3,000 files stored.
Using the Document Server
3. Sample Print/Locked Print
Sample Print
Use this function to print only the first set of a multiple-set print job. After you have checked the result, remain­ing sets can be printed or cancelled using the machine's control panel. This can help in avoiding large amounts of misprints due to mistakes in the content or in the print settings.
If the application has a collate op-
tion, make sure that it is not select­ed before sending a print job. By default, sample print jobs are auto­matically collated by the printer driver. If a collate option is select­ed from the application print dia­log box, more prints than intended may be printed.
You can identify the file you want
to print by the user ID and date and time when the job was stored.
Printing a Sample Print File
The following procedure describes how to print a sample print file with the PCL 6/5e printer driver. For in­formation about how to print a sam­ple print file with the PostScript 3 printer driver, see PostScript 3 Unit
Type 2045 Operating Instructions Sup­plement included as a PDF file on the
Applications, like PageMaker, that
use their own drivers, do not work with this function.
If you are using Mac OS X, this
function cannot be used.
Configure the sample print in the
properties of the printer driver.
The number of pages the machine
can save depends on the contents of the print image. For example, the machine can save up to 30 jobs or 1,000 pages, including locked print files, depending on data vol­ume.
If the first set of the sample print
files is not as you expected and you do not want to print remaining sets, delete the sample print file us­ing the display panel. If you print the remaining sets of the sample print file, the job in the machine is deleted automatically.
For details about configuring the PCL 6/5e or RPCS printer driver, see the relevant Help files.
Click [OK] in the application's
print dialog box to start printing.
Make sure to set more than two
The sample print job is sent to the machine and the first set is printed.
Sample Print/Locked Print
On the machine's control panel,
press the {{{{Printer}}}} key to display
the Printer screen.
Press [View Sample Print jobs].
Select the file you want to print
by pressing on it.
Press [UUUUPrev.] or [TTTTNext] to
scroll through the list.
Only one file can be selected at a
Press [Change Set Qty.] to change
the number of sets to be printed.
If you do not want to change the set quantity, proceed to step
Enter the new number of sets us-
ing the number keys, and then press [OK].
A list of the sample print files stored in the machine is displayed.
The following will also be dis­played:
User ID: The user ID set up by the printer driver.
Date/Time : The date and time when the job was sent from the computer.
Qty. : The number of remaining sets.
The screen returns to the file list screen.
You can enter up to 999 sets.
Press [Clear] to correct any entry
If you want to cancel changing
the set quantity, press [Cancel].
Press [Print].
The print confirmation screen is displayed.
Sample Print
Press [Yes].
The remaining sets are printed.
Press [No] to cancel printing.
When printing is completed, the
stored file will be deleted.
If printing is stopped by press-
ing [Job Reset] after printing has started, the file will be deleted.
If there is a print job outstand-
ing, this will be printed before the sample print job.
Deleting a Sample Print File
If you are not satisfied with the sam­ple printout, you can delete the sam­ple print file, revise it and print it again until the settings are suitable.
Press the {{{{Printer}}}} key to display
the Printer screen.
Press [Yes] to delete the file.
After the file has been deleted, the screen will return to the file list screen.
If you do not want to delete the
file, press [No].
Checking the Error Log
If a file could not be stored, you can check the error log on the control pan­el.
The error log displays only the 20
most recent entries. If the power is turned off, the log is deleted.
Press the {{{{Printer}}}} key to display
the Printer screen.
Press [View Sample Print jobs].
Press [View Sample Print jobs].
A list of sample print files stored in the machine is displayed.
Select the file you want to delete
by pressing on it.
Press [UUUUPrev.] or [TTTTNext] to
scroll through the list.
Only one file can be selected at a
Press [Delete].
The delete confirmation screen will be displayed.
Press [Show Error Log].
A list of the error log is displayed.
Sample Print/Locked Print
Press [UUUUPrev.] or [TTTTNext] to
scroll through the error files.
Press [Exit] after checking the
To print files that appear in the
error log, resend them after stored files in the machine have been printed or deleted.
Locked Print
Use this function to maintain privacy when printing confidential docu­ments on the machine over a shared network. Usually, it is possible to print data using the control panel once the data is stored in this ma­chine. When using Locked Print, it will not be possible to print unless a password is entered on the machine's control panel. Your confidential doc­uments will be safe from viewing by other people.
If the application has a collate op-
tion, make sure that it is not select­ed before sending a print job. Locked print jobs are automatical­ly collated by the printer driver as default. If a collate option is select­ed from the application print dia­log box, more sets than intended may be printed.
You can identify the file you want
to print by User ID and date and time when the job was stored.
The number of pages the machine
can save depends on print image content. For example, the machine can save up to 30 jobs or 1,000 pag­es including sample print files, de­pending on data volume.
After the locked print file is print-
ed, the job is automatically deleted.
Turning off the machine's main
power switch deletes the locked print file.
Locked Print
Printing a Locked Print File
The following procedure describes how to print a locked print file with the PCL 6/5e printer driver. For in­formation about how to print a locked print file with the PostScript 3 printer driver, see PostScript 3 Unit Type 2045 Operating Instructions Supplement in­cluded as a PDF file on the CD-ROM.
Applications, like PageMaker, that
use their own drivers, do not work with this function.
If you are using Mac OS X, this
functions cannot be used.
Configure the locked print in the
properties of the printer driver.
For details about configuring the PCL 6/5e or RPCS printer driver, see the corresponding Help files.
Click [OK] in the application's
print dialog box to start printing.
The locked print job is sent to the machine.
On the machine's control panel,
press the {{{{Printer}}}} key to display
the Printer screen.
Press [View Locked Print jobs].
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