renishaw TP20 Users Guide

TP20 user's guide

Document part number H-1000-5008-04-A
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014
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RENISHAW® and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are registered trademarks of Renishaw plc in the UK and other countries.
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TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014
Care of equipment
Renishaw probes and associated systems are precision tools used for obtaining precise measurements and must therefore be treated with care.
Changes to Renishaw products
Renishaw reserves the right to improve, change or modify its hardware or software without incurring any obligations to make changes to Renishaw equipment previously sold.
Features of Renishaw's TP20 product, and other associated and similar Renishaw products, are the subject of one or more of the following patents and / or patent applications:
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014


The use of eye protection is recommended. Pinch hazards exist between parts and between moving and static parts. Beware of unexpected movement. You should remain outside the full working envelope of probe head/extension bar/probe combinations.
It is the machine supplier's responsibility to ensure that the user is made aware of any hazards involved in operation, including those mentioned in renishaw product documentation, and to ensure that adequate guards and safety interlocks are provided.
Under certain circumstances, the probe signal may falsely indicate a probe seated condition. Do not rely on probe signals to stop the machine.

Limitations of use

CAUTION: One option of the TP20 probe system uses a magnetically-actuated inhibit system. It is important to apply the following limitations when using the inhibit version TP20. Neglecting to do so may result in failure of the probe to trigger.
1. The inhibit TP20 may not be armed at a distance of up to 100 mm from the front of the MCR20 probe module change rack.
2. Do not use the inhibit TP20 to gauge magnetised parts or parts held in magnetic fixtures.
3. Do not use the Renishaw PE series extension bars with the inhibit TP20 unless they have been fully de-magnetised. In all these instances the use of the non-inhibit TP20 probe body will ensure that the probe system operates fully.
CAUTION: The TP20 non-inhibit probe can only be used for automatic stylus changing using the MCR20 probe module change rack when the probe inhibit is controlled by the CMM. In the case of any uncertainty, do not attempt to perform automatic stylus changing with a TP20 non-inhibit probe and an MCR20 until the CMM supplier has checked the CMM for compliance to this requirement.
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014


This installation and user's guide supports the following Renishaw products:
The TP20 touch-trigger probe system which includes the probe body and probe module (inhibit and non-inhibit versions) The MCR20 probe module change rack (automatic operation) The TCR20 probe module change rack (automatic operation) The MSR1 module storage rack (manual operation)
The Renishaw TP20 touch-trigger probe is a 5-way or 6-way kinematic probe with the facility to change stylus configurations without the need for re-qualification. A direct replacement for the industry-proven Renishaw TP2, the TP20 can be easily retrofitted into existing TP2 applications to bring this additional facility to both manual and DCC co-ordinate measuring machines (CMMs).
probe modules can be stored in the MSR1 for manually exchanging the probe modules, or in the MCR20 where automatic changing of the probe module(s) is possible under measurement program control. The TCR20 rack should be used for TP20 probe module changing with a PH20 system.
Forming part of Renishaw's comprehensive CMM touch-trigger probe range, the TP20 is fully compatible with all Renishaw M8 probe heads, including those fitted with the Renishaw autojoint incorporating Renishaw's PAA range of adaptors and extension bars. Wherever necessary, probe reach may be increased in M8 applications by use of the Renishaw PEL range of extension bars.
Further information on these products may be obtained from Renishaw's website.
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014

TP20 touch-trigger probe kit

The standard Renishaw TP20 touch-trigger probe kit (see following figure) comprises the following primary components:
One TP20 probe body One or two TP20 probe modules (see TP20 probe kits for available combinations) Probe and stylus tools

TP20 probe body

probe module's kinematic coupling.

TP20 inhibit probe body

This contains the magnetic proximity switch necessary to inhibit triggering of the probe during automatic changing of the probe modules.

TP20 non-inhibit probe body

This probe body does not include the magnetic proximity switch and so can be used for any application, including those where strong magnetic fields are present.
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014

TP20 probe modules

Each probe module, which houses the kinematic switching touch sensor mechanism, carries the stylus assembly and provides overtravel in
compatible with Renishaw's comprehensive range of M2 styli.
by a magnetically retained, highly repeatable kinematic coupling. Electrical contact pins conduct the probe sense voltage through the coupling.
Trigger force options
The standard force probe module is suitable for most applications (when used with the recommended stylus range), but sometimes the effects of stylus length and mass, combined with machine acceleration and vibration, can cause the probe to false trigger (these are
To allow the TP20 to be used on co-ordinate measuring machines where acceleration forces or vibration would otherwise result in spurious triggers, a choice of higher force probe modules is available. A low force probe module is also available for measurement of delicate materials. Refer to the applications guide later in this document for information on how to select the correct probe module for your application.
The type of probe modules supplied with your probe will be clearly marked on each probe module's front ring. The probe modules also carry a colour-coded front cap as follows:
Low force (LF) probe module (green cap) Standard force (SF) probe module (black cap) Medium force (MF) probe module (grey cap) Extended force (EF) probe module (brown cap) 6-way (6W) probe module (blue cap) Extension module 1 standard force (EM1 STD) (black cap) Extension module 2 standard force (EM2 STD) (black cap)
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014

TP20 probe kits

The following TP20 probe kits are available from your supplier:
Inhibit probe body Non-inhibit probe body LF probe module MF probe module SF probe module EF probe module
A-1371-0290 A-1371-0640 2 A-1371-0291 A-1371-0641 1 1 A-1371-0292 A-1371-0642 1 1 A-1371-0293 A-1371-0643 2 A-1371-0294 A-1371-0644 1 1 A-1371-0295 A-1371-0645 2 A-1371-0428 A-1371-0603 1 1 A-1371-0429 A-1371-0604 1 1 A-1371-0370 A-1371-0656 1 A-1371-0371 A-1371-0657 1 A-1371-0372 A-1371-0658 1 A-1371-0390 A-1371-0602 1
All probe kits contain:
Probe body - inhibit or non-inhibit as selected from the table S9doubleended‘C'spanner Number and type of probe modules as given in the table S7stylustools(×2) TP20 system installation and user's guide (H-1000-5008) CK200 cleaning material S1‘C'spanner Test certificates
The following TP20 probe module kits are available from your supplier:
TP20 probe module kit (probe module only) Part number
Low force probe module A-1371-0392
Standard force probe module A-1371-0270
Medium force probe module A-1371-0271
Extended force probe module A-1371-0272
6-way probe module A-1371-0419 EM1 STD probe module A-1371-0430 EM2 STD probe module A-1371-0431
EM1 STD and EM2 STD probe modules A-1371-0432
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014

MCR20 probe module changing rack kit

NOTE: Renishaw supplies eight types of MCR20 probe module changing rack kit, each kit providing a different combination of probe modules.
The MCR20 probe module changing rack kit comprises the following primary components:
One Renishaw MCR20 probe module changing rack One Renishaw SCR200 mounting kit One location piece One Renishaw PS2R stylus Two Renishaw TP20 probe modules (probe module combination supplied will depend on part number of kit)
The MCR20 probe module changing rack, which can be easily mounted onto a CMM using the Renishaw SCR200 mounting kit and location piece, is designed to securely hold stored probe modules for automatic changing, and to protect these stored probe modules from airborne contaminants that may be present within the working environment. Only seven datum points are needed to set the MCR20 rack alignment and probe module changing co-ordinates.
When using the rack, the inhibit version of the TP20 probe must be used. By generating a magnetic field about the front of each docking
and no electrical input is required. During automatic changing of probe modules, limited crash protection is provided by hinged overtravel mechanisms incorporated within
both the base and the docking port assembly of the MCR20. Provided any collision occurs in the direction of overtravel, the hinged overtravel mechanisms can be manually reset and it should not normally be necessary to re-datum the rack.
MCR20 probe module changing rack kits are available with the following combinations of probe modules and may be ordered from your supplier:
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014
MCR20 kit part number LF probe module SF probe module MF probe module EF probe module
A-1371-0261 2 A-1371-0262 1 1 A-1371-0263 1 1 A-1371-0264 2 A-1371-0265 1 1 A-1371-0266 2 A-1371-0267 1 1 A-1371-0268 1 1 A-1371-1100 2
TP20 user's guide
Issued 11 2014
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