Send SMS “CHANGEPASSWORD*123456*888888” to tracker, “CHANGEPASSWORD” is a command;
“123456” is old password; “888888” is new password; if the operation is success, the tracker will send the
information “ New Password: 888888” to every preset phone number, if the password is not right, the operation is
fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
Note: Only The authorized phone can change the password.
Check tracker password
Send SMS “CHECKPASSWORD” to the tracker, “CHECKPASSWORD” is a command, if the operation is
success, the tracker will send back the information “Password:888888”; “888888”is an example.
Note: Only The authorized phone can check the password.
3. Alarm Notice by Calling ON/OFF:
Send SMS “CALLON*123456” to tracker, in which, “CALLON” is the fixed command and “123456”is the
password. Having successfully been made, there will be a reply sms to indicate the alarm will be noticed by making
a call. Send SMS “CALLOFF*123456” to tracker, in which, “CALLOFF” is the fixed command and “123456”is the
password. Having successfully been made, there will be a reply sms to indicate the alarm will not be noticed by
making a call. If the alarm notice is set to CALLOFF, then the tracker only sending sms or sending information to
platform when the alarm is triggered.
4. Alarm Notice by SMS ON/OFF:
Send SMS “SMSON*123456” to tracker, in which, “SMSON” is the fixed command and “123456”is the password.
Having successfully been made, there will be a reply sms to indicate the alarm will be noticed by sending a sms.
Send SMS “SMSOFF*123456” to tracker, in which, “SMSOFF” is the fixed command and “123456”is the password.
Having successfully been made, there will be a reply sms to indicate the alarm will not be noticed by sending a
sms. If the alarm notice is set to SMSOFF, then the tracker only making a call or sending information to platform
when the alarm is triggered.
Send SMS “KEEPONLINE*123456” (Keep online all the time even the tracker stop moving) or
“SHOCKCONTROLGPRS*123456” (Turn off GPRS after the tracker stop moving 10 minutes) to the tracker,
“KEEPONLINE” or “SHOCKCONTROLGPRS” is a command, “123456” is the tracker password, if the operation is
success, the tracker will send back the information “GPRS: Keep Online” or “GPRS: Shock Control”, if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”. the default
setting is Shock Control, when the tracker begin to move, the tracker begin upload the tracking, the tracker status
on the platform will change to online immediately. if the tracker stop moving, the tracker will stop upload the
tracking and turn off GPS & GPRS to go to sleep mode , a few minutes later the tracker status on the platform also
will change to offline.
If the tracker is always online, the tracker will send tracker status to platform all the time, but this will cost more