User’s guide
RGA22 scale applicator
RSLM high accuracy linear encoder

Introduction 1
RGA22 Scale Applicator Kit 2
Section 1 Kit contents 2
1.1 Applicator body 2
1.2 Adaptors 2
1.3 Scale guide 2
1.4 Extension handles 2
1.5 Tools and accessories 2
Section 2 Scale installation procedure 3
2.1 Applicator assembly 3
2.2 Axis preparation 3
2.3 Readhead mounting bracket alignment 3
2.4 Scale guide preparation 3
2.5 Scale application 3 -4
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Section 3 Adaptor selection 4-5
Section 4 Maintenance 5
The RGA22 scale applicator is an installation tool used to lay the RGS20-S and RGS40-S
self-adhesive scale to an axis. The applicator utilises the readhead mountings and uses
the motion of the axis to guarantee that the scale is laid parallel to the axis guideway.
Adaptors are supplied that congure the applicator to all the mounting options of the
RGH22 and RGH41 series readheads.

RGA22 Scale applicator kit A-9531-0265
Adaptor, right hand, 11.5 mm offset
Adaptor, right hand, 15.5 mm offset
Adaptor, left hand, 11.5 mm offset
Adaptor, left hand, 15.5 mm offset
Hexagon key 2.5 mm
Scale shears
1. Kit contents
Mounting/adjustment screws
Applicator head
Scale guide
Extension handles
50mm M-9517-2561
100mm M-9517-2562
200mm M-9517-2563
Adaptor mounting
M4 x 6 button head
1.1 Applicator body
The applicator body has a retractable spring loaded plastic plunger that, during operation, applies a
tacking force to the scale. The plunger is raised and lowered by means of the release knob shown
and is held in both positions by detents.
The plunger is retracted for setup purposes and lowered when scale application takes place.
The release knob is shaped in arrowhead form such that if access or view is restricted it is possible
to both determine the position of the plunger and raise or lower it.
1.2 Adaptors
The applicator body is mounted on an adaptor to set the correct offset between the readhead
mounting face and the scale. There are four adaptors in the kit providing conguration for 15.5 mm
and 11.5 mm offsets, and right or left hand operation. The two right hand adaptors should be used
as standard. The left hand adaptors should be used only where access to engage the scale guide
is not possible with the right hand ones.
1.3 Scale guide
The scale guide locates into the applicator head beneath the plunger knob and is retained by
detents. In operation the scale guide guides the scale into the applicator whilst simultaneously
removing the scale backing paper. It is detachable from the applicator body to enable easy loading
of the scale and also incorporates a locking mechanism to prevent the scale falling out during initial
setup. The lock is a pinch roller which is activated by tightening the extension handle. The release
paper is separated from the scale by a blade within the guide and ejected to one side.
Machine bracket
(not supplied)
Extension handle
Figure 1a RGA22 Scale applicator
Plunger detail
Applicator head
Plunger release
1.4 Extension handles
Three extension handles of different lengths are supplied for optional use to permit access to locate
the scale guide into the applicator in restricted circumstances.
They can be screwed together where particularly long extensions are required.
Hint: If long extensions are required, using the appropriate left hand adaptor may allow
easier scale application.
Caution: When using extension handles, care must be exercised to prevent collision with any
protruding machine parts as they are likely to extend beyond the axis limits.
1.5 Tools and accessories
Shears are supplied to cut the scale to length prior to application.
A 2.5 mm hexagon key and appropriate adaptor mounting screws are also included.