Ricoh 126C-FLEX TLS User Manual

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On-line camera manual library
It'll make you feel better, won't it?
Features you'll like......
Drop in film loading; You'll take color slides, color or black and white prints with instant film loading ease— cartridge eliminates complicated film threading.
Through-the-lens focusing and composing eliminates parallax—you see your exact picture before you take it. Through-the-lens system CdS exposure meter measures light with high degree of accuracy, and controls
diaphragm to the optimum opening automatically. Also you can set f-stop manually.
Instant-return mirror automatically returns to viewing position the instance exposure is made—no viewfinder "blackout" to delay picture taking.
Single-stroke film wind lever cocks shutter, counts exposure and prevents double exposures. High speed f:2.8 interchangeable lens lets you shoot in broad range of lighting conditions. 100 mm telephoto and
35mm wide-angle lenses will increase your enjoyment. Convenient flash use: Both flashcube and normal flash gun with or without connecting cord can be used.
Versatile shutter operates on 1/30 SEC. through 1/300 sec. & B.
Know your camera
A. Shutter Release Button B. Auto/Manual Ring C. Neckstrap Eyelet (2) D. Shutter Speed Ring E. Focusing Ring F. Flashcube Socket G. Accessory Shoe H. Direct Contact
I. Flash Terminal J. Back Cover Latch
K. Viewfinder Eyepiece L. Exposure Meter Window
M. Film Wind Lever N. Film Window O. Exposure Meter Battery Housing P. Flash Battery Q. Tripod Screw
Loading your camera
Use No. 126 type film cartridge—color or black and white.
Pull Back Cover Latch (J) and swing open camera back. Place film cartridge in camera upside down as shown in Fig. 1. Close camera and press back cover to snap it shut. Advance Film Wind Lever (M) until number "1" appears in Film Window (N). You need not to make any adjustment for film speed. It is set automatically when film cartridge is seated in the camera.
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