ResMed AutoSet CS, S9 Auto 25, VPAP S, VPAP ST User Manual

S9™ Auto 25
User Guide
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Manufacturer: ResMed Ltd 1 Elizabeth Macarthur Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia. Distributed by: ResMed Corp 9001 Spectrum Center Boulevard San Diego CA 92123 USA.
ResMed (UK) Ltd 96 Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4RY UK. See for other ResMed locations worldwide.
For patent information, see S9, VPAP, AutoSet CS and H5i are trademarks of ResMed Ltd and S9 and VPAP are registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. © 2013 ResMed Ltd. 368705/3 2013-02
Globa l leaders in sl eep an d resp irato ry me dicine

S9 VPAP ST indications for use

The S9 VPAP ST is intended to provide non-invasive ventilation for patients weighing more than 13 kg with respiratory insufficiency or obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The S9 VPAP ST is intended for home and hospital use.

S9 VPAP S indications for use

The S9 VPAP S is intended to provide non-invasive ventilation for patients weighing more than 13 kg with respiratory insufficiency or obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The S9 VPAP S is intended for home and hospital use.

S9 AutoSet CS indications for use

The S9 AutoSet CS is intended to provide non-invasive ventilatory support to patients weighing more than 30kg with central and/or mixed apnoeas, periodic breathing and Cheyne-Stokes respiration, with or without obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The S9 AutoSet CS is intended for home and hospital use.

S9 Auto 25 indications for use

The S9 Auto 25 is indicated for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in patients weighing more than 30 kg. The S9 Auto 25 is intended for home and hospital use.


Positive airway pressure therapy may be contraindicated in some patients with the following pre­existing conditions:
severe bullous lung disease
pathologically low blood pressure
cerebrospinal fluid leak, recent cranial surgery, or trauma.

Adverse effects

Patients should report unusual chest pain, severe headache, or increased breathlessness to their prescribing physician. An acute upper respiratory tract infection may require temporary discontinuation of treatment. The following side effects may arise during the course of therapy with these devices:
drying of the nose, mouth, or throat
ear or sinus discomfort
eye irritation
skin rashes.

Masks and humidifiers

Recommended masks and humidifiers are available on on the Products page under Service & Support. For information on using your mask or humidifier, refer to the manual supplied with your mask or humidifier.


Refer to illustration A.
1. Connect the DC plug of the power supply unit to the rear of the device.
2. Connect the power cord to the power supply unit.
3. Plug the other end of the power cord into the power outlet.
4. Connect one end of the air tubing firmly onto the air outlet.
5. Connect the assembled mask system to the free end of the air tubing.

Control panel

Refer to illustration B. The control panel of your device includes the following items:
1. Start/Stop button: Starts or stops treatment
2. Home menu
3. LCD screen
4. Info menu*: Allows you to view your sleep statistics
5. Setup menu*: Allows you to make changes to settings
6. Push dial: Turning the dial allows you to scroll through the menu and change settings. Pushing the dial allows you to enter into a menu and confirm your choice.
*The Info and Setup menus are disabled if S9 Essentials has been enabled by your clinician.

Navigating the menus

Refer to illustration C. In general, to navigate the menus:
1. Tu r n until the parameter you require is displayed in blue.
2. Press . The selection is highlighted in orange.
3. Turn until you see the setting that you require.
4. Press to confirm your choice. The screen returns to blue.
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Getting started

1. Make sure the power is connected.
2. Adjust the ramp time if required.
3. Fit your mask as described in your mask user guide.
4. To start therapy, simply breathe into the mask and/or press .
5. Lie down and arrange the air tubing so that it is free to move if you turn in your sleep.
6. To stop treatment at any time, remove your mask and/or press .
If your clinician has enabled SmartStart your device will start automatically when you breathe into
the mask and stop automatically when you remove the mask.
If power is interrupted during treatment, the device automatically restarts therapy when power is

Cleaning and maintenance

Remove the air tubing by pulling on the finger grips on the cuff. Hang it in a clean, dry place until next use.
Do not hang the air tubing in direct sunlight as it may harden over time and eventually crack.
Do not wash the air tubing in a washing machine or dishwasher.
1. Remove the air tubing from the device and the mask.
2. Wash the air tubing in warm water using mild detergent.
3. Rinse thoroughly, hang, and allow to dry.
4. Before next use, reconnect the air tubing to the air outlet and mask.
1. Wipe the exterior of the device with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
2. Check the air filter for holes and blockage by dirt or dust. Replace the air filter if necessary.
Replacing the air filter:
Replace the air filter every six months (or more often if necessary).
1. Remove the air filter cover from the back of the device.
2. Remove and discard the old air filter.
3. Insert a new ResMed air filter ensuring that it is sitting flat in the air filter cover.
4. Replace the air filter cover.
Ensure the air filter and air filter cover are fitted at all times.
Do not wash the air filter. The air filter is not washable or reusable.
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