Let common sense rule when you carry a loaded gun. If you’re in a situation that could risk
accidental discharge – such as crossing a fence, wading through a stream or climbing a
tree – always unload your gun. Never pull or push a loaded firearm toward yourself or
another person. And never carry a loaded gun in a scabbard, detached holster or gun case.
Certain firearms (including some Remington
rifles and shotguns) are equipped with internal
security devices to prevent unauthorized use. In addition, some firearms owners use external
devices, such as cable locks and trigger blocks, for the same purpose. Even if you use such
a device, you should still keep your firearm unloaded when stored or not in use. And
using internal or external devices cannot substitute, however, for securing your firearms
and ammunition in a separate, locked location.
Safe storage of firearms is just as critical as safe handling. Never store guns loaded. Be
sure to keep your firearms in a secure place where unauthorized persons cannot get
their hands on them without your knowledge.
Take special care if there are children around. Kids are fascinated by guns. It’s a natural curiosity that can have
tragic consequences when not properly supervised. Store your firearms in a locked gun safe or some other location
that physically bars a child from gaining access.
Ammunition should be stored and locked in a location separate from your firearm. Never leave an unsecured
firearm or ammunition in a closet, dresser drawer or under the bed. Remember, it is your responsibility to make
sure that children and others unfamiliar with firearms cannot get access to your firearm and ammunition.
Don’t Rely on Your Gun’s Safety.
Treat every gun as if it can fire at any time, whether or not there’s pressure on the trigger. Your firearm has been
carefully designed to maximize performance and safety. However, because a gun’s safety is a mechanical device,
it could fail.
Human error is a more likely reason for a gun safety to fail. By mistake, you may think the safety is on when it
really isn’t. Or the safety may have been disengaged without your knowledge. Or you could think your gun is
unloaded when there’s actually a cartridge or shell in it. A mechanical safety is not a substitute for common
sense. It’s merely a supplement to your proper handling of a firearm.
Never touch the trigger on a firearm until you are ready to shoot. Keep your fingers away from the trigger when
you’re loading or unloading. And don’t pull the trigger when the safety is engaged or positioned between safe
and fire.
Before using your gun, read this instruction book to understand the exact location and operation of your firearm’s
safety. Even when the safety is on, maintain control of your loaded firearm and control the direction of the
muzzle. In other words, don’t rely on your safety to justify careless handling. If your firearm’s internal
mechanisms are broken or have been altered, your firearm may fire even when the safety is on. Remember, you
and your safe gun handling practices are your gun’s best safety.
Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It.
You can’t stop a shot in mid-air, so never fire unless you know exactly
where your shot is going and what it will strike. Never fire at a
sound, a movement or a patch of color. A hunter in camouflage can
easily be mistaken for a target by an impulsive shooter. Before you
pull the trigger be absolutely sure of your target and what’s behind it.
Make sure the shot has a backstop such as a hillside or dense material like
sand. Remember, bullets can travel great distances with tremendous velocity. Know
how far your shot will go if you miss your target or the bullet ricochets.
Firearms should be stored in a
secure place where children cannot
access them. A gun safe is an ideal
way to secure your firearm.