Renesas SH2-7137 User Manual

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User’s Manual
Renesas Starter Kit for SH2/7137
User’s Manual
Rev.1.00 2008.02
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Preface ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 3. Power Supply .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1. Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Power – Up Behaviour ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 4. Board Layout .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1. Component Layout ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2. Board Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 5. Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 6. User Circuitry .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
6.1. Switches ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
6.2. LEDs ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
6.3. Potentiometer .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.4. Serial port .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.5. RCAN-ET ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.6. Debug LCD Module ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.7. Option Links .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.8. Oscillator Sources ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.9. Reset Circuit .................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 7. Modes ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.1. Boot mode ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2. User Boot mode .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
7.3. User Program mode ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
7.4. Single chip mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
7.5. MCU extension mode 0 ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.6. MCU extension mode 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 8. Programming Methods ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 9. Headers .................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.1. Microcontroller Headers .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
9.2. Application Headers ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Chapter 10. Code Development ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
10.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
10.2. Compiler Restrictions .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
10.3. Mode Support ................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
10.4. Breakpoint Support ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
10.5. Memory Map ................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Chapter 11. Component Placement ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 12. Additional Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 34

Chapter 1. Preface

This document may be, wholly or partially, subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. Duplication of this document, either in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of Renesas
Technology Europe Limited.
All brand or product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organisations.
© Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. 2008. All rights reserved. © Renesas Technology Corporation. 2008. All rights reserved. © Renesas Solutions Corporation. 2008. All rights reserved. Website:
CPU Central Processing Unit HEW High-performance Embedded Workshop LED Light Emitting Diode RSK Renesas Starter Kit PC Program Counter E10A On-chip debugger module for starter kits LCD Liquid Crystal Display RCAN Renesas Controller Area Network

Chapter 2. Purpose

This RSK is an evaluation tool for Renesas microcontrollers. This manual describes the technical details of the RSK hardware. The Quick Start Guide and Tutorial Manual provide details of the
software installation and debugging environment. Features include:
Renesas Microcontroller Programming.
User Code Debugging.
User Circuitry such as Switches, LEDs and potentiometer.
User or Example Application.
Sample peripheral device initialisation code.
The RSK board contains all the circuitry required for microcontroller operation.

Chapter 3. Power Supply

3.1. Requirements

This RSK operates from a 5V power supply. A diode provides reverse polarity protection only if a current limiting power supply is used. All RSK boards are supplied with an E10A debugger. All RSK boards have an optional centre positive supply connector using a 2.0mm barrel power jack.
The RSK is neither under nor over voltage protected. Use a centre positive supply for this board.

3.2. Power – Up Behaviour

When the RSK is purchased the RSK board has the ‘Release’ or stand alone code from the example tutorial code pre-programmed into the Renesas microcontroller. On powering up the board the user LEDs will start to flash. After 200 flashes, or after pressing a switch the LEDs will flash at a rate controlled by the potentiometer.
er 4. Board Layout

4.1. Component Layout

The following diagram shows top layer component layout of the board.
lication board interface
LCD Display
in headers
Reset switch
RS232 Serial
Power LED
E8A Header
E10A Header
lication board interface
Figure 4-1: Board Layout
User switches
User LEDs
Boot LED

4.2. Board Dimensions

The following diagram gives the board dimensions and connector positions. All through hole connectors are on a common 0.1” grid for easy interfacing.
Figure 4-2: Board Dimensions

Chapter 5. Block Diagram

Figure 5-1 shows the CPU board components and their connectivity.
Figure 5-2 shows the connections to the RSK.
Figure 5-1: Block Diagram
Figure 5-2: RSK Connections

Chapter 6. User Circuitry

6.1. Switches

There are four switches located on the CPU board. The function of each switch and its connection are shown in Table 6-1.
Switch Function Microcontroller
RES When pressed, the RSK microcontroller is reset. RESn, Pin 70(*) SW1/BOOT* Connects to an IRQ input for user controls.
The switch is also used in conjunction with the RES switch to place the device in BOOT mode when not using the E10A debugger.
SW2* Connects to an IRQ line for user controls. IRQ1, Pin 45
SW3* Connects to the ADC trigger input. Option link allows connection to IRQ line.
The option is a pair of 0R links. For more details on option links, please refer to Sec 6.6.
*Refer to schematic for detailed connectivity information.
Table 6-1: Switch Functions
IRQ0, Pin 46
(Port B pin 2)
(Port B, pin 3) IRQ2, Pin 44 (Port B, pin 4)

6.2. LEDs

There are six LEDs on the RSK board. The green ‘POWER’ LED lights when the board is powered. The orange BOOT LED indicates the device is in BOOT mode when lit. The four user LEDs are connected to an IO port and will light when their corresponding port pin is set low.
Table 6-2, below, shows the LED pin references and their corresponding microcontroller port pin connections.
LED Reference (As
shown on silkscreen)
LED0 Green Port D0 40 LED1 Orange Port D1 38 LED2 Red Port D2 37 LED3 Red Port D3 35
Colour Microcontroller Port Pin Microcontroller
Pin Number
Table 6-2: LED Port

6.3. Potentiometer

A single turn potentiometer is connected to channel AN8 (PF8) of the microcontroller. This may be used to vary the input analogue voltage value to this pin between AVCC and Ground.

6.4. Serial port

Serial port SCI2 is connected to the standard RS232 header. Serial port SCI0 can optionally be connected to the RS232 header. The connections to be fitted are listed in the Table 6-3.
Description Function Microcontroller
Port Pin
SCI2 Default serial port 58 R30 R53 SCI2 Default serial port 60 R39 R54 SCI0 Spare Serial Port 68 R53 R30 SCI0 Spare Serial Port 69 R54 R39
Table 6-3: Serial Port settings
The SCI2 port is also available on J3 and JA6. The SCI0 port is available on J3 and JA2.
Fit for RS232 Remove for RS232

6.5. RCAN-ET

The RCAN module can be used for RCAN communication. Table 6-4 contains details of the signal descriptions and pin connections.
Description Function Microcontroller Pin
CTx0 Transmit data input 42 J2-12
Header Pins
CRx0 Receive data output; reads out data
from the bus lines CAN_EN Enable control input 49 J2-19 CAN_ERRn Error and power-on indication output 63 J3-13 CAN_STBn Standby control input 43 J2-13
Table 6-4: CAN module settings
41 J2-11

6.6. Debug LCD Module

A debug LCD module is supplied to be connected to the connector LCD. This should be fitted so that the debug LCD module lies over J3. Care should be taken to ensure the pins are inserted correctly into LCD. The debug LCD module uses a 4 bit interface to reduce the pin allocation. No contrast control is provided; this is set by a resistor on the supplied display module. The module supplied with the RSK only supports 5V operation.
Table 6-5 shows the pin allocation and signal names used on this connector.
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