ResMed Mirage Micro Nasal Mask User Manual

Mirage Micro™

nasal mask

User Guide

English • Français • Español • Português

Mirage Micro™

nasal mask

Rx Only

Thank you for choosing the Mirage Micro™.


Intended Use

The Mirage Micro channels airflow noninvasively to a patient from a positive airway pressure device such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel system.

The Mirage Micro is:

•• to be used by adult patients (>66 lb/30 kg) for whom positive airway pressure has been prescribed

•• intended for single-patient re-use in the home environment and multipatient re-use in the hospital/institutional environment.

Before Using the Mask


•• The vent holes must be kept clear.

•• The mask should not be used unless the CPAP system is turned on and operating properly.

•• Follow all precautions when using supplemental oxygen.

•• Oxygen flow must be turned off when the flow generator is not operating, so that unused oxygen does not accumulate within the flow generator enclosure and create a risk of fire.

•• At a fixed flow rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled oxygen concentration varies, depending on the pressure settings, patient breathing pattern, mask, point of application and leak rate.

•• The technical specifications of the mask are provided for your clinician to check that they are compatible with the flow generator. If used outside specification or if used with incompatible devices, the seal and comfort of the mask may not be effective, optimum therapy may not be achieved, and leak, or variation in the rate of leak, may affect the flow generator function.

•• Discontinue using the Mirage Micro if you have ANY adverse reaction to the use of the mask, and consult your physician or sleep therapist.

•• Using a mask may cause tooth, gum or jaw soreness or aggravate an existing dental condition. If symptoms occur, consult your physician or dentist.

•• As with all masks, some rebreathing may occur at low CPAP pressures.

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•• Refer to your flow generator manual for details on settings and operational information.

Flow Generator Settings

Select ‘Standard’ (or ‘Vista’ for VPAP Adapt SV™) as the mask option when using the Mirage Micro with ResMed flow generators that have mask setting options. For a full list of compatible devices for this mask, see the Mask/ Device Compatibility List on on the Products page under Service & Support. If you do not have internet access, please contact your ResMed representative.

Parts of the Mask

Forehead support



Ports cap




support pad

Mask cushion

Mask frame

Headgear clip

Upper straps

Lower straps


ResMed Mirage Micro Nasal Mask User Manual

Fitting the Mask






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Turn the dial, so that the forehead support is fully extended.


Unfasten the Velcro®, pull the upper headgear

straps evenly until they are comfortable and firm, and reattach the Velcro.

Hold the mask over your nose and pull the headgear over your head.


Repeat step 4 with the lower headgear straps.



Lie down in your sleeping position. Adjust the dial until the mask is evenly positioned on your face. It should be comfortable, with a satisfactory seal.

Adjust the headgear straps if necessary.

The fitted mask is shown above.

Bringing the lower straps below your ears, connect the headgear clip to the the mask frame.


Connect the main air tubing to the swivel. Then connect the free end of the air tubing to your flow generator and turn the flow generator on.

Removing the Mask

Disconnect one of the headgear clips and pull the mask and headgear up over your head.


Disassembling the Mask



Detach the air tubing.

Unclip the headgear clips


and unthread the upper


headgear straps. It is not


necessary to remove the


headgear clips from the






Remove the elbow assembly from the mask frame by pivoting from the bottom edge.



Remove the swivel from

Note the position on the dial for the next time you use

the elbow.

the mask. Unscrew and remove the dial (a) then pull the


forehead support (b) out of the mask frame.




Remove the forehead

Remove the cushion

Remove the ports cap

support pads from the

from the mask frame.

from the mask frame.

forehead support.




Cleaning the Mask at Home


•• The mask and headgear should be cleaned by handwashing.

•• The headgear may be washed without removing the headgear clips.


Do not use aromatic-based solutions or scented oils (eg, eucalyptus or essential oils), bleach, alcohol or products that smell strongly (eg, citrus) to clean any of the mask components. Residual vapours from these solutions can be inhaled if not rinsed thoroughly.They may also damage the mask, causing cracks.


•• If any visible deterioration of a mask component is apparent (cracking, crazing, tears etc.), the mask component should be discarded and replaced.

•• Avoid connecting flexible PVC products (eg, PVC tubing) directly to any part of this mask. Flexible PVC contains elements that can be detrimental to the materials of the mask, and may cause the components to crack or break.

Daily/After Each Use

To optimize the mask seal, facial oils should be removed from the cushion before use.

Handwash the mask by gently rubbing in warm (86°F/30°C) water using mild soap.

If the vent requires cleaning use a soft bristle brush.

Rinse all components well with drinking quality water and allow them to air dry out of direct sunlight. Do not soak the mask.


Handwash the headgear in warm (approx. 86°F/30°C) water using mild soap.

Reprocessing the Mask between Patients

Only Sleep Lab Mask (SLM) variants of the mask are intended for multipatient re-use. When using between patients, these masks must be reprocessed according to cleaning and disinfection instructions available on

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Reassembling the Mask



Insert the ports cap.

4 (a)


Insert the cushion into the mask frame. Ensure that the arrows at base of the cushion and mask frame are aligned.


Insert the forehead support (a) into the mask frame and screw (b) the dial clockwise onto the pole. Turn the dial until it clicks (c). Ensure the dial sits flush against the frame.




Push the forehead pads firmly into the forehead support.


Insert the swivel into the end of the elbow.

Insert the assembled

Reattach the top headgear

elbow into the mask frame.

straps by threading them


through the loops.




Possible reason

Mask won’t seal

Mask may have been


fitted incorrectly or is

or is uncomfortable

incorrectly adjusted.


Mask is wrong size.


Mask cushion is


skewed in mask frame.

Possible solution

Carefully follow instructions in “Fitting the Mask”. Check headgear and dial are not overtightened. Extend dial to apply

more force to upper lip. Shorten dial to increase force at nose bridge.

Talk to your clinician.

Check insertion of cushion and reinsert correctly according to the instructions in “Reassembling the Mask”.


Mask cushion is

Ensure cushion is properly


misaligned or creased

aligned according to the


on face.

instructions in “Reassembling



the Mask”. Make sure the



cushion has no creases in it:



undo headgear clip, check



cushion and reposition the mask



over your nose.


Mask cushion may be

Clean cushion according to



instructions in “Cleaning the



Mask at Home”.




Mask is too noisy

Mask is assembled

Reassemble mask.





Vents are blocked or

Clean vents according to


partially blocked.

instructions in “Cleaning the



Mask at Home”.




Dial inserted into mask


Push dial base onto a hard

frame before forehead


surface until the dial comes out



of the frame.





Caution, consult accompanying documents; LOT Batch Code; REF Catalogue Number; Temperature limitation; Humidity limitation; Does not contain natural rubber latex; Indicates a Warning or Caution and alerts you to a possible injury or explains special measures for the safe and effective use of the device;

European Authorised Representative; Manufacturer.

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Limited Warranty

ResMed warrants that your ResMed mask system, including its components: mask frame, cushion, headgear, tubing and other accessories (“Product”) shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase by the initial consumer.

For further details refer to the Warranty.

Technical Specifications

Note: The mask system does not contain latex, PVC or DEHP materials.

Pressure–Flow The mask contains passive venting to protect Curve against rebreathing. As a result of manufacturing

variations, the vent flow rate may vary.





























(cm H2O)


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Mask Pressure (cm H2O)




Dead Space

The dead space of the mask varies according to cushion size. It is


128 mL for the Extra Large size.



Therapy Pressure

4 to 20 cm H2O


Drop in pressure measured (nominal)


at 50 L/min: 0.1 cm H2O


at 100 L/min: 0.7 cm H2O

Environmental Operating temperature: +41°F to 104°F (+5°C to +40°C) Conditions Operating humidity: up to 95% non-condensing

Storage and transport temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to +60°C) Storage and transport humidity: up to 95% non-condensing



140 mm (H) x 91 mm (W) x 93 mm (D)


M, L, LW, XL: 155 mm (H) x 91 mm (W) x 98 mm (D)


Mask fully assembled – no headgear.

Note: The manufacturer reserves the right to change these specifications without notice.


Ensure that the mask is thoroughly clean and dry before storing it for any length of time. Store the mask in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight.


The Mirage Micro does not contain any hazardous substances and may be disposed of with your normal household refuse.


Mirage Micro™

Masque nasal


Merci d’avoir choisi le Mirage Micro™.

Sur prescription uniquement

Usage prévu

Le Mirage Micro achemine au patient de façon non-invasive le débit d’air produit par un appareil à pression positive tel qu’un appareil de PPC ou d’aide inspiratoire avec PEP. Le Mirage Micro est prévu:

•• pour une utilisation par des patients adultes (> 66 lb/30 kg) à qui une pression positive a été prescrite.

•• pour un usage multiple par un seul patient à domicile ou pour un usage multiple par plusieurs patients en milieu médical.

Avant d’utiliser le masque


•• Les orifices de ventilation ne doivent jamais être obstrués.

•• Le masque ne doit être porté que si l’appareil de PPC est sous tension et s’il fonctionne correctement.

•• Prendre toutes les précautions applicables lors de l’utilisation d’oxygène supplémentaire.

•• L’arrivée d’oxygène doit être fermée lorsque l’appareil n’est pas en marche afin d’empêcher l’oxygène inutilisé de s’accumuler dans le boîtier de l’appareil et de créer un risque d’incendie.

•• Lorsque de l’oxygène supplémentaire est délivré à un débit fixe, la concentration de l’oxygène inhalé varie en fonction des réglages de pression, de la respiration du patient, du masque, du point d’arrivée de l’oxygène ainsi que du niveau de fuites.

•• Les caractéristiques de votre masque sont fournies afin que votre clinicien puisse vérifier que celui-ci est compatible avec votre appareil. L’utilisation du masque

en dehors de ses caractéristiques ou avec des appareils incompatibles peut compromettre son étanchéité et son confort ainsi que l’efficacité du traitement, ou la variation du niveau de fuites peut affecter le fonctionnement de l’appareil.

•• Cesser d’utiliser le Mirage Micro en cas d’une QUELCONQUE réaction indésirable à l’utilisation du masque et consulter votre médecin ou votre spécialiste du sommeil.

•• L’utilisation d’un masque peut provoquer des douleurs dans les dents, les gencives ou la mâchoire ou aggraver un problème dentaire existant. Si des symptômes se manifestent, veuillez consulter votre médecin ou votre dentiste.

•• Comme c’est le cas avec tous les masques, une réinhalation peut se produire à une pression PPC basse.

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•• Voir le manuel de l’appareil pour de plus amples informations sur les réglages et le fonctionnement.

Réglages de l’appareil

Lorsque vous utilisez le masque Mirage Micro sur des appareils ResMed disposant d’une fonction de sélection du masque, sélectionnez « Standard » (ou « Vista » pour la VPAP Adapt SV™) comme option de masque.

Pour une liste complète des appareils compatibles avec ce masque, veuillez consulter la liste de compatibilité appareil/masque sur le site dans la page Produits sous la rubrique SAV et assistance. Si vous n’avez pas accès à Internet, veuillez contacter votre représentant ResMed.

Composants du masque

Support frontal

Molette de réglage


Bouchon Pièce d’entrées pivotante


Tampon frontal

Bulle du masque

Entourage rigide

Clip d’attache du harnais

Sangles supérieures

Sangles inférieures


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