Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5,
Document part number H-1000-5021-07-A
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

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This document may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, or transferred to any other media or language, by any means, without
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The publication of material within this document does not imply freedom from the patent rights of Renishaw plc.
RENISHAW® and the probe emblem used in the RENISHAW logo are registered trademarks of Renishaw plc in the UK and other
apply innovation is a trademark of Renishaw plc.
All brand names and product names used in this document are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their
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resources and prevent potential negative effects on the environment. For more information, please contact your local waste disposal service
or Renishaw distributor.
Renishaw plc warrants its equipment for a limited period (as set out in our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale) provided that it is
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Prior consent must be obtained from Renishaw if non-Renishaw equipment (e.g. interfaces and/or cabling) is to be used or substituted.
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Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Care of equipment
Renishaw probes and associated systems are precision tools used for obtaining precise measurements and must therefore be treated with
Changes to Renishaw products
Renishaw reserves the right to improve, change or modify its hardware or software without incurring any obligations to make changes to
Renishaw equipment previously sold.
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Pinch hazards exist between parts and between moving and static parts. Do not hold the probe head during movements, or during manual
probe changes.
Beware of unexpected movement. The user should remain outside of the full working envelope of probe head/extension/probe
In all applications involving the use of machine tools or CMMs, eye protection is recommended.
For instructions regarding the safe cleaning of Renishaw products, refer to the Maintenance section of the relevant product documentation.
Remove power before performing any maintenance operations.
Refer to the machine supplier's operating instructions.
It is the machine supplier's responsibility to ensure that the user is made aware of any hazards involved in operation, including those
mentioned in Renishaw product documentation, and to ensure that adequate guards and safety interlocks are provided.
Under certain circumstances the probe signal may falsely indicate a probe seated condition. Do not rely on probe signals to stop machine
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Co-ordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have evolved from their origins in simple layout machines and manually operated systems, to
highly accurate, automated inspection centres.
A major factor in this evolution has been the touch-trigger probe and other forms of inspection probe, together with subsequent Renishaw
innovations such as the motorised probe head and automatic probe exchange system for unmanned, flexible inspection.
It all began with Rolls-Royce engines for the Anglo-French Concorde when a unique solution was required for accurate pipe measurement.
The result was the first touch-trigger probe: a 3D sensor capable of rapid, accurate inspection with low trigger forces. From this unique
starting point, Renishaw has established a range of precision probes and accessories for CMMs unequalled around the world.
Renishaw's success has been made possible by the close working relationship the company enjoys with CMM manufacturers and users.
The market is constantly striving to extend the frontiers of inspection technology. By close liaison throughout the design, development and
evaluation processes, Renishaw keeps in step with the market's needs ... and, in many cases, one step ahead.
From the Group's centre of operations in Wotton-under-Edge, Renishaw's products are exported to the world's leading industrialised
nations; a fact that has been rewarded by nine Queen's Awards.
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Probe system overview
In the context of this user's guide a probe system comprises a stylus mounted onto a touch-trigger probe that in turn is connected to a CMM
using a manual probe head.
The intention of this guide is to cover the most common combinations of the manual probe heads and touch-trigger probes in an attempt to
assist the user in making a product choice that is best for any particular application.
The guide covers the features of each of the standard kinematic touch-trigger probes and complementary manual probe heads.
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Probe product overview
Renishaw's CMM touch-trigger probes detailed in this user's guide are designed to suit any CMM, but their individual characteristics are
outlined below:
TP1(S) A robust shank-mounted probe offering generous overtravel - ideally suited to manual CMMs.
TP2 - 5-
A compact probe allowing component penetration - ideally suited to CNC / DCC machines.
TP6 Complementing the TP2 series, but carrying longer and heavier styli, this probe is suited to general-purpose applications.
TP6A This probe has all the functions of the TP6 probe and in addition the patented Renishaw autojoint that permits fast probe
exchange without the need to requalify.
Renishaw also manufacture other touch-trigger probes which are not detailed in the user's guide.
For details of these and other Renishaw products, visit the Renishaw website at www.renishaw.com.
Principles of operation
The principle component of Renishaw touch-trigger probes is the kinematic location as shown below - a mechanical device that has the
ability to return the stylus ball to the same repeatable position following any deflection.
The kinematic location consists of a pivotal plate [1] that is spring-loaded against three bearing points [2] by a helical compression spring
[3]. These bearing points are formed by a combination of rollers and ball bearings.
Bearing points act as electrical contacts such that when the pivotal plate is deflected, the electrical circuit changes its characteristics and
causes the probe interface to send a trigger to the CMM controller.
Following this trigger event, the stylus ball must be removed from contact with the surface to enable the probe to return the stylus ball to its
repeatable position.
1 Pivotal plate
2 Three bearing points
3 Helical compression spring
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

Probe description and operation
TP1(S) touch-trigger probe
The TP1(S) touch-trigger probe (illustrated below) is a robust shank-mounted probe with a generous overtravel which is especially suited to
manual CMMs. It is of a maintenance-free, sealed construction to provide a long working life.
The TP1(S) incorporates an M3 stylus mount which ensures compatibility with Renishaw's extensive M3 and M2 stylus and accessory range
using the appropriate stylus adaptor where necessary.
1 Shank
2 TP1(S) probe body
3 Trigger force adjustment screw
4 Probe cable (not supplied)
5 Stylus (not supplied)
6 2.5mm AF Allen key to adjust trigger force
7 S7 stylus tightening tool
8 Probe status LED
TP2-5-way touch-trigger probe
The TP2-5-way touch-trigger probe shown below is a compact (13 mm diameter) general-purpose probe suitable for use on all types of
CMM. It has an M8 mounting thread that ensures compatibility with Renishaw's comprehensive range of probe heads and extension bars.
The TP2 is of a maintenance-free construction to provide a long working life.
It incorporates an M2 stylus mount giving access to Renishaw's extensive M2 stylus range and accessories.
1 TP2 - 5-way probe
2 1.5mm AF Allen key to adjust trigger force
3 S7 stylus tightening tool
4 Stylus (not supplied)
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

TP6 touch-trigger probe
The TP6 touch-trigger probe illustrated below combines the accuracy, flexibility and M8 mounting thread of the TP2-5-way probe with the
rugged construction and generous overtravel of the TP1(S).
The larger diameter of the TP6 (25 mm) allows the probe to carry longer and heavier styli configurations than the TP2-5-way, allowing it to
be used successfully on both universal DCC and manual CMMs.
It incorporates an M3 stylus mount which allows compatibility with Renishaw's extensive M3 and M2 stylus and accessory range using the
appropriate stylus adaptor where necessary.
1 TP6 probe
2 1.5mm AF Allen key to adjust trigger force
3 S7 stylus tightening tool
4 Stylus (not supplied)
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M

TP6A touch-trigger probe
The TP6A touch-trigger probe has all the features of the TP6 with the added benefit of the Renishaw autojoint. This is a highly repeatable
kinematic joint which allows rapid probe exchange without the need to requalify the probe tip. It can be operated either manually, using an
S10 autojoint key, or automatically, using the autochange rack system.
This probe can be used successfully on both universal DCC and manual CMMs. It incorporates an M3 stylus mount which offers
compatibility with all Renishaw's extensive M3 and M2 stylus and accessory range.
1 TP6A probe
2 S10 autojoint key
3 1.5mm AF Allen key to adjust trigger force
4 S7 stylus tightening tool
5 Stylus (not supplied)
Touch-trigger probe systems - TP1, TP2, TP6, TP6A, PH1, PH5, PH6, PH6M