How Does the Remington® iLIGHT® Ultra Face & Body Hair Removal System Work?
Light-based hair removal is a wellestablished technology that has been
in use worldwide for over 15 years.
The Remington iLIGHT Ultra Face &
Body device uses this technology to
flash your skin with an intense pulse
of light. The energy in the pulse works
under the surface of your skin to target
hairs at the root, helping to stop their
growth. Because the energy in the
pulse of light targets dark coloring, it
works best on darker hair. To avoid
targeting (and possibly damaging) dark
skin, you should use the device only on
light-to-medium skin tones.
How Many Treatments are Needed?
Individual hairs go through a continuous growth cycle with phases of active
growth and phases of rest. Like other
laser or light-based treatments, the
Remington iLIGHT Ultra Face & Body
device affects only hairs that are in
the active growth phase. Your initial
regimen should be spread out over 1
month to ensure that you target the
most number of active hairs (including those that recently cycled from the
resting phase).
We recommend that you use the
device once every two weeks over the
span of a month, for a total of 3 treatments on each area.
If you have redness, blistering or other
skin irritation in the treatment area, DO
NOT perform treatment. Wait until the
skin returns to normal before using
the Remington iLIGHT Ultra Face &
Body device again. If the irritation does
not go away within 3 days, contact
Customer Service. See page 48.
Use the iLIGHT App, or TREATMENT
CARDS to help keep track of your
treatments. See TOC.
Results aren’t immediate, but you
should have noticeably fewer hairs
within 1 to 2 weeks after you start
treatment. During this time, it may look
like the hair is still growing, but it is
actually being “pushed out.” You may
or may not see these hairs fall out.